The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 12: Four halls and one hospital

All along, the system task option is gray unusable state, I guess this must be started before the story can be used.

I have been waiting for this mainline story for a long time, but I did not expect that there will be two options.

But after a little thought, everything is taken for granted.

The world is called Ai Xi, which is composed of countless planes, and the species on it are already countless.

Although the world and the largest continent are named after the creation **** Ai Xi, there is no miracle by himself. It is said that she has fallen into eternal sleep due to the fatigue of the creation, but before the sleep, all the duties are paid. Gave two daughters.

The goddess Aspiria, the guardian goddess of order and day, created the golden races of high elves, metal dragons, angels, and titan giants.

The goddess Cynthia, the goddess of chaos and night, created the sulphur races of demons, color dragons, yellow blood, and ethnic races.

The two goddesses, each representing two gods and countless races, as the sister of Aspiria, hope that everything will be bathed in the sun, all kinds of people will perform all kinds of work according to the arrangement of the gods, and the first level will obey the first level. Her creation is also biased towards order and kindness.

Cynthia, on the other hand, hopes that the creation can evolve through competition, and the creator does not want to interfere more, and not to impose his own order on the other side.

For the mortal race, the conceptual difference is only a verbal dispute, and for the true God of the concept avatar, the conceptual contradiction is equal to questioning the pure meaning of the other party, and the two sides naturally broke out the war.

The two goddesses, who are almost the same, hit each other into eternal sleep. Their remaining creations continued their endless wars. The golden race and the sulphur race died. Then, the moon elves represent the silver race and the fallen giants represent the mercury race. Continue their battle of souls.

This war, starting from the beginning, and never ending.

When the order overwhelm the chaos, it is a relatively stable order era, and if chaos dominates, it is a chaotic era of chaos, a change, which represents the rise and fall of countless races.

Today, it is a black iron era belonging to order. It is also an era of mortal people. As a hegemon, the chaotic race named Trolls surrendered their kingship. The current mainland hegemon is a human being called the black iron race.

The battle rotation between order and chaos will always be the main theme of Ai Xi’s continent. My code of law has been recognized by the source of order and become a part of it. Therefore, it will belong to the same order. The light knight on the side came to study.

In my opinion, there is actually no big deal. There is no chaos in the order. The mainstream race of the chaotic camp of the devil and the undead, the strict hierarchy and the relationship between the upper and lower, is not a special order.

In my eyes, nothing more than a side-by-side station, whether you are following the order of the gods, or chasing the chaotic evil spirits.

Choosing to set up the seat of the city, then I will fulfill the duties of an elder and a mentor, and get the flesh as scheduled, and get the opportunity to come back again, and this choice is also biased towards the order camp.

After all, the human beings who are living as a living are the backbone of the order camp.

And if you choose to be the boss, the system will restore my strength to the heyday, but the half-god lich, how to see, is still the undead king, the overlord of the chaotic camp.

This seemingly ordinary choice is actually a divergence point that determines fate.

"Hey, what's so hesitant? I have to go again once I have no way to go? I choose ..... epic quests, the phoenix's nirvana. I want to be resurrected!"

Yes, the facts of the past have proved that pure power can't solve the problem. The chaotic camps of the silly goods are disorderly and chaotic. Life is more than fighting, and there are more than enough things to lose. How can I repeat the same mistakes, and, no, The physical support, the lich can only stop the demigod.

Um, um, definitely not because when the undead can't taste food, can't make a girlfriend, can't enjoy the flesh, I don't want to be a dead soul.

"Well, let the angel of the city, I will help her. Yes, her full name is Anne? Didn't it all be called Ann?"

"After all, Ann is just a nickname, and both boys and girls can use it. Margaret started for her. In fact, I think Anne Han is very nice, but I still use Margaret's last name."

"Anne Levin?"

Inexplicable, I think this name is somewhat familiar.

