Sulphur Mountain City is a good place. This is recognized throughout the underground world.

To make it clear what kind of place is Sulphur Mountain City, I am afraid, we must first explain where the underground world is.

Exile, this is probably the consensus of all ground races.

The underground world is a hollow area under the Aixi continent. Its area cannot be calculated, and the terrain is more complicated to measure. It is said that there is a passage to the abyss of Hell.

Initially, there were not many residents, but with the changes of the times, it became a gathering place for deportees.

The elves exiled the dark elves here, the dwarves exiled the gray dwarves, the gnomes exiled the wild gnomes, and the orcs were nearly four percent of the branches that were rushed here by other races, and even the mighty dragons were exiled here. The red dragon and the sneaky black dragon, here is said to have volcanoes exiled by the Titans.

The hegemonic humans on the surface are certainly no exception. Although they are exiled in the same way, the composition is the most complicated. Witches, heretics, cultists, wizards, undead wizards, revolutionaries, demons, scientists, it seems that this underground world Became their garbage dump.

Time has passed, and today, the underground world is complex and cannot be counted, but one thing is recognized.

Here, there is no order, the fist is the biggest, the winner is the king, and the loser is the slave.

Even in the chaotic chaos camp, this is the most chaotic, the underground world has been fighting for years, and the underground city owners have been attacking the city and fighting.

They plundered the land, seized food, captured the town, and turned the residents into slaves. Of course, the countries on the surface were similar, but because of the restraint of the order of the Church of God and the Royal Parliament, after all, peace is the main melody, and the underground world, this God abandoned the land, but did not stop fighting.

Those who can survive in the chaotic dungeons are not weak on the ground.

Well, using the game strategy, the underground world is a high-level dangerous area that is open only in the middle of the game. Players above forty levels are allowed to enter the team.

Most dungeons, because of their ethnic composition, are too complex and often dominate other races with a certain ethnicity.

The Sulphur Mountain City is a bit different.

This mountain town, located on the side of the Sulphur River, is not a long history. It is only a hundred and three full. It is only a moment of light in the eyes of the longevity race.

And they have done what the underground lords have been unable to do for thousands of years.

There is no war here, no nobles, no oppression.

There is not even a dominant race here. Although the city owner Adam Han was once a very famous hero, but as a human being, he is alone as a city owner. Human beings are considered a minority race here. The city does not even have a noble class as a ruling class. .

And this guy, who is dubbed the muscles inside his head, is famous for his lack of interest in power and territory.

Unlike other conventional military units that do not move more than 10,000 in the underground city, Sulphur Mountain City has only a few hundred honor guards and security forces. The most powerful armed forces are the urban management law enforcement brigade composed mainly of dark elves, but also the urban management brigade. The number is only 800.

In the chaotic underground world, expecting peace and weakness is synonymous, backed by the sulfur mine veins, and the weak defense capability of Sulphur Mountain City, naturally attracting attacks from other underground city owners.

But when a few wars were blown down, there was no more eye for it.

the reason? The fist is hard enough.

No army? Actually it is not necessary.

Ain Meisius, an ancient red dragon with the reputation of Belon, lives in the sulfur vein behind the Sulphur Mountain City. This dragon that once destroyed several human empire, somehow, became the city. The guardian beast.

Adam Han, one of the most famous heroes of the time, once killed the undead emperor and saved the world. Even in the underground city, he once was alone, knocking out a dark elf underground city, where However, there are four or five thousand dark elves, and hundreds of thousands of other races. He himself is probably the most famous enemy.

Legend has it that Yongda Emperor is the only demigod monarch in the modern era. Then, Adam who can defeat him is naturally a semi-god. Therefore, Adam is also one of the strongest candidates in contemporary times.

The great sage Margaret, the honorary title "The Son of Heaven", and Adam, together with the great sage of the Seal of the Night, can be summoned to summon the incredible existence of an entire angelic army.

It is said that the underground lords who once attacked Sulphur Mountain City were not seen by the sulphur mountain city walls, and they were ‘dismissed’ by a giant...

It is said that as long as the sulphur city giants still exist for one day, Sulphur Mountain City cannot be compromised.

In my system, these three guys are two or three hundred super BOSS with perfect templates, not to mention that now, after three or four expansions, it is also a super strong character, far from the surrounding Eighty-ninety-level, barely entering the legendary city owners can deal with.

It is because of this strong asylum and the existence of the oppressive class that it has become a pure land of chaotic underground world.

