When the church branch was expelled, Diventer's paladin became a rare profession, and today, there are two apparently high-level paladins talking in the most prosperous business district of Dieffen.

"Oh, you came here to perform your official duties. Just sent you when the war is over. It seems that the church headquarters also attaches great importance to the war situation here?"

The horsewoman nodded, and there is no denying that the arrival of the group has already explained everything.

"When the Oran Empire was in a deadlock, no one expected the North to win the first victory. This simply shocked the countries. This is the beginning of this holy war, plus Dongpu sent at this time. On the top of the ceremony, the Senate and His Majesty were very happy before sending us to the award."

"Are you commended? The Roland can't handle it well. It's hard to get the satisfaction of it. It's hard to say that since Dongpu sent a holy relic, then it is impossible to return a few words of verbal thanks. Is the big man at the top of the house bleed?"

"....... Although it is still confidential, but it will be announced sooner or later, telling you is no problem. This time, Carloma I gave it, I am afraid it is a conviction that the world can't believe..."

"Red Wings" Ivella is very grateful to the young paladin in front of him. If he did not appear in time to make compensation for himself, I am afraid that this shame will be thrown home. If it is because of the inability to compensate the civilians, he will be chased to the ambassador. Going to debt, it’s really a face.

And just as she was in trouble, this young paladin came out, although she did not know how the northern paladin was respected in this hostile area, but from the fast-softened counterparts and the surrounding people From the attitude, he seems to be very popular.

From the frequency of passers-by to passers-by on the way, it is incredible for Dieffend, who has obvious stereotypes about the light profession.

"Maybe, he can help with the current difficulties."

Ivella has made up her mind to introduce the paladin named Luo Luo to the ambassador. The information and connections that the local snake can provide are exactly what the current ambassadors need.

And this time. Luo Luo asked about the mission of the mission, considering that the other party is obviously a member of the Paladin, and with the help of the good feelings, Avila also casually talked about the purpose of his own line.

"It's not a great secret. But the political meaning of the representative is very important and somewhat sensitive. Please don't let it go, especially the Dongpu royal family."

"Of course, I guarantee it in the name of the Light, and I will never divulge it to any Eastcomer."

Seeing the front of the Rolo Paladin in the name of the Light, Ivella added a good impression.

"This time the Pope gave him a title of a saint! The object of giving is the Prince Roland who has the reputation of the son of glory."

"?How can it be?"

"Yeah, totally incomprehensible. I don't know what the Senate and the Pope think, can the St. title be given casually? Or give a living foreigner, maybe he used to be a paladin. Paradigm, perhaps the restoration of holy relics is indeed a merit worthy of praise, perhaps he has also obtained the title proposal. But the past is only the past. Look at the city, there are dirty undead everywhere, he and the undead, How can we give such a noble title and the honor of the saints to an evil person. This is a shame for the entire church."

It is said that the female knight is still angry and straightforward. The dissatisfaction of these days is already in the face of the two elders. She also dared to sullen, at this time, encountered the opportunity to vent, complaining again and again.

But it is no wonder that she is so annoyed that the title of St. is generally given to the saints recognized by the Church. It is also basically equal to the title of the seal after death, and this is not just a title, which represents the recognition of the God of Light and the Church, even if it is glory, it is a substantive identity.

This title will also be added before the country. Representing the most devout faith and the patron saint of the Holy Light, the great superpowers smashed their heads to grab a holy title, and only a few ancient empires such as St. Antonio were able to get their hands with countless years of contributions.

"What the **** of the light is thinking, how can you suddenly send a big gift."

For me, if I get this title, there are many benefits.

For example, for the reputation of the Church and the pure light of the Holy Spirit, the saints will not make mistakes. If a saint makes any evil deeds, it will be treated as if it did not happen. It is the perfect refuge.

The title of the saints cannot be given casually. It is impossible for one person to make more achievements, and it is impossible for him to keep making mistakes for the rest of his life.

For this reason, this title has basically become the patent of the deceased. The saints who lived in history are not without, but most of them are devotees of the church, and most of them are related to the sacred traces revealed by the **** of the light.

