The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 780: Decisive battle (six)

The glory of holiness ignited the whole world, and all darkness was forcibly dispelled. This is the phoenix hunting ground I chose.

The golden Thunder Dagong showed his ability to exist at the top of the wind and light. In a light and shadow, he changed his form again. The eagle's head became sharper, and the overflowing radiance turned into a substantial lightning, and its The wings and lower body turned into a distorted light.

The semi-photonics of semi-materials exist, I am afraid that the whole world cannot find a second case.

"Damn. Go there?"

The Eagle of Light expands its wings, and Guanghua flashes, then.... nothing left.

Obviously, there was no blink of an eye, and the Thunder’s Grand Duke disappeared in front of me without a trace.

The pressure is still there, it has not left, but it has reached the corner of my perspective at a very fast speed.

Above, no.

Left, no.

In the field of vision, it is dark, but it is still here, I believe my intuition, for the real battlefield veteran, intuition is far more trustworthy than vision.

"There is only one explanation... it can move to the next angle of view as soon as my line of sight turns to its direction."


The cold sweat appeared in the vest, and the cold snoring sounded at the same time in the ear. After I slammed the sword, it was nothing.


This time, the cold noise came from the direction of first sight.

Sweat dripping from the forehead. This time, I am afraid that it is really big. If you can’t even lock your opponent, you should deal with it.

", probably that's what you think, Mr. Grilled Chicken."


It seemed like a random wave, and after a crack, my sword finally felt something hit.


Surprise revealed that the Thunder's uncle could not understand, it probably could not understand, how did I grasp its position at the same time.

What makes it incomprehensible is that it clearly reads my mind, but I can't see my movements.

"I am sorry, for the opponent who will read the heart. I have already encountered too much."

Phoenix can distinguish between good and evil, reading people's hearts, not just legends, this is already the talent of this race. But reading with the psionic creature is two different things.

They are another locus creature, which is itself a stream of information. Observing other individuals is reading the information of other individuals.

Then. Cracking is actually very simple, just need some preparation in advance, such as adding extra cat avatar armor... I cough, I mean using Herois's avatar to disturb his thoughts.

Of course, I will not explain how it is wrong. It is different from the stimulating **** who pursues the battle. What I like most is that my opponent’s death is confusing, and the more my information is leaked, the better.

At this time, the lights in the distance are converging, and the tower of the Light of the Hades has extinguished its own lights. In this area, I became the only light source.

And this is also the need to completely block the immortality of the phoenix.

The phoenix's fight, and the analysis of the phoenix material, let us see the essence of the phoenix. It is the creature of this world, but it does not exist in the world, so it has many privileges, for example, it is The ** of the main plane is actually just a projection and carrier of the entire information flow. Although it is the body of it, it is not the whole of it.

Just killing its body, it can move around the world in its own way and then jump to other similar objects. Direct rebirth.

Just like deleting a client, it is impossible to kill a server.

The fire phoenix was killed, but as long as it is local (according to the size and strength of the body), the weakest distance is also hundreds of kilometers. As long as there is a flame in the range, it is easy to re-project a **. Rise from the ashes.

The root of the Thunder's death can not be degraded even if it is chased by the gods of the Holy Light. It is because there is light everywhere in the main plane. Even if it is killed at night, it can be reborn by starlight.

And if there is no light around, there will be a rapid flow of information without a carrier, it will naturally fall into a state of decline, and gradually consume a gradual ontology to maintain its existence.

Of course, this can only be achieved theoretically. After all, the main plane is an elemental plane composed of multiple elements. When everything falls into the natural loop, how can it be excluded?

"You, it is not my first weak chicken to kill, your weaknesses, how can I not know."

My words did not get a response, but the bursting thunder expressed the anger of Thunder.

Although it is a Hades, there is still light. It is trying to read the principle of light here, but finds nothing. This is not the light element that it is familiar with.

At this time, I haven't found that the situation is wrong. It is really stupid to retreat first, but...