"Hey!" A ringing finger, a **** book opened, and then the page flipped, but soon stopped on a color page.

It was a screenshot, and the mature and mature woman held the sword with a long distance. The whole body was red and red, and the flaming robes were embroidered with phoenix patterns. The flaming sword is covered with the flames, and it is obviously the idiot of the phoenix.

"Donglan Fire Phoenix, Levin, the highest commander of the Demon United Army East Line, personally killed the hero of the Black Warrior Emperor Roland."

Ok, do you have a hate for me? How much hate this is.

The disciple killed me in the future, and finally changed the future. The master did kill me once again! Do I have to be chopped and cut by Shen Jianfeng?

It’s not enough to kill me once. After I finally reversed my fate, I have to kill me again?

It’s a mystery, it’s my nemesis. It’s your death bear kid!

"Hugh think! You bastard, get out of me! Curse: Expulsion!"

I can no longer follow the roar of my heart and vigorously wave.

After the light of the order, the inexplicable demigod Adam was thrown out of the brain.


His **** was on the ground, and then, a book was smashing his face.

The text in the book has been translated, and it is not the first time to get martial arts cheats from Roland. Adam slowly uttered his voice.

“The Sunflower Collection? This is 啥. ‘I want to practice the magic, lead the knife from the palace’?”

"Come and practice, I think it's a good fit for you!"


This is not the first time to make me angry. I should be used to it when I was thrown out. I licked my **** and left.

After waiting for him to go, I was in confusion. What is fate? What kind of fate did he arrange for me? Is it natural that I am the life of the devil, or is it the devil who is looking for a dead end? Trained Adam, the brave who killed me once, and trained a brave man who once killed me?

"If I don't come here, Anne shouldn't see Adam, and I won't get the love of Feng and the inheritance of Adam. It is this reason that led me to the fruit of their encounter. Is it that I am destined to be crucified again? Or, I am destined to be crucified by the brave man of Dongfeng, whether it is Adam or Annie.

It is a pity that my causality is very bad. It is a prophecy that the spells are not learned. It is rather strange that such profound philosophical philosophy can be sorted out.

"Forget it, don't want to. Now that the goal has been determined, complete the task first."

I don't want to think about it. This is my best advantage. The most important thing now is to complete the task at hand and then resurrect!

So, thinking about a half ring, I pressed the bell on the table.

"Let the four directors come to see me."

Originally, I set up a court to try to judge the evil points that sinners obtained. If they work hard all day, they are not going to end up.

So, I built a system and institution that can operate on my own, so that I don't have to put extra effort into it.

The judicial system of Sulphur Mountain City was created by me personally. I divided it into four relatively independent ones according to the principle of decentralization and checks and balances of the judicial system in the past modern countries.

First of all, it is the Supreme Court and the jurisdiction of the judicial system. Here I personally sit down and master the most important legal powers and final adjudication powers, and it is the leader of the entire judicial system.

There are four institutions under the Supreme Court that are the internal organs and bones of the entire judicial system.

The Law Enforcement Agency is responsible for law enforcement and management. Well, it is professional singers, picking up the discipline, managing small street hawkers, etc., hard work, dirty goods are under their control.

The city management unit, referred to as the urban management, is its subordinate department. Unlike the urban management of the former rivals who are small vendors, the main opponents of the Dark Elf Knights are various criminals. The duties of the police are their main business.

His leader is the tall and burly mask man in front of him - the Tauren Snowshoe. ETA.

Yes, that streaking tauren metamorphosis snow hoof.......

Name: Snow Hoof. Eta Race: Tauren Occupation: 60th Warrior/20th Level Knight/7th Order Guard (Total Level 87 Comprehensive Evaluation: Legendary Second Advanced Warrior) Honor Title; Steel Guard

Fortunately, in order to imitate the silver-faced sleepless people, in order to face their own personal identity, just law enforcement, my judicial people have put on masks, otherwise, I really do not know how to always be the crown of law enforcement. But always with the crime of polluting social ethics.