That year, when Dieffen was over, that represents the desperate light of the last glory, there were many different voices in the church. In just two years, the paladin from the bronze ranks reached the legend, itself. It is a miracle. The pure light of despair is seen as a kind of sacred record. Therefore, it is true that the bishop proposed the title of the Roland Saint, and of course, it was denied.

Now that all aspects of the information have been compiled, I almost know what happened.

Probably the Pope, who had just received his post, received the gift, Longyan Joy, and wanted to reward something. Then, given the historical proposal, he gave the saint’s title, but obviously made the group see the situation here. With your own thoughts, you are hesitating between them.

"No, how troublesome a saint who is alive and kicking should be considered. Just because of this reason, there are too many points given. There must be no information collected. This little girl does not want to be able to hide. People who are worried, then, no one can even tell her."

But continue to test it, at least not wrong, and say that there is still something to gain.

"...This is the resolution of His Majesty the Pope, or be cautious. Although I am not qualified to say anything, I also feel that that person is not worthy of the saints' glory. There is never a **** of light in his mind. Is there anyone else in the Holy See who has no opinion?"

His opinion was recognized by the young knight in front of him, and Ivy couldn’t help but nod.

"Yeah, totally incomprehensible, there are many controversies in the church. I still reserved opinions. But here, see these infidels who refuse to accept the teachings of the Light, and the undead in the broad daylight, do not set him. It’s incredible for heresy. His Majesty the Pope must have been confused. He will make such an absurd decision. But...”


"In fact, it's nothing. It's just a personal guess. Maybe it's a new branch of the church that is expected to be built here. If it is possible to ease the relationship between the two by awarding the title of the saints, it is very likely."

I nodded. This is all expected. Even if the **** of the law is established as the state religion, the territory will allow the sub-church of other order gods to exist.

Although it is very tough, I have also made plans to accept the new church branch. This is not only a political need, but also a high practical value.

Although the power of the law is in many ways and the power of the light has a fight. In the punishment of the evil spirits, it has surpassed the power of the Holy Light, but in terms of treatment, it is still the patent of the power of the Holy Light. There are too few professionals in the Holy Light here, which is also a very unfavorable factor.

In fact. It is also the unique advantage of the power of the Holy Light in healing, so that the legend of healing the wounds of the world has gained endless goodwill, and it is difficult for countries to reject the spread of the Church of the Light and the Holy Light.

Ivella said it makes sense, but...

"It is still not enough. The hatred of the night of the night is not so good. It is not so simple to grant the sainthood. This is equivalent to emptying the past resentment. The goodwill without reason is dangerous. Especially the goodwill comes from the past. enemy."

I pondered it carefully, but I still had nothing to gain, and I saw that Ivella’s feelings of fullness and resentment, I know that it is meaningless to ask again.

"........ It looks like she doesn't know."

On the side of the street, under the big tent that stood up, the undead knights were preparing for the show. The opening ceremony of the Death Crown Circus will be staged on time.

The death knights with pumpkin hats are laughing at each other. The bone dragon decorated with the "broom" and the lich who is trying to ride the "broom" are competing. The headless knight who can play directly without makeup can be used to use his own head. Praise for the polo, the general of the Juggernaut is revisiting his turntable stunt.

"The **** undead! May the paradise holy fire purify you!"

Watching the undead knights who are rehearsing the show, feel the power of death. Ivella, who gnashed her teeth, whispered cursed eyes in front of the darkness.

I can see from the eyes of the female knight that there is no cover-up and hatred. It seems that her hatred of the undead is not just because of her own occupation.

Just as I was going to ask something, a familiar figure appeared on the corner of the street, and he seemed to be looking for something.

"Estrada! Are you coming to me?"

When Ivella hurriedly walked toward the figure, she did not notice that the young knight who was going to introduce it to the ambassador had quietly disappeared into the shadows.

And Estrada saw Ivella's first reaction, but it was a glimpse. He seemed to see the acquaintance from the female knight, and immediately asked.

"Who are you with?"

".......Exactly, Estrada, I will introduce you to a person. He is also a local paladin. He has helped me and is very familiar with it. Roro, this is Estrada. Adult, Luo Luo? People?"

Looking back, the friendly young paladin has disappeared without a trace.

