The long night will also pass, and after the winter, it is also destined to be the spring of recovery.

But sometimes, the early morning after the long dark night is not hope but despair. The world after the big snow makeup is not always so beautiful. Sometimes, it will make the bodies that are frozen in the night more shocking.

When the dawn of the first silk dawned, the people who killed the middle of the night in the dark night discovered that this difficult night had reached the end, but it was enough to see the dawn, but it was enough to be called the fortune of luck. child.

Under the insults of the orc army without loss, the inner city has fallen, and all the human defenders have retreated to the last third line of defense, which is a temporary fortification built with sandbags and earth walls. This is also the city. The last lifeline.

The slings outside the city have ceased to fire. At such a long distance, they simply cannot maintain the accuracy of the range, and the view and the heavy snow stop, let the orcs' empty knights fly again.

It seems that the orcs have locked in the victory, but at this time the orc king, Emmon, blood axe, but there is no victory in the victory, but tired.

"...there are more than 70% of the lost warriors, and countless serious injuries. Only two of the great chiefs who came in have returned, and they are all seriously injured. Among them, Hamar has already died in the previous siege. Now, Wen Daren, Wolf King Sostro and Lund are all killed, and Kagma’s adults are missing. It is estimated that .....

Emon was hesitant, but no one could blame him, because the bandage on the right arm of the shoulder was oozing blood. Emmon, who lost a hand, was also very hurt.

As the chief chief of the United Tribe. He did not have the obligation to escape the battle. He can survive, in addition to his outstanding personal strength, more, but enough luck.

No matter in that era, the cruel port battles are the most deadly and dangerous. The legendary warriors may suddenly die in the midst of a melee. A sudden dark arrow flying stones may make the Holy Order Master fall. Dark nights and heavy snow have exacerbated all this chaos.

"It’s finally dawn."

Emmon’s sigh, but let the survivors agree with the nod, in the night battle, bad luck, a stream of bullets left, luck a little better, probably can see the opponent, only fell under the sword .

And the arrogant Fox Emirates is a typical example of lack of luck. He was hit by a streamer of his own sling. Hanging with him is still his two guards. The scene was terrible.

In fact, unconsciously, the red-eyed orc committed a taboo against the siege war, that is, "Never force the opponent to nowhere."

The three-in-one is not a patent of the outside world, giving the opponent a chance to escape, and also giving himself a buffer that is not trapped by the beast.

On that night, the snow and the beasts of the siege blocked all escape routes. The humans have already retired, and even the possibility of escape is gone. The dog will jump to the wall, and how can the well-trained people Sitting and watching your own death is worthless.

"If you can't escape in the end, then at least you have to fall like a warrior, at least you can drag an opponent to die together!"

The coalition forces who were forced to the limit broke out with amazing power. The fear of breaking the city finally turned into hatred against the enemies. At the same time, the most important geographical advantage in the discouragement and street fighting, the war-to-loss ratio of the two sides began to change. The orcs have suffered heavy losses.

In the rear support, Amira's death garden is still creating a trap of death. The human warriors who raided in the houses can at least save a capital preservation. The bearer Lund's experience is not the first one, nor the last one. .

The support of the orcs has already stopped. When the battle entered the melee in the night, their rough-style siege weapons have become a big killer of the enemy and the enemy. No matter that era, they were killed by their own friends. It is the most unacceptable death.

Wide range of magic and strategic magic? Use these on the premise that the visual range is less than ten meters. The chance of killing oneself and the enemy is probably half right.

What is even more terrible is the deadly cold and cold, and in this ghostly weather that is dripping into ice, the damage of cold-proof clothing is fatal, not to mention the wound.

The extreme cold has paralyzed the pain of the soldiers. The small wounds that are easily overlooked in the snow will not be infected, but the loss of blood and physical strength is the most deadly. If you don’t find it in time, walk and walk. Suddenly falling down, there are too many.

When the North Human Alliance was forced to a desperate situation, the orcs also forced themselves to the desperate situation. The long list of the dead was extremely shocking. It can be said that the death and injury were heavy, and the family’s Dai Xiao, about 70% of the tribes, had to be carried out after the war. Reorganized.

Just the current loss can declare the orcs' ambitions to return to the hinterland of the Central Plains. If they finally win, they will need to recuperate for a long time.

But if you give Emmon and the orcs a choice, even if you know this unacceptable loss in advance, they will probably make the same decision.

"The victory is in sight, take them, we will be the new owners of the North!"

How can the orcs be let go when the key wins and losses occur.

However, this strategic goal of capturing the hegemony of the Northland, if placed three months ago, may be ridiculed, lacking ambition and lack of courage. After all, the orcs returned to the ancestral land and went to San Antonio.

Unknowingly, the harsh facts gave the orcs a head start, and their current strategic goal is to occupy the entire piece of the North.

