The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 680: Embarrassed dilemma

The name of the Shawon Dominion is a lot. It is not a country, but a “self-management territory”. Even for a long period of time, it was isolated from the diplomatic circle of the entire North.

In the fantasy world dominated by the feudal era, the human lord aristocracy is both an identity, but also a responsibility of blood transmission, and of course, a right.

In Ai Xi, who has nothing to do with peace, the nobles have a series of enviable privileges. For example, as long as they surrender in time, they can save their lives. As long as they pay enough ransom, they can return home with dignity. Of course, this is only limited to humans. Civil war, this is also the case when the human aristocracy will be desperate in the face of ethnic warfare. On the battlefield, it is not that you die or that I die, and the civil war will be relatively less intense.

The other enviable privilege is probably to become the lord. It can only be a nobleman. This is a kind of unspoken unspoken rule, but it is taken for granted by the world.

There are few ways for civilians to become nobles. The most reliable way is to use land to open up wasteland. Even if they succeed in exploiting new territories, such pioneering knights are regarded as inferior. At least until the third and fourth generations are maintained, it is impossible to enter the world. Aristocratic circle.

Such a relatively closed class concept is common in all countries, and the aristocratic marriage between countries has deepened the "circle culture". Even if the country is overthrown, the local aristocrats still exist in the reality, which greatly weakens the kingship and often appears. In the face of strong enemies, the royal family is still desperate, but the nobles have already surpassed the reality of the bigger chips.

Aristocratic heraldry is only a study of the history, family emblem, blood heritage, interest aristocracy, and inheritance rights of aristocrats in all countries. There has been a special subject. It takes several years to study light. In a sense, it is really enough. Leisure... Keke, this is a culture.

When the Shavin Dominion, when it could not be called an independent state, the Harbold family, which was the lord, was instead recognized by the aristocratic circles of the North. Because Gagarol. Harble originated from the country, was once a local aristocrat of the country.

Things like history and the ancestors' honours are not worth mentioning when you encounter objects that you don't recognize, but if you throw them into the aristocratic circle that hangs the honor of the ancestors every day. It’s really a thing.

Unlike the relatively stable central region of the mainland, the history of the tried and tested Northern aristocracy is not long. The maps of various countries have changed. The family of three or four hundred years has a long history, and the Hubble has been passed down from the country. Family. It was not recognized when the Yi people were down, but when the Northern Yi people re-emerged, they suddenly got on the ride.

Therefore, even if it is only the lord of a self-governing leader, the "狡狐" Gagarol dares to yell at the counts and marquis of all countries, mixed with the advantages of the landlord and the prestige of the past, and the lords of the royal chambers are really obedient. His deployment, sent his own bodyguards and mercenaries.

After all, this is not a civil war between the human kingdoms, once the line of defense is broken. Hungry beasts will not leave your life because of your blood. On the contrary, the noble and noble aristocratic children are more delicious.

"Damn, these beasts are there, and the mercenaries have apparently dispelled all the herds on the map."

In the face of the endless beast group, the Shawen Dominion has given up all the perimeter defense lines, and the surrounding cities have been captured one by one. The villagers who have not had time to migrate have no chance of surviving.

In front of the herd, the well-known Shawen Guards and mercenaries performed very well, chaotic organization and lack of staff. The result of long-term lack of training is that even the weapons and equipment are not ready, and the life is lost in vain. Under the threat of the beasts, there are actually deserters.

Shawen's self-employed leader used his own experience to give a lesson to all the northern lords present. Even if you have entered the internal peace period, you cannot hand over the sword to protect yourself.

Professional soldiers who have reorganized more than 20,000 people can actually play less than 4,000. The collection of temporary mercenaries and bodyguards, which are patchwork, is very easy to form a group of ten thousand.

This is actually very normal. There are threats to the herd in the wilderness this year. A noble lord with 100 mercenaries and bodyguards is normal. Hundreds of nobles have easily assembled over 10,000 armed forces. They are also elite soldiers, professional bodyguards, and mage consultants. Looks like it is stronger than the regular army.

And with one or two bodyguards dare to wander around the whole north, it is even better, after all, that only shows the strength of that strong person is over 100 professional warriors.

The more noble the person, the stronger the camouflage power around him. The Shawen Dominion now has many royal families and large aristocratic children. Temporarily dispatching and organizing civilians as a line of defense, it is better to find these people to save lives.

Gagajord’s reputation as a fox is to find a way out of the desperate situation, and his own prestige and the relationship with Laos have also made his call a real one.

Now, thanks to the mercenaries and bodyguards brought by the local lords, with the advantage of the city wall, it is hard to piece together a temporary defense line, successfully intercepting the striker of the herd.

But in the face of the endless beasts of the wild, no one knows how long they can support them. The only thing they can count on is probably that the reinforcements will come as soon as possible.

"The eagle tribe? They should be the recent reinforcements."

The barbarian tribes of the Shahweong Autonomous Alliance are living in the mountains not far from Shawen. They are the most likely reinforcements, but only Gagaror himself knows that the trustworthy barbarian allies can’t count on it.

"...In the past few years, they have sold a lot of ore and made a fortune. Whoever lives in the mountains and freezes, most of them have moved to the big cities and enjoyed it. There are only some miners in the mountains."

In a sense, what the barbarians will do when they make money is indeed worthy of discussion. Perhaps some people will think that they will use gold coins to improve and repair their own villages, while the barbarians of the eagle tribe But they gave the most direct answer. They went to the city as a local tyrant with money. They all made a fortune, and they were still blowing their arms on the mountain.

"There are the pretty elves and half-orc tribes around? They should have enough combat power, we will pay them to help them rescue, at all costs!"

There are many mixed-race children in the Shaman Dominion, but most of them live in the city-state. They are part of the mixed culture of human culture. The mixed-race tribes who admire the orc totem culture and the elves of the mountains are also scattered in the city-state of the Shaman Dominion. outer.

They and the Shawen Dominion maintain a strange relationship that is similar to the distance. They often come down to the city to buy daily necessities, but they always refuse the penetration and assimilation of human culture.

Their fighting power is extremely good. If they were placed eight years ago, it would be a good idea to ask for help from the same roots. Now, Gagarol’s heart is full of remorse, regretting why he is so fast and so fast.

" there are primitive barbarian tribes. In our tourism plan, all the tribes are open as tourist attractions. All kinds of bandit cottages and tribal style streets are widely praised by tourists. Those brutal mixed-race soldiers..."

"...will not all be killed? Or was it expelled?"

The waiter was full of horror, and he was the guard of the lord, but he had never heard of such a thing. Is it a **** secret slaughter?

"This is the thing of that era? Who is doing this kind of thing in this year? It is better to make a fortune than to fight and kill. They have a huge amount of compensation for demolition. They want to go to the Elf Kingdom to buy a house and buy a house. Anyway. They are not afraid of being bullied. They want to experience the life of the real orcs. They take the money directly to the orc plains. I received their letters a few months ago. It’s like an emperor’s day, a mixed race. I can spend money to buy the chieftain, and I have envied the little days."

In a sense, the Shawen Dominion has also risen. The result of its innumerable land is that everyone looks at the money together, and then the surrounding reinforcements are all "developed" and "opened".

The rest is the business people who make a fortune together, counting on businessmen to fight on the battlefield? That is ** naked murder.

As a lord, Gagaror may not be very qualified, but he is also a recognized talent in the North... excellent business genius, but now, he is helpless and regrets.

"You can only hope that the country will catch up. The fleet should have time. No, for the gold coins that belong to me in the future, we must have time......."

(To be continued.)

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