The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 451: The truth of the Styx

Historians like to use the important events to be the bookmarks of the era. When the spring of ad1898 comes, perhaps no one will expect the fundamental changes in the pattern of the whole world, and the number of important events that occurred in that year. With a wide range of influences, it seems that I can write hundreds of research transcripts for those scholars and mix them for hundreds of years. This article is by . . Starting

If the trend is reversed along the historical trajectory, the path of change is obvious. In the year of the dragon of ad1896, the silent ignorant entered the active period with the sleepless person as the starting point, and the sacred embodiment of the gods began to walk. Above the earth, the plotters and messengers of the conspiracy traveled the whole world, and Roland came to the surface.

In ad1897, the year of the Griffin, the whole world was caught in a period of wind and rain. Under the active of Roland and others, the success of the northern countries that won the war on the earth, Oran, Bayer, Siro, the League, the underground world All the countries in the country have reached a private tacit understanding, and the pan-Ark forces (the power of the Hades) have taken shape.

In 1818, the year of vulture is also a year of full jihad, and a year in which many events have been concentrated. Although the clouds of war have covered the sky, the angels and demons on the chaotic side are forcibly coming to the world, Estrada’s Sacrifice to the new note of the Holy Light, the elf civil war and the defection of the Lord God made the future of the Elves fall into confusion, but if you look for the biggest highlight among many events, you still have to look at everything that happened along the Styx. The direct consequence of it is that the original era ad was abandoned, and the new era ft started from scratch.

In 1818, the spring of vultures, and the year of the black rat after ft1 years, next to the river, the young man in white robe waiting for a long time finally came, but he still has no plans to look up.

"....... I didn't expect it. Actually, I really came to this step."

It is that Iyer did not expect that he will eventually reach this step. At this time, he has undoubtedly become an enemy of the world.

And the gods behind him, it seems that he will not give him time to sigh.

It was a pair of twin sisters who came with a smile. The sister in front had a similar appearance to the elves. The surrounding part was surrounded by wooden parts. The taupe skirt was also made of wood fiber, and the green hair was also the leaves. The glory of the glory, if not the Muling family does not have the appearance of an adult woman. The breath that is close to nature is simply the sister of Muling.

The sister and the tree demon have similar appearances, but her sister is on the ground. Cheerfully rushing back and forth, like a wild centaur.

Laughing sisters, the descendants of the natural Lord God, compared with their powerful ancestors, although they only have some priesthood, they are still powerful gods.

They are natural caregivers. It is also the guardian and ally of some druids. Although they rarely participate in matters related to the main plane, they have a wide network of contacts and relationships. Although they are not the patron saint of the elves due to the existence of the elves. But in fact, they are actually fulfilling the duties of the forest guardians. Many of the high-level members of their church are wood elves.

The other one is a red nosed dwarf. His gray hair was full of mud, and he was carrying a black forged hammer behind his back.

Forged and dwarf **** Shield Del, although only a powerful god, but as the head of the dwarf god, he also has a lot of allies and resources.

In the sense of the high side of the natural side and the dwarf side, these three gods also represent the two forces in the order side, or the two forces that prefer peace and neutrality.

The four gods in front of them are all incarnate and naturally unable to survive the feelings of Ayer, but the current situation has shaken his head.

"...unfortunately, all are incarnations, have you already known?"

The original chaser, the Lord God from the order side, came to a **** of light, and he also faintly did not act, did not know what he was thinking.

The other four main gods were not sent to the avatars. Obviously they already knew something and didn't plan to die.

"Of course, my old man is not coming to die, we are here to send off. Yes, my little girl is still taking care of you."

The words of the old dwarf are direct. The **** of the hammer and the barrel of Mary, the patron saint of the shield dwarf, is the supporter of Ayer. In a sense, she is the bridge between the dwarf **** and Ayer, and now Mary chose to enter the Hades, and certain things came to the surface.

"Mr. Aye, our sister is taking care of you."

"Old gentleman, old gentleman!"

The laughing sisters came with laughter, and the sister raised her handcuffs and waved farewell. The younger sister ran around in joy, no matter from that point of view, it was like farewell.

This is also the reason why Ayers lamented "pity", but because of the spread of intelligence that "Iyer is invincible", it is expected that this result is achieved. He is not so anxious.

Yes, Aye is invincible at the Styx River. It is only a fact, a basic reality that has been written into the rules of the world. As long as the source of order has basic logical reasoning ability, it will not let the main **** level exist. Give the head.

Ayer's invincibility also comes at a price. Like other order-side gods, it is naturally limited by the priesthood.

As the original deceased, breaking the boundaries between life and death, he was disgusted by order, and because he lost the most basic evolutionary form of biology, he became an unchangeable deceased, and he was naturally not happy with chaos.

