The black rose petals drifted with the wind, and the fallen, but the crystal golden brilliance. △¢

Just for a moment, the avatar of the Holy Light incarnation fell directly, even if it was a powerful incarnation that rivaled the Lord God.

Aiye, who is white like a snow, the small boat on the river is just parked there. This gives a scene of inexplicable sense of time, but it makes people feel vicissitudes and sadness from the bottom of their hearts.

The river in front of the river is still quietly flowing, just like countless years before, when the Aihi plane was just formed, the goddess of the creation of the goddess left behind, disappeared without a trace.

When the new main plane is formed, an "ecological circle" with its core is naturally formed.

If you want to beat a metaphor, you can take the solar system as an example. Aich is the most complete natural circulation, the most suitable for life, and the lower plane, the elemental plane, the upper plane, the moon, Mars and the like. planet.

Of course, the core of this ecosystem cycle is the hardest currency of the plane - the soul.

Unlike the galaxies that do not have extensions, when many planes are closely linked to a certain extent, the wall of the surface will evolve into a plane wall, which will isolate the peep and exploration of the outside world, unless the plane of the plane dominates. It is difficult to affect other planes.

However, the nascent main plane represents a huge amount of soul resources and the new law. The former is a hard currency across the plane, while the latter is an important resource for strengthening the plane. There is no new main plane dominated by the plane wall and the plane. Just like a chicken computer without a firewall, countless alien invaders and predators flocked.

This is the path that every new born plane must pass, even by the plane merchants as the “baby baptism of the newborn plane”.

"Because you have been baptized. You can be evolved from a plane that consists of many planes. It is called a mature crystal wall system. It doesn't pass.... It naturally becomes a nutrient for other crystal wall systems."

In the early days, Aich Fuyu's space resources and weak plane rules attracted countless invaders, but with the efforts of the two goddesses and the gold race, Ai Xi met the toughest newborn. .

The power of these invaders has also caused countless golden races to fall. The two powerful and efficient order society pursued by the two goddesses is not without reason. It is the instinctive reaction of life under great threat.

In the "Aich 7 Holocaust", between "The Fourth Holocaust: The Return of the Devil" and "The Sixth Holocaust: The Battle of the Gods". There is also the existence of the "fifth catastrophe: the fall of the outer world". In fact, only some of the "seeds" left by the year have been revived, and some of the same people have been summoned sporadically, but they have brought troubles far beyond the devil.

In a sense, these "sudden recovery seeds" actually remind the "players" and "gods" in the plane, do not ignore their existence.

But apparently no one has been the same thing. The sixth catastrophe returned to the main theme of the "jihad". As a result, in the "seventh catastrophe: the ultimate catastrophe", they brushed a sense of existence. But this time, it is the final outcome.

The seventh catastrophe. That is the ultimate catastrophe:

"The two highest goddesses recovered and re-enacted the ancient mythology. The gods fought directly in the world. Ai Xi's continent split and cracked. One by one, the different gates opened up, and the powerful alien race completely turned the world into purgatory. As for the so-called Eighth Holocaust, when the world is cut into more than 3,000 pieces, it is no longer important. (Chapter 25)."

It can be said that the destruction of the world of Ai Xi can be said to be the hands of two goddesses, at least completely destroying the crystal wall system. They only do more than the two "half" planes, but they also have the alien race. The credit, where these planes pass the locusts, what else can be left.

It can be said that unlike Roland, who only knows the situation "slightly", Ayer, who has come from the ancient times, looks far more.

The so-called big prophet on the order side, how could he not know, Roland’s end-of-day endings, those seemingly unreasonable "alien creatures" gave him a huge sense of crisis, limited to the horizon, Roland can ignore the seventh catastrophe What is it, but Ayer has seen a huge crisis.

These words he did not say to anyone, there is no need to say that he has already seen through, no matter whether he will meet any opponents in the future, he will only face it calmly, and some disappointment will not say that exports are better.

"It's still this river..."

In the first year, this river was originally carrying countless hopes, the return of the soul and the cradle of the newborn, although the days of Aich’s life were very difficult, but the total soul of the entire plane The increase has undoubtedly illustrated that he is a prosperous new master.

