The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 28: Teach you to make fakes

"Artifact, the eternal night scepter, the symbol of the undead kingship, is said to be the possession of the emperor of the night, the secret of the majesty, but never appeared in the historical stage." The artifacts of the tower of the law are like this. Introduce the Yongye warrant.

As the only undead emperor in modern times, the rise of the King of the Night and his disappearance are legendary. No one knows how he rose. Just as no one would predict that he would be defeated during his heyday, however, many people speculated that his Sudden rise, and this artifact has a thousand relationships.

"This has never appeared in the history of artifacts, has been questioned whether it exists (to kill a rumor, you can enjoy 100 gold coins in the seventh executive hall of the Hero of the Heroes), but the emperor including me does not Less guards and accompanying people, they have heard him whispering this sentence."

"Do you want my strength and royal power? Go find it, I put everything there - the scepter of the night."

"The wisdom of the Great is as profound as the sea. At that time, no one expected that the invincible Everlasting Legion would fail. But he was not enchanted by illusions, and his soulful flames have seen the future. He seems to be Unpredictable self-talking is actually explaining the future of the post-kingdom."

"And since he disappeared (including me, there are still a lot of high-ranking undead who don't believe in the invincible emperor will die), this rumor is more like a wildfire spread, "every night scepter Talent can become the heir to the undead emperor' has long been the consensus of all intelligent souls. If someone has obtained the scepter, then the great empire may not go to the end, the emperor has prepared the best future for the undead empire, and... ..."

"Stupid undead monarchs, who disregarded the teachings of the great emperor, began to fight for profit-making wars after he left, lacking orthodoxy, and he hoped to use force to force himself to become a new generation of undead emperors. As a result, it is about to be established. The undead empire was turned into a bubble, and the invincible Yongye army was exhausted, and the remnant formed the Xiluo Empire."

"And for this historical reason, it is clearly the strongest 12th governor to share power, but it is still an empire, but we will not allow any of us to board that position. The emperor has been suspended for more than 100 years. It will also be destined to hang down until the master of the scepter appears. - The record of history, the Marquis of the Seventh Archon of the Silla Empire, and the Guardian of the Great forever, Reinhardt."

Cough, when I saw Little Reinhardt’s "Historical Writings", my chin was dislocated on the spot. I really don’t know what to look for. If I can still sweat alive, cold sweat, sweat, waterfall sweat, Genghis Khan, I am afraid it is not enough to express my complex mood.

In a sense, the malicious jokes have achieved more than expected results, and now, in order to make this underground world more chaotic, I am maliciously preparing the second half of the joke.

Yongye Scepter, a black wooden scepter of about one meter, looks like wood. In fact, it is filled with bone powder. It is a special scepter with a mixture of bone and wood.

It was hand-carved by me. The **** rose pattern and the decoration on it are full of my personal style. The old man of the year knows at a glance that there are four words with my unique gray death ice magic. "Nong night scepter", only look at the appearance, you know that it is super high-end goods, but this is not enough.

"The first thing to solve is its source. The treasure without source is always doubtful. Adam, sign this document and use your soul to mark it."

I glanced at the file, lest the Asian messed up, and then happily signed his name on it.

"Adam. Han." The flames generally burned in the font without a trace of heat. They burned quietly on paper. The soul imprint from the soul emblem is different. It is a symbol of the identity of the legends. Forgery is completely impossible. .

The name on my staff, the gray death ice font, with the taste of ice and snow, is also the soul imprint of me as the Yongjun Maharaja, adding more authenticity.

I want him to sign, is a commission auction, the commissioned party, is the largest auction house in the city of Viksteindi, where the underground covenant is concluded.

With this certificate, at least the proof of the eternal scepter is from the hand of the brave Adam and Han, and the special swearing of this artifact is justified. Adam was acquired from the eternal night, the weapon, Adam used his own honorary guarantee document. Authenticity!

When the news spreads, everyone will guess that Adam had concealed the eternal scepter when he defeated the emperor of the night, then the source of the eternal scepter became true and reliable.

Cough, the document says it is true, Adam is indeed the scepter obtained from me, but the real time is somewhat different, you misunderstand, you can't blame me.....

Then, I took the scepter and poured it into the magic, but I wanted Adam to hold the other end of the scepter, and at the same time pour in my own strength, then twist, pull, turn...


The fire collided with the ice and burst directly. The scepter was almost directly broken. It was full of cracks, and one side was the trace of flame burning, while the other side was gray and black with corrosion and ice.

"Well, this has caused signs of damage in the fight between the Yongjun Dajun and the Red Lotus Brave. Then, even if something is wrong, they will be pushed to the battle to be damaged."

But it was still a bit too new, so I threw it on the ground, then jumped up and down, stepped on it, and then Adam wanted to come over and help, and I kicked him off.