The same is true of the undead in this world. They are seen as deadly enemies by the side of the order, but they are also used as a kind of cannon fodder by chaos. They are hard to survive on both sides, and even they are even rejected by the rules of the plane. It is very sad.

But this is not the joy of both sides, but it also represents another meaning - he is a third party that can be accepted on both sides, so the duty of guarding the important Styx is thrown into Ayers. After all, this article When the river falls to either side, the opponent will not feel at ease.

Unlike the pillar of heaven, which corresponds to the Styx, the pillar of heaven is not even the actual passage. It is said that it is a channel to believe in the true God and obtain permission from the gods to resist the kingdom of the country. It is better to say that those souls that have already carved the gods have arrived. The rules of the person.

Every **** believer, when he obtains the permission of the kingdom of God, there will be special traces in his soul. This is a basic rule, and the closer he is to the gods. The more obvious the trace will be, the more attention he will receive, and even become the gods of the spokesperson on the ground, becoming a spirit after death.

The Styx is different. He is a channel of chaos. How can there be such a thing as "rules"?

This river flows through countless planes, most of which are the lower planes to which the chaotic side belongs. Souls that are not guided by the **** of order will fall into it, and when they are attracted by the "order" of a chaotic plane . When I climbed up, it also became a new life, since it was on the lower side. Nature has also become the inhabitants of the lower planes - the devil and the devil.

It can be said that he is the cradle of demons and devils, but no one knows how many souls exist in them. After all, when you look at this river, you can see the full soul.

But in fact, there is not much to know that these rivers have also flowed through some upper planes. It was only then. It is either beautiful like a galaxy, or it simply turns into a colorful rainbow bridge. When Aye arrived in the underground world with Roland, he even appeared in the underground riverbed in the cave.

And if these years, the soul of the Kingdom of God is "not owed". The total amount of souls on the chaotic side and the order side has a huge gap, the rules of the upper plane are slightly changed, and the soul is attracted by the rules of heaven and the kingdom of God. Newborn celestial creatures will also be born. Of course, if the natural kingdom of God is overcrowded, the birth rate of demons and demons will rise quietly.

Since climbing out of the Styx, it also represents the reincarnation of a blank soul, naturally becoming an angel or a devil.

Of course, such things can not be said with mortals, the birth method of angels and demons not only affects the piety of the believers, but merely enters the second possibility of the recognition of the church in the Kingdom of God, and will make the church's redemption and pledges. It becomes very difficult to sell.

In fact, not only Roland, who is a mortal, does not know that this generation of new gods do not know that the Styx actually has a second role.

In the eyes of the world, the river is not only the devil, the devil and the devil have endless descendants, the chaotic abyss also has endless war potential, and its hidden camp balance, it is the balance valve of the jihad of the soul harvesting regularly, it can be said It is the most important part of the cycle.... It is also the weakest link!

After all, the area where the river flows is too long, even if it is extremely dangerous, but if the river is blocked in a certain place, it will naturally cause problems in the entire river. Therefore, he needs a guard, a guard that is acceptable to both sides. .

Thus, Ayer became part of the Styx and the reincarnation. As long as someone may cause damage to the Styx and the reincarnation, his true body will come instantly, and at this time, Aye, who is blessed by the Styx, the order, and the chaos, will It is the most terrible existence of this world. Those who are trying to destroy the order of the Styx have already proved this fact with their lives.

This is also the reason why Roland must die once in the past. Touching the Styx will fall into the Styx. This is the most basic rule of the world, and it is the responsibility that Ayer must perform.

"There is a loop in your plan."

"Yes, a big loophole. If you don't make up, the whole plan is empty talk."

On that day, in the dialogue between the two on the banks of the Styx, it seems that they all recognized the existence of the loophole, but they did not go into it.

Yes, the loophole is the yeah who is guarded by the Styx. If you recreate a reincarnation, you will naturally abolish the reincarnation of the past and let the soul enter a new cycle. Otherwise, everything will be empty talk.

It is obviously impossible to defeat the invincible Styx guarding Ayer. At least Roland can't find any way. At that time, he couldn't take out the power of the main **** level, let alone the Ayer at the river. The Lord God can't face it, he has the whole cycle as a backing and supplement!

At that time, Roland came up with a very absurd conclusion. If you want to stop the reincarnation, you must defeat Ayers. If you want to defeat Ayers, you must stop the reincarnation. This is obviously an infinite loop.

"If you can't beat it, just try to talk."

Therefore, Roland found Ayers. To realize this "ridiculous" plan, he must be approved by Aye, so that he does not perform the duties of the Guardian of the Styx, and let a duty **** give up or even destroy his duties. It is equal to .....

"Is time coming? Yes, and the world's ancient old Styx, it is time to change. Everything is time to start again." (To be continued. (.))


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