Science is the accumulation of knowledge in the process of human understanding of the laws of nature. Physics, mathematics, and avatars are gradually accumulating in this process. When everything belongs to the atoms and molecules of the basic material, technology is also ushered in. I have my own exhibition era. 〔

In the world of Ai Xi, elements are the origin and foundation of everything. Many substances are composed of elements. The research and exploration of elemental magic runs through the growth process of civilizations and society. The magic system is also the most mainstream knowledge system in the world.

Master is a scholar. It is necessary to accumulate strength and knowledge through learning. In the legendary story, there is a fascinating magic, and then the curse and high-order spells are cast. In theory, it is only seven or eight years old. It is not reliable for a child to become a scientist without going to school. If this is the case, it is either a soul crossing person or a human skin.

Don't look at the current magic system is perfect and perfect, all kinds of magical mysteries of magical ideas attract attention, but the most essential is the use of the nature of the basic elements.

The high temperature flame will explode. The burning point of the material also means the end of the material. The strong wind brings strong thrust and cutting force. It is a direct manifestation of invisible force. The permeability of water and the necessity of life are generally important. The earth is silently carrying. Everything, including the mortal itself, must rely on it to survive.

Therefore, Fire Magic is open to a variety of range of attack capabilities, a wide range, high temperature, amazing lethality, the water system is the weakest attack, but there are certain healing powers in the change, low-level soil magic specialization defense, when When it comes to high-level, no matter whether it is wall-breaking or wall-building, it is unparalleled.

This is similar to the natural science that uses the laws of nature. Doesn't basic mechanics, magnetism, and electricity all come this way? Begin with the material effects of the surface layer, gradually analyze the principle of its effect, and then use the laws and techniques that have been explored to transform the nature, and use the characteristic artificial creation to create its own high-order civilization.

"It turned out that it was wrong at the beginning."

There is still that kind of teaching. It is more effective than "learning from scratch", especially from the perspective of the winner, and once again, this personal experience of life experience. If you can't learn again, it's really a pig.

Herois is not just putting the book of the soul of the ice and snow sorcerer in front of me. As a normal full-time mage, her understanding of magic has already come out of the understanding of those wizards. She will carry out the entire magic system. Professional classification and summary. She has a deep understanding of each mainstream and tributary school, and on this basis, she has given me a "book list" that allows me to overview the entire ice and snow magic system from a top-down perspective, and then With your own conditions and needs, choose the spurs of the spell you need, and then fill in the knowledge through the book of the soul of the mage of that school.

"Ice and snow, although it is an element already in nature, it is not a basic element, but a composite concept of two concepts. One is 'water' and the other is 'low temperature'. When both are prepared Only the ice and snow will be produced."

"Therefore, most ice and snow mage will also repair the water master, or the ice and snow mage is originally a water system wizard. Without the magic of water magic, you will be struggling to practice in the practice of ice and snow. Don't ask me if you are How to learn, just be the instinct of the beast."

The classification of Herois has completely abandoned the habit of sorting the magical world in terms of spell effects and historical inheritance. [[It is a functional classification similar to a book-like book.

"A lot of ice and snow magic, itself is an extension of the water magic, summoning the water element to form a water wall of the water wall, coupled with low temperature. It is an excellent ice wall surgery, the amazingly powerful ice cone, more than 70% The spell model is exactly the same as the famous two-ring weak chicken spell water polo."

In the explanation of Herois, the whole system of ice and snow magic was completely revealed. It was the result of countless people's research, but it was a piece of knowledge. In the understanding of Herois, it constitutes a relatively complete arcane system.

The whole ice and snow magic is divided into two categories, one is ice magic, the other is snow magic, in her eyes, it should be counted as two completely different spell systems.

"Ice, the specific posture of water in the low temperature, this type of spell model is relatively simple, often just ice the ice, and then the sharp edge of the sharp ice, hardness, quality, low temperature to kill the opponent. This type of spells must If you play well, you must have a good water magical foundation to make the ice water change elusive and defensive."

In the demonstration of Herois, the water polo is constantly partially frozen on his arm, and the ice sword, ice hammer, and ice shield are free to change shape, and the most outrageous, actually turned into a giant gear chainsaw, water That part is responsible for flexible operation, and the sharp part is responsible for killing.

Nine-section whip, three-section stick, free-changing ice martial arts, long and short ice spears, perhaps, I have always used the way of frost weapons wrong.

"The system of ice magic is famous, there are snow dancers in the Arctic Ocean, snowman armed with bears, many of them are magic warriors of the magical double repair. This is because the large-scale condensed ice is too big, too slow, not very Suitable for pure Master, the small ice martial arts ghosts are not used, and the martial arts repair is too easy to use. Among the many ice martial artists, your Aurora Knight is one of the most outstanding ones. The freely transformed ice sword and ice armor are very powerful. But their magic is the most, the use is too rough, it is simply a group of Warcraft, the opening is low."

I silently nodded, the Aurora Knight's combat skills are indeed quite rough, in the air is ice bombing, ice guns charge, on the ground is the hail is dominated by the Cavaliers, the magic is exceptionally sufficient, but the destructive power and combat power is better than Not a master of the same level, except for bombing is bombing, except for the charge is the charge.

"Snow magic is also a big category that I have divided myself. It is worth imitating the snow and snow disasters in nature, which series of ice and snow magic is mainly used to kill opponents. This kind of too much, blizzard, polar avalanche, camomiles, etc. Yes, your Ice Age is one of them."

"The advantage of mimicking the snow disaster in nature is that the spell model is easy to construct. The power and killing area are very satisfying, and there is no ridiculous scene with a magical harvest. This is very common in ice magic. It's ridiculous that the level of ice can't kill the opponent. The shortcoming is that the cast model is fixed, the spell trajectory is obvious, and it is easy to be estimated and easily avoided.

"And, the more large-scale snow magic, the more you need to accumulate enough low-temperature conditions, then it represents a huge magical expenditure and objective cursing time. Too slow spells are stronger, and what is the point. But some Fools also began to pursue no matter how slow, as long as my maps are clean, you can't run, how to evaluate? It's not a wizard, it's a waste of magic, and I don't want to say stupid. I don't mean you, you believe. ?"

Herois gave me a sketch of the entire system of ice and snow, and the most terrible thing was just beginning.

"This, this, this, this, you are all going to read. After learning this, your empty spell list should also be filled. In the future, besides throwing a curse is playing ice sword, don't say it is mine. Disciple, aging mother, I can't afford this person."

More than thirty books of the soul, more than four hundred ordinary magic books, I already have the impulse to become a fugitive.

I only watched a book of souls before, and spent one night. In a short time, I fell into the strange and confused state of "Who am I?", this teaching method of directly filling the soul with the memory of the head is not normal. Human ability to accept.

Then, another book was placed on the table over there. This time, there are actually more than sixty books of the soul.

"In order to be a top ice and snow mage, you must at least give me the legendary Master's pass on the water magic. Even if you can't throw a spell, at least the theoretical knowledge is qualified. You are lucky, the water magic is also four elements. First, my accumulation here is much more than the ice system."

Then, next, another floating disc, brought a stack of books.

"Right, you use magic as a native of Warcraft. In fact, many Warlocks and Dragon Masters do the same. Can you refer to their memory and combat experience? The old lady is kind enough to teach you, do you dare to skip class? "(To be continued.)

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