Only the use of force is not enough. The great sage as an administrative officer has a well-organized management here, and as a judge of the sleepless, the good is me, and he has created the most fair and just code of the entire Axi.

As for the city's Adam, most of the time is only used as his old line, and it is enough to be a mascot of nothing.

And because of the coincidence, and the three giants familiar with me, is also one of the founders of Sulphur Mountain City.

When I was questioned by the city management, I didn't lie. I have a good employee who is working hard. I have the regular job of the Supreme Sulphur Hill City Judge!

Although with most of the three deaths, most of the memory has become scattered, but the memory is irreparable, the knowledge requires only a small number of carriers, and most of them are left behind.

The legal knowledge of past lawyers and judges has led me to lead the era in theory and experience. Therefore, the code and judicial system that I developed for Sulphur Mountain City has become a model of the entire underground world, even the scholars on the ground world. To learn the reference.

Multi-racial mixed ethnic conflicts? I copied Martin Luther King's "I have a dream", engraved on the city square and the city gate. Everyone has to read an article in and out of the city. This is only the first step.

At the legal level, I set up racial discrimination as a felony, and then borrowed a series of racial contradictions to deal with the policy, and then killed the chickens and monkeys with a few short-sighted idiots. At least on the surface, Sulphur Mountain City realized the incredible of the entire Axi continent. racial equality.

I am interested in sociology, knowing that as long as a rule is recognized and recognized on the surface, and then runs enough time, when the world is used to his existence, it will become true morality and law.

As a non-death spirit, what I lack most is time and energy. Through years of subtle influence, at least in the city of Sulphur, everyone has the same subconscious.

The relatively harmonious ethnic relationship is the cornerstone of the prosperity of Sulphur Mountain City, and the next step is law and order.

Killing and robbing and other heavy crimes? In other dungeons, it is enough to kill people as long as they lose money. Many wealthy businessmen and nobles simply do not look at foreigners. In my place, in this city without aristocracy, there is no death sentence for forgiveness. Therefore, under the heavy code, law and order is effectively improved.

Of course, the necessary violence is indispensable. A wonderful dark elf knight who was driven out of his hometown by the Holy Light has become the best foundation of the security forces. I have also invested a lot of resources to become a citizen. Trusted security officer.

Although sometimes I will regret it, because the urban management force is too good and the strength is too strong, my daily tasks have become more and more difficult to do, and the frequency of being locked in is getting higher and higher..... .. cough, do not have to talk about lifting a rock to lick your own feet, we will continue to talk about this new era underground city that condenses the efforts of the passers-by.

The most troublesome belief conflicts in other regions? Oh, it’s really difficult for other cities to deal with, because in the Aixi continent where there is a true god, their rulers are often believers of a certain god. After presupposing the position, how can they maintain justice, and if they become one The oppression of one side naturally conflicts.

In the city...the three giants, the red dragon Ain Meisius believes in gold coins, the city owner Adam Han is a very famous non-believers, the knowledge of the sage adults and Adam... ..

Well, no mistakes, the sage adults "dark love" brave adults for a long time, secret love to the world, secretly loved that the wood and I and Xiaohong can not stand, only we have two troubles wedding.

Of course, I don't deny that I am selfish. In addition to the evil points that caused great confusion, I saw Adam's crying stupid face, which is the most pleasant.

Ok, it’s a partial issue, continue to talk about our dungeon.

The beliefs of the Big Three are not reliable, and if I want to reluctantly say that there is faith, it is also the spirit of the former legal system of "letting the offenders deserve it" and "let the innocents be protected by law". Therefore, I have stipulated sulfur across the ages. The mountain city makes people feel incredible freedom of belief.

"Freedom of belief is the will of the individual. Imperatives are allowed in the city, but no religious institution can use force to force people to believe in religion. Offenders are driven out of Sulphur Mountain City."

Here, we believe in demons, believe in the light, and believe in the mothers of the earth. Various altars and temples have been counted, but as long as they use the banner of faith to oppress others, the same punishment is severe.

And when other dungeons are inactive, they are intriguing, the political power to seize your life, the belief war that continues to be staged between churches, and the arrogance of the weak to the weak. Our Sulphur Hill City rule is extremely stable, the legal system is sound, the administrative efficiency is high, and peace. And orderly, it has attracted countless residents and businessmen to make it more prosperous and naturally become a so-called underground paradise.

In fact, it does not mean that it is really good here, but other dungeons are too chaotic, and it is better to set off here.

