The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 640: Desperate choice

When we resisted the capital of the moon, even the brave warrior took a breath.

We have never seen the destructive power of the magic tide from the beginning, but still find that it underestimates its existence.

The beautiful and holy white moon city in the original material has become a pile of broken bricks. The original magical forest with hidden mysteries and dangers has become a wasteland.

The moonlight capital of the five-story city wall has only the last two layers left, not to mention that civilians are desperate for their lives, even the empress and ministers have taken the court maid to the front line of the battlefield.

Between the incomplete walls, red blood everywhere, the earth has been dyed red, broken meat or something, has long been swallowed by the demons.

In the extension of the last shelter, there was nothing but the dense devils and Warcraft.

Driven by the abyss, they swallowed everything in front of them. Perhaps they would destroy themselves after the magic tide came to an end, but before that, there was no torrent of resistance.

We are accompanied by snow and snow, the snow is falling in the sky, the snow falls down... Although it is very artistic, but the next slap, the violent ice and snow elements fluctuate, but it seems to open a full screen ridicule, all eyes are watching It is.

Is it a feeling of being stared at by hundreds of people? Is it a feeling of being stared at by thousands? Is it a feeling of being stared at by hundreds of thousands and millions of killing eyes?

At a glance, the whole world is still, and the next moment, everything is alive, all the demons did not hesitate to give up the moon capital in the siege and rushed toward us.

In the sky is a dense group of bees. On the ground is an innocent ant colony. People look at the scalp and numb. Once again, every demon who is powerful and can madly blew himself is desperate.

The demons on the ground began to climb each other and set up ladders to attack us.

Then, with a roar, it rang through the sky.

"Ansolo, don't want the moon elves to destroy the family. Just block them!"

Yes, the layout I left in the abyss is to let Eliza go to Ansolo and ask him to intercept Danatis in the magic tide. When our meat shield... I mean to personally save the moon elves.

It is indeed difficult for the Lord God to descend to the main plane, but now it is the time of the magic tide, the crack of the space is fully opened, I don't think there will be anything in the abyss to prevent an abyss from coming here.

what I did. Just let Eliza bring a letter to Ansolo and point the way.

The existence of the main **** level is an individual that transcends common sense. I don't know whether the elves of the elves will fall, and the moon will destroy the tribes. It will cause him to fall, but watching him save the elves, he will not hesitate to go to the abyss, he knows that he can never let go. .

Is this a trap? Yes, in the face of the desperate magic wave and the peak of the Danatis, the existence of the main **** level can please?

It is still possible to defeat a main god, but it is almost impossible to kill a main god. Only this kind of battlefield must be dead. The Lord God is likely to fall.

"Ansolo, you are coming out, your people are waiting for you to save! You have the power to make the gold elves, you have not seen it, the gods of the elves, the gods of your majesty have already Fallen, now your last believers are in desperate circumstances, you have the ability to continue to shrink the tortoise!?"

The malicious voice echoed in the whole world, and Helois showed a happy smile. In her list of revenge, the first one was naturally the mastermind of the golden elf, the main **** Ansolo.

I promised that she would kill Ansolo. So, let's do it.

This is both a revenge for history and an expectation for the future... Ansolo has ruled the elf for too long in the clouds, and if he does not fall. The Northland Elves are not only unable to settle down to the new empire. After the end of the jihad, they will inevitably be liquidated and become the enemy of the Lord God. It is endless trouble.

Moreover, Cavans did not find the wrong opponent. He is also my enemy.

"Since the elves are to be redeemed, then Ansolo must die."

Is this a conspiracy? Of course, but considering that it has already been malicious, please enter into it, more like a conspiracy... No, it is more like a transaction.

If the Moon Elf is destined to destroy the family, Ansolo may not come out to be buried, but I will give you a chance to save the Moon Elf, but you will risk your life to face a strong enemy. How would you choose?

Is this a chance to save the elves? Yes, as long as you block Da Natis, give me enough time to complete the Ice Age, perhaps the existence of the Lord God level can protect against the curse attack, but these most troublesome abyss war slaves will definitely be destroyed by the whole army, then, the road will be born. Appeared.

But at this time alone, facing the elite abyss lords as a striker, the wrath of the deep abyss, the endless abyss of war slaves, blocking their path to survival... Ansolo, who was injured, how many chances to survive, My forbidden curse has no eyes, maybe it can't kill the main god, but it is ok to make up the knife.

Even if he was lucky enough to survive... he betrayed the order side but betrayed the chaotic side before the jihad began. Although Aich was big, he did not have his place.

The balance of life and death is placed in front of you for your choice. What do you do? The sublime elf Lord God, Ansolo, the protector and protector of all elves, the supreme Lord of Glow! The Destroyer of the Elf Empire!

"Please save us, Lord of the Elves."

"Save us, the noble and great master of the elves."

The prayers were transmitted from the last line of defense of the moon capital. My spies and desperate elves chanted the name of the elf **** and prayed for the desperate watchers to reappear.

The faces of the high-level elves are very ugly, and the priests such as the priests of the moon elves are even more screaming. This situation is in front of them, knowing a lot of them, and naturally knowing that this is a trap against the king of gods.


Many pastors have left, and they prayed prayingly for the coming of the Lord of the Elves, because this is the last place of faith in the Elven gods, and the people here are lost, and the elves and gods will all fall.

"For the continuation of the elf's faith and culture, please save us..."

In fact, the meaning of this sentence, a new sentence will be better understood - "For us to live, the Lord God, please die."

"Save us, we still have the future" - "Please Ansolo to die."

"The glory of the elf needs to continue, and our nation cannot perish here." - "Please ask Ansolo to die."

"The great elf Lord, we believe that you will be able to eliminate the magic wave in front of you." - "Please hurry to die."

With the prayers of the gods, how can Ansolo not hear them, and the malicious curses that are mixed in seemingly pious prayers are real poisons.

"Where mortals want to live, so God wants to die... This scene, this is a moving tears."

Unfortunately, now I can only share my joy with Herois in the spiritual link, and the opposite of the soul link, she is already excited about hysteria.

"Yeah, go to die, die, die, die..."

Well, the description of madness is more appropriate, but it has accumulated tens of years of genocide hatred, and it is also time to vent.

What will Ansolo do? How will he choose? Is he a true saint? hypocrite? It doesn't make sense, he is finished.

He appeared, he fell, the old elf gods broke the backbone, the other main gods will not let go of this fat, let it survive the holy war, the elf **** is finished.

He did not appear, I did not hesitate to open the land of the Hades, let the forbidden curse on the battleship out there, and then turned around and ran, as for the moon elves with my hatred, who loves to save who to save.

Ansolo does not appear, this is the mortal world. I naturally want to give priority to self-protection. I can use this reason to explain to the Northland Elf. I tried my best, but I am sorry.

And when a **** god is falling from God under his own shackles, the believer still does not appear when he is dead... He is also destined to "death", no one will re-believe in such a protector, maybe, the priesthood is all Ansolo, the guardian of the elves, will be worse than death.

Perhaps the elf can continue, but the elf gods are destined to fall.

"Ansolo, there are roads inside and outside, how would you choose? How can you choose!"

The huge figure that appeared in the heavens, the silent and exhausted look, seems to have indicated his choice. (To be continued.)


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