"As everyone knows, this orc army has entered the army with the power of the whole family. There are more than 270 known tribes. Although it is known as the 800,000 army, in fact, the total military strength is only about 200,000, and there are at least three deductions. Ten thousand non-combatants, then, probably only about 180,000 troops, but they have already split four roads, they have undoubtedly committed military taboos."

The old opera house of Hongfeng City, which has a history of more than 600 years, has already been abandoned. At this time, it has regained its youth and was conquered as a temporary conference hall. The middle-aged handsome man in military uniform on the stage is slobbering. The audience is obviously not buying, some are fighting, some are reading, and some are chatting.

"Even if we consider that the individual strength of the orc warrior is indeed stronger than ours, our coalition forces exceed 300,000, and the military strength is still our superiority. We can take advantage of the opportunity of the other side to separate the soldiers and encroach on their ministries."

"Xiongren Lund, a powerful contender for the orc emperor, he has at least 20 tribes under his arm, with a total military strength of about 55,000. The military is very mixed, from the weak rat to the robust bear and elephant. It is worth it. It is mentioned that due to the nature of the main bears of the bear orcs, their speed of entry is the slowest. In recent days, they have even begun to collect grain and winter supplies everywhere. It seems that there is a plan to keep the existing site for the winter."

"The Kars Centaur tribe has a military force of 30,000. It is dominated by high-speed cavalry and fast-moving orcs. They have the least military strength, but because there is no resident, they are guerrilla everywhere. In fact, they are the most troublesome. They are shocking. The eastern defense line seems to want to go directly to other countries. If they are really rushed into the south, I am afraid that the trouble is really big."

"Wolf King Sostro, with a total military strength of more than 40,000. It is dominated by strong war races such as lions, tigers, and werewolves. But I don't know what he thinks, actually turned back to attack the western borderline, are they going to attack the elves? Is it the kingdom of the country? But it is said that his military division is the fox wise man, and should have any plans for himself."

"Eagle Elmen, with a total strength of nearly 60,000, the arms are very mixed, but the air cavalry and flying orcs are not in the minority. From the past intelligence, he is also the advocate of this orc coalition. It is said that the strongest in the hands is also the most They are attacking Antun, and Antun’s losses are also very large, I am afraid that it will not last long."

There are a circle of forks on the chart. The existing positions and main directions of all kinds of terracotta warriors are obvious, but the soldiers said that they worked very hard, but the following arguments were even louder.

"Our total strength is superior? More than 300,000? Just kidding, squeeze out up to 200,000 yuan. Together with our individual strength ratio of ordinary orcs, our total combat power is probably only three-thirds of the other side. One, how do you fight this?"

"Antun's defenders are not going to have a speed of 100,000. As a result, they are surrounded by 80,000 troops of Emmon. They ask for help every day, and they will fall into the eye. Maybe the battlepower ratio of one to three must be revised."

"Is it heard? There is a Beast behemoth on the side of the bear, and the wall of Winder City is flattened twice. This is already the tenth city he has occupied. I am only looking forward to them really wanting Hibernate, I don't want to face these big guys."

"That's just fine, but I heard that this situation is a bit strange. The beasts are not only afraid of the cold, but also can move in the snowy days. So they can launch a raid in the winter. On the battlefield, our people are frozen. Hey, there is still a significant gap in individual strength, but now it’s going to fight, is it eager to die?”

"Yeah, this time the orcs came too urgently. Now that they account for so many cities, I am afraid that there is no need to consider the logistical pressure. And the big machinery like our siege car is not brought, and the logistics is intermittent. How do you fight this. Is it hungry and orc fighting in this snowy day?"

"This kind of trouble, shouldn't those super empire come? Why do we have to deal with a few small countries in the northern part of the country? What does the Kasomi Principal say? Does the San Antonio Empire have any opinions?"

To say that the orc is a few big intrigues who want to be the boss, the human side is a loose sand, and they want to retain their strength and let others go to the cannon fodder.

The orcs came too "suddenly", and the city that was lost in the first time gave them supplies and stations. On the contrary, the human side's reinforcements that rushed after the snow were more like the guest army.

