The Evolution Chronicles

Chapter 78 - Sudden Attack (3)

*Pant* Pant*

Adas sucked in painful breath after painful breath. Her red hair was frayed atop her head, and some strands stuck to the sides of her face, thanks to the blood that ran down from her head injury.

"You are surprisingly good at evading." Mohawk complimented the injured woman with a solemn nod. He acknowledged her capabilities, but that did not mean that she had what it took to defeat him. In fact, she had yet to land a hit on him all through their duel!

Adas remained quiet as she eyed her powerful opponent. She never stood a chance, contrary to what she first thought. In fact, she believed that he was just playing with her in order to entertain himself!

Just as she was about to throw herself at her opponent once again, a sudden yell made her stay her hand.

"Sir Adas!" The familiar voice of one of her colleagues reached her ears and she was finally able to breath a sigh of relief.

Half a dozen humans armed with various weapons and kitted out in their trusty armor reached Adas' side. She was immediately taken to the side to rest while the others continued her stare down with her simian opponent.

"Be careful... He's strong..." Adas managed to wheeze out before any of them could engage Mohawk in combat.

"Duh. We are not blind." The man in the lead replied with a clipped tone. He clearly was not happy seeing Adas in such a state.

"Are you done yet? I still have to beat your asses and head over to the city gates." Mohawk snorted at the humans as he idly picked his ear. The humans found it insulting, how he dared to disregard them as though they were not even worth a second of his attention.

"Arrogant monkey!" Sebastian, the man who stood closest to Mohawk, exclaimed with rage. His anger did not only stem from the fact that Mohawk was ignoring them, but also from the fact that he had beaten up Adas.

For the longest time, ever since they were just young recruits in the Henshaw Dynasty's Army, Sebastian had long since been infatuated with Adas. He was drawn in not only by her looks, but also by her wild and hot-blooded character. Seeing her all bloodied and beaten up lit up the blood in his veins.

"... Monkey, you say...?" Mohawk froze in place when he heard the words that came out of Sebastian's mouth. Sebastian grinned savagely when he saw that his words had an effect on the demi-human before him.

"Hahaha... Let me show you what a monkey can do, then... Exceed Break!" Mohawk straightened out his back and returned the savage grin that his opponent was showing him, before speaking the words that he rarely did. The reason why he never really used this ability during a fight was because the fight tended to end too quickly after he went all out.

Exceed Break was a special skill that very few were able to learn. It was an ancient skill that had been utilized by the champions of the Old Ones back when they were the overlords of the world. The skill unleashed all the latent and untapped potential that was stored within their body, allowing them to display an overwhelming amount of power for an extended period of time.

It was because of this skill that the Old Ones had managed to maintain their tight grip over the world for such a long period of time, until the entire world rebelled.

Now, Mohawk was using this skill. His muscles inflated, and he grew an additional foot taller. He looked like a beast that had crawled up from the darkest, scariest place on the world. Very few people knew that he possessed this skill, and he was keen to keep it that way, unfortunately for the humans before him.

"Die!" Sebastian roared as he lunged at Mohawk. The Wereape expertly spun his staff, bringing the shaft up to deflect Sebastian's strike, before spinning it again to hit Sebastian's head. The result was quite different from what everyone but Mohawk expected.


Sebastian's head exploded into nothing but tiny bits of flesh, bone, and clumps of brain matter. Just like that, the powerful man that could rival a high ranking demi-human, was dead.

The other humans present only watched on, frozen in shock and fear, as Mohawk walked towards them. His feet easily avoided the blood that was pooling around Sebastian's corpse as he neared the five remaining standing humans, his eyes dead and devoid of emotion.


The sound of his staff cleaving through the air sounded five more times, and the bodies of five humans dropped to the ground, all headless.

Finally, Mohawk pointed the bloody end of his staff at Adas' frozen body.

"How would you prefer to die?"

Adas' body shivered as she stared at the bloody end of the staff that was pointing at her with teary eyes.

"...I don't want to die." She whispered just as the first tear slid down her cheek. Mohawk just stared at her with an unsympathetic gaze before swinging his staff at her head, and all went dark.



The battle raged on for an hour more, before eventually reaching a conclusion. The attacking forces had overwhelmed the city guards, and stormed the city, forcing those who were still left to surrender.

The citizens of the city could barely believe what had happened. A force of a few hundred demi-humans and humans had completely overrun and defeated the mighty Kraetor City.

They far outnumbered the attackers, but were not able to use their numbers to their advantage. What stumped the guards who had surrendered at the city's gates, was that their reinforcements had never come..

Mian walked into Kraetor City with a glum look over his face. His mood only soured more as he saw the copious amount of blood that was splashed across the ground at the city gates. Quite a few people on the defending side had perished, even though they had tried their best to go easy on them.

"Mian, over here! Some people need your help!" Mian spotted Dion over at a crumbled section of the city wall, trying to raise up a larger piece of the wall that had fallen over the guard house that once used to be by the gates. The building had crumbled in the initial explosion that destroyed the gates, collapsing atop the heads of those who were inside.

Mian hurried over, along with some other soldiers who were nearby, and assisted Dion with pushing away the rubble. In the collapsed building, a trio were unconscious, while only one person was still clinging onto his consciousness. He groaned and moaned in pain as his trembling fingers clutched the metal rod that had stabbed through his abdomen.

When the light of day breached the darkness that had formerly overcome his vision, he blinked, but his sight was still blurry.

" Fabio." The man groaned out before coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"Don't worry, I'll save him." Mian rushed over to his side while casting a glance at the others who had been under. He was easily able to confirm that they were still alive, and in less danger of losing their lives compared to the man who was before him.

"Dion, come and help me cut this rod at its base. I don't know if I can cut it cleanly." Mian waved over the large dominant who readily extended one of his sharp claws and sliced the rod at the point where it emerged from the man's abdomen.

"Dammit. This is going to be tricky." Mian briefly cursed before instructing Dion to quickly, but gently lift the man from the rod. Immediately, a copious amount of blood gushed from the grievous injury.

Mian didn't waste time, and immediately set to healing him. A corona of golden light enveloped his body as Mian poured a great amount of Natural Energy and Evolution Points into his body. Minutes passed in this manner as the man's body remained enclosed in the cocoon of golden light. His injuries swiftly healed, leaving only a faint scar on his abdomen where the rod had pierced through. As for the other lighter injuries, they simply faded away, leaving no sign of ever being there.

"Ahh..." When the man was completely healed, he let out a groan of tiredness. The amount of blood he had lost was sure to keep him bedridden for a while as he recuperated.

After confirming he was now okay, Mian moved on to the others and proceeded with healing their injuries.

Broken arms, torn muscles, and cracked bones were healed in mere minutes as Mian put his all into making sure he could save their lives.

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