The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 161: Natural undead

It is simple to be a dead soul. Any necromancer will awaken the Necromancer (Psychic), and if you want to keep your reason, you can do it.

The low-order undead is not wise, but if a legendary Juggernaut and a sorcerer choose to transform the undead, as long as the body is intact and the soul is complete, it is difficult to fall below the silver level.

After the popularization of spiritualism, the simplest path of immortality has emerged, reaching a certain degree of strength, finding a master of the undead when the life is about to end, signing a private agreement is enough.

Therefore, in the face of the temptation of immortality, every year, the Xiluo Empire has a myriad of black cloak swordsmen and masters of gray robes secretly coming, and the famous names in various countries are not infrequent, but they are quite unknown when they appear to be unknown. The new undead monarchs are there every year.

Even as the demigod of the demigod, even if I face the top materials, it is impossible to guarantee that every undead transformation can be successful, but it is not a secret to improve the probability of conversion.

The soul, all power comes from the soul, is the most basic law of the world, and the core of improving the transformation rate of the undead is also above the soul.

The transformation of life and death sounds fantastic and magical, but in the eyes, it can be explained by logic and knowledge.

The living is the flesh and the soul. In fact, the deceased is also a general composition, but the soul and the flesh are not necessarily original.

If it is an analogy, if a complete individual is regarded as a personal computer, the living person is the original goods produced by the first factory. His software (soul) and hardware (**) are perfectly matched and have automatic matching. Upgrade function (life growth).

For the dead who are resurrected. The software may not change. But the original hardware is definitely not working. The new body is a compatible machine that is pieced together, and the performance may be strong, but the system conflicts, inexplicable crashes, and so on, are normal.

Then, the reason for the failure of the transformation of the necromantic is obvious, either the software and hardware system conflicts, the incompatibility, or the lack of software (soul) data.

If the former is the case, then the body will be revised. The latter is basically impossible to save. After all, no matter how good the computer is, it is impossible to read the missing CD. No matter how valuable data is carried on the CD, how passionate the performer is... cough Just a metaphor, don't think about it.

Of course, the Necromancer can also use other souls to piece together, but it is not that I need not say more, and this kind of soul is more problematic, and now technology can not do long-term preservation of soul activity and memory. The possibility of getting together and becoming mentally handicapped is over 90%.

Therefore, it is obvious that one of the most fundamental and important factors to successfully complete the transformation of the undead is to preserve the soul intact.

This is also the root of the souls that are often resentful. Resentment (unresolved regret) is undoubtedly the reason for the soul to be scattered, and the firm will and pure character will make the soul more solid, which can improve the success rate.

Then the conclusion comes out.

According to the research theory that I contradict with the current mainstream thinking, the soul conversion rate has nothing to do with the strength of the soul. Only the strong will of the war can not be weak, and the natural conversion rate is higher.

Death can't be without loss. It's not bad for the deceased to save more than 80% of the memory. If you still use the CD metaphor, you will lose at least 20% of the data, and the CD (soul) also has 20% of the bad sectors that cannot be used.

Speaking of this, the difference between the unconscious souls of natural awakening and the undead souls awakened by spiritualism also came out.

In fact, their principles are the same, but the souls that are naturally awakened are often determined to be particularly firm, and their character is pure and free of debris. The resentment before death is enough to cause June to snow.

Their souls are not willing to break into reincarnation even if they die, their souls are not dissipated, and they do not need the guidance of the Necromancer. They realize the transformation of life and death on their own.

This is also the reason for the amazing potential of natural undead. Their souls are not dissipated in any way, and they are basically the same as before them. On the contrary, after the boundaries between life and death, they have touched the mystery of their own souls, but they can understand the essence of power more deeply.

Ordinary undead loses some souls, and the growth rate naturally becomes very low, but my seven sins are exceptional. They are not strong at first, but the growth rate is very high.

And the ordinary necromancer focused on the manufacture of the powerful undead body (hardware engineer), but I turned my attention to the soul (software engineer) as the root cause. Of course, this is also a natural undead with myself, and I have soaked it several times. Rivers and waters, other necromancers want to start with the soul, I am afraid I don't know how to start, their level is still in the transfer of the soul of the book, creating and putting together a new soul, in their eyes, should be attributed to the creation The authority of the gods.

The souls I created and transformed are no longer a few, paranoid and distorted souls, perfect new and instinctual souls, loyal and unyielding souls, many of them even the souls that I created with other souls and completely recreated. Omar and Adam call my father, in a sense, it is true.

A complete and paranoid soul, this is also the powerful foundation of the seven sins of sin. As the result of my research, their souls are complete, plus the body specially prepared for them, even more complete than ordinary living people. And paranoia, in a sense, they are artificial natural undead.

But in fact, because of my ability, there are signs that they are still worse than their true natural undead. After all, the natural undead I know are super monsters, including myself, Herois, Aye.

Doesn't it mean that there was a female Valkyrie in ancient times to guide the spirits to the Temple of the Spirit? To tell the truth, there is no essential difference between them and the Necromancer. The heroes of the modern constellations are not essentially different from the artificial undead. It is a god, under the influence of divine power, it can retain more life memories and fighting skills.