The orcs in the Orrison Mountains area came out, although the number is not in front of the superpowers, but they are all elites, and the six countries of the Northland cannot send all the troops for a neighboring country. More than 200,000, a country averages 50,000.

This is also the reason why the decisive battle can not be staged. The human side looks forward to waiting for more support from the army, and the orcs have just stood firm. They all have their own strategic goals, so they will do their best, and Emmon’s current goal is to lay down Antun, consolidate his position among the orcs.

There is no conflict between the strategic goals of both humans and orcs, and the natural decisive battle is postponed.

And many North Korean generals are expected to be able to drag until next spring, and wait until their country prepares for war and reach a clear superior force before proceeding to a decisive battle.

As for Antun, who is still waiting for the rescue? Siwei Weir is almost out of the country. Who cares about his opinions. Of course, it is impossible to sit down in the real Anthony. It is not being discussed now.

Finally, the general is still singing loudly and no one really wants to unite and win the battle, wasting precious time, and some people can’t stand it anymore.

"Enough! We are soldiers, not rushing to spend the day before and after drinking, boring to the politicians who are intriguing with their peers!"

It was a black-faced middle-aged man with a plain face and not tall. The snow fox fur long cloak had been dragged to the ground, but when roaring, the hall that was still in the noisy still calmed down.

"The mission of Rescue Antoun is solely borne by our Kasomi Principality."

The tone of a word and a sentence seems to be calm, but it is like a thunder, which shocks the audience. Now the countries are shirking, isn’t it the risk of the main force of Emmon? This black-faced general appeared, and actually took the most important task directly.

"When is it, it is still dragging and dragging. We have reinforcements, will the orcs be gone? At least a thousand orc tribes in the Orrison Mountains. Not every chief will give Emmon a face, the corresponding coalition's call. More tribes have always had a good relationship with us... But do you think that when the tribes feel that human beings are weak and can be bullied, and counterattacking the hinterland of the mainland is just around the corner, they will still stand still?"

"Sir Weier must save, or if this precedent is opened, next time your country is invaded by foreigners, I am afraid no one will save you. To take a step back, once the priest is really going out, the orcs Will be directly bordered by your country. Do you have a level of fortress in the tears of Camo? When the orcs' wolf cavalry will hunt in the upper reaches of your plains, kill your civilians, burn the farms, and take away children and women. Is this what you want?"

The generals of the Kasomi Principality became louder and louder, and finally they were glaring.

"Well, if you want to shrink you, you will shrink. When you get on the crime list, please don't pull me. I am not a kind of Ainlo, I will pick up the burden of Antun, if you are still a soldier." No, still give words to men. Just give me some other orcs. Don't let them stop our decisive battle."

When I heard this, I was always a little sleepy. After listening to the three-day nonsense, I finally had some substantive content until today.

"Who is he? In the roar, the tasks have been arranged, and it is not bad in a group of rotten goods. This group of goods is not the biggest in the sky, I am the second? How can I obey, this black-faced guy is very famous. ?"

"Of course. Unlike a guy who has been named for three days without a name, others are great men on the list. He can't be a general of the Kasomi Principal, just transferred to work. But the 'black bear' Anin Luo is also quite famous in the country of San Antonio."

Amy Lai came earlier than me. She didn't want to chase the Rangers everywhere. She directly stayed in Hongfeng City. She also indirectly became the temporary leader of Dongpu here, but it seems that she was in a bad mood from the beginning of the meeting. .

"The meritorious generals? What is it? And what is his sin list? It seems that I really can't keep up with the old-fashioned antiques of the times."

"This thing is also there in our time, but you have never been concerned. You will probably know the name, the notebook of the fairy."

"Oh, it turned out to be the things that the little goblins made, they are as free as ever."

The goblin is a natural magical race. If you look at the appearance, it is quite similar to the delicate elves, but their highest is probably only a dozen centimeters high, and they can even dance in the palm of their hands.

There are many variants of the goblin, there are winged goblins with wings, and there are shadows that are good at living in the shadows. Their character, living habits and living environment are different, but if you want to find out the commonalities of the race, it is probably extremely broken. Mouth and love gossip.

