The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 151: Entering the city

"His Highness, in fact, I have a new idea. Although the elemental seal is indeed a cross-era discovery, in a sense, our application is too rough, and it is a waste of his development. We can start with the spell construction. Let it be more autonomous and automated. After building the basic swordprint, use the basic swordprint to build the resurrection sword..."

Whenever Cohen wants me to give my opinion, listening to the long list of terms I can't understand, I am quite lamented, who is the tutor and who is the disciple.

"Try to be a knight's mage genius, a refining gold, a magical rookie knight, a Princess of the Gentlemen's Union, and my knights are really a group of wonderful people."

In a sense, these three can't be said to be not outstanding talents, but they seem to be getting farther and farther away from the Cavaliers, especially in the eyes of Xiao Keen. He has fully proved himself without knowing it. Talent.

Mantra? Spell formula construction? You don't have to think about it at all, you can do it by instinct.

For the Son of Elements, magic is only a manifestation of the will. Conventional spells are just a proof process that has come to the classic formula. Just as a mathematician can easily play countless new formulas, the children of the elements can create countless spells.

I know why Herois will ask me to fool this little Cohen. The son of the human element and the thundering son of the dwarf, the son of the elf, are regarded as the Son of God.

The son of thunder is longer than melee and forging, but the son of the moon is a genius of magic. They are quite similar. It is the amazing genius in some aspects, such a talent is so wasted. It’s a pity.

My four spirit swords are taking the generalized and simplistic route, directly jumping the basic theoretical accumulation, so that ordinary warriors can also master certain elemental use ability, and as long as they become skilled element users, nature You can reverse the magic theory.

"The hardest part is the first step. Many of them are not qualified to become strong, but they are limited to talents. They can't even go out in the first step."

And for Cohen. This is a completely new world.

Yes, my arms lack strength, then I have the sword of the heavy weapon instead of the arms.

Yes, I can't run fast and I can't jump, so let the mark that represents the wind become my wings.

Yes, my sword can't penetrate the hard scales of the dragon. Then, let the thunder that the imprint brought in become my sharp sword tip.

The ideal of becoming a knight gave Cohen endless motivation, and Herois became an endless theoretical support, with new gains and new progress every day.

In my eyes, the level of this kid is rising at a strange speed. Yesterday was the fifteenth level of the four spirits, and today I jumped to the seventeenth level.

And his efforts, but also indeed enriched the four spirit sword to make this new career.

"Xuanwu Jianyin - ice snakes wrapped around."

The magic of the ice spreads with the ground, and it is invisible. But suddenly broke out at the opponent's feet, freezing the other's ankle.

"The most important thing is the characteristics. Ice freeze, lightning paralysis, flame burning, just use it as a temporary enchant to increase the attack power is too wasteful. We can open all kinds of magic swords along their own characteristics. ""

"You see, the spread of the ice magic is too slow, it is attached to the sword to freeze the opponent through confrontation, but also wants a lot of time, but in fact it is invisible, very hidden, we can come quietly."

Well, although limited to the ability, now Cohen does not open a new sword, but just change the way of fighting, open the use of special effects of elemental effects, so that the comprehensive combat of this new profession has more than 30%.

The most important thing is that he can listen to the sound of the elements and find out the direction of progress of this new profession. I am afraid that other elements of swordsmanship are also being opened.

[Congratulations to the host to master the new magic sword technology Xuanwu Jianyin - ice snake wrapped, this skill will be included in the professional system of the four spirit sword. System Tip: Inventing new skills rewards? Are you still embarrassed to find me to reward? How does it feel to be taught by your apprentice? Is the old face still hangable? You think that he is progressing like this, how long can you be fooled? 】

And the system did not expect to jump out and ridicule me, so, for the dignity of the master, I can only work harder.

Not to mention, people are forced out, when the combination of the ice and the power of death, the "death and ice sword" composite sword seal was opened by me, it is also that Herois also looked at me a bit.

The black snow that is scraped has the dual magic of corrosion and freezing, and is extremely deadly to the living. The only drawback is that it seems to be a bit high for the user, and it has become my own patent.

Of course, this straightforward to no technical content is definitely not my handwriting. The "sleeping turtle sword" was actually rejected by them, which made me feel a bit sulking for a while.

"Death power is lazy sword, ice is basaltic, the two add up is lazy basaltic - sleeping turtle? This naming method is too cool, for the sake of future teachers and sisters, please come back Let's play by yourself."

Listen to what this is all about, but from the noon of everyone around me, I have no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit.

"Actually, I also thought of a name for your sword print...."

Eliza, who quickly mastered the squad in the squad, also invented her own special swordprint. The destruction of the sword combined with the power of the devil and the sea of ​​fire is extremely powerful and evil, but obviously it is not available to others.

"I guess? With your wonderful naming and poor vocabulary, the devil will probably be seen as 'anger', and the flame is the words of Suzaku..... Angry Suzaku?"