Everything comes from the soul, and the soul of the spirit is basically solidified to his strongest moment, which seems to be very good. But in fact, the British spirit is basically unable to progress. The same is true of the undead. In a sense, let go of the dazzling aura, the spirit and the undead are too close, and the natural undead is incomparable.

There are still some natural undead in ancient times, but in modern times, the natural undead recovery rate can be neglected. The fragile soul of modern people can't resist the attraction of reincarnation, let alone the soul and complete awakening. It is not enough to have these lights, and it is the most difficult condition to achieve resentment that is not willing to destroy the earth.

Both Heroes and I are annihilated, or I look at my country and the kingdom into the dying royal family. It can be said that we are all resentful in the world for revenge. What did I have encountered? But most of it will not be a good thing.

Even if the conditions are fully met, you need enough luck, which is the success rate from the decimal point.

So for the people of the present. The undead is equal to the undead of the undead Master, and the natural undead is outside the choice at the beginning. A little necromancer himself does not know that there is a natural undead.

Therefore, when Suanna recovered in the form of a banshee, no one knows, no one predicted, I am afraid that it is planning all the elf gods, and did not expect such a small probability of happening.

The pure soul is turned into a spiritual undead. The female elf is one of the most likely races to become a banshee. After Suanna recovers into a banshee, the title of the banshee king will no longer be the exclusive of Herois.

In a sense, Herois and Suanna are similar in many places. They are all born as elf princesses, and they have suffered the most betrayal of the most trusted people and gods. Their death is an important historical event - the war Live sacrifices.

Ironically, the elf gods of the same year made the gods such as Heroes, and the undead have enough time to find out the truth. When everything is finally exposed to the sun, I am afraid that Suanna will become a god. .

However, it is also the tradition of the elves and elves to dig their own jumps. The golden elves and Roses are the most typical examples. They are the fuses of the elves, and this time, if the elves are turning Into the chaos of evil spirits, with the super hate of famous Ai Xi's Rose will do something, still quite expecting.

Closer to home, even if the human side has begun to shrink the defense, as the core area of ​​the Red Maple City is more prepared, but still can not hinder a group of legendary soldiers, a golden archer, a natural undead banshee.

"Ah. Uncle bones are not there. Sister Eliza, how did you come back?"

Anne’s disappointing sighs include not only the reality that Roland is not there, but I am afraid that there will be more disappointment to Eliza’s return. This natural familiarity makes Eliza’s eyebrows jump, and this meeting makes it clear what it means to ask her boyfriend. Also, I only played one last time, so it doesn’t matter?

"I thought you would ask Adam them first, and they have been here a few days ago."

"My father and Margaret sister, I know, I have been communicating with them. Right, the righteous father did not tell you that I am coming?"

"Adam, as always, bastard....."

In an instant, Eliza’s mind showed that the man, as always, was more than a thumb, showing a lively smile—“This is what I should do, don’t thank me”

"Well, you naturally come to me, but we are very busy now and you have seen it. I am afraid I have no time to entertain you. If you are offended, please bear with me."

Eliza said so, but the mouth is deliberately "whispered" complaining.

"An underground hegemon, an underground orc emperor, just slipped out? So an adult, he ran and ran, and he didn't know how important it was."

Obviously, judging from the experience of the past, Eliza thinks that these two guys are not doing business, and most of them are annoyed by the official business, directly smashing the followers and running away from home.

But the embarrassing expression in anticipation was not seen. On the contrary, Anne was quite proud of it.

"We have a business event this time, right. Remember the declaration that the underground residents should also enjoy the sunshine? We are here for this!"

"Do you want to fight?"

This is the first reaction of Eliza to hear this sentence. This requires "the right to enjoy the sun". Isn't Roland's expected underground coalition invasion?

Considering the status quo of Roland's Dongpu, it is absolutely impossible to stand the double-line war, and immediately Eliza's expression is not good.

Fortunately, the timely interjection of Anlia did not make the atmosphere worse.

"Most of the orc chiefs are asking for a coalition attack, but we are considering the possibility of a concession."


"Well, buying and renting can be done, and there is no land for the Lord. This is also the meaning of His Royal Highness, and the first part is to organize a delegation to contact potential sellers, and we are the forwards of the delegation."

Perhaps this is indeed a possibility, nodded, Eliza did not say anything more, but the banshee who has been very cautious in the door is finally no longer silent.

"Roland? Are you talking about the legendary Paladin Roland?"

"you are?"

Originally, Eliza thought that the other party was a banshee from Sulphur Mountain City, but now it is obviously wrong. The banshee is a high-ranking undead. It is difficult to meet the wild. Is this the special envoy of Siro?

"I am Suanna, Suanna. New Ye."

This name is the latest headline, even the fuse of war, and Eliza certainly knows.

She was shocked when she heard the words, but then she remembered something and smiled and nodded.

"...this is really interesting. Maybe the sly Roland will be very happy to see you coming. Oh, it’s really rude, I haven’t answered the question of His Royal Highness. Yes, we are talking about it. Roland, the Paladin Roland for more than three hundred years."

"Please don't call me a princess.....I am now a member of the royal family of the tassel kingdom, not a princess."

Looking at Suanna, who was so sad, Eliza was still going to say something, but the attendant outside the door suddenly came in, excited, and obviously had important information to inform.

"Elisa, our reinforcements are finally here!" (To be continued.)

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