Soon, and after learning the appearance of the enthusiastic paladin, Estrada looked like a piece of iron, and a half-sounded out.

"... Go back and talk."

In the alleys, I watched the squadron's hurriedly departed paladin combination. I also breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure of the famous tree, the pressure of the "strongest paladin" was not small, and he was caught by him. It is a bit of a hassle.

"Hey, why don't you go to see your own tutor, I haven't seen it for so many years, and I will hide when I meet. It seems a bit rude. Anyway, he also taught you that year, too thin."

"........ Your enlightenment in swordsmanship is still taught by me, and I have not seen you polite to me."

I think of the hand of the Holy Light who rushed straight into the army and rushed to me and yelled "My mistake was corrected by myself". I felt a little headache, and the young Ivella Different, whether it is intelligence and experience, or the strength of strength and strength, Estrada can be said to be very difficult to deal with.

How many paladins as a basic profession? The Paladin's advanced career is even more innumerable, and it can be said that the other Paladins are convinced that their "strongest" theory has already explained a lot.

But for me, his extraordinary strength is only part of it. As one of the most senior paladins, his connections and prestige even surpassed the pope of the past, that is the most terrible.

If he came to say "The evil Roland must be crusade", I am afraid that more than 70% of the paladins and pastors will regard me as a deadly enemy. My fun is really big.

It was because of his efforts that the Paladin and the pastor camp and the upper bishops almost turned their faces. The so-called jihad did not have the Paladin army that should be the main force, but when he was in the Battle of the Night, he and his majesty The knights, but the most deadly enemy of my headache.

Look at this still young figure. I don't know how to deal with it.

"Oh, it turned out to be true." When I was troubled, Adam, who had no heart and lungs, suddenly remembered something and snickered.

"What are you laughing at? Eat too much." This guy can make me very upset every time.

The screaming Adam laughed and gasped, and he only waved his hand.

"No. No. It's just that I recently listened to Heroes to say that the traditions of your mentoring and apprenticeship have been killed by apprentices. I still didn't believe it. Now it seems that some things simply have to be believed."

"You see, when Herois taught you, I was pitted, and Emily taught you. It was pitted by you. This is two."

Not to mention, Adam also cocked his fingers and started counting with his eyes.

"You taught Eliza, and finally she cut you off. The third, Estrada taught you. Finally, the swordsmen met. Four, you are really amazing, it’s all right. The curse, actually dare to accept the apprentice. Look at my little Annie, I see that Renee and Grena are not fuel-efficient lights. You are not afraid to repeat the same mistakes... What do you do with the sword?"

[System prompt: You.....]

"You shut up too!"

[I still have nothing to say]

"Don't you have a good word? Isn't that the spoof title and hurt me? If not, if I guess wrong, you will continue to say it."


The silence of the system (the default) makes me feel more miserable. I silently draw the sword and think of the past in the "history" that was also killed by Anne. I remembered the eaves of the elf apprentice that Adam didn't know. The depression in my heart has been found. The goal of venting.

"I just remembered one of your missing items.........I was not taught by you in the past, you haven't cut me yet! Today, I will clean up the portal!"

After a while, after a while... Well, I admit that I ate a small loss, accidentally estimated the difference in strength between the two sides, but Adam is definitely not good, he underestimated my current brute force, and it is also 30 points. The power of the barbarians!

Although that became a panda eye, the guy actually used to crush a new rookie gold with a half-god strength. After I got a little more... After we reached an agreement, we finally got the topic up to business.

"Xiaohong and Annie are coming, and you are coming to pick them up."

As a representative of the underground world, Anne came over with the envoys, and accompanied by Xiaohong, who finally woke up, I have been worried about it for so long.

"Then you also labeled me as a panda eye. How do you pick up people?"

"I am still not the same, you can't just tap it."

"Wait, you have to give the newbies a lesson, and prepare a little."

"What's next? What?"

"I want Anne to bring in some of the newly trained City Knights and Law Knights. The group of **** in the city is here to be cleaned up. The training will be handed over to you."

"You don't say it early! How can I establish a prestige like this?"

Looking at the pair of sputum I just swollen, I smiled smugly.

"Oh, what you want is this effect. I want to play handsome in front of the beauty!"

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