The true body of the gods is often tall and burly, which is the result of the indoctrination of the believers and the inevitable choice caused by the enormous power.

Although the situation is small and strong, and the magic is enough, it can only be regarded as a special case. In most cases, it is very easy to distinguish the strength of the **** from the appearance.

That appearance is a giant god. Standing there is a discoloration of the world. The momentum is compelling. Maybe it still comes with bgm and the burning effect. It must be oss.

Ansolo’s appearance was unknown and even miserable.

If it is reduced innumerable times, the Lord God looks like a full-fledged middle-aged elf scholar. His idol always carries a scroll in one hand and a long sword in one hand, symbolizing whether it is above wisdom or martial arts. This Lord God is the crown of the world.

In fact, his name is many, but "smart Ansolo" and "experienced Ansolo" are the most common names. His wise and erudite image seems to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but not in other races. In the middle, the name "Conspirator Ansolo" is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

He planned the plan to overthrow the Golden Elves and successfully completed the troll empire, the orc empire, and the human kingdoms who dreamed of dreams that could not be realized for countless years. He opened a new era of elves... even the era of decline and separation.

But in any case, he climbed from the nameless to the top of the world, and his ambiguity and wisdom have been talked about.

For so many years, he has always been the master of the elves. Even though the elves are weak, under his guidance, the human kingdoms of various countries are constantly causing contradictions and weakening. The "friendship of the elves" is regarded as "the trust of the devil."

If the elves cause internal and external contradictions and consume other countries in other countries, then Ansolo is undoubtedly the policy maker and the origin of all conspiracy.

But in another sense, those who now hate the elves will certainly hate Ansolo.

To save the elves. Naturally, I have to face the **** of the abyss, Danatis. This is a threshold that cannot be circumvented, and everyone knows to deal with a god. At least come up with another Lord God.

Of course, I can't take my own **** in this respect as an elf, and naturally I want this elf big man to come in person.

But now, this big man, his appearance is very difficult to see.

Now he is not wearing a sword and a book, after all. His right body has been broken for a long time, and the right shoulder to the right hand disappeared without a trace. It seems that the news that he was hit before was true.

Think about it too, bringing the order of the kingdom of God into the abyss, just completed the conversion, the strength is greatly reduced, but once again encircled by the two main gods, how to pay no price.

The injury of the gods represents that the last line of defense of the **** has been broken. Just appearing in this way can make his followers fear and even despair.

The huge giant **** did not appear in front of the magic tide, surrounded by starlight, and some of the delicate golden one-handed swords were full of silver light, the surrounding hurricane rolled up countless demons, not strong enough to exist, even There is no qualification for confronting him.

But I laughed, because his opponent is absolutely strong enough and wild enough.

The black giant **** has not acted. It was only slowly taking out the obsidian sword that was covered with blood, and slowly pointed to his opponent.

The **** of the abyss, Danatis, on the real battlefield, has never had the habit of nonsense. The etiquette of the sword is the recognition of a strong opponent, and it is also the determination to swear as long as the opponent blocks it.

Next time, he acted, and Blizzard could not hinder his charge. The footsteps are fast and heavy, and each foot has dozens of demons stepped into meat.

His goal is to summon us to curse, but the eyes have locked the opposite god.

This is the last choice. If Ansolo chooses to stop him, then it will be the death of the two main gods.


The black giant sword was not accidentally blocked by the slender silver sword. Ansolo looked at the black figure with no expression. The general face of the statue did not reveal the slightest emotion, but the bitterness and helplessness probably swallowed the belly. .

He has no choice, and the situation is in front of the world. Only by blocking Danatis, the elves can be saved.

Danatis will not retreat, a half-resident main god, why not block him... No, he is very happy to see the scene in front of him.

He smiled, and the dark giant **** clearly revealed his smile for the first time. It was an extreme joy. It was a comfortable long time. Finally, he had the opportunity to face the inner happiness of the soldiers who died in battle.

He has no nonsense, because speech at this time has no meaning. No matter who it is, standing opposite the magic tide is his own prey.

He jumped up and slammed the land, the sword of the giant sword directly created the canyon, and countless demons fell into it.

The silver sword and the black giant sword constantly touch each other, but the aftermath of the collision touched it, and it was directly broken into pieces. The earth could not withstand the terrible power of the trembling. There were cracks in the earth, and the wind in the sky also In the hustle and bustle, in the heavy snow, a space crack is torn open.

This is a desperate battlefield. Two giants roar and kill each other. Their aftermath can destroy the world. The existence of the main **** level is so brutal and direct.

Their **** country and its own domain are expanding, but they directly collide and offset. Ansolo does not need the magic that he is good at, and the simplified spell that can be released at this distance, it is possible to tear up the protection of Danatis. A.

Containing the body of divine power, it is the most powerful weapon. The two sides did not hesitate to choose the most brutal melee.

The devil in the magic tide is a **** mold, let alone the aftermath of the wave, and those space cracks and ground seams, the same life.

No matter how the war ended, it became the battlefield of the two main gods. The world rules here will not be stable for a long time, and it is destined to be incapable of living.

