"Carol, surname and age are unknown, blond, with a beard and a beard can not see the face, but the sound looks younger than the appearance, do not know when it appears in the rhinoceros bar, has been waiting for half a year, good at gambling People send nicknames 'taverns and gambling gods'. Never do serious work, the main income is the gambling money won with the adventurer gambling, especially good at Quent brand, Hearthstone and other cards. As for why he is good at thousands, is Because there is a win or loss in the process of playing cards with him, the last settlement is definitely the loss of you, but because the process is still thrilling and interesting, every time you lose is not too much, there are always some boring people willing to give him money."

"But some time ago, killing foreigners was too embarrassing, so that the old drunks found his means, and this time there was no money to earn. On weekdays, the boss also gave him some odd jobs and money, accommodation fees. It seems that I am against the bar. The boss’s daughter, Catalina, is very interesting, but the other person has never had a good face.”

Looking at the money to buy from the local thieves union connector people, the goblin judge Thor shook his head.

In the past six months, it has become a habit for him to go out and inquire about the unexplained adventurer who suddenly emerged. But when he thinks about the person’s information, it seems to have become the medal of the epic character. Compared with the fact that he has already mixed in the pub. Half a year of rotten alcohol, he shook, it seems that his luck is not good enough, this time is still empty.

"Next, I am still preparing for the investigation task in front of me. In such a remote town, there is no special resource. There is a blood sacrifice of the cult, which makes people feel that there is something wrong..."

As a judge who graduated from the Nanxiang crash course on the fire line, Sol is too young. If it is the old fritters of the underground justice four halls. Looking at Carlo's information. It will be immediate.

Because they know that their old superiors, who sound so famous, are definitely not the heroes of Wei Guangzheng. They owe a pub for half a year, and use gambling debts to pay for anything, and they can do it all.

But if it’s those old fritters, they won’t think about it, but they will find someone because they know. This task can not only be completed, but if it is really lucky, it is not necessarily a good thing.

First of all, if the person really wants to hide, if he can find it, he must look at luck completely, and even if he really hits it, I am afraid that the other party will not only run, but most of them will not stop, and even if the lucky value is really robbed, it’s really hard to catch it. The reward is so good that it can't beat the fierce revenge of the guy.

Such a task. Winning or losing is not good, how to think is a pit.

and so. For the old fritters of the Law School, the task of "finding Roland" is just a fun conversation. Only the young people who have just released the car will take the "first task" of the superiors seriously. Of course, they naturally become The object of the old fritters, a legend has been spread in the recruits of the Law Church, the Gentlemen's Union, and the Knights of the Laos.

"Go back to the legendary hero Roland, our church is eager for his return, this is a test for young people, just to find him back, you will get his approval (vengeance) and awards (retaliation), and that The only ten-ring spell in this world: the only inheritance of the ultimate small shoe shackle (literally)."

Just two months after he was on the job, Sol, who had performed a task alone, was obviously the object of being fooled. He also believed in it completely, otherwise he would not carry the latest wanted order with him.

What Sol didn't know was that they had just been in the rhinoceros pub for a day. They had already figured out what they were looking for. In a room in the pub, they were being discussed by their own goals.

"The silver rank judge, the golden step anti-knight and the four spirit swords, the team should be the anti-knight. A paladin is now the most popular 'four-plate combination', and together add up a high-end demon It is still possible, from the perspective of the targets they are exploring, it should be to check the more and more maddening 'mortality'. ”

Whenever there is a crisis in the world, the first to be mad is not the enemy, but the messy cults. They use the turbulence of the world and the fear of the world to spread their beliefs, create more panic and chaos, and seek for it. Your own interests.

But this world is a mythical demon, so the organizers of cults are not limited to mortals. If they pull their behind-the-scenes black hands out of the gutter, they can probably be related to a big bite of the lower plane and the alien plane.

The "Millions of Death Clubs" full name "everything is dead" is a doctrine of worshipping death itself from the lower plane, but it has been smashed when it spread to the main plane. The current doctrine is "all life is Will die in the last days, only to convert into undead to pass the end of the day," is not very speechless, in fact, I see more than this outrageous cult doctrine.

Just look at this doctrine, I will dare to guarantee that this cult is absolutely related to the undead emperors. With the successful death of the undead emperor a year ago, the degraded natural disasters of the main plane have indeed become more and more fierce. The guy is getting more and more jealous.

Let them go, no matter how long it takes for a village to become a dead village, the undead natural disasters have more new troops, and even the plague and the door to the death plane, so as long as the death will occur The churches and countries of the gods often send investigators to clean up.

