The Aurora Knight is the ace of the Northland. Before the jihad, it was the peak knight of the whole golden level. It used to be the most powerful knight of human beings. Now, although it is probably not the luxury lineup of the full dragon knight, it is still It is a powerful candidate for the most powerful formation of the Knights.

As the emperor of the League of Nations, how can the East Asian Principality of the arms majors be guilty of these heroic knights.

Even if they can summon the weapons of ice, they don’t rely on equipment, but the soft alloy magic armor that is tailored for the hail makes it possible to wear armor after deformation, plus the changes in the elements of tides and ice and snow. The strength of the entire hail group has increased dramatically, and the strength of these polar knights has also increased.

Although the hail knight and the dragon knight have the same drawbacks, 90% of the combat power is based on the mount, not so much the knight is worse than the beast of the domesticator... but the strength is strong.

According to the standards of the old times, these knights are still the standards of the "masters" and above, and are the strengths of the legends of the old times. Now they are only patrolling some wild beasts. It is a serious coma, and it is incredible.

"...the burn of the flame attribute? In the North?"

It’s good to be back, and soon the knight who is still awake will tell his story.

The detective ride was scattered, and the scope of the investigation was routine. The empty knight Levin saw the fireworks for help to rescue the companions. When he arrived, the companions were besieged by a group of winter wolves and lions and beasts. Falling to the ground, his mount is still desperately protecting him.

When he went down to rescue, he was attacked by a red man, and not only the red man would use the fire magic, but even those strange winter wolves would spit black flames. He accidentally ate. Big loss, if it is not the hail, open the ice barrier in time, protect the two people flying. I am afraid that I am happy.

"Black flame?"

No one doubts how the winter wolf of the ice attribute spurts out the flame. This thing is simply the signboard of the lower plane. It is not a cultist who believes in evil spirits, but a running dog of the devil and the devil. It seems that the music is big.

But heard the words. I laughed.

"Finally. I caught the tail..."

One reason why we are so eager to return to the North is that the devil's abyss has undergone new developments.

The demon abyss of the Northland is a customary saying of the locals. The official name is the Luke Valley, a cave and valley where no light can be seen during the day.

Because the devil has been invading the main plane several times, the space defense rules there have been broken, and it is not difficult to lose something from the lower plane.

In the past, there were fortresses in Laos. But after the Cavendish file was finished. The abyss here has become weak, and no new demons have been sent over the past few decades. The new country has no energy to invest in the defense here.

However, there are still resident monitoring stations in Laos. There was a very high concentration of magical energy response in the previous period, which undoubtedly showed something in the lower plane, but the sentinel did not see anything.

The worst thing is the Demon Legion and the Abyss Lord, and everyone is ready to go. The best result is probably a group of troublemakers.

And since we have never found traces of the demon army. Most of them just came a few people. This is also expected. Compared with the hard bones of the icy northland, other areas are both good and oily. The abyss lords are not fools. Before the fat is cleaned, no one will. Stupid to go to the hard bones.

Although there are only a few abyss to visit, this matter is not small, it is not big, and improper handling will also cause big troubles, such as the sacrifice of the evil spirits and the plague of the devil. It is also very troublesome.

These days, the Laos indicated that there was nothing to do. In fact, the intelligence spies have already been fully deployed, and every unidentified foreigner is thoroughly investigated.

But we have nothing to gain, it seems that those abyss visitors have no plans to mix into the crowd.

Now, we seem to have found their tails, it seems that they are going to do something about the animal tide.

It was originally expected that the intensity of this animal tide would exceed the peak of history, coupled with the actions of the apostles under the lower plane. It seems that the development of headaches is in front of us, but my heart is full of joy.

Strong enemies are not terrible, terrible is unknown. These days I am calculating what conspiracy these guys are planning, what kidnapping real powers, what is provoking war between the franchisees, what blows up the Caso Dam to create a flood, and To scare yourself, the more you think about it, the more terrible you are. If you make yourself worse, you will make others think worse.

The conspiracy is not terrible. The conspiracy that has been hiding behind the scenes is terrible. Now that I am exposed, I am naturally very happy.

But now the first thing...

"We personally shot and got the guys back!"

Expanding the wings of the angel, just flew into the air, a cold wind blew, but it was frozen and trembling, and the muscles numb down. It seems that considering the normal ice-cold resistance that I have brushed to the top of the bio-chain, even It’s been a month since the release of the curse, and I’m still far from healing.

Helpless shook his head, or did not drag his hind legs, sit and watch those empty knights ascend to heaven, I still find a warm place but drink hot cocoa.

The dead cat on my shoulder, but strangely calm, seems to squint and sleep, in fact, since I began to restore certain mobility, she has been like this.

As the current queen of the elves, she is probably outrageous from the administrative level, but now that the elves are ready to move to the North, her troubles are really a lot.

Now that her real body is around me, but the busy avatar with the elves is almost overworked. I don't touch her, she really is like a puppet cat toy.

Anyway, I have to wait for the results, or else, try to draw something on her face?