The orcs now have no ambition to sweep the human races. Only the seemingly weak northern countries and San Antonio's reinforcements have pushed them to this point. They have lost the courage to challenge the human super-empire.

Of course, there are still some errors in this point. After this war, I am afraid that all countries will re-evaluate the strength of the Northland, especially the amazing power of the Eastern Principality in this war. I am afraid that it will be harsh again. Military critic. Nor will the hat of the weak country be worn on its head.

Knight Princess Renee, the new era of the swordsman four spirit swords, the giant self-destruction war 傀儡Roland Titan, the floating warship Aurora Borealis, the battlefield reaper train king. A whole new concept and war weapon. It is inevitable that the country will re-emerge in the north.

Military strength also represents the right to speak in foreign politics. With the strength demonstrated in this war, Roland's alliance of shackles (referred to as the League of Nations) has also been pushed to reality.

On another level, when the news of the veteran big 佬 迪 迪 迪 罗 在 在 在 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬Renewed attention.

Of course, the premise is that they have survived the past.

"The beasts are coming again....."

The breath I spit out brought out the white mist. Since the self-satisfaction of the sacred sword, the blood has fallen, and the sword that never wears is clean again.

For the North Human Allied Forces who have spent a night of hard work, the dawn and the snow stop are not good news, which means that the orcs can be re-edited, and those **** air-riding and siege devices can be re-started, perhaps getting a paragraph. Breathing time, but after the total attack, it will be the final battle of the end of the party.

The medium-sized catapult that can move is slowly pushed into the city, and the **** battle-fighting soldiers bandage their wounds. Look at everything in front of you with a high degree of vigilance, even if the wind of the dilapidated curtains blows. Will also let these veterans who survived the **** night throw their own shots.

At the same time, the commander of the coalition, "Black Bear", Ainlow is behind me. Perhaps, it is not far from behind me.

The orcs are not only hard-hitting, the cat's assassin has found the command, even if the rescue is timely, he is lucky to survive, the one-eyed general is completely smashed at this time, the right abdomen has three knives, and the injury is quite serious. He can't climb at all,

Fortunately, he does not need to be commanded now. All he has to do is struggle to shout a word:

"hold fast!"

"Keeping... We have no retreat! I want to survive, just kill these beasts!"

"Persevere. We are behind the wounded and lonely!"

"Persevere! If we lose this war, our country is not ready for war, they will lose their land! Our family will also be involved in this infinite war."

Yes, stick to it, fight to this point, what strategy and deployment are not needed, just need to carry out the will.

"hold fast!"

One block lost? A new line of defense that has been made in the next block.

A temporarily constructed defensive wall is flattened? The next wall has been built.

A wing was slaughtered and there was a gap in the line of defense. The old man and the woman who were just civilians picked up the weapons on the ground and silently filled the gap.

"Perhaps the end of mankind and the defeat will come, but the beasts! Want to take the city and open the way to the countries of the North? Let the blood of the warriors flow here first."

The young people who are squinting face, without extra words, have told the arrogant orcs with practical actions, what are the northerners and what the Yi people.

"Winter winter has arrived, but we northerners have not been used to winter, and the cold winter is not so sad, squatting, holding a group to warm, teasing the dog, spring is not coming?"

Even if he couldn't see it, Ainlo still smiled despisingly. The "comfortable dog" in the discourse said that the "dog", from the laughter of the soldiers, is self-evident.

When the sun rises a little further, from the footsteps on the corner of the street and the sound of the wheels of the catapult, the last moment has arrived.

At this time, even I couldn't help it. All the chips were already on. Antun was too far away to count. Anne's army was sent by me to intercept the dark elves. The support of Siro began. Not in my control, those new war weapons are also used, and the cards in my hands have all been played.

"Damn Umm Dyrock! If not him..."

The final blow of Umdi Rock did hit our key points. If Red Maple falls here, I will never have any strength.

"Hey, if the battle can still drag on for ten days..."

But unfortunately, there is no such thing as on the battlefield. The famous person who hates the battlefield in the past is already unknown. Accidents and misfortunes are always accompanied by losers. Heaven and **** are often a little bit worse.

I set up the holy sword. Stand up. After the accidental departure of "Rennie". I temporarily took the position of this middle-level commander, but at this point, I used the other two summons of the Holy Sword, but I still have nothing to do.

"My diligence and temperance are dead, **** moon elves! Only their natural control ability will be so disgusting!"

The green-haired witch is awkward, and her magic is exhausted in this war. The seven virtues (now only three) that are regarded as treasures are also dead. It seems that she also reached the limit.

The Moon Elf was originally the priest race of the Elven Empire. They are good at communicating with the gods and the true God, and using the power of God to use all kinds of powerful magic.

