The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 776: Decisive battle (2)

Ps. Presented today's update, by the way, pull the ticket to the starting point 515 fan festival, each person has 8 tickets, vote also to send the starting currency, begging everyone to support appreciation!

As a woman who has already been exposed to the abyss, she is also a rare weak among the abyss. In fact, her strength is not bad, but compared with those who are hundreds of years old, there is last time, last time, I don’t know. The daughter of the abyss left by the jihad was still too weak.

In the face of Cavans, I am afraid that her ancestors could not protect her. After all, the **** of Thunder and the sword is only a weak new god, and the gap between the gods and the gods is huge. Therefore, I even got rid of her. Bayer is also protecting her in another way.

As an important piece related to the fate of the world, other forces and high-level officials are not as "benevolent" as I am. When this piece falls in their hands, even if it is seen on my face, she is not forcibly imprisoned, but her protection And restrictions, and more than any head of state.

At least the ordinary king can't find four or five transcendental demigods as bodyguards, and those "volunteers" hidden in the dark have at least a dozen.

In a sense, this is my default or even expectation, although it is probably a pit of Leona, after all, I promised to take her to find Cavans, and then encountered a card on that floating boat Vince did not tell her the truth.

After all, everyone knows that Leiona said that she was looking for Calvins to settle accounts, but considering the strength gap between the two sides, I am afraid that I will send the sheep to the tiger's mouth.

Of course, in her opinion, it is shameless betrayal.

However, some people will think that I will care about her views?

Looking up at the house, I didn't have much time to manage these idle things.

Before the end of the burning of the last piece of forage, it will only burn more and more, and both sides of the war will be the fuel of the raging fire.

Even after reaching dawn. The war on the Western Front did not end the signs. On the contrary, with the successful landing of the Masters, more and more wars were activated. More and more casters are fighting, and the entire battle has been completely heated.

At this point in time, it is undoubtedly ridiculous to talk about love and peace. We (the coalition forces) have invested so much, just want to completely expel the devil and the undead. Cut off the door of the plane and completely recover the hinterland.

Once this area is taken back, there will be no obstacles between the country of dreams, the country of the Master, and the three countries of Bayer. The three parties to the alliance, with the power of victory, may immediately become the top force of this plane. .

This war of reclaiming the homeland is the first large-scale joint operation of the entire Hades and the allies on the ground. It is the most important thing at present, and there must be no loss at all.

And I myself. Even if no one gets rid of my repression, it is just the commission of the big men who are "on the head", and I can't walk away at all.

Although the East-West line has been playing very fiercely, the biggest troubles have not yet appeared. The king of the devil, the big devil and the undead, the ancient undead monarch, can use the individual ability to change the violent existence of the entire battlefield situation. .

It is obviously not cost-effective for the strong to use human life and not know how much to die. In the end, most of them will still want the king to be king.

Foreign wars in previous years. Humans have always suffered from high-level combat power, but this time, it may not be.

I am lurking on the Western Line with me, many of whom are my old acquaintances. Mainly the truth level master, and those in the east line should be handed over to the Taigu Dragon and the Ancient Dragon in Longcheng.

The dragon and the mage are probably the strongest guardian forces on the higher level of this plane. Even if they fight the devil and the high-ranking undead, there is no possibility of losing.

just now. It depends on who can't hold it first, and when it is forced to shoot, it is equivalent to revealing his position and ability, and naturally falls into a crisis.

And as long as the war progresses, there will always be people who can't help but jump out, then he will become the target of the opponent.

Bayer’s royal knight was still anxiously waiting in front of me, waiting for my hard work, and there was an embarrassing look on the dark face.

This person was handed over to Bayer. No matter what happened, they are now lost. Naturally, I have to give me an account. In a sense, I am now working for Bayer, and they can’t even say it.

But I shook my head and motioned that I didn't care, and I didn't plan to pursue it.

Bayer can provide the protection and guarding power to Leona. I have also seen it. Don’t say that I am not sure to take people away from that layer of interception. I can’t get this level of guard power, since the other party has already It’s better than me, still failing, and I don’t have to regret anything.

“Is there no time for the Master to look back at the situation?”

"Yes, that's it, the answer is even more unbelievable."

He said, he handed me a letter, the record, which is very puzzled.

"You mean, Riena is coming out of her own? In the middle, I still squeezed two half gods that blocked her?"

My expression is very exaggerated, just like watching each other tell a fairy tale, how to believe such an absurd thing, but then...

"Oh, I know, you just tell them."

My answer has become very dull. In my understanding, such absurd "nonsense" is rather highly credible.

Many thoughts and facts are reorganized in the mind, and one possibility is chosen to verify the merits. Logical reasoning is nothing more than verifying the correct possibility. Excluding false information. Sometimes, the more absurd facts, the more likely it is to reveal what I need. "real."

Vaguely, I think of a possibility. After repeated thoughts, I feel more and more likely. At this time, I regret it a bit...

"....... At that time, I really should kill Leona directly. I really didn't expect that Leona would be such an important piece."

But in this world, the most useless thing is to regret the medicine. At least, the black devil who is more than 30 meters in front of him will feel the same.

Probably could not stand the worms that were despised by the weekdays, and the big devil jumped out suddenly, and opened the unparalleled mode on the battlefield, arbitrarily harvesting the lives of ordinary soldiers, and then...

Then there was no more, and the seven high-ring spells hit him at the same time. I recognized only the astrology of doom and meteorites. The former is that I tried to change my life and learn privately. The latter is that the power is really good. Identify, especially after the hapless egg is mashed into a meat sauce.

"Sure enough, the idiots who are free to open on the battlefield are basically alive."

I am just quite proud of the preparations to continue to guard, a sudden situation, but I have to go to the battlefield, when I am a fool.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(~^~)

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