Among the four elements, the soul is the foundation and the most important resource of the whole plane. It can create the strong, provide the source of faith, enough soul, and also a symbol of the health of the plane.

Only Ayer knows that in recent years, the total soul of this Styx has been slowly descending, and the protective crystal wall of the entire plane is also constantly embrittled, and Roland's prophecy may also come true.

the reason? In addition to the two that are about to wake up, and the appetite is getting better and better, the crazy "planet master" that devours the soul fragments exists, who else.

For the two goddesses, Aye is very emotional, but this time, he thinks they are wrong.

"....... mortals are not domesticated beasts, even if they are giving birth to our parents, there is no reason to let us become their food. No, if they are really respectable parents, how can they make such a cruel order? After all, there are no parents who don't love their children!"

The man’s roar was still in his ear, and Aye, in the middle of the river, played with the black rose in his hand, and couldn’t help but think of the man’s vows at the Styx, the oath that was engraved in the depths of the soul.

"....... We vowed to bear sin, reverse cause and effect, change our destiny, and let all beings hospice."

Finally, Aye looked up.

"Well, Roland, I will believe you once, I will put all the chips on you, but don't let me down."

The petals of the black rose began to scatter, looking up at the petals blown into the air by the wind, and the sun shone into the abyss. Aye, who is always cold on weekdays, is a glimpse. Showing a rare smile.

"Tomorrow. The holy mountain in the hometown should be a big sunny day. You should go back and see...."

The last rose went with the wind, and all the water was floating petals. The entire Styx was stagnant, and the boat on the river lost its driver and quietly stopped on it.

Stay here, Iyer’s last words. It is some inconsequency, perhaps, this is his long-lost dissatisfaction.

"Mother God, Cynthia Sister, maybe we are all born of you, but you have no power to let us die because of you. Perhaps the life of a mortal is not important to you, but they are all working hard, then look Like the weight of the soul, it is their whole......."

The stillness of the Styx water did not last long, but when it was running again. Under the gaze of the dwarves and the natural gods, they changed their direction in a strange way. Stepped into the unknown void.

It is already known that such an expected result, watching the unchanging meditation river into the unknown void, the more ancient existence, the more shocked.

What shocked them even more was that the white robe on the small boat was turned into a quicksand, drifting in the wind with the wind, and then the small boat he left was in the dark abyss.

In this embarrassment, all the strangers stared at the sky, even if they did not know what happened, they instinctively felt sadness and despair, and the falling fire meteor in the sky actually covered half of the sky.

"God is dead, the oldest **** is dead, and the death that represents death itself is dead!"

When the **** of the law representing justice begins to smuggle, what is the result of doping impurities in the **** of purification and pure light?


When the goddess representing the order chooses to compromise with chaos, what happens when the goddess of chaos is determined to limit its boundaries with many rules?


When the guards of the Styx decided to destroy the "normal" of the Styx, what would be the result of the death and eternal gods who determined to destroy the eternal death of the living?


The invincible death has been turned into a part of the Styx, he is already part of the reincarnation, and when he decides to change the reincarnation, he becomes the destroyer of the reincarnation order, and his role as a reincarnation guard must also be Under the fulfilment and contradictions, the “contradiction” was deleted and became the only option.

"Please die, because sentient beings need redemption."

The crazy sorcerer Roland, who always plays with the jokes, is the first time to meet with the **** of death at the Styx River, but he calms his face and bows his head, requesting the death of the other.

This is the first time he has bowed and is the only one in his life.

There is no lie, because deception makes no sense to him.

No praise, because glory has no meaning to him.

There is no pleading because the attitude of others is meaningless to him.

No hesitation, because this is the only way out.

Yes, how cruel the reality, how despicable the request.

"For all beings, please die."

"In order for us to survive, please die."

"For the world you love, there is a hope, please die."

Invisible maliciousness is the most despicable line, leaving others to die and leaving their way to themselves. Roland himself feels that he is too despicable and selfish.

But if time is reversed, he will still make the same choice, because he has no other choice!

