The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 77 - Sudden Attack (2)

Violence erupted at the gates and walls of Kraetor City. The residents of the city were all frightened, and all ran through the streets of the city, heading towards the underground bunker that resided beneath the city's Seat of Power.

The red-haired woman that commanded the city looked on in bewilderment as the entire city sunk into chaos.

"Sir Adas!" Another human ran onto the balcony in panic. The red haired woman turned back with a fire in her eyes. She was furious. Who dared to attack her city?!

'Sir' Adas, was the name of this red haired woman. The name was not entirely suited to a woman, and often confused people who had yet to hear of her for the first time, but she like it that way. She enjoyed throwing people into a loop with her name.

"What, Ferril? What?!" Adas screeched at the young man who had ran onto the balcony.

"T-the city guards! They are locked in combat with a strange demi-human! They can't support the defenders at the gate, and we are losing ground!" The man urgently relayed the information that he had found out.

"What? How is this happening? How can one useless demi-human stall the entirety of the city guards?! Reroute the guards and have them go around him. Make sure some guards stay back to delay him while the others make their way to the gate-"

Before Adas could finish her sentence, another explosion went off, sending a powerful gust of wind billowing through he streets of the city. Her haired whipped about wildly and she stumbled forward, barely managing to brace herself against the young man before her.

Ferril's face turned red when he felt Adas' front press up against his chest. Despite how tense the moment was, he could not hold in the urges he felt as a young man.

Adas quickly pushed herself away from the flustered young man before letting out a frustrated scream.

"Forget it! I'll do it myself!" She stomped through the room and picked up a pair of metal gauntlets that she had stashed in the corner of the room.

Seeing this, Ferril's face blanched. He asked, "A-are you going out there?"

"Of course I am, you dimwit! Go tell the others to ready up and head out to support me as soon as possible!" With that last yell, Adas turned around and left the room through the balcony, dashing in the direction of the main street that connected the barracks to the city's gates.


"Hmm, weak." Mohawk scoffed as his index finger dug around his ear. He pulled the finger out after a few moments, then eyed it with a scowl, before blowing on the finger and wiping it on the butt of his slacks.

Just then, his ears twitched as they caught the sound of hurried footsteps racing towards him. With a quirked brow, Mohawk spun his staff around as he too, turned around, slamming the end of the staff on the solid floor, just as he made the turn.

"There you are!" A red haired woman stopped a few meters away from Mohawk.

"Hmm, you have red hair. You must be strong." Mohawk grinned widely. He almost resembled Malim's carefree self with the way he was behaving at that moment.

The reason why Mohawk said that Adas was strong was because of himself. Because of his own personal strength, he identified everyone with red hair as someone who ought to be strong. The moment he saw Adas' own head full of red hair, he felt as though she would live up to his expectations.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking Kraetor City?!" Adas asked as she stared down Mohawk. From the multitude of city guards she could see surrounding him, she knew he was strong.

Not too far away, she also spotted the body of Moses. Upon seeing how a dominant like himself had been taken down so simply, without signs of struggle, she had no choice but to admit that the Wereape before her was stronger than herself. She would have to put her hopes up and wait for the reinforcements that her human colleagues would provide in time.

"Oh, me? I'm not attacking the city, per se. I'm just ridding it of foul humans who only wish its downfall." Mohawk's grin turned twisted and stern. He raised his staff and held it in a battle stance. He would definitely not take it easy on Adas.

Likewise, Adas got into stance, holding out her arms in front of her. The dark gauntlets glinted as light briefly flashed across their surface.



While Mohawk was having a standoff with Adas in he city, a much bloodier fight was being fought at the city gates.

"Bring down fire on them!"

"Pour down the barrels of acid!"

"Don't let them cross the gates!"

The cries of the city guards rang out along the tall walls of the city, but no one paid heed to those who were calling out, as they were being sieged from all sides.

Mian remained at the back of the attacking forces as he watched, waiting for another wounded person to be carted to the back. His job was to make sure no one died on his side, and he was reluctantly able to accept that some innocents might die on the side of the city guards.

"Sir Mian!" One of the members of the strike force under Mohawk's command called for Mian's attention. Over the course of the fight, they had come to know his name. Of course, they added the honorifics of their own volition after finding out that Mian possessed a Gift.

People who possessed Gifts were held with such high esteem that they could single handedly decide how a nation was to be run, and the majority of the citizens of that nation would immediately throw their weight behind their declaration.

All the major human nations had the backing of one of the Pillars of Humanity, and in the rare case, even two of them!

The Greater Strength user that had died at Mian's hands had supported the Henshaw Dynasty in a similar way. The only issue was that he had only recently come into possession of the Gift, so he was not able to make full use of the abilities he had been granted at that point in time.

Because Mian was in possession of a Gift as well, the soldiers from the Central Continent had come to hold a great deal of respect towards him.

The injured body of a human was deposited before Mian, and he immediately set to work on healing him. The man had terrible burn marks marring the side of his face, and the right side of his body. Mian guessed that he was unfortunate enough to fall victim to a barrel of acid.

"Stay still." Mian ordered when the man moved to roll around. His face was scrunched up in pain. The man tried his best to stop his movement as Mian set to work on healing him.

Halfway through the healing process, the men quickly brought back another person for healing. His arm was grievously injured, and Mian could even see his bloodied, and cracked bone from where he was sitting.

'Dammit. This is worse than I thought!' Mian couldn't help but swear internally as he witnessed the amount of bloodshed and carnage that a battlefield could bear. This was not his first time seeing such, though, but he still could not stand the sight.

Mian's mind briefly flashed back to the time when the Zelan pack was repelling an attack from the Henshaw Dynasty. He remembered the dozens of demi-humans who had lost their lives, and he remembered the humans bodies that he had to jump over in order to get through the battlefield.

But the one thing he most vividly remembered was the moment his claws sliced off the head of the human Pillar. He could still remember the shock that had been evident in his eyes for just a short moment before life fled from him.

With a sigh and a shake of his head, Mian moved on to the next person who needed his help and set about to healing him.

Within minutes, the man's hand was good to go, and his health was at its best. He only had to deal with a little dizziness that came about from his earlier loss of blood.

"It will be best if you rest a bit before heading back out.." Mian advised as he helped the man to a place where he could rest.

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