"No, angry birds. And your sword of ice and flame, the song of ice and fire! Unfortunately, I still have a few names that are not used. If the combination of wind and earth, Qinglongjia White Tiger, you can also call Dragon and Tiger Fight! If you are ice and wind, Xuanwu plus Qinglong. Dragon Snake!"

I said proudly, and then the disciples around did not say anything. Nodded and nodded, but no one asked me for a name...


Hongfeng City, a small town that is not famous, is quite meaningful.

When I was dealing with the orc army in the north, this ancient city was also our temporary headquarters. If I remember correctly, there are still many historical traces. There is even a past war exhibition hall.

But at this time, the city has become the focus of the extreme North countries.

the reason? The city is not far from the capital of Stuart, Antoine, and the area ahead has long been the site of the orcs.

So naturally, here is the assembly area of ​​the national reinforcements.

I entered the city very early, the gate was not officially opened, and when the sky was still bright, it came in.

The city defense soldiers at the time wanted to stop me, but in a sense. In this land, my own face is the best pass, seeing my guard immediately, then I am excited to do a gift, and then I just opened the door.

"Open the door! The temple is down."

I nodded slightly and returned to the snow that had not yet frozen. On the ground, oh, oh, looking at the orc heads hanging on the wall, I was silent.

I am not a good person, and I am lack of sentimental and sensitive minds. Even numb the scene, on the contrary. I am still a little bit pleased and relieved to see this scene.

the reason? Probably the scenes that have been captured by the orcs, but the human heads that they are hanging belong to human beings, and the young people who are built according to the custom, Jinguan (human head tower), "chi luo", and the children who have been killed Let me be silent.

This is war, the war I hate the most, because war is the ugliest thing in the world, he will legalize all crimes and turn living people into living beasts.

This is war, my favorite war. In the past, I believe that only war can protect my people. Only wars eliminate wars. They are called heroes. They are called devils. They are called butchers. It’s a **** corpse, and I’m afraid that the life of the most horrifying orc butcher is not my fraction.

Even in the age when I used to be called a hero, I didn’t know how much I deprived of my life. I used to be a hero, but as far as I know, in the orc country, I was used as a butcher and demon, often used. Come to be scared to cry the child.

the reason? Probably I was the first to imitate the orc. Use the elite light rider and the empty cavalry to pose a personal view of the Orchard.

This is a war between nations, and it is a race of race between orcs and human beings. The grievances of both sides have no idea how long it will take. When all this breaks out under legitimate excuses, then ugly crimes will become sacred. And the hero.

I am a hero? Is it a butcher? Is it the devil? I am afraid that all of the above, I never think that I am a saint, but before the **** who can not create a new war are sanctioned, my **** is still necessary to continue to live in this world.

When the real wicked is sitting in the temple and being worshipped by the world, how can the little villains like me want to sleep alone, and the sinners will be judged at least, and at least they must pull them together to go to hell.

"Go away! The **** orc!"

It was a group of orcs who were driven by the soldiers, but from the typical human dressing habits of them, they should be local residents and businessmen who have settled for a long time.

In a certain sense, Siweiwei’s policy of friendship and friendship has indeed played a role. At least the trade between the two places has been in existence for decades. At the same time as the normalization of the caravans and resident chambers of commerce, both sides have no Less residents and travellers live in other countries.

However, it is obvious that the outbreak of this war was too sudden. The expatriates of various countries did not have the possibility of evacuation. Therefore, they became the first victims of the two sides, and they became the recipients of the victims’ venting of hatred. I am afraid those hanging on the wall. Heads, except for orc invaders and spies, there will be no such civilians.

"Are they spies? Or a spy?"

I hesitated for a moment, and since I met, I finally want to take care of it. If I am a soldier, I will not control it, but the massacre of civilians is not the time when I was the most crazy.

" are Your Royal Roland!!"

The young soldiers surprised my name, and the orcs were scared to the ground, and even the children had begun to cry. It seems that after so long, my reputation is still as loud as ever.

That being the case, the next step is simple. When I asked the orcs who had settled here for decades, I was paid for it when I was sent to the slave market for auction.

Of course, those little hairy children are crying even harder. I am afraid that in their minds, I am the worst buyer. I am not sure that I am going to buy them and use them to make broth and barbecue.


"You are still hypocritical in the inexplicable place, but I just like you. I know, your wish is my order. I will set up a chamber here, can't live without knowing, but at least It is stronger than selling slaves. If this time becomes a slave, even a child will become a military medal of the noble two ancestors."

No point in nodding, in these respects, Eliza is much stronger than me. If she does not do well, I can't do it myself.

Hypocrisy? There is really no room for rebuttal.

I know that I am a hypocrisy, because it is just a way of saving a few orc civilians, and now I have to consider **** more orcs.

"Where is the Joint Command? Where are the aristocrats of the Kings Palace? Why are there no wars yet, are they planning to watch Antunn fall?"

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