Considering the distant distance between the Shu Kingdom and the Shah Autonomous Leadership, I was expected to see a scene when the Dong’s reinforcements were ambushed several times by the herd.

" really spectacular..."

In the distance, it is a volcano that sprays the sky. A large amount of gas and volcanic debris are mixed together, and a thick layer of smoke is raised. In the smoke and dust of the sky, the flame is ignited at the core. The lava flows slowly from the surroundings, and the high temperature begins to incinerate the entire land.

The powerful jets allow the volcanic debris to extend all the way to the stratosphere. The volcanic ash that suffocates everywhere in the sky and the pumice that turns into a streamer, even if we are far away, we can still feel the power of nature.

No matter what the middle is, I am afraid I will not survive.

"Shawen Dominion, finished..."

Along the way, we encountered more than a dozen interceptions, but the ambush added up did not have more than the first time, but also how many wandering flying World of Warcraft, obviously only slow down our pace, if only this, we should yesterday I can arrive in the evening, and the volcano should not be activated yet.

But the devils actually followed the mountain of the snow-capped mountains, artificially created several avalanches, and blew up two bridges. The hard-witted force forced us to decelerate around the road. This is a typical devil's means. I still don’t give you a chance to fight.

When our reinforcements were repeatedly delayed, we had already prepared for the worst. The result was that we saw a scene of volcanic eruption... Gagaror, I will give you a grave next year.

"...the volcano really erupted, Roland. The crow's mouth, how do you feel?"

【Ding. The title ‘Roland. The Raven’s mouth is obtained. It can be equipped with a long-distance causal attack, but it is limited to a specific attack such as ‘I think it’s not a fire,’ and ‘this volcano will never break out’. 】

I can't look at the sky with my powerless eyes. This is definitely not because of my crow's mouth, which is obviously the planning of the opponent before us. From the beginning of the press, we will slow down and let the opponent succeed in realizing the conspiracy. How can I blame my crow mouth!

"...Gagalore, let's go with peace of mind. Although you have been overdone in recent years. But even if you look at the face of the bereaved family, I will avenge you..."

"Gagarol is not dead. Our people have already found him. Although it is very embarrassing, the spirit is not bad."

I just wanted to talk about a few eulogies to make an atmosphere, and then I said that half of them were interrupted by embarrassment, and the terrible scenery that came to the end in the distance made me feel incredible.

"They. How did you survive?"

"...they were all waiting to die. But last night, the beasts took the initiative to open a passage, and some people shouted and let them go. As a result, they all came out all night."

I am stunned, can I still do this?

"Wait, let's say that the animal tide gives way to them... No, that is, if they continue to hold on, can they insist on coming to us?"

"It’s true that it’s time. It seems. This is also the basis for the opponent to let them escape."

I am speechless, it seems that our day and night has really played a role. At least the beastly tide and the illusion of the behind-the-scenes feared our arrival and gave the Shawens an escape route.

According to my understanding of Gagaral, I am afraid that he will not hesitate to catch this life-saving straw to escape, even if it is vaguely guessed that the reinforcements are about to arrive.

"Forget it, this is already the case. It is better to live than to die. Is that fat fox still okay? Didn't you go to bankruptcy before going to liberation overnight, can't you open it?"

The expression of the attendant officer became quite weird. In the end, I gave the answer I wanted.

"No, the first sentence he encountered in our detective ride was that 'Ms. Fortune is on the top. It seems that I have to change my business to do volcano tourism in the future. I hope I can earn it back in my lifetime.'"

"Hey. He still wants to make money."

When the words were exported, I was already laughing around, and finally the atmosphere was better.

I shook my head and felt a little sigh. When I saw him eight years ago, I was a visionary leader and adviser. After only a few years of business, I became a businessman from beginning to end.

But in any case, it’s good to be okay, and now we all have people taking off their thick winter clothes. It seems that the weather in this generation is really going to change. Don’t say, if you can’t do it, you can really afford the travel business. .


At this time, the roar of the beast in the distance attracted our attention.

Our airborne ride brought back the image, and the flame beasts came out of the volcano. There were countless medium-sized and small fire elements in the adjacent magma. It seems that the door of the fire element plane has been opened as scheduled. Our fun is big.

"Build a defense line first, hey, it’s really impossible for people to relax..."

The work of the relief victims has been arranged. For some reasons, the soldiers of Laos have been very experienced in disaster relief.

The sudden advance of the reinforcements clearly gave a lot of pressure to the men behind the scenes. They gave up the cofferdam plan. Although the Shaman self-government was completed, the loss of the population was still accepted.

And when the violent flame element comes from the ectopic plane, the first to fight with them is not the human being in the main plane, but the animal tides that are still stuck here.

At the moment of the volcanic eruption, the beastly beasts of the Northland were out of control. If those illusions did not escape in time, I am afraid they would become their own snacks.

The remaining herd, divided by the flame chase, eventually fell into desperation. It seems that we should not worry about the beast wave next year.

In a sense, under the control of the devil, this group of beasts has also become a sacrifice for the opening of the plane.

With the strengthening of the entire Northland warfare, the animal tide has become more and more a problem. The rational beast does not have to deal with it as long as it finds a coping style. The regular army has no road to fear the beast, if it is not the actuality of the Shawen Dominion in recent years. Not decent, not to cope with the herd.

But the beast is one thing, the elemental invasion is another thing, the former is the irrational and organized beast, the latter is the army led by the elemental lord.

"Come on?"

"Don't be kidding. I have this ability in this state. If I say it again, it will not be useful."

Looking at the flaming mountain in front of me, I regretfully gave up the desire to make a curse, screaming at the opponent's foothold to the ice age, brushing countless, this is a tempting idea, but unfortunately, I am now Don't say the curse of the state, the ice method above the five rings can not be lost, and even if the other party is stupid enough to let me read a few days of curse, just extinguishing the flame in front of me is meaningless.

The gate leading to the fire elemental plane must be in the most blazing place of the flame. Now it should be underground in the depths of the volcano. Even if the curse is used to extinguish these flames, it is only the rule of the roots, and it is the same as the magic tide. The door to the plane, the next elemental creature will be endless.

The most troublesome thing about jihad is that here, before the jihad, the door of the plane is opened, and the order rules of the main plane will have many restrictions. Any transmission will have to pay more or less, as it is now, once the plane opens, Basically can not be closed, the difficulty of transmission is like a neighbor's door, the ordinary small-scale battlefield can easily become a meat grinder-style war.

"Maybe, this is the purpose of the devils. Use the power of the fire element to drag us..."

Conspirators have already been realized, and some things are not difficult to guess. If you want to overthrow the increasingly powerful alliance, you must pay a large enough price, but the residents of the lower level are obviously not willing to die with the alliance, but find a The third party, to add trouble to the opponent, is the most familiar routine of the devil.

The flames in the distance are higher than the waves, and the open doors of the planes allow the power of the flame element to flow into it. The rapid warming implies a change in the environment, and the violent elements of fire do not leave the volcano. They are also building up their strength to prepare for the next elemental battle.

"It seems that we need a solid defense line.... Renee, call the leaders of the League of Nations, don't forget to inform the Daxueshan Demon and the Contractor's Union, we need to talk about it. Even if you don't want to go to the chaos side. The chaotic side will also help you find some trouble." (To be continued.)

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