The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 665: Winter hunting

Just after the New Year, the winter hunting season is about to begin, and many trivial things are mixed together. The Royal Palace and the administrative department are busy flying.

Winter hunting is not uncommon in other countries in the mainland. The cold winter makes the hungry beast more aggressive and more likely to appear in front of human beings, and the cold weather makes the nobility unable to carry out other entertainment and action. The aristocrats who always wanted to find something to do started the winter hunting season.

Riding a high horse, armed with a full-time entourage, chasing the homeless, hungry poor beasts in the hounds of the hounds, using their heads to decorate their own martial arts, decorating their rooms with their fur Ah, those poor little guys have suffered so badly just to find some food for their children. Human beings are cruel...

"..........Grina, you will pretend to narrate and I will send you back. Also, our winter hunting and other countries are two different things. Those beasts, World of Warcraft are pitiful, they will eat people!"

I am helpless. Compared with the porcelain dolls of the year, Grena is indeed a good thing to humanize. After all, normal people without psychological shadows will not become like that.

However, Shantou is sometimes too active. At this time, this kind of expressionless and arrogant nonsense makes me feel a little bit unbearable. I have some sympathy for the administrative officer of the priest, and put on such a queen, weekdays. It’s definitely cool to be tossed.

I heard that I was going to send her back. The young queen had a huge expression of a huge magical couple under the buttocks. The diamond 傀儡mk2 (mk1 died from self-explosion) that did not know where it came out rushed out of the team and banged. All the way, chasing the poor beasts in her mouth.

And her entourage is naturally impossible for the Queen to place orders. Dozens of knights rushed out of the brigade and hurry to keep up. The smile on their faces indicates that they are used to it. Still happy? Judging from the respect and joy that comes from the heart, I think it might be the latter.

"Winter hunting? It's really a long memory."

The ground has already frosted, the horseshoes are not able to slam on the ground, and the hot air that is spit out turns into white fog. The previous snow makes the whole world white. The innocent icefields and snowy mountains are in front of you. Even the winter hunting battalion of thousands of people, placed between the whole world, still seems small.

Our team set off in the early hours of the morning. Most of them were knights with mounts. The detectives and the hounds had already set off. The empty knights should soon bring news of the herd.

Winter hunting in the Northland is quite different from winter hunting in other countries in the mainland. They are for entertainment. And we are to survive...

The living environment of the Northland is extremely bad. The strong malice is not purely directed against human beings. The survival environment of the beast and the World of Warcraft is as bad. Once the snow is closed, the beasts can't find food in the mountains, and naturally they will go out of the mountains and attack humans. .

The beasts that can survive in the north have long been mutated to approximate Warcraft, under the leadership of the leader of the ethnic group. The beasts that chased each other eventually formed an uncontrollable beast that swept through everything, attacking villages and towns.

In the past few decades, hundreds of years. The villages destroyed by the winter beasts are countless. In a sense, the clusters attacked humans when they could not find food. This has become a tradition of the northern beasts, and the northern people naturally form another Tradition, winter hunting begins in the winter, threatening to stifle as much as possible.

Strike in advance before the beasts form the beast, as much as possible to kill the leader of the herd, to disperse the herd that has just gathered together, reducing or even destroying the scale of the future beast.

History and tradition have proved that this practice is much better than waiting for the beast in the castle. Passive defense will only make the animal tide more and more. When the whole snowy mountain of Warcraft comes out, what high-end gadgets may encounter It is a matter of history to finally destroy the northern city.

Most of the northern countries have the tradition of winter hunting. It is not only the courage to challenge the herd and the beast. The ferocious herd is the well-armed knight. It is also difficult to deal with. The group sent the takeaway, and the Dongpu Principal gave up the winter hunting for quite a long time, but it was a helpless choice.

In those years, the Dongpu people seemed to have gotten used to going to the big cities like Dieffen in the winter, and then hid in the wooden house and shivered and listened to the beasts outside, praying that the animal tide would pass soon. Pray that your home and foundation should not be spoiled too much.

This is still the best development. Every year, countless residents are attacked by the herd on the road of migration. The Knights of the Principality are simply not enough to protect their safety.

In the year we returned eight years ago, we began to organize winter hunting, not only to clear the beasts to collect food, but also to re-energize the courage and morale of the Dong people, and give them a long-term sense of security.

In the past eight years, the entire national strength of Dongpu and Yumeng has been flourishing, and military power has become the leader of the North, and winter hunting has not stopped.

