The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 775: Decisive battle (1)

While the counterattack of the military number was blown in the battlefield on the Western Front, the battle on the Eastern Front also produced tremendous changes.

The strategy of double-sided pinch is very routine, but to play one plus one is greater than two, rather than one by one to give the head of the battlefield effect, the most critical, but still is the grasp of the point in time.

When the West Line was still calm, when it was still the most exhausting half past three at midnight, the battlefield on the Eastern Front was already boiling.

"Night attack!"

The screaming siren echoed in the night sky, and no one expected that the human coalition would choose the midnight attack.

Among the many races, human beings are probably the least suitable for night wars. They don't have the sensible heat of the snakes. They don't have the night vision sensitivity of the elves. They leave the lights and the sun and turn into blind eyes.

The devils all have the ability of night vision. The perception of the soul makes their "vision" far beyond the limits of mortals, let alone the undead army. The light is meaningless to them.

When one side of the field of vision is no different from Baiji, a few kilometers, and the other side has only a few meters of vision, any tricks and strategic fraud are funny, for the fighters who fight the front line, they can’t see clearly Swords and arrows are the distance between life and death.

Human beings are not good at night wars. They are already common sense in the world. Today, humans have chosen night wars, or they are watching the nights like the white devils and undead.

But at the beginning of the battle, the devil and the undead know why they chose this point in time, and what is the dominance for humanity to challenge the night at midnight.

The light ball rises into the sky, and the pure light begins to turn night into white. The pure light begins to purify and dispel the distortions around. The undead and the devils feel that the warmth is very comfortable. But the threat of fatality is in front of you.

For the undead lord who participated in the previous battle, the nightmare of the battlefield was re-enacted, but the intelligence clearly stated that the man was on the battlefield in the Eastern Front.

Under the ball of light, a Southern priest dressed in a white robe is jointly casting a spell, and the guardian of the church is the elite paladin and the temple warrior.

The strongest paladin is covered in heavy silver armor, with a hammer inlaid with St. Silver in one hand, and a tower shield with a cross and a holy sword in one hand. There is also a heavy rust cross behind them. They are Southern Cross knights and the most elite Paladins of the Southern sect.

At this time, every Southern Cross knight untied the cross behind him. The blood-stained cross was the blood of the martyr. The holy blood blessed the cross and unfolded a circular protective enchantment.

The scope of protection is not large, but it is enough to cover the pastor of the Light.

Under the blessing of the ball of Light in midair, this protective area became more sacred and firm, and the evil spells and bows were not yet close. It was very direct and powerless, and in the sky. As the assaulter, the Bone Dragon Legion has already started to fight with the Dragon Knights.

Can not live with the Holy Light priest full of sweat, look weak and withdraw from the cast, and then immediately there are other pastors on the top, the light of the light of the light flashes, but has not extinguished.

Even if there is at least three legendary priests in each spellcasting group, each ball of Light is still reluctantly maintained. After all, they release a new sacred light system. "Roland's dawn light."

The principle is that Roland's Dawn Sword is only used by himself and is too restrictive. However, after the revision of the spell model, this downgraded version of "Dawn Light" was born.

However, due to the lack of support for epic weapons, the Holy Light affinity of the common Holy Light priest is not likely to be compared with Roland. This rating is a high-level magical/sacred light spell of the Holy Order. In fact, the difficulty of casting is beyond The level of the demigod is very expensive.

Even so, after experimenting with the amazing effect of this magic on the undead and abyssal races, it did not hesitate to spread.

In just a few weeks, you need to master this level of spells. Even with all the spell information provided by Roland, it is still very difficult. In order to make up the fifteen "suns", the southern sect’s high-level can say the upswing nest. Out, even the Pope himself is sitting in the east line.

Yes, this time the Southern sects not only fought, but also all of them took out more than 70% of the main force and high-level Shengguang occupation.

In the sky, the hot dragon, the blue and white breath of the ice, the green smoke with the rancid smell constantly cut through the night sky, the armored dragons rushed to the front, and the flank of the color dragons, but now Fight for the living space of mankind.

After several battles, the number of undead corps is significantly less, and the lower-ranking arms can be replenished at will, but the bone dragon is one of the dead, one cannot return to the death plane, and there is no supplement at all. The path of the bone dragon.

The light of dawn is still flashing, and the weakened dragons have suffered from the mighty dragon knights. They have been shot down one by one without any reaction. This time, an ancient bone dragon lord realized the bones. The dragon's key points and weaknesses, the dragon knight's attack is more simple and effective.

"The two most vulnerable places in the bone dragon are two, one behind the dragon's ridge, where hundreds of bones are linked, exquisite and fragile, and they will fall apart directly with a single blow. Another weakness is the extension of the wing bone... ."

"The weakness of the gargoyle? Most of the things are revival of dirty stone statues. They are a stone. There is no obvious weakness. But because it is a stone, it is a semi-earth element and a semi-dead creature. In fact, it is very afraid of wind attack and Petrochemical ability, the former is the mutual restraint of the elemental attributes, the latter can let it lose the undead part, and truly become a stone statue, which is equivalent to spike."

The undead military advisers from the north did not hesitate to disclose the weaknesses and defects of various undead arms. In order to deal with the most threatening undead air force, the command even contacted the Dragon City behind the Bayer royal family to let the color dragon The main iridescent dragon city has easily transferred five bronze dragons and brass dragons with petrochemical and weathered soils.

The current warfare also proved the success of the preparations beforehand. The bronze dragons specialized in chasing the stone ghosts and sprayed a large piece.

The bone dragons, which are not many in number, are even more miserable. The new demon warlords simply do not pay attention to the rare high-ranking arms that these undead are regarded as the roots of their lives, and they have been ordered by the high-level undead to "remove the casters at all costs." Can only enter and not retreat, but is also surrounded by several times the dragon, and instantly turned off.

One or two, they have not fallen to the ground and turned into ashes. The skeletal spirits of the bone dragon and the **** have quickly collapsed, so that the task of the cannon fodder has not been completed, and the demon battle group that follows it has not only failed to obtain an effort. It’s cheap, but it’s being bombarded by the oncoming dragons.

When the airborne attack was blocked, in the light of dawn, Bayer's Royal Dragon Cavalry and Oran's White Wolf Guard appeared at the same time.

The torrent of steel slammed the devil's army from the front. These heroic knights, eager to use blood to cleanse the shame that they had suffered in the past.

Although strategically, the East Line is only containment, once the Devils are exposed, this will immediately become a full-scale attack.

At this time, I should have been watching on the edge of the battlefield, but I was shocked by a sudden news.

"Is Leona missing? Calvins has not let go of her own children and women?" (To be continued.)

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