The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 7: Walking with a dog

"Oku, half-elf half-orc, bronze rank professional killer, countless life, especially love to hunt young children, was captured by the dark elf city management when carrying out the task in Sulphur City, was sentenced to 374 years in the sulfur city court I will not be released on bail for the rest of my life."

Looking at the information, facing the half-elf killer in the cage, I am amazed, the half-orc is a rare thing, the other half of the mixed blood is the orc's deadly enemy, it is less common.

"Lemon? Wait, don't kill me, don't take me to experiment, you must have a lot of enemies, I can help you kill for free!"

I found myself being sent to the lich. Oku was shocked first, because the lich was the weakest and the legendary mage. Then, it was peace of mind, because the lich, which is also a chaotic camp, is at least a judge than the righteous judge. The paladin who hits the iron in the head is a good deal. The hypocrites of the orderly camp never know the deal and the compromise. What a wonderful thing.

But at the moment, I stared at him like a smile, and got him from the Sulphur City Prison, not to find a thug.

The bone-like fingers are placed on the forehead of the half-elf, even if it is a sinister perverted killer, the warm body temperature of the soul is still negligent.

It’s just that the other person’s face is not so good. Perhaps it is the legend of the lich who plays with the soul and the body. The coldness of the bones touches and the face becomes paler.

" really interesting. I thought it was just an ordinary murderer. It was actually a hidden flesh-and-blood slayer, a dirty demon admirer. You traded the life of a young child and the devil under the nine prisons in exchange for your own sinister life. power."

Sure enough, with my words, the memory hidden in the subconscious is more and more obvious, and the dirty memory becomes more and more obvious, and what follows is the memory of his more fear.

"Tell me, funny little guy, what are you most afraid of?"

The human brain is very interesting. The more you try to make things that you don't think about, the more subconscious you will think about it.

The four-ring arcane memory reading is not a deep spell, and it is not a good ability to use. The more secret things are hidden deeper in the mind, but the memory reading can only see the uppermost part. .

But I have my own secret.

Asking you, "What secret do you hide?" Then, the person tends to think subconsciously about what he has to hide, and at that moment, secretly pays for the water, my memory reads the spell, it will put The content of his thinking was revealed.

"...the most feared is the real identity revealed? Interesting? What is your true identity?"

"The spy of Karon City? It's really interesting." Under the chain inquiry, his hidden purpose is naturally clear.

Today's luck is really good. I just changed the two prisoners to brush the evil points, but I just tried it out, but I found out that he was actually sent by other cities.

The underground city of Karon Stan, probably the nearest underground city to Sulphur Mountain City, is obviously much smaller and smaller than the booming Sulphur Mountain City.

The underground city is dominated by orcs and gray dwarves. The city owner is a stupid orc who believes in the tyrant's **** Bann. The mining industry is quite developed, but other industries are not very prosperous.

This spy is hired by the other party in Karon City. The task is only the simplest information gathering. At most, it can only be part-time for odd jobs, but it is enough to show that Karon City should be playing another trick.


"Well?" Sure enough, the maidservant who had no ghosts, the next second, appeared behind me.

"Underly torture, secretly squeeze him out and give Margaret a copy. If she doesn't care, I will throw it to Adam."

In my memory, I caught the spies = the secret in the gutter = the ambition of the big man = a bunch of troubles... equal to the volunteers who have no money!

There is no good fortune, I don’t want to worry about such annoying things. If I have encountered it, I will throw it at someone who might be interested. The great sage Margaret, who is in charge of the internal affairs, will follow the clues one by one. The truth.

As for this prisoner? Before I sent it to me, I have already stated that my sin is in vain. If I come in, I will not go out.


With two loud noises, the entire old house was slightly turbulent, and after that, the dust falling from the ceiling spread in the dungeon.

The prisoners were stunned and coughed, and even a layer of ash was cast on my bones, and Eliza had prepared it in advance and sealed her mouth with a towel.

"It seems that Abao can't wait."

This earthquake is my lovely Abao. Because the master has not appeared after the usual walking time, I used the jumping method to remind me.

So, irresponsiblely throwing all the work to Eliza, the working time is over, now is the time to walk with Abao.

Or, it is the time when I was dragged around by a huge double-headed **** dog....

Like other stupid dogs, just left the house, Abao forgot his master, almost crazy around, and smashed up, and with the reins, the body skeleton did not add up to 30 pounds, but the power is 5 Naturally, it will be dragged and dropped by dozens of tons of giant beasts.

Of course, at this time, after eating a few losses, I usually add a floating technique to myself, then tie the reins to the strongest rib and make a qualified kite.......

And this way of walking has an unexpected harvest...

"The bone flag has risen, the big dog is coming, everyone is going to pick up the stall!"

"City management? Call the city management!"

"Everyone cheers. Build a line of defense, stick to the butcher shop, and today I want to take my fresh ribs!"

Well, I was dragged by the high suspension, and it became the logo of Abao. In order to avoid the stupid dog that was smashed by the cross, the stall vendors across the two blocks began to collect the way.

"Go to the East Undead District, where the city should not be in charge!"

After hearing these words, I quickly ordered to pull the reins and let Abao turn around.

In the past, Abao’s walks only caused traffic chaos at the most, and there was no wounding in the past (the soldiers are not counted!)

Urban management has to deal with more serious criminal cases in the past. When they arrive, I will almost walk back, but now, as the only survivor of the Gentlemen’s Union, when our alliance is not causing trouble for them, I will never underestimate them. The speed of dispatch, and the determination to end our efforts once and for all.


Under my command, A Bao kicked the Tauren on the road, and then used the big **** to sit on the roadblock that blocked the road, and ran all the way to the east of the city.


"Give Momo to stop, it’s all you, and Momo’s trousers in front of the adults who didn’t sleep yesterday!”