I don’t know how to be light and heavy, and I’m so strong that I’m going to smash it twice, and I’m sure I’m going to break it.

"Well, the traces of history are barely counted, let's make it." Looking at the scepter full of dust and footprints, I nodded with satisfaction. Now it is not the brand new wooden stick. It looks like the old one with scars. Goods, it is a bit like a cultural relic.

Margaret pondered on the side, hesitated, or spoke.

"No matter how real it is, but..."

"Yes, it is not enough." Of course, I know that it is not enough. This is not the cultural relics of past lives. I can only find flaws with experience and knowledge. There are magical and true gods in this world. There are many kinds of prophecies. It’s not that easy to fake.

However, this was in my expectation from the beginning. Both Adam and I were half-god. It is already the strongest existence under the true God. The ordinary prophetic spells are basically ineffective, but there are still a few in this world. The ability is very troublesome.

The high-level priest's **** praying, ask questions to the true God who believes, if the true God is just free (the most priest who is loved by the true God, the probability of success in using this magic is less than 1/10), it may answer your question. But only answer "yes" and "no"

The Archmage's Heterologous Truth summons a real spirit of the opposite world and asks him questions. He can still answer "YES" and "NO".

There is also the witch’s Tarot divination. Through the interpretation of the fate line, it is still only answering “real” and “false”...

As far as I know, those reliable prophetic spells are all wrong. They can only answer "yes" and "no". Sometimes they still don't answer. Then, the shorter the question, the more likely it is to get an answer. After prophecy, It is not possible to predict again in the short term.

This is not an accident, but a rule of the world. The more powerful prophetic spells, the closer it is to the truth of the world, the more it is subject to strict restrictions. At the same time, the more intelligence you have, the more you consume on the road to discover the truth. The more you get, the more you can't find out the truth.

I can really pay the price, just like concealing my existence on the line of destiny, making the prophecy spells for the eternal night scepter invalid, but sometimes, if there is no problem, it will be more problematic, and it is impossible to detect the prediction. Ghost, then, the conclusion is obvious, we need to let the prophetic spell make the wrong conclusion,

Let the 100% correct prophetic spell come to the wrong conclusion, which sounds incredible? Oh, sometimes, right does not mean truth, truth does not mean correct, ...

Since you can only answer the binary answer of "yes" and "no", then you can play more tricks.

I sorted out the three questions they might ask. The first one is also a question. Is this scepter a permanent scepter made by Everlasting King? This is definitely true and reliable without playing tricks. .

Well, the second is most likely to ask, "Which is the secret of the emperor of the night."

This question is simple, but the more simple it contains, the more information. If there is no secret, then this scepter is worthless even if it is true. I guarantee that this question will be asked first. Will be asked many times.

So, I have already put in a note, the "secret" written in Chinese....

Ok, this is really a spoof, but it should be very effective. After all, those stupid prophecies will definitely say "YES!" "Yes" and "Real."

Third, "Is there a secret to becoming the emperor of the Siro Empire? Is it helpful to become an undead monarch?"

This is to ask if this artifact really has the political value of ruling the Siro Empire.... Well, I put the little secrets of the undead monarchs into small ones, such as the bone dragon queen sings singing super ugly, sleeping and snoring. If you take these little secrets to threaten them, if they take it soft, it will naturally help your political life. Of course, the premise is not to be murdered...

To tell the truth, according to my understanding of them, if they are really ruthless, you might as well go to the human kingdom and tell the king that I want to be your boss and give me the throne. The chance of success is much greater... ..

Fourth, it is "whether it is related to the powerful secret / powerful power of the emperor"

Cough, "Learning to learn, go up every day, work hard to fight monsters, and strive to upgrade", absolutely true, this is the powerful secret of the Yongjun Maharaja, dissatisfied with the debate........

Ok, I believe that these means will be played. The authenticity and importance of this eternal scepter will be spread throughout the underground world from the day the auction house receives the goods, causing the attention of all forces, even if no one can Use it.....No, not only that, the earthly world should also send people over, at least, the governors of the undead Siro empire, all will go crazy.... If the undead empire first picks up with the dungeons, then, second A catastrophe will pass, and it will not be inexplicable.

Ok, I admit that I am too optimistic, but try the head office.

"So, first of all, the initial goal of messing up the underground world is reached..."

Looking at this scepter, I am still somewhat unsatisfied. I don't think anyone will see it as a fake, but for the super strong, sometimes the unreasonable intuition is more reliable than the knowledge and experience. The instinct is very Hard to beat.

So hesitated for a moment, I said to Adam.

"Since I have been released from prison, I will return the Roland Sword to me."

"Give it." Without saying anything, Adam, who was inflamed, handed me the silver-white broken sword that had only one other color in his body and was not in his waist.

Margaret on the side suddenly stopped and wanted to say something, but eventually did not export.

