"The omniscient" Herois, in the world of knowledge is the power of the Master, this title is not only very windy, but also hate.

The omniscient, is not the representative knows more than any mage, at the same time is the scholar's mage world, this is how ridiculous, but Herois not only firmly and steadily with this crown for thousands of years, or the Archmage The pile of clouds in the city mixed with the wind and water, taught a lot of proud disciples.

And if she is teaching knowledge and deliberately teaching what is wrong, leading people to go astray, I am afraid that it will soon be disgraced and even expelled from the country of the Master.

Therefore, what she said as a misleading apprentice is to be dialectical, referring to the fact that he did not give his true biography, but only according to the teachings of the textbook.

The basic teaching of the country of the Master is assisted by various colleges. There are naturally textbooks and courses selected by the college. The content taught is thousands of years of classics, which is very suitable for laying the theoretical foundation. However, if you want to go further, you must experience the Master. Another truth in the world is that knowledge is valuable.

Basic knowledge is not difficult to engage, but the pursuit of spell knowledge is endless. After graduation, if you are not satisfied with the identity of an apprentice, but you will live forever, you should either consider joining the caster organization or considering apprenticeship. Or, the two come together... and that means paying, the mentoring relationship between the masters is stronger than the father and son, and it is the unilateral superiority of the elders. Many apprentices follow this logically and inherit the mentor. The worldview, the righteousness, the field of study, social relations, and even the property of a mentor.

Therefore, many apprentices and tutors sign a contract before the teacher, or how many years of service as a price, or how many gold coins and magic materials used to redeem within a few years, in the legendary story, the sky is a free grandfather, not not. But the chance is almost the same as the realism of the legendary novel.

For these old scholars, according to the textbook, the old classics that should have been swept into the historical garbage dumps naturally take the students around the road.

In the world of Masters, knowledge is power, and knowledge is valuable. Free and low-cost access can only be a big road to the bad streets. If you want more, you have to pay.

In a sense, Herois is a generous and outstanding mentor. In the long years, the powerful caster she has taught has been countless. She not only does not know her own magical knowledge, but also teaches her students according to her aptitude, and chooses the most suitable spell type and magic type according to the apprentice's talents. The endless magical knowledge is also the source of her "all-know" title.

Unlike other "sauer slaves", her request for admission is not high. She can also use the future to pay for the purchases. Anyway, there is a contract for a magic contract, and she is not worried about the breach of contract, and the compensation she asks for. It is also much less than other Masters.

In a sense, Herois is one of the most irresponsible mentor, and the other casters repeatedly test the apprentice. I have received one or two apprentices in my life. When the sons are raised in the mainstream, and the evil masters let the disciples fight each other to decide the best candidate, Helois does not care about the growth of the apprentice. The relationship is not great, although she has given thousands of valuable knowledge, but from the beginning there is no expectation of return.

"... my disciple, as long as there is a chance, he will avenge the elves and the elves."

In a sense, the human militant’s hostility towards the elves is really related to Herois. After all, after the mage apprentices who got her favor grew up as the Archmage, it was easy and pleasant to add strength to the elves with the strength and authority in their hands. The terms of the contract were easy and fulfilled.

Wannian golden princess. In my own way, I have retaliated against the elf for many years, but now I have become the emperor of the elf, which really makes people feel the fate of the trick.

The mentoring relationship between the apparent exchange of interests and the way of getting along with each other also made the disciples not much close to and loved by Herois. Even though the disciples she teaches are probably the most numerous, and for revenge, they have actively chosen the seeds of evil and darkness...

In fact, when I think of this sometimes, I think that Herois is still too small. If she really uses such a long time to teach her disciples carefully, instead of simply contracting the obligations of both parties, relying on her Educational ability and longevity, knowledge accumulation, in accordance with the normal mentoring relationship of the Master, passed down from generation to generation, the accumulation of a faction in a faction, her prestige is not the first person in the Master.

Now the Truth Masters of the Mage Kingdom, most of their actual forces come from the Master organization, and the most stable relationship within the Master organization is the relationship between mentoring and inheritance. In a sense, the country of the Master is an academic. Organization (college), the head of the nature is the principal and professor.

It’s terrible to think of the heroes of the world, and it’s terrible to think about it. It’s not a matter of time to retaliate against the elves and the elves. The wizards will never fear the elves.

"... Hey, thanks to the long hair of the dead cat, the hero of the country that ruled the Master, it is terrible to think about the style of the painting."

The omniscient, for the Master, is a very glorious honorary title. Others probably think that Herois is teaching disciples with years of accumulated knowledge, and the truly familiar people know that she is involved in too many fields. Miscellaneous, has gone beyond the understanding of the normal mage.

Undead, flame, ice, lightning, illusion, alchemy, energy, etc., I have never seen her not good at it, this accumulation is incomprehensible, because any kind of magic takes time to study and accumulate Broad and broad, it is better to specialize in a certain trend.

In the world of the caster, the entire Master is just a joke. After all, people's time and energy are limited, and when a certain magical or degree study is deep, it naturally takes up all your thoughts and time. Your knowledge system is reshaped by it, your thinking mode begins to shape, research is your life, you have extra energy, and it is difficult to distract him.

More than 70% of the Masters are single-sectors. One major and one minor is already the limit. The three Masters of the Masters can't find a hundred. The four-series only know one, cough, and I am very good. Special is good or not... Herois has achieved the peak of each item, which is even more incomprehensible.

"...She just has time and energy to go there to collect magical knowledge and historical inheritance? And magic is not understood by reading a book, but also practice, exercise, magic experiment, battle, the theoretical school mage without actual combat accumulation is only **** How did these real practical experiences accumulate?"

Today, Herois showed me her biggest secret, the source of her strength.

"This is my heart like the world, the temple of the omniscient..." (~^~)

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