In the same period of "history", many cults have emerged. No matter what they started for, the main purpose of the last is to create various blood sacrifices and evil rituals to let the abyss come to this plane to open the holy war, and when the abyss will After the smoke disappeared, the abyss lords and evil spirits gained freedom and became more active, and the cults became more, but the final purpose became difficult to say. At least, in the "history" I did not see so many wonderful cults. .

"Fisher, dead!", a very strange name, said to be a "since fish is the purest creature, all the fishermen should die, the **** cooking fish soup should be under the 18th floor of hell" Cults, their main believers are fish and water creatures, and they have developed very well in swamps and lakes.

I thought it was incredible first. Later, when I found out that the deceased person behind the cult was the son who was cooked into a fish soup, I suddenly felt understandable.

"For the sake of world peace. Let's cook less fish soup."

I inexplicably resonate with this doctrine. Especially I heard that Cavans felt that the failure was a bit shameful. Later, I went to the old place and fished several times. I cooked the fish soup several times. After changing the abyss several times, I was more sympathetic to this sect who had already changed the back of the scene several times.

By the way, among the many cults, there is a special attraction called the Paradise Paradise.

Their doctrine is that "the end of the world is in front of us, and we will leave unnecessary exercises and put limited energy into the infinite shackles." It is said that all the cult pastors are young and beautiful sisters, and the ritual activities are extremely enviable.... I mean evil and fallen, and there are even many cute elf sisters in the participants. It is said that the big cockroaches behind them come from a certain layer of the abyss. Purgatory, organizing such a cult is purely of interest, and it is also involved in this kind of activity with its own avatar. It is said to be a very attractive girl. Unfortunately, I have never found their church...

"Cough, I said that I just want to eradicate the evil church. Do you believe?"

"I said that you will find the day of the bliss, that is, Eliza will find you one day. I am absolutely not ventilating, do you believe?"

"I believe you have a ghost."


I am still alone, but I am still spoiled by the dead cats bound by the soul.

"You don't think about going back?"

"Oh, even if the reward is ten times, I am..."

"Not tempted?"

"No, find someone to help me tie up for the reward, take the bounty and run the road..."

"You don't have a little self-esteem of epic heroes? Do you know that Roland, who has not died, has been named the top ten epic heroes of the millennium by the little goblins."

“Self-esteem? Can you eat? Can you change your drink?”

Of course, spitting is one thing, and for me, I actually have my own ideas.

"Those things about mortals are given to mortals. I have done this to the point. If they are still uncertain, it will be useless."

Before I entered the Hades, I already thought very clearly. When my group of guys arrived early enough to be alone, if the old guy like me always pointed to the East, it hindered their growth.

"There have been more than five years of this. I have already had an accident when I have an accident. Since everything is fine, it means that the young people are very capable. The old guy who has retired early, why bother to jump out and be annoying at this time. Some people say that I want to seize power."

The world is very big, and the individual's combat power can change. The changes that can be made have changed. The seeds that have been sprinkled have already sprouted. The rest, only expectation, um, not lazy, is looking forward to.

"Come on, mortal! Big brother looks at you."

Therefore, I have full confidence in ignoring the existence of the wanted order, but the latest update threats have caused me some headaches.

Considering that I was able to enter my underground library, most of them had Eliza intervened. I decided to take the time to write a threatening letter to the Legal Church. If she dares to announce it, I will announce that she is still in bedwetting at the age of six and still nine years old. I don’t dare to sleep alone.

"....... I suddenly felt very sympathetic to Eliza. Can you be a little longer about emotional intelligence, a little sense of responsibility!"

"....... In fact, you don't understand the depth of my love, children, one day, my life will come to an end, and you, will be crowned into the king of the king.... Who lost me with stinky boots?!"

The "king" word deliberately with a long vocal singer was not finished, and was broken by the white cat's flying boots.

Well, the white cat thought that the inexplicable wanted order, the dead cat has now become a white cat.

"Isn't it just going to be a lazy lazy? What do you do for so many reasons?"

"Hey, the wisdom of mortals, the reason for being lazy can be said casually. It should be said that I believe in my companions, believe in the younger generations, and, please, call me the free rider of fairness and justice, Roland! I am an independent knight who follows the wind. I am not loyal to any of the princes, but only for the justice of my heart!"

"I always feel that you are inexplicably black...."

"Hey, I want to be a man of the free knight. One day, I will find my own elf girl!"

"I don't know what you are saying, do you really get the wrong medicine..."

[This is overexposed to age, be careful not to understand others.......]

However, time seems to have proven my choice. The "expectation" seven years ago has become true. When the pickpocket is extremely irresponsible. But this unique opportunity also gives those talents the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.

