Looking around, it is the ocean of an innocent book. ┞┠═.[[. c(o{m{

Rows of various bookshelves are placed between the spiral endless towers, the magical couple and the donkeys patrolling back and forth, everything is in order, this is the largest library I have ever seen.

However, the books in this book are obviously different. The large bookshelves are too big for the giants to use. The top of the bookshelves goes straight into the sky, but the small ones are not even usable by the rats. They are only one size.

On top of each book, there is a vaguely magical encirclement. These are not ordinary books, but magic books.

"...here is my world, the mystery hall."

In the middle of all the bookshelves, Helois sat on a floating disc, with a serious face and I introduced this world that belongs to her, but I just tried to sneer.

the reason? The baby's red cheeks also carry small dimples, and the neatly arranged short gold is worn with a gold princess crown, high-heeled red children's shoes, white lace children's dresses, and the strawberry bunny that was accidentally removed. Pants... very good, no response at all, I really are not Lori control.

In front of me, Herois is more than a girl's form, and she can't see her seven or eight-year-old girl, and this is her truth.

The heart is like a world. It is a strong person who puts the "reality" of his heart into the real world and rewrites the reality. Everyone's perception of self-reality cannot be distorted, just as I was 14 years old in "Difend". Look, at this time, Herois, probably the moment she died.

She is trying to maintain majesty, but the majesty of the young girl, the bulging cheeks, not only no threat, but also very cute... cough, the dead cat is grinding his teeth, or talk about business. Oh.

"...there are not only the magic books and magic books I have collected for many years, but also all the magical materials of the Elves of the Elves. In the last glimpse, I don't think it is hatred. It is to pass on our culture and magic... ..."

I am a little more serious. If the deceased talks about his death and will, he should still maintain proper respect.

If this is the magical knowledge accumulated over the years and the legacy of the elf empire, then. The erudition of Herois seems a bit reasonable, but I thought about a half-sound, but shook my head.

"...should, more than that, this is not in line with the basic rules of the Magic."

The heart is like the world. It is also part of the elemental power system. It is the heartfelt desire and obsession of the holder. I have never doubted that Herois has a heart like the world, because her obsession and accumulation are the strongest among the undead monarchs I have ever seen. And the desire for power is also a catalyst for the world.

In the past, I have never heard of the news that her heart is like the world. It turned out that it was because the insiders were killed. But now it seems that this is actually because it is a rare pure auxiliary image world, and it will not be enemies. See you.

But I still feel that the situation is wrong. Because the world of the heart is also a part of the power of elements, the basic nature and laws of the elements are to be observed. The heart of the fire system is the sea of ​​fire and lava that makes it powerful. It is also full of the power of fire, and the undead The heart is like the world. It is often reversed to life and death. It is either to let the living die to death, or to let the dead live. I and the Siro governor are the latter.

Herois is like a world, too peaceful and peaceful. It is not her style at all, and it is not in line with the extreme evil nature of the undead mind. If this knowledge is kept in the place of scholars and hermits, I can understand it, but Herois is obviously not this style. ┞┡╪w{ww.. Her heart is like the world. Considering her view of revenge and power as everything, she should directly give her strength to strengthen her power.

"...Open it."

I didn't hide my doubts, and after Helois hesitated for a moment, he pointed at it, and a thick black magic book fell on my hand.

Just touched. My face has changed, and my anatomical experience has been countless times. Tell me that it is the skin material of human beings. Only the most evil devils and evil spirits will use human skin scrolls and human skin magic books.

But the more I find it strange, the magical aura of the sky is supposed to be the magic book of the wind system, and my hesitation is opening a glimpse of the book and turning it into nothingness.

"...I am Joey Strand, the legendary wind magician. My best research field is the materialization of wind elements. Based on this, I opened up the wind and blood needle, double tornado, and flashing wind wheel. Three kinds of special magic, I have experienced 372 battles..."

When I opened the book, I felt that I was dragged into the book. The magic-related experience and combat experience named Joey Sterling was re-rendered in front of me. Every detail of every detail was like I experienced it. Learning, experimenting, and fighting are like personal experiences. Except for life and daily memory, this is the life of the Master.

"...the hall of mystery - the sacred place of the book of the soul", every book of the soul has been an excellent mage, and one third of my pro-disciples are here, this is also omniscient. The root of the..."

The words that Herois deliberately kept were plain, but the trembling children's voice and the touch of the soul made me know that her heart was not calm.

What is she afraid of? Fear of your biggest secret is known? Then why should she bring me here, as long as I never reveal my secrets, no one knows my weaknesses?

What is she afraid of? Fear is disgusted by me? Is she not used to being hated and hated?

What is she afraid of? Fear, can't I recognize her past? Then why didn't she hide her past...

"Maybe, for her, I am a bit special..."

Everything is in my mind, but I am somewhat powerless. My thoughts at this time are probably more and more distracting. I am thinking about "I really planted my own harvest. If I didn't drive, I will enter here." When she was cherished, Herois stood silently in front of me, just like waiting for the final ruling.

[...what are you going to say? As a actor, at least give some comfort, for example, I don't mind the beautiful words of your past. 】

"Oh, I didn't mind, I said something beautiful. Is there a wreck of thousands of wizards here? I have more than ten times the death toll in any Ice Age."

Yes, the link of the soul can't lie, I don't care at all. Helois is not a good person. I knew it from the beginning. I am not a good person. It is a **** who should have been in Hades, but I am. I don't think that we have done something wrong. Isn't fate arranging our desperate plot, we should be ashamed to cry like a victim, and then greet ourselves in the end.

"... As long as you can reverse the destiny of despair, what kind of means will be used, as long as you can gain strength, what means can not be used? Is it wrong? Should we swear to die in childhood? Is it burdened? We should not pursue the power of hatred on the road to revenge?

So, if we are right, are the innocent victims wrong? Is this even more impossible? ”

Then, if the parties are right, is it that the **** of fate of the bad luck is wrong (the **** of fate is shot)? Is it the **** of order that creates life, is the **** of chaos wrong (system gun)? No one can give an answer. If you must find an answer, you can only say that the world is wrong.

"Everyone is right. Everyone just wants to work hard. All, I am eager to make one. It is not so difficult. Most people can live in a world that can easily survive without killing."

Therefore, the law has the Hades that judge all sin. For a slightly better world, all sinners will finally come to trial.

Looking at Helloys, I laughed and didn't need words. My meaning was very clear. When everything was over, the day I went to hell, I would definitely leave a space for the dead cat... considering now The situation seems to be so meaningless.

I admit my crimes, but before I serve my sentence, I seem to be able to do something, at least let us have such a tragic protagonist, a little less.

But the dead cat smiled, smiling like a flower, and with tears in his eyes, seemed to satisfy the "life imprisonment" judgment.

"Hey, hello, don't come over, tears are so dirty.... Don't think that I don't want to pack you up, don't wipe your nose on my clothes! Feed and feed, saliva!"

When everything goes from calm to calm, my face is full of blue magic books, this is the purpose that Herois brought me into.

"According to your spell talent, when you re-accumulate the theory to the half-god, it is expected to be at least three hundred years, and the jihad is not finished. So, only the conventional method is used." (To be continued.) )

Ps: Well, there have been some unfortunate things lately, Kavin did not say, wrote three thousand and actually lost power, lost the manuscript and started writing from the beginning.....


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