The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 779: Decisive battle (5)

Phoenix is ​​probably the rarest super-Warcraft in the whole world. ¥f,

Their legends have been circulated throughout the world, and there are very few real witnesses. At the same time, they were suspected of being true, but they also became symbols of luck.

In many myths and legends, it symbolizes the ultimate of natural phenomena. In a sense, the status is even higher than that of the dragons.

The most common legend is that they are a symbol of "not dead", that is the most perfect immortality, strong regenerative ability and elemental affinity, revived in flames, resurrected in thunder, they have been repeatedly witnessed Ethnic characteristics.

And if you consider the research and understanding of the Phoenix, I am afraid that no one can match Margaret.

In those days, in order to give Adam the strongest "not dead" blood, and actively hunted a fire phoenix, that is probably the most difficult glimpse since I debuted. Even if I had prepared and laid a trap, I still paid a bitter pain. cost.

This is also the case, so we are the most aware of the existence of the Phoenix family. After all, only the enemy will dig deep into all your intelligence and thoroughly understand your weaknesses and strengths.

"Phoenix is ​​actually a tidal wave. They are not so much a creature as a natural phenomenon caused by the tide of elements. Yes, Phoenix is ​​a natural phenomenon."

This explanation may seem similar to elemental creatures, but it is fundamentally different.

The gathering of flames will produce fire elemental creatures. Their body composition is the aggregation of countless fire elements, and the rise and fall of elemental tides will affect the whole world. This strong fluctuation has shaped the elemental phoenix.

It is the shadow of the tide of the element, the result of the tidal fluctuation of the element, and it has no entity itself. Although it is similar to the elemental creature, it is more than an elemental creature, which is closer to a concept. Can actively choose the strong characteristics of elemental creatures, it is difficult to get distasteful in actual combat.

The number of phoenixes is very small, because only the tidal fluctuations of the elements will occur, and more than 70% of the phoenixes are produced during the holy war. About 30% is a special period.

Moreover, between waves and waves, it is possible to interfere and fuse. Two elements of the same species, the phoenix, come together and evolve and evolve. Exchange of each other's information flow has become more unified.

It can be said that there are only four phoenixes representing four elements in the world. It can be said that there are hundreds of phoenixes in the world. Each phoenix is ​​a part of the "phenomenon". When you observe it, it exists. May fuse at any time and may disappear at any time.

The phoenix we hunted is only a section of the wave, just an individual. Thoroughly hunting a real original elemental phoenix, I am afraid that the main gods can't do it.

In the Snowy Mountains, there is one of the oldest elemental phoenixes. It is the master of ice and snow. It was born in the moment when the elements of water and ice are born. It is the oldest element of ice and snow.

I don't know how strong it is, but it will never be weaker than any elemental plane.

The Thunder Grand Duke in front of him is also a phoenix, but it is not the original four-element phoenix, which represents the natural phenomenon of the birth of light. It is also the oldest light elemental creature.

Well, considering the history of light, he is still a young boy compared to the old master of the Snowy Mountains.

Its existence itself. It is the phenomenon produced by the birth of "light", but in the eyes of some people, it is the result of taboos and taboos.

Few people ponder that since the whole world is composed of four elements, then the highest light and the holy light are made up of what elements.

perhaps. Some people have probably considered it, but the result is not the firearm of the Lord of Light, or the secret execution.

After all, the unknown is the best background for the noble, and when a thing can be studied under a magnifying glass, it has nothing to respect and believe.

But in fact, the source of light is not without mystery, just like the wind element is born with lightning, the light element is also the derivative product of the wind element, the holy light is also a variant of light, among the holy light, which of course is doped with other Elements, after all, all matter is composed of four elements, as are all composite elements.

The birth of the Thunder Dagong also proves the existence of this fact.

The Thunder Grand Duke, born in the upper plane, is the perfect driver of light and wind, but its existence is the thing that makes the whole holy light side uncomfortable.

"Light is the lower element of the wind element? Isn't light in the eyes of fools lower than the wind?"

In fact, there is no direct relationship between the upper element and the lower element. The so-called up and down is only the order of extension. Even in most cases, the lower element is more dominant. For example, the ice method can often hang the water mage, but some At the time, just a name can attract hatred and dissatisfaction.

On the upper side of the plane, the side of the holy light is not cool...

The next development is very natural, even if it is the top of the light elemental creatures, but a new phoenix is ​​still extremely weak, in order to keep his life is not sealed, it naturally embraces chaos.

It may be confusing here, but in reality there is no inevitable relationship between darkness and chaos, just as the Holy Light chose the order side, and only because it chose this camp.

The light of the natural phenomenon of the Thunder Dagong is not related to the Holy Light itself. Instead, it is closer to the natural phenomena such as thunder and light in the natural world. It is entirely possible to choose chaos with the existence of light.

