"Since boss Xiao is so confident in himself, let's make an appointment." Yang Meiyu put one hand on the table, and her jade finger held her cheek and looked at each other with a smile.

"No appointment, now."


Xiao Shi left and stood up. Gao Xiang Feilong was still in a daze behind him. Until the boss made a gesture, they responded. With a worried expression on their face, they moved the tables and chairs in the lobby to one side.

Yang Meiyu's people also came to help. Soon, the tables and chairs in the lobby were piled up in the corner, leaving a large space in the middle. The two groups stood face to face. Xiao Shili took off his school uniform coat and handed it to Gao Xiang. The latter took it and said with a worried face, "brother Li, you don't need to do this. It's a big deal that the brothers will fight with ya together!"

"No, it's the most cost-effective way to solve the problem." Xiao Shili also took off his watch, "if we really fight, we have no chance of winning."

Of course, everyone knows that no one can claim victory in the face of an enemy several times bigger than himself. Compared with the power of the second level, the power of the second level is not only reflected in the number of people, but also in many aspects that they can't catch up with. So this time, Xiao Shili couldn't do the same thing again. He used the way he used to deal with Feilong last time, not to mention the other party's boss was a woman.

"Please, sister Yu." Xiao Shili took the lead to the central government.

Yang Meiyu is not polite either. She just wants to beat this guy quickly, so as to save her brother and his subordinates, and then disintegrate and rebuild the higher power. So she reaches forward a little.

"Bear, come on."

With the voice, out of the more than 20 people behind, came a man with big arms and waist, who was nearly two meters tall. He was wearing a tight elastic vest, his arms and chest muscles were bulging, and he was shaving bald. He looked like a big man.

Bald bear stepped forward a few steps, and Xiao Shili across a few meters, the former grinned, "sister Yu, do you really want me to start?"

"Don't be too serious, as long as you don't die or be disabled." The girl's cold voice rang out.

"Hey, hey, it's a bit hard." The bald bear looks at the weak and bespectacled boy in front of him with a smile. If it wasn't for the previous negotiation, he would never have thought that this man is the boss of the other party. It's hard to say whether this guy's spirit has gone wrong with what he said just now. It's hard to grasp the strength of goods like this.

"Boss Xiao, can we start?" Bald bear asked in a joking tone, as long as the other party nodded, his fist would end the fight, but he would not be so cheap. How could the other party say that he was also the boss of a higher level, so he had to play with the other party until he was humiliated, and then cried and cried for his own mercy. This kind of feeling was cool.

"Yes." Xiao Shili didn't even put up his posture, but he took a wrong step forward and backward.

This situation made the bear recognize his opponent's weakness. With a roar, he rushed forward quickly, waved his strong arm and hit him in the face.

Xiao Shili retreated from his front foot and avoided the blow with ease. At the same time, he gave a cold smile. The strength of the blow was impeccable, but the speed was pitiful. It was the common weakness of most big men. Although his physique was similar to that of Dazhuang, the quality of the blow was not as good as one tenth of that of his elder brother.

Taking advantage of the gap of the opponent's blow, Xiao Shili quickly approached him, avoided the hanging wall of the opponent, and put a hook on his belly. However, the hand of the fist seemed to hit on the hard rock. The posture of the bald bear did not change, and the other hand immediately grabbed him.

Naturally, Xiao Shili avoided this grab, and at the same time, he punched the other side two fists on the chest. The bald bear laughed, "boy, if you want to hit your grandfather, you have to practice again." Said is a kick kick in the past.

Xiao Shili just dodged the other party's two attacks. His foot was too fast to dodge for a moment, so he had to lift his knee to protect himself. With the pain of his lower leg, he stepped back a few steps. The strength of his foot can't be underestimated.

Seeing that the other side was kicked back by himself, the bald bear took advantage of the victory and chased after him. After running a few steps, he punched the other side in the face again. Xiao Shili's side head gave way to this punch, and suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed the arm that stretched over his shoulder, and then punched hard on the other side's elbow joint

With the sound of bone dislocation, the bald bear made a scream and staggered back a few steps. This scene immediately surprised everyone. The strong man, who was just like King Kong, held his own arm and howled miserably.

Joints are the most vulnerable parts of human limbs, and where the joints are located, there are relatively few muscles and fat. In addition, the bald bear's physique is not perfect. At most, it only practices a few noticeable muscles, which is far from the point of devil muscle man.

The punch almost dislocated the joint of the bear's left arm. He took a few steps back, holding a soft, drooping arm, breathing painfully and crossing the other hand.

But Xiao Shili didn't give him a chance. After three steps forward, his body suddenly soared up, turned around, and put his right foot firmly on the bald bear's face.

The bald bear stepped back quickly, and then sat down on the ground, but he didn't fall down. With one hand on the ground, he barely supported and wanted to stand up. Gao Xiang raised his eyebrows in front of him. He could stand up again after Xiao Shili's kick. This bald man's fighting ability is really not so strong.

Just when the bald man just bent his knee, how many fights did Xiao Shili's man fight from childhood to adulthood? Yang Meiyu could not guess or imagine from his gentle appearance. But now she knew one thing, and she really looked down on each other.

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