As a symbol of chaos, the underground city and the underground world continue to let resources and talents flow into our city-states, and the Sulphur Mountain City is more prosperous.

Even the church on the ground was amazed at the peace of this chaotic land, sent paladins and priests to learn, and some paladins were shocked by the state of multi-ethnic coexistence, and even would like to stay here and learn to be holy. The treasure of the gift of light, while spreading the radiance of the Holy Light, affects the "evil underground people."

These paladins and pastors are the ones I hate most as lichs. Sometimes, I can't wait to take off the mask and tell them that you are regarded as the "order of the Holy Light", an evil chaotic lich. If you make it yourself, will it be that some people have collapsed?

At this time, the body was caught, but it became my best barrier.

No one would have expected that the supreme judge who was just and honest, who would never make a mistake, was actually the same person who was always a troublemaker and even a lich, Roland, who was used as a head.

When I was the President of the Supreme Court, I insisted on wearing a mask anyway, because because of the unreliable evil lich system, I was destined to remain majestic, and as the referee of the balance, majesty and authority. is the most important.

There is no code of authority and fear, just waste paper.

At this moment, the majesty that has accumulated over the years has played a role.

Today, I am standing here, without saying a word, for many years, under the prestige of the city management team, don’t dare to test the true and false, and the feet are shaking.

I turned and looked at the leading captain of success, Diana Sphinck.


Yes, the voice is also trembled, and it is really guilty.

I am the boss of the boss of their boss, but it is definitely not just the official title. They are members of the Urban Management Law Enforcement Brigade, while the Urban Management Law Enforcement Brigade is a subsidiary of the Law Enforcement Agency, while the Law Enforcement Agency is the Supreme Court. The subordinate body, and I, the sleepless person, is the highest judge and dean of the Supreme Court.

In the code I have enacted, the urban management law enforcement corps, as a lower-level law enforcement agency, does not have independent law enforcement powers. They can only follow the instructions of the higher-level agencies. If they want to carry out such large-scale law enforcement actions, they must report to the law enforcement agencies. The Office, and the Law Enforcement Office, must at least report to the Supreme Court.

I, as the president of the Supreme Court, have not received the documents for reporting!

"....... ultra vires behavior?"

Of course, it is an ultra vires behavior. The urban management station that I blew up yesterday started to crack down today. How can I report and approve it step by step? Even if I want to declare it, I must first sort out the application documents from the ruins. This is a big project!

I seem to be whispering to myself, but Diana’s face is pale.

"No matter how gorgeous the rhetoric is, the law enforcement power is the violence of public power, and the law enforcer is the violent tool of the ruler. If the tool has its own brain and deliberately, then this tool will also be scrapped."

This is my famous saying, and it is the warning on the first page of the work manual of each urban management.

It is estimated that they are planning to attack suddenly and then make up the procedure afterwards. In the past, the Law Enforcement Agency and the Supreme Court will only close their eyes, but unfortunately, they did not expect that my sudden appearance will be caught by the boss. With.

I just watched them quietly. The dark elves who were originally black and dark, the pale face can be compared with the undead.

Excessive power enforcement? Regardless of the consequences and the reasons, the nature of the arbitrarily acting actions of the law enforcement forces is extremely bad. You can be more powerful and severe today. Can you overpower the city government tomorrow?

According to the law of the city of sulphur, these guys who have gone beyond the power of law enforcement, the cheapest end, are expelled from Sulphur Hill City.

The dark elves are in a desperate situation. If they meet other sergeants, they can still be accommodating. Afterwards, they can be treated as big or small. In front of you, the imaginary power of the imaginary power of imaginary justice is turned into a miracle. He himself is a symbol of the Code, but he has never heard that he has had precedents for water release and accommodation.

Diana, the captain of the city defense team, was bitter, but when it was time to stand up.

"Did it work so long, the evil elf's dark elf is not easily recognized by the public, is it so bad? After leaving the city, I have to go outside to the **** days... I should How to explain to my sister who trusts me."

The red lips of the girl have already bitten out the blood. The purple eyes are full of tears. I remember the days when I used to fight outside. I thought of myself and the people who are about to be evicted. It’s a happy home and a good day. The face is full of painful distortions.

"Adults..... are my personal decisions! If you want to be punished, please punish me alone!" The strong city management captain, left his dignity and pleaded.

"Diana's big sister!"

"It's not the fault of the big sister, we are also for the security of Sulphur Mountain City!"

