The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 160: Battle of betrayal

No one expected that in this epic war, which was later hailed as "the battle of betrayal without shame," when the snowflake had just fallen, the first to launch a surprise attack would be the four Northern Elf Kings. The formation of the coalition.

Yes, the first thing to break the deadlock is neither to be an orc as a raid by the aggressor, nor to protect the human beings in their hometown, but to rush to certain elves with superficial positions.

At six in the morning, the embarrassing arrows and magic sent the elves' greetings. The human army sent the main force to fight. The seven-nation coalition forces (excluding Dongpu, including San Antonio), accumulated more than 500,000 troops. The military strength is more than 400,000.

The total strength of the elves is 167,000. In the eyes of the super-empire, it is probably only a large city garrison, but the strength must not be underestimated.

The upper elf is a silver race. The weakest ones in the adulthood have silver-level combat power, and the lower elves are equipped with elf-specific luxury combat equipment. It is not difficult to reach the human comprehensive silver level, plus the elf's excellent magical craftsmanship. Master ratio, perhaps the number of these elves is not much, but the strength must not be underestimated.

"...we thought it was the same ordinary war drills as before, but no one expected that those long ears would ignore the past feelings, and washed the land with strategic magic from the beginning. Our people were seriously injured. Actually, they also used the enchanted scorpion and the elf old tree, they are playing really!"

Perhaps, the officer of his own subordinates who is almost annihilated by the whole army can explain why the defeat is so miserable. The arrogant human being is not so much expected, but rather the determination to look down on the elf from the beginning.

The elf who has been blaming for many years has been holding the heart of the decisive battle from the beginning. The Elf Kings who are the masters have made a choice. Naturally know that I have no way back. The proud Antonio, however, seems to regard this as a stupid border conflict.

When the elves launched a raid, they were waiting for the results of the church and political diplomacy. In the war plan made by the general command, there was not even a plan for how to deal with the elf attack.

As for the other Northland countries, they thought that since San Antonio came, the natural sky collapsed and there was a high fixed, but did not think much. When the disaster is over, the first to be unlucky is often the slowest weak person to run.

Therefore, while the two sides confronted each other, the understanding and attitude toward the war allowed the human-war forces that had been attacked to fall into a general disadvantage.

The tall wars of ancient trees hit the cavalry wing, the huge roots were able to fly several unlucky eggs each time, and the human rifle had little effect on this creature, and when the knights put on the coping of the giants When the tactics of the net, the suddenly big roots of the incarnation of the big trees are even more overwhelming.

The Griffin Knights encountered the challenge of the Horned Eagles, and these powerful lions finally met their natural enemies. The elf shooter who plays the unscrupulous hair is very good at riding and shooting. The gap in the thick helmet of the Griffin Knight is not difficult for them. On the other hand, even if they are fully dominant in melee ability, the gryphon knights who are thoroughly studied by the other side can hardly pull the battle down to their most suitable distance, often being shot down in constant chasing and anti-chasing.

When the battle was in a stalemate, the precise and vicious magical support of the elves became the weight of the battlefield balance.

Masters need time and knowledge to accumulate. The advantages of longevity species in this respect are unique. In the face of the elves that have been thrown out of the nest, most of the human master's martial arts are suppressed, and the spell power of both sides is not at all.

Human priests and paladins may be the highlights of the melee, but they lack a powerful attack method and they do not play a huge role.

The elf arms that have always been the alliance, I am afraid that human beings are the most lacking opponents of battle experience and coping schemes, while the elves of the Northland have always regarded human beings as imaginary enemies.

When the first wave of confrontation was deadlocked, the beast’s second sharp knife was still not hand-swinged by himself.

The troops of the Ansolo Empire, who served as the right-wing arrow of the military array, turned their backs and turned directly to the blade.

As the Chinese army, San Antonio did not expect that his right wing would suddenly turn his back. The assassin who had prepared for the same time broke out at the same time. He was assassinated by allies in the chaos of the battlefield. The commander of San Antonio, the contemporary star Allen Reem, the 98th in the list, was stabbed and the entire battlefield was deadlocked.