The original patron saint of the Moon Elf is the patron saint of the forest. The natural priests who control the operation of the forest for thousands of years are best at sowing and controlling the forest. It is their duty to conceptually erase the unnatural deformed plants.

Therefore, when the opponent is a natural priest like Yatrien, Amyra is a natural enemy and has suffered a big loss.

"Emila Sister....."

The meticulous hair of the past has still become fragmented. The eyes are full of red light and bloodshot, and the sleepless witch becomes more scary.

"Wait if the orc comes up again. Just leave, I don't believe you have no way to escape."

"Of course, I want to go anytime, you? Don't say that you are going to be like a stupid knight, and you will die with the city."

"I? I am not dead Roland, how can I die here."

"Hey, I am the ‘the super-virtual witch of the storm,’ and how can I listen to you. Now the old lady’s temper has come up, and today I am fighting with the group of beasts.”

"Oh, I thought I would be abolished without a pet? Let you see what a melee-type Master!"

From this point of view, Amy La, who has sleeves, has quite a taste of the sultry school sister of the year. I shook my head, and some words still have not been exported.


"Hellois is ready, but she wants me to bring you a sentence ‘not to be used, don’t use that, otherwise your efforts will be wasted.’

I still prepared the final card, and at this time, the only man who can make a comeback in this desperate situation is the ultimate curse of the undead spells - the undead natural disaster!

However, as long as the super curse, which is banned by the mainland countries, is used, all the corpses in this week have become brainless low-order undead, which is totally different from the death call of the dead in those years, when I responded to my call. It is the undead who is unwilling to be quiet, and is controlled by the 'death of the dead,' but it is the brainless soullessness of permanent bloodthirsty.

This is a compulsory, permanent enslavement, and it is a shackle against the body of the warrior. I am not sure. The soldiers around me will immediately reverse the muzzle and crusade me this evil necromancer.

If used once, the saying that "the undead does not mean evil" will go bankrupt directly. I am afraid that the alliance plan will be completely over, and the failure of the Eastern Principality will be regarded as a new axis of evil, and it will suffer a series of isolation in diplomacy.

At that time, it was us who won the war and lost the interest.

"It’s better than being completely dying. If this blood is broken, there is no hope."

But when she heard such words, Eliza pushed her glasses and said nothing, but from the low-pitched eyes, it seemed to be a bit uncomfortable and unmotivated.

"what happened?"

"Why don't you ask me if you can escape? Why don't you persuade me to escape?"

Ok, I’m so sad that I’m screaming at the heart’s resentment, and the melody of Eliza is really cute. She certainly doesn’t want to escape alone, but she doesn’t want to get her own care, at least, in name, Roland. Still Eliza's boyfriend.

I shook my head and, according to my understanding of Eliza, this nonsense need not be said at the beginning.

"What else to ask, you have not said that you have to follow me all the time, whether it is the Styx or the hell, how come, repent?"

The voice just fell, the black clouds turned into sunny days, and the girls laughed very sweet and sweet.

"No, I will never regret it. Let us fight together. I will fish you in the Styx."

A strange dialogue seems to have no logic, but it is very likely to be an upcoming fact. Perhaps, the emotional life of the immortal is so amazing.

Looking at this cloudy turn, I secretly wiped a sweat.

Looking at Amira, who suddenly became unhappy, felt the eyes behind Elisa, and I suddenly found out that I finally started transshipment? Is this the same word of life as a winner? but......

"Why do I start to suddenly transfer every time I want to hang up? Could it be that I am destined to shout out 'after the end of the battle, I will return to my hometown to marry', and then I will wait for the battlefield, I will Xx bid farewell to 'the hapless.'

"Hey, I don't want to be at my own memorial service. I was told by the beautiful women to confess the final confession - in fact, I like you....."

But the familiar footsteps not far away disrupted my thoughts, and the last battle finally came.

Surprisingly, leading the queue, but not the orc, but a familiar figure, the slender figure and the light footsteps, only belong to the elf.


Yes, even if it turns into a gray blood elf, even if the years have left a trace on him, I will not forget the familiar face. After all, the one that gave me a blow in that year is this arrogant elf racism. By.

But at this time, my cheap disciple didn't look very good. The two axe-bearing orcs took him to the front and couldn't stop talking. He seemed to plan to do something.

"Persuaded to drop? Is it useful at this time?"

The speculation in the ear seems to have some truth, but there will only be one owner of the northern land. The hatred that has been formed is only washed with the blood of the enemy. It is impossible to succeed from the beginning.

But from the mouth of Yatrien's slowly squirming, I was amazed.

"Quick, kill him!"

Above the sky, the darkness of the gods has already arrived, and the taboo ritual goes straight to the final.

What the orcs say in their mouths is "to prove your worth, the elves."

And what Atrien said, there are only two words.

"God is falling!" (To be continued.)

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