Fortunately..... Every time I enjoy my "hobbies", he also consciously concealed his identity. Even if he was encircled by the city management because he was streaking, even if he was thrown into the black prison, he did not use the power of the law to reveal his own law enforcement. The identity of the person.

The second institution is the Law Office, which does not appear very often.

The Law Office, the theoretical department that specializes in the study of laws and regulations, is also the place where the spells, the justice knights, and the judges are repaired. There are not many people, but they can succeed in advanced high-level occupations, the weakest. They are all golden steps. The outsiders are not very clear, but in fact they are the strongest in the four halls.

But these strong men are also junior judges who are responsible for the first trial. They continue to sharpen their understanding of the power of the law in the trial and trial.

In my system, only the legal person who is recognized by the original law of the law can obtain the right to an independent trial. Therefore, not many people know that the judges who are gentle and docile are actually the weakest. Is a golden powerhouse.

Their leader, the slumbering high elf, Kalle Dia, is one of the former governors of the country of the Tour de France, and the strongest mage outside the Sulphur Mountain City.

Name: Carle Diar Race: High Elf Occupation: Level 60 Master / Level 30 Knowledge Keeper/10 Level Code Guardian / Level 5 Mantra (Total Level 115 Comprehensive Evaluation: Three Advanced Laws, Professional, Holy By)

The Law King Hall, the name is very powerful and domineering, but when the legislative and management responsibilities of the judicial system are lost to other departments, what he wants to do most of the time is only to play in the back office, to fight for other departments, such as to recruit new After the legislative meeting, he will convene various departments to collect legislative plans and the like.

As a back office, the Law King Hall does not need much strength. What they need is flexible administrative skills and careful business skills. All, most of the staff members are rookies who are still in the study period and women who do not want to go to the front line. Law enforcer.

Their director - Lilith Milan... Yes, that crazy wild lily, moving kinky. 秽 items...

I am not fortunate for many times, our law enforcement officers will bring masks to give up their private identity, otherwise, I really can not face the two gentlemen's companions, facing the infinite contempt of the citizens.

I have also suspected countless times, in the end, what went wrong, will make two metamorphosis, step by step to become the highest level of the judicial system.....

Ok, don't talk about these sad things.

Finally, the courtroom, it sounds very powerful and domineering, but when the initial approval power is taken away by the Law Office, after the final judicial power is taken away by the highest court, the rest of them are probably the special treatment. When they go to the opponents that the city management can't deal with, they should be shot.

It is also their duty to bring a public prosecution, an obligation to defend, investigate and sue, and arrest suspects. Because they are all troublesome things, their anger is indeed too big, also known as the chase hall and the quarrel hall.

It is worth mentioning that the Sulphur Mountain City Prison is also within their jurisdiction. Before the establishment of the urban management force, they are also the only force on the bright side of the judicial system. Of course... if you really want to look at the internal ranking of the combat power, they are stable. In the second place, it is more limited than the law hall of the internal affairs department.

Their leader, Kevin, is a typical model of the Paladin, a moderately sturdy strength, and a stable personality. The characteristics are ordinary, the advantages are ordinary, the shortcomings are ordinary, but the high level of the judicial system is rare. Normal person...

I don't know why, when I say it, I am saddened from the heart... Why can't my judicial system have more common people with common sense, why are so many metamorphosis! No wonder it is because I am also abnormal? !

Cough, get down to business...

This four halls and one courtyard constitute the cornerstone of the entire Sulphur Mountain City Judicial System and the cornerstone of peace and stability throughout the Sulphur Mountain City. When they are running smoothly, what I have to do is to open the court every day and make some money.

At this moment, since it has been determined that it is necessary to assist Anne to be the seat of the city, then my four halls and one hospital must be moved.

"Today, I am looking for you, to arrange the aftermath."

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