"It's already late, chick, I heard that **** is not snowing, let me ask you to watch the spring snow."

The time given to me is enough. The snow and ice swords are in the north, and the snowstorm-covered gladiator not only limits the farthest distance between us, but also expels the remaining light elements.

With the help of the Tower of Redemption, the light elements here are extracted, and the only thing that still shines, probably only the Dawn Sword in my hand.

Taking a deep breath, the thunderbird in front of me is passing by, but still can't underestimate.

"When you eat meat or soup, you have prepared so much, just look at this...."

Yes, I have never been a good person who has been self-denying, and I will not be strong, and I will take the initiative to find Thunder and gossip, not because the Phoenix is ​​a treasure! ——

When Roland entered the world of bugs with the only remaining king of the devil, the battlefield did not stop. On the contrary, with the disappearance of the Thunderbolt lightning, and the reality that it was no longer appearing, the panic was already in the devil's battle group. spread.

Even so, the human-roots coalition is still unable to advance, and the tentatively assumed levels and fortresses have been transformed into flesh-and-blood harvesters, harvesting both sides of the blood at the same time.

The wars of the mages have entered the battlefield, but they are surprised to find that even the inexhaustible diamond scorpion is pushed into the wind with the big devil.

It is clear that the artillery behind it is constantly clear, and the magical support of the enemy has never ceased. It is clearly the battlefield of its own initiative, but it has never been able to advance the front.

"There are so many advantages, why can't you win?!"

the reason? Very direct, very cruel, and the strength gap.

From the very beginning, the individual strength of the two sides is not in a grade. The high-end combat power and elite units of the human side can obtain the existence of gold evaluation. If they are lost in the devil camp, they are only a big soldier with several servants.

According to Ai Xi's routine evaluation, human beings are the most inferior black iron blood. The adult devil is the same as the devil. The most golden blood, even if there is a lot of water in the evaluation, the huge gap of strength is a cruel one. The way is revealed.

The steel epee, which was fully slashed, was caught by the devil's casual empty hand, and it was hard to hit the fork spear of the opponent's abdominal cavity, but even the scales could not be broken, and the opponent who doubled and tripled his height was gently grasped. His upper body and lower body are divided into two halves.

The most devastating death and injury, probably the mercenaries and scattered army of Oran, they were originally naval, they did not have any armor and enchanted weapons, followed by the big situation attacked the formed devils, because the other side has been defeated by gunfire Only need to beat the dog, and suddenly hit the iron plate.

The mercenaries of the Forest of Dreams are okay. They clearly understand the gap between the two sides, and there is no strong attack, or the choice of containment, and they have prepared a lot of messy things in the years.

Knowing that this time I want to play the devil, I have prepared for the cold iron weapons and cold iron armor of the lower-level bio-effects. This magic metal weapon only needs a little enchantment. Just touching it can make the devil burn a blisters.

Even so, the battlefield where the lower-level combat power is located is still too cruel to human beings. The number of casualties is rising wildly. More and more devils have recovered from the chaos, and the battle-to-loss ratio of more than three to one will continue to expand.

Fortunately, at this time, the main force, or the war of the country of the Master and the summoned beast, they have no morale, and do not need to worry that too many casualties will cause the main force to collapse.

The mages standing in the rear saw these situations and dispelled the idea of ​​being close to the devil's battle group. They wholeheartedly summoned more cannon fodder and prepared more long-range attack methods.

The Oran battleship group that completed the first round of attack missions also began to orderly bombard the devil's defense line after re-filling.

However, the support attack is support after all. It is too far away to strike a limited range. To break through the line of defense, it is necessary to fill in the infantry with human life.

Finally, when the landing navy of the Oran battleship was consumed more than half, the masters of the country of the Master could not stand it, and the high-ring Masters stood up.

Under the leadership of the truth-level clerk, they began to forcibly bombard the devil's defense line, and in the dead end of their vision, the devil's reinforcements beyond everyone's imagination finally arrived.

The leader among them is also an old acquaintance of Roland, or an old enemy. (To be continued.)

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