"Oh, my life, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Yes, this is where my soul is. As long as the life is not extinguished, the lich will not die. It is possible to make a life, even a book, or a hat.

Judging from the secrets of the lottery system, Uncle Tom, who is in the same world, once divided his soul into seven points, made seven life scorpions, and also started the name machine....

In fact, I want to say that although this is really not easy to die, but the soul is divided into so many copies, then you are not afraid to become a mad man of schizophrenia... Well, perhaps, he has been crazy since the beginning.

The life of my prisoner is naturally on Adam's jailer, and he has always carried it with him. Of course, this is still very clever, at least not stupid enough to threaten me with life, forcing me to play other tricks.....

Stroking this broken sword, I was quite sighed. When I chose to use the family's heirloom as my life, I saw this Roland holy sword with the same name as me. It was also known as the "immortal sword". Not damaging, but now, under the torrent of destiny, our country is finished, and this sword of immortality is still "killed."

At this time, the life is in the hand, the magic of the gray body is slowly growing, and it is not uncomfortable to be suppressed. I also recovered a little strength.

“Is the first stage of the legend? Then, a lot of things will become much easier recently.”

Next, I smacked the opening of the sword, but it was easy to pinch out some metal granules from the sturdy sword, the granules around, and the fluctuations of the soul.

Then I put the sesame seeds on the cake, and scattered the granules on the "King Night Scepter", and then gently stroked it. After a flash of light, the scepter will have more stars. gem.

The gemstones are constantly shining silver, and the stars are jumping between the gemstones, intertwined, one after another. If you look closely, the light also has its own rhythm, just like the creatures that are breathing, after I have poured into the soul fragments, this Yongye Scepter, with a soul, is already alive!

However, contrary to this broken sword that has mastered my soul, the strong man holding this scepter will listen to my soul language and be influenced by my influence. Even in the long soul communication, the soul is I corrode and gradually become my slave..... It seems a bit wrong, I have not been a big demon for many years! Ok, personal habits, accidentally...

Seeing the scene before him, Adam took a sip of cold air. Although he didn't know what I did, he instinctively felt that the scepter was dangerous and not right.

But Margaret squinted at me, she saw something, and used her eyes to signal her dissatisfaction, but her protests were ignored by me as always.

"Well, if you are used to it, you have done a bit too much. However, at least this grade is required to allow the underground hegemons and the undead monarchs, the wild superpowers to be stunned, and actively jump into the whirlpool. ”

Then, I opened my mouth and swallowed the broken sword. The broken sword did not fall into the bones of the body, but disappeared directly.

I have already transferred the broken sword to a safe place. At this point, I am completely released from prison.

"It is said that it takes more than two months to get to the base of the underground city covenant headquarters. It is necessary to prepare for it. Let Anne lead the team, and let her be alone. You can't stop her for a lifetime. Don't worry, I I will follow and continue to be my behind-the-scenes hand, and will not let her hang up."

After that, I turned and left.

"Don't go to Weikai Standi for more than two months? No, Master, you are talking about the old Huangli. Now there are three roads, so much faster."

I glanced at the maid who was eager to try.

"Although I don't expect, I will listen to you."

"The conventional carriage really takes nearly three months, but the advancement of technology makes the new road much faster. The first one, as long as one second, the gnome is a different element tearing machine..."

"... Isn't that the pygmy transmitter that died? I don't want to be stuck in a different dimension, you want to cross the world, come to the women's palace. Go yourself!"

"The second, three days, the Goblin rocket car..."

"No, it was still a second. After a second, I was bombed into the sky. Forget it, I guessed the last one, I don't have to say it."

But the maidservant who smiled at the eyes with her face, but followed the owner behind her, continued to talk regardless.

"Three hours, Goblin rocket, straight up and down, convenient and fast./....."

"Is this different? Is there a wheel and a wheel? Do you want to make a fortune? I should be pretty good for you."

The departure of the unreliable master servant left the two gods in meditation.

"Annie? Maybe Roland didn't make a mistake. It's time for her to try. At her age, we have started to take risks and the world is smashing."

"Isn't Anne should go out, I know, but you put Roland out, isn't you really afraid of the world?"

In the face of the sage's doubts, the brave Adam laughed happily.

"Don't believe it, my instincts tell me that this world is likely to be finished at any time, and the only shift is in this lich. Do you believe it?"

It’s said that Margaret’s pretty face is tight and full of disappointment, and then the eyebrows are picked up and turned into disdain.

"You believe him, I..."

She wanted to say something disdain, but in the face of Adam's straight eyes, she couldn't tell a lie, and eventually she was still a lame.

"Don't look at me like this, you are a dead wood. I don't believe it. Although he is a jerk, it is really embarrassing. If he can't do it, no one in the world will be here!"

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