When the news of the assassination of the enemy and the coach was spread, the key army of the national alliance began to shake, and the orc army began to move. When the huge Beas monster carried the shaman who beat the drum, the human side The defeat has been fixed.

The orcs who are good at killing give a good lesson to human beings. What is called a single soldier crushing, what is called running with the beast.

Can two human warriors deal with an orc? When the orcs put on the armor of the earth element and were sent to the violent state by the shaman's battle song, an ordinary orc veteran can be transformed into a war killing device. A standard team (12 people) may not kill. An elite orc who doubles this attack and defense. "

In this campaign, under the combined forces of the three parties, the trap under the chaos arrangement finally began to close, and the human side was defeated and the first battle was defeated.

The 400,000-strong army that appeared in the battle, less than half of the defeated troops who returned to Hongfeng City alive, and most of them were wounded. The human army must move from strategic offense to defense.

When Eliza learned the news, she was very surprised.

“A human country has actually betrayed the entire human world? Are they not going to mix?”

"In a sense, the Ansolo Empire is quite similar to the country of the past, and it is probably enough to be wronged. But this direct eruption should be the group of **** of San Antonio. Use them as cannon fodder."

"Yeah, too much. I have some sympathy for Ansolo. Our small country is weak. This time, Ansolo has taken out the coffin. If it is finished, there is nothing to say, but as a cannon fodder, it will be sacrificed. It’s too much. It’s no wonder they chose the extreme treatment.”

Sure enough, soon, a toughly declared declaration of war was announced.

In the notice, the Ansolo Empire, the declared warring state, angered St. Antonio, the leader of the country, as the cannon fodder of other countries, and targeted the declaration to San Antonio, saying that he did not betray the order side and the mainstream human society. the meaning of.

Of course, no matter what he said, the letter still believes, and it doesn't make sense to say anything. The actual action is the most straightforward expression.

"It’s good to say, that’s why there are orcs and elves.”

With the betrayal of the Ansolo Empire, the Red Maple City at this time was caught in a chaos, cleaning up the residual forces and spies, the lurking assassins who carried out the assassination of chaos, and even the high-level combat power directly Killing important people in the city.

The original city owner also died in the battlefield, and before a sudden political storm was coming, a chamber of commerce called Schindler stood up and became the new leader of the city. They were mainly composed of locals. The slogan is 'Use your hands to find your good life in the past'.

They are not soldiers, they are meaningless to the outside army. They are working in a simple direction to fight against the lawless thugs, so that the city still maintains order and vitality.

Few people know that a chamber of commerce with a slave trade is just an organization that allows civilian orcs to survive, and his leader is a foreigner.

"The coalition military department is in chaos, the official institutions in the city are all paralyzed, the function is stopped, and the funds on the face of the chamber of commerce are almost in the end. This is really hard to support. Roland, come back soon."


"Oh, it's too pitiful, there are such awkward parents. Don't worry, Amway I will help you, as long as he dares to appear in front of you, Amway will help him to fly him, and the four hooves will kick together." Oh, but also a fulcrum, then barely three."

In the forest where the underground city exits, a girl from three races is having a pleasant conversation next to a campfire.

"You..... are you not afraid of me? I am a banshee."

In the face of the faint doubts of the pale white shadow, Anne and Angelia looked at each other and then smiled with their mouths open.

"The one that Anne sister likes is a lich. Well, it is probably not a lich. But we are not prejudiced against the undead. And my sister seems to be a natural undead, but only very special talents can be converted, not particularly kind. Resentment is particularly deep, how can I be afraid."

"Yeah, Your Royal Highness, Suana, let us go with us. We are going to a country where there is no prejudice against the undead. Perhaps you can find the answer to peace that you have pursued throughout your life." ..)

Ps: Well, it’s finally rushed out... In the middle of the month, there is a bookmate with a monthly ticket to support it.

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