The construction of the Hades has taken five years, and these five years are also the five years of jihad and the fastest change of the times, but it is also a test for the young leaders. Even if I have just returned to the world, I can hear them doing it. not bad.

The Northern Alliance has their double queens guarded, and the ice and snow sisters' reputation has been known to the nations, when the whole world is caught in the war and killed. It is also particularly special for the Northland Alliance to support other countries. It is prosperous, prosperous, strong and fair. The frozen kings from the north are increasingly ZTE.

In this era, the other side of prosperity and fame represents a stable living environment and endless business opportunities. Compared with the countries that have always suffered in wars and wars, the land where the snow and ice are resident seems to be lovely, especially It is the development of magical technology and the joint curse of the Northern Elves, making the cruel natural environment less scary.

There is a fascinating advantage in the world of war, countless merchants and migrants. The huge gains in arms sales, coupled with solid alliances with countries such as Oran and Bayer. Let the worries of the allies in the United States have a new look and become a new superpower.

Of course, they can maintain peace in a war, except that there is no value in the borderland, more, or because it is the headquarters of the law and the church, it is equal to directly provoke the entire Hades side, even if It is the abyss that wants to think twice before going on.

The internal structure of the Law Church is stable, and even does not require particularly outstanding leaders. With the establishment of the Hades, the law of God has been turned into a real temple of the Hades. It is no longer an empty talk to be punished after death. They are the law and The human church of the **** of the Hades will naturally become more and more influential.

Their influence is growing more and more fundamentally. It is also the fact that the rise of the Hades and the advancement of the main gods. As the Hades, when the Hades are fully mature, the eternal and just sleepless people have drawn countless beliefs and laws. Force has become the second advanced **** of the jihad, and the Hades side has become a neutral third party with at least five main gods.

Even though most of these gods cannot leave the Hades, they are real threats.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this amazing strength that the gods who have fallen into the endless troubles of the order side have not turned their faces, still maintain a kind of cooperation relationship with the Hades, let the chaos They took the initiative to avoid the Northland. At least for now, the three parties seem to have reached a balance. Even if this balance is destined to be shredded by a certain party, it will give the Eich people more preparation and time.

The **** of the law of the successful advancement of the Lord God has also made the legal profession stronger and stronger. Due to the activeness of the legal believers and the legal profession, their teachings are increasingly welcomed by the war-torn areas.

The professional characteristics of "neutrality", "non-aggression" and "quick success" have made many countries lacking combat power and law and order a heart, and even selectively accepted the law in the Code as a proof of governing the country. The law school is also established in various places and countries, and the legal professions who are always on the good side are also beginning to be welcomed by the risky advocates.

Of course, if the team always wanders on the edge of the law, the Knight of Justice is more dangerous than the Paladin. If you don't want to be a former knight, the law professional must stick to the law.

The legal profession is not high in its own cultural level and fighting talents. It does not require a lot of resources and money like other professions. The most important thing is whether the practitioners can uphold the law and regulate their own bodies and others. The extremely low threshold has made more and more law professionals, and many remote town guards can also see that they have obtained the law manual and tried to be self-taught.

The news of the absolute gentleman alliance is one after another. There are good and bad, the best, probably when the Hades and the main plane were re-established two years ago, the return of a large number of powerful mercenaries and knights, the worst, probably It was the half-god of some half-dragon people who entered the semi-god level and won the singular title of "Mother of the Beast".

"I will not be surprised if I successfully enter the semi-god level. I will not be surprised by what the **** is doing. I can understand the king of the beast, what is the meaning of the mother of the beast? If you forget, don't tell me the answer. Anyway, it must be some blinks. Things!"

"... This is also the reason why this news is only bad news. He has formed some cults and spread some new ideas. There are still many believers. Well, I will not say anything. You only need to know that he successfully entered the natural disaster list. The top ten is known as the target of killing all countries."

"....... It seems that it was a mistake to leave him in the main plane to help preside over the overall situation."

Too many changes can't be finished overnight. Although there is a lot of good news, it is nothing compared to the great changes in the whole world. Countless "historical" heroes have embarked on their own stage, and war has become the cruelest cradle. Many influences have made the direction of the whole world uncertain, and it is also the reason why Old Barton complained that he could not keep up with the times.

Of course, these have little to do with me. Now my goal is to enjoy life, be lazy, and have fun! Just like those candidates who have passed the college entrance examination, they have finally lived through the **** of hell. I have already completed my mission. Let me play the game before the sky falls!

"Carol, it’s really fun to talk to you and talk to the cat, and steal the drink. Give you a small task to make money. These adults should check the case in the town. You are familiar with it and help them as a guide. Let's go!"

"Hey?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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