What is the god? This question is actually impossible to answer. After all, in this colorful world, there are too many kinds of names in the name of the gods. Moreover, they have really reached the height of the gods in the eyes of the world, but in fact They can't mix and talk.

Elemental gods, order true gods, chaotic evil spirits, primitive gods, etc., they are completely different in terms of composition, ability, nature, etc. No one can give a complete definition, even those demons under the abyss can Give yourself a **** and recruit believers to give magic.

In fact, the devils and devils who do this are quite a lot. Among the shadows that their followers often hide, those dangerous devil adversaries are often frequent visitors to the wanted list.

But the order gods, as the victors of the last jihad, are the most complete.

And Rose, as an exile of the order camp, is similar in some sense to the ordinary order of the true God. She has her own godland and gods, and she also shelters the dark elves.

To understand these immortal existences, we must first understand the difference between the order of the true God and other gods. The order of the true God is often directly linked to a certain priesthood, and their existence is also the concept itself.

First of all, don't treat the **** as a single individual. They are indeed high above, and they are immortal, but they are subject to many restrictions.

They built the Divine Realm, but the ontology was also trapped in the Divine Realm. They merged with the priesthood and concept, and became powerful, but they were thus conceptually integrated and lost.

The order side is always the order side. Their gods are like a big tree with dense foliage. All the gods are part of the big tree. There are various connections between the various priesthoods and gods.

Weak waiters, medium gods, tall gods, and gods are just extremely rough classifications, but in a sense, they are also the status quo of this world tree.

If the Lord God is the top of the tree of God, the mighty God is his branch. Then all the way down, and countless souls and beliefs are the supplies and nutrients that propped up the world tree.

In a sense, Rose is still the elf order **** of the year. She wants to compile her own world tree and make herself a veritable elf god. The first step is to rebuild the dark elf god. The **** of toxin, Felix, is clearly the first.

And when they lose part of their self as part of the world tree, in a sense, looking at these true gods, they should not be treated as a single person, and they are the closest to their status quo. It is a collective concept like the state.

One god, one **** country, he is a combination of concept and collective interest. While gaining the same authority as “system administrator”, they are also shackled by the “administrator”.

Leave your own country of God? That is a big taboo, and as long as you don't leave the kingdom of God, the gods can't really die, and the incarnations sent out are killed. Can't be the damage of divine power.

In modern times where the tide of elements is not active, the strength of the avatar is limited. The semi-god-like incarnation may be sufficient to cope with the general situation, but in the face of the veteran semi-god, it is often the other side to study the power of the gods. tester.

In order to let the patron saint play a real role, the ancient elf empire once led the world in this respect.

"God is falling!"

Use a special individual to adjust the wavelength of your soul to cater to the soul fluctuations of the true God. Give up the control of the flesh and let the true will of God be perfectly incorporated into the flesh and exert an extremely powerful force.

Once God's death is successful, the will of the true God will come to perfection, the will is power, the soul is power, and if the completion of God is more than 90%. Then, in this state of unity of the flesh and blood, the descendants of the gods exert far beyond the power of the incarnation, and are close to the combat power of the true god.

It is worth mentioning. However, "God Drop" is a double-edged sword. The other side of the soul is the pure transformation of the will and the power. Once it is degraded, it is likely to cause great damage to the gods. If the **** itself is only a weak god. The possibility of direct fall is also extremely high.

The forest patron, Claire Latin, descended on the descendants of his semi-god step, and indeed played an extremely powerful force, and even forced Rose to come to the body, but it was also because of his death after his death. Caused his fall.

The requirements of God's descending are very demanding, especially the requirements for the will carrier are very high. It is a matter of course that the closer the **** is, the better it is. If there is blood and soul fluctuations, it is better, and in a sense, Cavens The advent of the abyss is also very similar in principle.

In this respect, there are professionals. The human witches in the far west, the soul shamans of the orcs, and the elves' elves are all worthy of the gods, and in this respect, the moon The elves are even more popular.

The Elf has been an important ritual duty for the Elven Empire since ancient times. In the long history of the Elven Empire, the high priests of all ages were carried by the Moon Elf.

The natural psychic physique makes the communication between the Moon Elf and the Gods extremely convenient, and with the help of God's power to use super magic, this is their racial talent.

When Yatrien turned to Rose, he did not hesitate to use it as a descendant of the future, and Amyla ate all the way, but also encountered this natural toxin with divine power, restrained her from dying. dead.

"God is falling!"

As Adrien sighed, the dark brilliance fell, and the inexplicable black mist wraps around Atrium.

The strange magic lines emerged in every position of the skin, and Yatrien squatted on the ground "shen yin", but the spears and bows thrown by the human side were all blocked.

"The **** of toxins, Felix!"

Needless to think, the ground that has been eroded around has already explained the identity of this adventurous person. This is the lucky one who successfully climbed the throne not long ago.