With the progress of winter hunting, the size of the herd has decreased year by year, and the pressure of city-states and villages has also been reduced. If it is possible to defeat the animal tide in advance, there is no need for the dangerous people to carry out dangerous winter migration.

Now we have thousands of people traveling, it seems that the scale is not small, but it is just the beginning and preparation of winter hunting. Our main task begins to detect the position and scale of the herd, and discover high-order, super-Warcraft in advance. Dispelling, if there are thousands of big beasts and beasts, they will still be handed over to the regular army.

Winter hunting is completely two concepts in the Northland and the Central Region. In those warm areas, winter hunting is the entertainment season in which the nobles show off their strength, and it is the season of hooking up the ladies. In the north, winter hunting is one. The war is a training. It is the duty and responsibility of every royal family to participate in winter hunting.

Did Grena not return to the country to organize winter hunting? In fact, the winter hunting of other countries in the northern part of the country has been controlled for so many years. The winter hunting is not dangerous. It is normal to carry out the routine. Only the Dongpu Principality has been weak for too long, and the number of herds has probably exceeded. The sum of other countries, to control the size of the herd is not as simple as killing.

She is happy, not only can tease her sister for the New Year, but also can participate in the hunting season to relax, so she insisted on not returning to China, and asked her followers, and learned that the domestic situation is stable and everything is fine, and I did not force people.

Along the way, she was as active as a bunny, constantly adding trouble to the hunting team. However, she has a special status and must be taken seriously, but for me...

"...Kelly sister is also, what 'to take the royal annuity to fulfill the responsibility of a royal prince.' Winter hunting has been so many times, I should have done my duty as long as it is so cold, I want to lie The warm bedding is hot and cocoa is in a daze..."

We were still waiting for the return of the detective ride while I was blowing. I just started to squat, and I felt very cold. I looked at the dead child who had started to build a snowman on the side of the road. I became more and more eager to go back to sleep. .

"...the spirit of a dead child is so good, the age of the body can really affect the psychological age to this point..."

But very quickly, I found out that I was wrong. The three-meter-high snowman was made into a magical figure, the joints were obvious, and then the big engineer inserted some things in it, and what God had secretly read. The snowman actually stood up, banging and banging, and it was running and he was jumping... it was piled up with a bigger snowman!

"This is the senior version of the dead bear child playing snow..."

Seeing that I was looking over there, Grena, who had already jumped on the shoulder of the snowman, waved to me and motioned me to pass. I was not stupid. I saw that you had added a lot of explosives to the snowman. I went. Cognac, the last explosion of mk1 has not been enough, now take the initiative to enjoy the explosion of mk3?

wait? Mk3? Grena did mark the snowman's head. So, mk2, the mk2 that Grena has been stepping on may not be equipped with explosives... I am subconsciously far from Grena.

“It’s rare to see Grianna’s sister so relaxed.”

Unlike the ones we all embraced, Renee was wearing a black tight-fitting suit and a beautiful curve. I suddenly found out that she was actually taller than me.

The leather clothes made of nine-headed dragon skin seem to be light and thin, and the defensive power and the cold resistance are extremely amazing. With hunting bow hunting, it becomes more and more heroic. The Cavalier Princess is more mature, but I am standing with her. Too close by the two emperors at the same time...

Seeing that I was a little worried, Renee smiled.

"Grina is not like this in China. She is the core of the wisdom and the pillars of the entire alliance. She always shows confidence and dignity. Only in front of you can she really relax and let go of those messy things. It’s the same age as your appearance.”

I heard that I was a bit guilty. I was really selfish in the past. I just left everything and left the responsibility to the two girls who just arrived in adolescence, so that they can support the family business so hard, I should If you compensate them well, start by giving more pocket money...

"...Grina, I pretend that I have no opinion on the narration. I am a bit guilty, but the pocket money is really..."

We are still joking on this side, but there are two ice knights in the sky in the west. As the Aurora Knight of the detective ride, it is time to do business.

But the next one, but there was a burst of exclamation, one of the Aurora knights actually stunned on their mounts, and the other one, but also hurt.

It doesn't matter how powerful the Aurora Knight is, even if the rookie knight appears in the investigation, it is also incomprehensible.

But for me, it is more and more uneasy. It seems that some of the previous guesses are correct. I was lucky this time, not only came right, but also met the target ahead of time. (To be continued.)

Ps: Well, to achieve the promise, to add more, to buy the bottom of the monthly ticket, everyone's support is to continue to add more power

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