But even so, the herd of the magic tide is still rushing toward us, even if the companion's head is stepped into pieces in front of them, they still instinctively attack the greatest threat.

"Saniah! There are also elf gods who are shrinking tortoises, your boss is desperate, you can still shrink the tortoise! ​​Your people are watching you, being a **** of death, you are so rewarding to offer you Believers?"

The anger reverberated in the sky, and the next one, a sigh, sounded in the ears of all the creatures on the battlefield, and the despair and helplessness. People feel the same.

And the sky opened countless gates of heaven, and silver and gold order gods came out of it, and after that, the spirits and angels stepped into the battlefield without hesitation. Just killing the magic tide.

"Yes, yes, yes, this is right, fight for me. My warriors!"

The ironic laughter is sharp and sharp, but it is the temperament of the silver elf **** Sayan, and there is no plan to return.

The addition of the gods blocked the lords of the abyss, the deep-skinned slaves in the magic tide, the spirits, angels, and gods of the elves, and the two sides killed each other.

"Hey, it’s a good group of dogs. I will block the mad dogs for me, sacrifice for me, fight for me, die for me. I will help you save the elves. Hey, a bunch of waste, actually want outsiders to save their own people. ”


Ansolo, who has remained silent, has finally made a sound. The killing and anger are direct and deep, just for export, accompanied by thunder and storm.

"You dare to go back, I turn around and go!"

Ansolo and Saniya’s mouth moved, but in the end they all said something. There was a rare silence and embarrassment on the battlefield, and his opponent. Danatis laughed without hesitation.

"Haha, waste Ansolo! Your two brothers have really gotten together. Indeed, when the Lord God is actually mixed to give mortals a thug. The waste is not wrong."

But his jokes were not answered, and the voice ignored him, but he continued to ridicule the elves.

"Waste, let me block those guys, the failure of spelling represents the demise of the elves, just like the golden elves you died. Are you going to ruin the remaining elves? You have destroyed the elves and have already turned the elves Declined, and now want to destroy your own race? It is the perfect patron!"

Although it is hard to hear, it is indeed the most serious reality in the moment. The words and sentences are the words of the heart, and the gods of the elves are afraid to return, for fear that the only life-saving straw will turn away.

After all, it is not a secret in the elves of the elves, and the accumulation of hatred between the two sides is so much that it is entirely possible for the other party to turn around.

As long as these words are spread out, I am afraid that there will be no more faith and dignity in the elves.

The depression at the bottom of my heart is really killing, but I can only vent to my opponents, but also give up the life-like protection to ridicule my own objects. This kind of grievances makes people vomit blood.

"Right right, good dogs, cheering! I am optimistic about you, bless you to win! Hey! Dear Elves, Dear Ansolo, I, Roland, love you. Oh! Hey! ”

In the megaphone, there was a continuous kiss, and finally, Sarnia could not stand it, and he turned to the back.

"Never night!"

But the next moment, he closed his mouth. At this time, the magical array of ice was fully unfolded, and the whole world began to snow. The curse of the Ice Age began to anchor the surrounding world, and it was about to enter the final explosion period.

Instinctively aware that the end of the day is about to come, the crazy magic tide has taken action, and the elves and the soldiers under the arm are only more desperately blocked.

On the new Northern Lights, I am unable to make a sound, but I am helpless.


"It’s cool, and the old lady will repay you well."

Well, everyone knows here. These words are not all that I said. I used the words of the magic pet to provoke the elves to come out, and there is no need to pull hatred.

At this time, the appearance of Herois is very special, the snow is flying, but the red face is full of excitement, the sweat has wet the dress, and the tall figure of the golden curve is undoubtedly revealed.

Her eyes are full of tears, her feet are twitching like numbness, sometimes jumping, sometimes glaring at the gods, perhaps she has been waiting for this day for too long.

I could have blocked it before, but it is rare that Herois is so happy, why should I stop it.

Moreover, after doing this, the elf gods are thoroughly dignified, and a **** without dignity can get a devout faith.

Perhaps my hatred is full, but when I point out that the elves are letting the elves turn from decline to anger and anger the mistakes of the elves, the future Northern Elf Empire will be more accessible to the people, but if it is open, it is Herois. Naturally, there are old ministers who hate her. I can see clearly the gains and losses.

reputation? Can this reputation be eaten? This rotten world, the notoriety is better.

"Hey, what about hating me? Have the ability to bite me? Want to kill me? Remember to queue up, don't know how many people are in front of your useless elves."

"Oh, hate me..."

"Hey, hello, Helois... Forget it, just play it, be your birthday today, have fun and have fun."

Because of someone's malice, the words in my heart turned into real ridicule. I looked at this level of mouth and looked proud of Helois, I was a little bit smirking.

"Dead cat, I promised you to do it, I owe me a favor."


The golden elf has a cat ear and a tail, and it’s really cute. The cat that sounds in the ear is squeaky and tender, and the goose bumps are all over, but the meaning is not so obvious. understood.

"喵 (喵生以报)!"

"... forget it, today you are the Lord, whatever you are crazy."

"Stupid, oh. Wood, oh." (To be continued.)


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