Ok, I still underestimated the determination of the other side to take me, the urban management team actually set up an ambush.

But... "jump, A Bao!"

The huge **** dog, a jump, passed the roadblock in front of him.

The city management who followed, but stopped helplessly.

A six-meter-high sacral giant used the King Kong gate as a shield and stood in front of them.

There is no emotion in the hollow eye hole, but no one dares to step beyond the pool.

This is already the undead area of ​​the east of the city. It is not within the jurisdiction of the city management. If they want to go to the law enforcement, they must report the procedure, but after the tedious bureaucratic procedure, the lich has long been looking for it. Not enough people.

And I, also to today's destination, send Abao, let him go for food... Cough, go play.

Then, say hello to every undead in front of you.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, everyone, miss me? Big head, your carrion is even more stinky. Small bones, the skull is really bright, the brand of polish? Uncle Aka, your bones are rusted, or Try my newly developed lubricant, all natural, no pollution, no side effects..."

But before my eyes, I was still alive and kicking the undead, seeing me, first, collectively, and then.....;

"Run!! That madman is coming again!! Scared to death!"

... made a sad bird and beast.

The giant's cheekbones took their own tomahawks and jumped over the house. The headless knight took away his head in a swarm of bees. It was a poor skeleton warrior, and he also rolled away.

The scene in front of me is really sad.....

"Hey, is there such a welcome for the people? It’s not just taking a new experiment with the undead magic, doing the daily work of the poor toss, and testing the power of the holy sword..."

The more I said, the less emboldened, and a familiar voice was remembered behind.

"Your Highness, you have said the reason, I don't have to talk nonsense. You are here, is it time for us to fight?"

"No, I am a pacifist, war, and the like, and I hate it the most. However, the time for the appointment is really coming, is our legion ready?"

"Of course, Your Highness, your army, whether it was 376 years ago, or 250 years ago. Or 130 years ago, that time let you down!? Red Red Hound 24,000 Six hundred and two soldiers were defeated, and they were tempted in peace, waiting to be dispatched at any time. We can’t wait to return to the battlefield."

The heavy voice is full of war, and my general is as reliable as ever.

“Did you want to go to the military or watch the new plague test? Our alchemist invented a new kind of war weapon. He also has high destructive power...”

"No, I have said that I am a pacifist. It is not interesting to fight and kill. Today, I am looking forward to the preparations for the incident."

"You mean that stupid.... No, what's the matter? It's ready, ready to start."

I nodded with satisfaction and turned back, but I could not see one person.

"Wang Wang! Below. Wang Wang, below, Your Highness! Are you deliberate? Is it funny to me? I am one of your most powerful generals!"

Looking down, it really is my lovely Beckham, he is instinctively chasing his tail in the circle.

He is A Bao's brother, one of the most trusted generals of the past, but now, it is a cute little hyena.

"I am not Beckham! I am Best, Voodoo Best!!"

"Yes, Abbe."

"Best!! I am your general, the deputy commander of your invincible legion!"

"Okay, Beckham. I don't have to emphasize it. I always think that you are amazing. Well, the most important thing is very cute! Sure enough, pets are the best friends of mankind, and bear children are the worst enemy. ”

Listening to my tone of disapproval, and the more unreliable declaration, hanging his tail and brow, Beckham squatted on his face, knowing that as long as the owner is in this state of madness, what to say It’s useless.

How can a dog's face make a desperate look, I saw it today.

"Okay, don't tease you, Beckham. Are you ready to work?"

"Just do it. Although I always think this is a bad idea, but you are not always known for being unreliable, you should be happy..."

"Cough!" A light cough interrupted its complaint.

"So, I, Lich Roland., announced that this Sulfur Mountain City Undead Tourism Week officially opened, Death Crown Theme Park, officially put into operation!!"

Yes, it’s boring to kill and kill. Now, this year, it’s the economy, the people’s livelihood! In our undead area, we will also launch our new pillar industry, the Undead Theme Park.

The headless knight polo competition, the jigsaw puzzle king game, the ghost festival dance competition, riding the cool bone dragon around the entire Sulphur Mountain City, I have prepared a series of selling programs.

Behind it, it is the biggest selling point of the theme park. There are countless giant Ferris wheels accumulated by him. He is more than three hundred meters high. He turns the evil wind like a flying black dragon. It is like a huge one. Like the Titans, you can see even outside the Sulphur Mountain.

Although I spent a lot of tongues at the time, convincing the living is not a terrible fighting machine, it is not a terrible conspiracy... but all this is worth it!

This is the live advertisement of the theme park. Soon, there will be countless tourists coming to visit, and I will make a fortune.

At the moment, I am obedient, wearing clown clothes, starting to beat the drums at the door, and I patiently wait for the customers to come.

When it was surprising, half an hour passed and a visitor did not come, so I asked Abbe on my head.

"Is the leaflet sent out?"

"I have already sent it out.

"Do you have advertising fees for those goblin dwarfs?"

"Give it."

“Is the Supreme Court’s security guarantee placed in the advertisement?”

"Of course, if you get the Executive Yuan, the Supreme Court's permission and guarantee, there is no such thing. It is estimated that no one will dare to come."

"Is my advertising words not written well?"

“No, very literary, very attractive.” See your future situation and say hello to your future neighbors. Dance with ghosts in the illusion and enjoy the novelty experience you have never had before. Free for the first three days, before One hundred customers have mysterious gifts! Absolutely safe! Absolutely fun.'"

"Then why no one is coming!!"

I stared at the stupid dog, but it smiled.

"Oh, adults, you forgot, here is the dead zone. The forbidden zone of life. You think, what is our undead in front of the living?"

I heard it, I suddenly stopped. "What is the undead?"

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