"Yeah, why do you punish us!"

Around their captains, the surrounding city management knights are full of excitement, some people have begun to glare at me, it seems to have become a trend of disobedience or riot, so .....

"The spell: silence!!"

As my words fell, the inexplicable mana played a role. In the void, the silver law fell, and the whole earth was shocked.

And as the ripples of silver spread out, not only did all the sounds disappear, but the emotions of the crowds were also smashed.

In this magical world, when the beliefs of the concept of order and light can be the source of power, how can the belief in the code and justice lack the support of supernatural forces.

Although, when I was in trial, the fourth soul emblem was justified by the law, the most surprising thing was probably me. This undoubtedly shows that the fair code I created by myself has been recognized by the roots of this world. Become part of the power of order.

The law is both power and speech. The rules of this world are law. We are in charge of the rules and codes, and my words are the rules of this world.

This is the spell of the spell.

In combination with the spells created by Jurisprudence and Magic, although they are born out of the Master's Mantra spells and the priest's commandments, they are much more powerful as long as they meet the demanding conditions of use.

At the moment, I am breaking the case. These urban management is the defendant, and this small alley is my court.

I said silence, all sentient beings must calm down and listen to my mantra.

The dark elves' natural anti-magic talents are meaningless in front of my spells. Their words are not heard, and their minds and bodies are like immersed in ice water. They cool from the vest and calm down.

They think of this, not only the highest justice, but also a great master who is not at the bottom.

His combination of magic and legal spell magic has become a unique rule-like magic, famous, even led to the study of the archbishop and the sage of the surface, the Supreme Court has become a gold power to practice spells The holy land of mystery.

The impartial knights, judges, and spells he created made the three advanced professions comparable to the Knights of Light, the Archbishop of Red, and the ascetic, who are proud of the Church.

"It’s terrible..... my anti-magic skin is ignored."

“The magic level cannot be analyzed, and even the magic fluctuations are not felt, but at least it is also a sanctuary.”

In their eyes, disobedience is equal to challenging the public power of the entire Sulphur Mountain City. It is to escape, and it may not be able to escape from the justices. It seems to be a desperate situation that must be exiled.

In the face of desperation, everyone lowered their heads and waited for me to fall.

"Adult! Look at my face for Sulphur Mountain City for so many years, please punish me only one!" With a cry, Diana squatted.

The highly respected female knight was a long glimpse, and the other knights stood up, so they smashed in front of them.

Hey, I am touched by the scene of the sisters’ feelings.

In fact, Diana, the captain of the urban management team, is also a legendary knight of 81. The absolute strength is still above me. The reason why it is so unbearable, in addition to guilty conscience, more, is the role of artifact.

The enchantment of this silver robe was made during my prime, which was originally used to scare people. Later, when I became a judge, I used it to pressure the criminals. After comprehending the curse, the fine-level robe that was worn at that time was inexplicable. A piece of artifact.

[Asian artifacts; the majesty of the judiciary (bound)]

[Defense: 10 points (the steel plate armor has only 5 points of defense, and the defense of the cloth armor to reach this level is very outrageous.)

[Special effect One of the sinners' self-review: let the guilty conscience, guilt, and more and more obviously become fearful and helpless as time goes by, the more serious the crime, the more guilty, the better the effect, the innocent person ignores the effect. 】

[Special effect of the judge's iron face: the wearer's charm is constant to one hundred, against the charm, detection, illusion spell effect +20. 】

[Special Effects 3 wearer conditions are not enough to open. 】

[The effect of the four wearers is not enough to open. 】

[The weight of the Artician Curse: The wearer must have the identity of the judiciary and the law enforcer, and perform his duties fairly. Once the swearing of the law is made, the robe will be turned into a fire that never goes out, destroying the soul of the wearer. And the flesh. 】

["Please be cautious in the use of the rights in the hands, the decision of the fall of the law is not only the rise and fall of the individual, but also the majesty of justice and justice - the Supreme Court has no sleepers."]

In the Ai Xi mainland, the equipment above the Asian artifact is so troublesome, the effect is single and powerful, and it must also be accompanied by a troublesome artifact curse.

This is the case with this robes. The normal robes almost inextricably increase the spell effect and the intelligence bonus are useless, but add a few extremely powerful special effects.

One of the special effects made me save a lot of things in the trial. No matter what the serial killer or the black gangster, as long as there is still a little conscience, in front of me, it is a small chicken, the effect of the second Is equal to directly ignoring the exploration of my true identity.