Their ethnic groups are spread all over the continent. As a natural and extremely neutral race, the goblin and all ethnic relations are good. They have their own chambers of commerce and cooking in various places. In the human kingdom, "demon refinement" is a veritable gold sign.

Their Chamber of Commerce is also the best intelligence dealer. As long as the price can be afforded, there is no secret that can't be bought from the goblin. The fairy notebook mentioned by Herois is judged by the fairy, some history stays. The big things and the big guys under the traces.

"The list of meritorious deputies is a list of demon spirits, which is the existing name of the mainland. It is said to be based on the record and position. This is obviously not good for small countries, so the water is not small. But this list has a mother. The list - the historical star list, also known as the 'God of War list', is to pull all the historical names together, this is very convincing. When you live, you can go up to the top 100, the basics It is the national treasure of all countries."

historical figure? Ancient famous? I heard that I have some seemingly redundant thoughts.

"Then I..."

"When you were a human being, it was too early to hang up. Even the contemporary meritorious generals didn't have a chance. But in fact, you have been on another, more famous list, and the ranking is not low."

I can't help but have some surprises. Is this a list of famous names? Am I also a historical celebrity?

Isn’t it necessary to leave a trace of your own life, is it that I have inexplicably left a thick stroke in history? This is really an unexpected surprise.

"What list?"

"The ninety-nine disaster-stricken list, you are ranked 33rd ‘immortal Roland’.”

I immediately became dark. I know that this list is all super troubles. They are known as mobile catastrophes, walking plagues, going to the scourge, and when this scourge is dangerous, No one can stop them, you can go to this list.

"This is a natural disaster. The manpower is irresistible. If you see it, you can escape. If you hit it, you can only be unlucky." This list is called the natural disaster list. This is probably the meaning.

"I am another identity?"

Since even Roland can be on the list, then the identity of the Emperor of the Night should be on the list.

"No, I didn't get on the list at first. Now it seems that the goblins have merged the two identities. Anyway, they never explain, and if they want further information, the charge can be really high."

"Cut, it was seen through."

"Is it not normal to be seen through, do you have any cover? Use the battle flag of the scorpion to make the flag of the Guards. It is really a fool."

Nodded, I really didn't hide it. Since I decided to take revenge, I must at least let the opponent know why I killed him. Now, in retrospect, it is taken for granted by the many goblins who are looking at them. I don’t know how many years they used me. How much money was earned by the intelligence.

"In fact, there are still a lot of acquaintances on the list. The new ninety-nine is a red dragon called Molly. She is doing damage everywhere. You should know it. There is also 'Devil Professor' Heroic. The silk instructor ranks forty-six. From this name, it can be seen that she is actually not very destructive. She mainly teaches many 'good' students. For example....."

"For example, how much do you rank?"

I sighed that before the dragon, Molly really had a hard life. I couldn’t get down in the ground and ran to the ground to provoke the wind. I asked affirmatively, since I and Herois were on the list, Amy in front of me. Pull should not run.

"The last time I saw it was fifty-seven, 'The super-virtual witch in the storm mood.' It was originally the 69th. There were three friends in front of the row hanging up. One of them was me, so I jumped again. Once, I even rose twelve titles."

Someone said triumphantly, but she did have a reason to be proud.

"Oh, this title is much better than mine. What is ‘immortal’? It’s not prestige. Can I apply for a change of title?”

"Do you think my title is good? Oh, you still know the goods. Other people actually say that they don't take it with me. It's really irritating. But even if you say it better, I won't give you this title." of."

"Damn, it was discovered by you. Then, can you contact the goblin? This title is too ugly, at least to change the prestige. For example, ‘unparalleled, born and intelligent, always loved Roland’.”

"... Super stupid super selfish super Roland, no one, give it to me, I will give the goblin contact, even the goblin likes to pursue the truth, such a title should be able to pass."

Reluctant to our daily bickering, next to Renee, they are already helpless, what is this with what, the generals above the mouth of the squad are declaring their own strategic decisions, these two people are too out of the situation. .

But I know that all these things should be known for the past three days. If I watched the show, it would become a cannon fodder to listen to people. So I stood up.

"Ain Luo, your arrangement is basically equal to finding a dead end. I am a little new suggestion and confidential information here. Maybe it is time to listen to my opinion."

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