Felix, who was born in the Dark Elves, has reached the peak of the demigod. After taking the priesthood of the forest patron, with the help of Rose, the priesthood as a forest stalker and guardian has mutated, combining venom assassins. Felix's own special effects have become the sacred duty of nature.

And I can even determine the opponent in front of me without the naked eye, because at this critical moment, how can the system be lonely.

[Epic mission: 弑神]

[Task Tip: Kill Felix, the **** of toxins, and let the stupid Rose taste the pain of the fungus again, let her know the end of the wall grass. 】

[Reward; determined according to your contribution, but at least not less than 50,000 fate points. 】

[Failure penalty: Believe me, if you fail. There is no need to be punished. Just a super weak god, you won't be able to make it. 】

"Oh my god? This is really a good thing for me. Even if I am a super-weak **** who has just upgraded to a true God, I am not sure."

At the moment, Adrien is not adult, and the power of the true God begins to change his form. In a twist, the boundary between reality and illusion is broken. A black giant spider came to reality.

He is more evil than the king of the devil in the nightmare, and he is more majestic than the dragon. At this time, the eight eyes of the black beast are revealing greedy brilliance, and the digestive juice in the disgusting giant mouth has melted the earth in front of him. The venom of the tail does not ooze. Temporary fortifications only go to the toes of the toes, and the poison needles between the long legs make the earth turn into a poisonous marsh.

Divine power gives it extraordinary supernatural power, and its low-headed gaze makes people desperate, just watching it, will let the weak will fall into despair and madness.


"Work with it! We can't go back! At least don't die like a girl!"

Yes, we have no need to talk nonsense and repeat strong belts. We have long since retired.

"Hey! Rose. I will calculate this account with you!"

Spit a **** spit, I once again raised the Roland Sword, took the lead in charge, ready to complete this epic mission belongs to me.


With the advent of the gods as the opponent, the battlefield was in a desperate situation at the beginning.

The huge spider is so sensitive, the huge foot that is swaying is like a precision machine tool with all kinds of actions, and it is easy to tear off the whole line of defense.

Under the control of the king of toxins, a black mist surrounds its limbs. The magic and the bow have not been touched, and they are directly destroyed.

The most troublesome, but still the terrible poisonous mist, the contaminated people directly fell down, still not up.

"The power attribute is judged, not pure poison, conceptual corrosion, withering! He is letting life advance to distortion! Never touch!"

Heroes’s voice just fell. Felix's giant eyes locked her, and a purple-black venom spewed over.

Felix is ​​not a brainless beast, his senses are far more common, even if the appearance is just a black cat. But being able to point out his own domain and nature is also directly becoming the number one enemy.

When the battlefield is in full swing, the orc chiefs are watching the cold on the towers not far away.

"...we don't need to send troops to help? Isn't that our ally?"

The chief of a pig family seems to be somewhat puzzled. Isn't this the main character of the battlefield? How do you watch the allies in the battle, but watch the play behind, which is not consistent with the orc's consistent style.

"Help? Oh, I really waited for the spider to erase the human beings and not turn around to kill us. I will thank the **** of war for shelter."

"Allies? Clearly have such a strong fighting power, but they watched us lose a lot after a **** battle overnight. At this time, he jumped out and contributed? This is not what the victory is."

The orcs are more like fists than their heads, and they are not fools. Rose's flowers and intestines are so obvious, how can they not see them.

Emmon's one-armed arms spread out, and the slowly falling small snow fluttered in the palm of his hand, accumulating, but was warmed into snow by the warmth of the palm.


Emmon clenched his fists fiercely, and the fierceness of his big eyes was over. At this time, he was already an orc king.

"Give me a war and complete the war formation in the snow. In this war, no one, no race is worth trusting. Warriors, be prepared for the end of the battle, for the honor and the land of the ancestors, if we Destined to be buried here, let this cruel world understand the bones of our orcs!"

Suddenly, an old horn sounded suddenly in the distance, and it was a call from a true ally.

"finally come!"

All the chiefs showed their happiness, and at this time, I just received a report from the scout, but suddenly I saw it.

"How could there be orcs? Aren't their main forces already out?"

But from the direction of the soldiers, there are also tribal battle flags that are circulated by the air, but let me know for a moment.

"Plain Orc? Damn Umdi Roken!"

Since the orcs in the plateau area can reach the human hinterland through the channel of earth element change, why can the orcs in the plain area not do it? I am afraid, this is the last card left by Umdi Roken!

But at this time, I can't do anything, thinking that the poisonous spider in front of me is hard enough to deal with!

"Hellois, be prepared! If you must die here, at least bring this group of **** to bury!"

Suddenly, another drum was knocked, and the familiar elf sang, but the big spider actually showed a humanized surprise expression.

And I, after listening carefully, laughed.

"Finally, I am waiting!"

PS: Overtime + Calvin + starting point, so late...

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