As for the curse of artifacts, it is impossible to violate the law and not lie. For me, it is no big deal. First of all, I was originally a bachelor, and why is it because of private law?

To take a step back, if you want to lie, the word-game misleading is enough, and the lie that may be dismantled at any time falls into the lower layer.

"I never lie, but it doesn't mean that you can understand the true meaning of my words. If you misunderstand it, don't blame me." After the curse of the Asian artifact was ineffective for me, the power was solid.

Nowadays, the law-enforcers who believe in the Holy Light are more and more law-enforced, and the embarrassment in their hearts, under the power of the Asian artifacts, has turned into invisible shackles and heavy burdens, pressing them to stand up.

I estimate that just standing there, my pressure on the other side will not be lower than that of Longwei, and it will be further deepened with the trial, but if we continue to force it, we can see the girls urinating pants. It is.

Almost enough, it’s so urgent, the dog will jump over the wall, and I have no plans to drive them out of the city.

So I turned and left, and dropped a sentence.

"I just came by the way, I didn't see anything. I will let your captain come over to make up the formalities tomorrow."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a cries of tears and tears of joy.

"Thank you, adults!!"

And I just turned around the corner, the elves have collapsed, and some have been crying together to celebrate the crisis, but under my mask, I smiled.

"The adult who is sleepless looks very scary and is actually a good person."

"It’s so scary! Momo feels suffocating, and Anna’s sister let Momo lean on it.”

"Death, don't touch, look like this, go find Lilith. Milan."

The eavesdropping gadgets I left.....cough, the naughty wind passed their arguments to my ears.

"Listening to the complaints of the subordinates is also the responsibility of the boss. I don't know who said my bad words. What if the little shoes are worn wrong?....... This is called Daisy? Really speak. Of course, I am a good person." So, I feel a lot better, decided to punish a little lighter, but immediately, I know that my mood will be worse.

Because, at the corner of the street, my faithful maid, Eliza, has been around for a long time.

"Master, are you turning? Are you going to let them go?"

"The law is dead, people are alive, and the law without flexibility and human touch has forced the anger and grief sooner or later. Their own actions and motives are not guilty. It is only illegal in procedure. Exile is too much. How good is the disposal of this uncle? The killing widow is lifted up and gently dropped. This is the way for the upper-ranking person to be an official. Learn more."

"Truth?" Disdainful grin, the poisonous tongue maid, my most loyal dogleg number one, once again ignored my scene and pride.

"....... It’s boring to play dead. Haha, today is a big harvest. Not only is the daily task a big success, but the handles and human feelings of the city management team are all in hand. Oh, little girls, see how I can clean you up tomorrow, actually dare Take away the food in my Abao mouth."

I certainly remember the dynasty called Diana, the evil woman who took Abao bone from my hand.

Tomorrow, when you report to the Supreme Court, I will let you know what is the martyrdom of the boss, what is non-violence**, what is the office!

Drive you out of the city? The Dark Elf Paladin, which believes in the Holy Light, is probably the only one in the entire underground world. I am not a rare toy and a good tool.

And Eliza sighed helplessly.

"Sure enough, you can't expect to have your conscience. You are really bad at home."

"No, I am a good person! One day, I want to make the evil points into justice points, and then try to do good, then I can have a good name!"

In a sense, this is also forced by the messy system... To earn points, you have to do bad things, but how to do good things is good, and I have to wear an iron mask even when I go to work... ...

This is fine, I can’t bear it, or...

"....... are the **** masks and robes, actually still artifact sets, let the beauty see me as if I was scared to death, or the ankles scared the urine, I am a young age. And still have a girlfriend."

"No, there is something wrong with masks and dressing, but your head, the undead lich looking for a girlfriend?,...hehe, this joke is really laughable, right, it is said that when you still When you are human, you are always a bachelor.... Although the reality is cruel, please don’t evade reality."

"Oh, don't be afraid to scare you, there are still girls who want to marry me."

"Hey, which love corpse is so heavy..... No, I understand, it must be a small loli that doesn't understand things. If you give a candy, you promise to marry, but it is not popular to lie. Loli came to satisfy her dignity, too pitiful... Oops, master, why your face is so ugly, is it that Eliza guessed it."

"Bastard Eliza! I... I want to be a good person! I want a girlfriend too!"

So... the residents of Sulphur Hill City were fortunate enough to see their Supreme Court president tears.

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