Then, naturally, it became the number one wanted criminal in the entire world of glory, and only the lower planes can hold it.

But as a light creature, it underestimates the chaos of the demon world, which is extremely contrary to its nature. The final outcome is to defect to the devil side close to order.

Undoubtedly, even if it is less than two thousand years old, the new phoenix of light is still the strongest devil of the new generation, and it seems to be a matter of course to become the king of the devil.

At the same time, it was also rejected by the devil and the upper plane. It seems to be a **** of the devil camp. Because it has no other place to go.

It is actually far-fetched to say that he bears the original sin of arrogance. For other devils and demons, his light attribute has a natural pressure effect. It is not a type of person who can at least talk about it, saying that arrogance is reluctant, but mortal is so Said, it is overdone, after all, this is a devil. Ghost, but in fact there is nothing amazing about evil.

As a phoenix, it has no need for foreign objects, and it can become stronger without doing anything.

But for so many years. It is also tied to the devil camp, the building will be tilted, and the eggs will be preserved. When the devil is caught in panic, it does not hesitate to stand up.

In the eyes of the chaotic devil. The dazzling and even dazzling thunder of the past is so welcoming now, at least, the only king of the devil is still on the battlefield, leading the area.

With it as the core, the new line of defense has been gradually re-emerged, and the several assaults of the human army have not only been easily resolved. When the thunder flashes, the only person who stays in place is the black person.

The Thunder Dagong hovered in midair. The dazzling thunder of lightning flashed, the thunder penalty was whipping the entire land, and the strength of the coalition forces was hard to be repelled by it.

"Crispy chicken, face me!"

For some existence, some words are extremely sensitive banned sentences. It is said that the words of the Thunder Grand Squad "chicken hen" are particularly sensitive. This time, the little goblins did not lie to me.

In an instant, I felt locked, and the fatal sense of crisis and cold sweat rose from the vest. I quickly flew up, and the lightning was still able to pursue while slamming in my place.

It was just a resentful look, and the cage of thunder was erected in front of me. Next, lightning meets on me.

The endless thunder is like a flying snake, and the speed of lightning is too late to react.

But soon, the thunder and lightning dissipated, but I still smiled and looked at the Thunder, just by the thunderstorm of such intensity. Even making me hurt is not possible.

And my ridicule, let the self-respecting Thunder Phoenix into a runaway.

It did not hesitate to give up the prey in front of him, chasing me, facing the overwhelming thunder, I have no plans to avoid.

Perhaps in the eyes of other people, the phoenix is ​​immortal, and the Thunder of the Thunder has also shown his immortality several times, but for the successful killing of the Phoenix, this immortality is full of flaws.

"First, change the place to play."

The thundering big bird is already in front of me, and while I am lame, the whole world is replaced.

The more the ace, the more the leaks are used. Before using the bug world to install the elves, it can be said to be a special magic enchantment. However, the assassination of the tyrannical master and Supras, has undoubtedly revealed the details of my world. I am afraid that the opponent is already prepared.

But sometimes, we can limit the battlefield. For our existence, the advantage is obvious.

The switching of the whole world allowed the Thunder Phoenix to pull up without hesitation, and the battle-experienced it, facing the unknown world, chose to retreat the first time.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple..."

In this bug world, I can bring people in. Under normal circumstances, others can go to the edge and go out on their own. At the speed of the Thunder, I am afraid that it will take a few seconds to find out the details.

"Block it, never sleep in the city."

The black cloud city explores its own shadow from the dark clouds. The light on the mage tower of the black shadow gathers, and the light of the road turns into a light cannon, and the front blasts to the thunder.

"Stupid mortal, actually challenge me with the Holy Light! Lord of Thunder of Light!"

In response to his roar, there are more light cannons.

The light cannon was compiled into a net, gradually shrinking and restricting its actions. Finally, the Thunder Dagong began to carefully avoid these light cannons with low energy levels.

If it is someone else, it will probably be fooled by it, but how can I be scammed by language when I have a deep understanding of the Phoenix?

Yes, the light system is its original magic. According to the normal situation of the element, you should use the restrained death spell and dark witchcraft, but the phoenix and the elemental creature, it is a phenomenon, a wave, a shadow.

Then, to crush a shadow, to stagnate a wave, the most practical method is not to attack it with other things, it is meaningless, use a larger wave to "neutralize" it, with a larger one. The shadow to "cover" it is the way we found out to solve the phoenix that year.

And this is exactly why I chose to use the Holy Light to hang her.

"The daring crispy hen, if you are a cock, come down to face me!"

This time, if I win, I really want to thank the little goblins who gave me the information. I am ridiculed, and I have already arrived at the edge of the battlefield, and I have not hesitated to return. (To be continued.)

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