At that time, Ayer did not answer, and after that, Roland made the plan more feasible, and it also urged Ayer to choose to die.

And perhaps from the fact that Aye did not kill the lich who screamed at the Styx, he made a choice.

"Time, arrived, the old reincarnation collapsed..."

"Come on, we waited for the half-time point, the time of the new reincarnation!"

Ayer’s last sigh, and on the battlefield, Roland’s roar reached an agreement.

In the world where Hades live, the door to the space that suddenly opened, the water of the Styx that has fallen into the world has already explained everything.

Every drop of water from the Styx directly infiltrate into the land of the country of the deceased, which will make the world like the virtual world of reality, but the water of the Styx that is poisonous to other lives is the most urgent nutrient for the country of the deceased. .

The deceased climbed out of the Styx River. The country of the new deceased, after being moistened by the Styx, has become a part of the reincarnation, and it has become more and more lively and has finally come to reality.

Today, Roland’s situation is very bad. When the dead army in front of him showed his undead, all the hostile eyes rushed to him.

Everyone knows that no matter how outrageous the world is like the characteristics of the world, the death of the user like the world will naturally make the whole heart disappear like the world, and the hidden **** in front of the world is still the world of Roland's heart.

The demon monarch who represented the lie was stopped by the incarnation of the Holy Light. In the midst of chaos, the abyss of the swearing oath rushed to Roland without hesitation.

The war under the stage was still fierce, but the entire battlefield was torn by his assault. The epee of the Abyss and God of War has not been far from Roland.

Roland did not look at the threat in front of him. He was quietly watching the white ice crystal floating in front of him.

The white ice crystals are surrounded by black radiance, which is not a beautiful gem, but inexplicably attracts all eyes.

It was just with the water of the river, it is also the last cornerstone of the underworld.

Open the book in the hand, the other two ice crystals sandwiched between the pages of the book also floated together, the piece of water blue, still revealing the coldness of the silk.

"For the resurrection of your husband, Aylos. You must die."

Roland's whispered back to the original decision day.

"I am really too much."

That day, I was so forced to Aylos to the road.

I caressed the ice crystal that has been dyed into aqua blue by the soul, but I can only smile, I seem too despicable compared to Aylos, who sacrificed everything for love.

And the bottle that I held in my hand, but also the water blue artifact that was filled along with the water of the Styx, is already full of ocean power, and the waves and anger around it seem to be Dissipate the dissatisfaction and resentment of a certain god.

And another piece of ice crystal, but still reveals the golden brilliance, floating in the air, just like the sun generally dispels the surrounding darkness, but it is not as dazzling as the big light bulb in the sky.

"The Holy Light must be redeemed, so Estrada must die."

The touch is cold, but there are no weak tears in the eyes, and the warhammer on the back is still vaguely resonating. It seems to comfort me not to think too much.

At this time, I dare to think too much, I have no time.

There is too much power of death in the soul of death. The white ice crystals have been blackened, and in a few minutes, cracks have appeared on them.

Unlike other souls, Ayer's soul is too strong, and I must complete the ceremony before the ice crystals are broken.

"All sentient beings need redemption, and reincarnation must be ended, so Aye must die."

Three ice crystals surround me, and the dim light is distorting the whole world. The prelude is over. There are too many sacrifices and losses. It is time to complete our ideals. It is time to rewrite the destiny that must be completely destroyed. At least, let their sacrifices be valuable!

Unconsciously, there is a masked man in silver robes behind me. He is here with the gods, but he has always kept a strange silence.

At this time, with a maskless face, he was constantly shaking and seemed to be laughing.

Face the charge of the Abyss God of War. He slammed the mask open, but it was the face of the lich. The glimpse of God was its eternal true appearance, and all the virtual images became a reality at this time.

The last piece of blank ice crystal appeared in front of him, but my voice resonated with him, and our face was also transformed.

"All sinners should be judged, and all the laws of God should be turned into the routine of this world. Therefore, those who are sleepless...Romans without sleep must die!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated Faster!

Ps: Well, the squirrel doesn't write tragedy, um, this one.

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