I was a little hesitant, but the dead cat suddenly turned his head, and the black cat on his shoulder suddenly turned his head 180 degrees, reminiscent of a horror movie.

"...Roland, I have a little new discovery here."

"I definitely don't plan to write 'Meat x Lie', 'Meat X Device' on your head... New Discovery? New Discovery?"

Then, I saw that the dead cat had forgotten what he said, and he touched it on his head for a long time, and he turned into a mirror and took a half-tone.

"Just kidding, haha, you are fooled, actually taken seriously. Am I so boring and naive?"

"you are."

The dead cat didn't trust me at all, began to check back and forth on her own body, and now I looked back and forth with my tail, and seemed to worry that I had microtextured the above.

And before the end of the farce, the empty knights are back. Someone is pointing the way. The polar aurora knights are as fast as the wind, and it is difficult to get rid of their tracking in the North.

Dozens of high-altitude knights, including Renee, personally shot, the group of winter wolves have not responded, and immediately the whole army is destroyed, the red man is also caught in an instant.

And when he was thrown in front of me, I saw the traces of familiarity.

Although cloaked, it is a magical mask with a mask. Open his mask. There is nothing on the face.

The same face as a whiteboard, no eyes, no ears, no mouth, noodles, generally distorted limbs, barely a human body, lying on the ground like a mollusk, like a nightmare running out of a fairy tale.

"what is this?"


A detective evil (chaos) was thrown away, all red and black, and the distorted body was covered with obvious black light. Chaos to this extent, should be a member of the devil or the devil.

I am very satisfied and nodded. The rest is handed over to the warden professional. In the face of torture, the difference between the devil and the mortal is probably more than a period of time.

The knight who came back not only brought back this hand letter, but also the bodies of several winter wolves. I checked it a little. Some of them had long horns on the forehead, and some of them had scales on their claws. The signs of enlightenment were obvious.

Most of the creatures in the Northland are ice-like, non-attributable, capable of ejecting flames. Even the magic fires of the lower planes can only show that they have become another species, and this level of demonization is so Fast, it is beyond common sense.

My mood is a bit heavy. This situation should not be accidental. Once the animal tide begins to be massively demonized, the threat will rise sharply.

Out of this change, the team of former winter hunting forwards who were talking and laughing became silent, as if something invisible was enveloped by us.

Outside the Alliance met the conspiracy of the Church, and there was a conspiracy in the lower plane. It seems that we are really valued.

The other detectives quickly paid off, and they actually found the red demon from other herds. It seems that we are not lucky, but the number of these things is too much, and they are not afraid of loss. .

"The wind and rain are coming..." -

To tell the truth, I hate the reason of government affairs. I am not too lazy to do things. But once I start to deal with it seriously, you will find that the harder you work, the more infinite life you can do. The more you are responsible for the end. The more new responsibility falls on your shoulders.

"...It sounds reasonable, but the things that the Church Church has caused are directly causally related to the curse that you lost on the Elf."

"This I admit, but..."

"Those who are stirring things in the herd are devils, mentioning the devil, who do you think the devils hate most now? Why are they coming to the ice, are you sure you don't need to be responsible?"

"I also admit this, but..."

"There are so many things to help the elves do something, and then, who is this organization? Since it’s got people, it’s not a mistake."

It is trouble to have someone who knows your past. If she is a woman with a sharp tooth, it is trouble in trouble.

I only complained that there is nothing to say when I say two sentences. If I say that I have become the source of all evil, all the troubles are caused by me. It’s easy to kill me.

"This is your own saying. Think about your current list of natural disasters. I think this is very reasonable."

The place where we are now is still the palace of the Shu Kingdom, but the patriarchs of the upper elves have come, and they come to discuss their future land territory.

Don't look at the fact that we are laughing and spitting, this is a big trouble. Once it is not handled well, I am afraid that the next is civil war and civil strife.

Although the northern land is large, there is actually no land without a land. Those uninhabited sites are also the sites of a certain country on the map.

Maybe someone else can't develop this land, but if you take it away, the other party will work hard with you. Once it comes to the territory and the land, many people are totally unreasonable.

But a piece of land has actually belonged to the elf, and now, there is indeed the only landless land in the north.

Yes, I am afraid some people have already thought of it. The tassel elves of the Northland, the fall of the patron saint, completely destroyed the natural enchantment that controls the climate. The result of subverting the laws of nature is naturally the revenge of natural laws, and the endless natural disasters. Destroyed the land.

At that time, the tassel elves had moved to the Principality of Dongpu and became a national of the Principality. In the past, it took a lot of thought to relocate and resettle the refugees.

Now that eight years have passed, the land has been calmed down, but it has become a buffer zone for the elf kingdom and the human countries in the alliance. It has been left uncontrolled.

Now, it seems that it is time to return it to the elf, but when it really started, it was discovered that a series of troubles were found. (To be continued.)

Ps: Well, double, continue to ask for the monthly ticket, this month also wants to rush to the monthly vote list.

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