The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 787: Decisive battle (13)

The battlefield on the Western Front has completely fallen into chaos. ◎,

The plural main gods appear in the same area, making the elements tidal and chaotic, and the rules of space are repeatedly hit by the demon army, which has already been broken.

The chaotic zone of elements, or the dead zone, is often the scene after the curse, or the ancient battlefield of the mythological era, but because there are too many main gods to fight in full force, only the dead zone of the book appears in reality. .

The most deeply affected by the chaos of the elements is probably the Masters who are the participants in the battlefield.

Ordinary little wizards and apprentices can't cast spells in such an environment. The result of forcing a spell is to be destroyed by uncontrollable magic. For example, a small fireball suddenly turns into a firestorm.

The truth-level wizards are basically self-contained, and such an environment will not ban them. The self-contained world does not accept the arbitrary restrictions of the field power. This is also the basic condition for the top-level combat forces to participate in the war.

But the impact is also huge. After all, the Master is a profession that is accustomed to relying on external forces and natural rules. The chaotic elements of the tide make it possible to fight on its own magic reserve. Before adapting to the new environment, the sharp reduction in combat power is predictable.

The sky is mourning, the earth is tearing, the devil, the devil, and the undead are still reluctant to give up. The big demon in the midair has become the only light source, and the uneasy fear cannot be spread. In this chaotic battlefield, the Archmage It is possible to die from a smashing shooter who is ready to disintegrate.

"stand up!"

The master of the curse, Mute, is the oldest master of the line. His thin face is wrinkled, and he is always stunned like a wounded rat with a cane. He does not appear in front of the new generation, he is even The younger generation ridiculed, but when the crisis came, it showed the veteran character.

The elements of the earth and wind that the Archmage fully controlled, the short body swelled several times, and the sweat on the face of the blue ribs left, he fully controlled. It is not an attacking spell.

Driven by Master Mut, the skins of the ground were cut, and the temporary floating dishes were picked up. They were of different sizes. Large can be called floating islands, the smallest is enough to carry dozens of people.

All the floating discs slowly hang upwards, and they are very eye-catching on the battlefield.

Looking at the floating disc, the flexible mage was shocked first, then it was a joy. Immediately flew to the floating disc, the more blunt descendants also awakened under the reminder of their compatriots, all relying on the nearest floating disc.

The most dangerous thing now is because of the emergence of the abyss and the completely chaotic battlefield. In this area, the mages can only fight each other. Facing the sudden appearance of the devil, the devil, and the dead, the inexplicable No value.

And as long as they re-aggregate together, they can naturally follow the usual training. Compose the battlefield, there are people to assist, some people defend, some people attack, and play their true strength under the premise of worry-free.

The facts are also as expected. When the wizards drop the floating discs, they will build new defensive positions according to their own research direction. Some will supply floating floating discs, and some will weave new defensive spells. Some started to contact other colleagues, and some stood up and began to sing strong attacking spells.

Perhaps the college is awkward and chaotic in the face of unexpected situations, and when the situation is slightly stable. Solid theoretical foundations allow them to explode in an instant.

Each floating disc is a mage unit. High-level wizards are connected in it, choosing the position that suits them best. When several floating discs are brought together, a simple mage tower is built.

The top mages commanded joint spells around the middle-level wizards, and the apprentices were busy replenishing the defensive positions. With the first wave of curses sung, countless summoning creatures descended from the void, with the cover of cannon fodder, the defensive field was successfully reduced, the caster was able to cast spells safely, and the wizards forced the demons to retreat. .

In the highest sky, there is only a dozen people standing on the smallest floating disc, but it is the core of the entire battlefield.

Kayd, Amara, Oslovan, Aroso, the truth-level wizards and their apprentices, naturally stood together, at their center, the wooden master who is trying to maintain the spell, And these top wizards did not turn their attention to the "apprentice" and the devil's battlefield, they are searching the entire battlefield, looking for opportunities to change the battle.

The dark night is not an obstacle to them. On the chaotic battlefield, the most conspicuous one is undoubtedly the area where the main gods are fighting.

The battle between Babarote and Black Moore is still going on. The two beasts are biting each other and the earth is shaking with the roar of the beast. The two tangled monsters make it difficult for the mages to intervene and do not want to intervene. .

"There is ours over there?"

"The lion head monster, the headless giant is not a good person at first glance."

"Don't be stupid, the black giant is Black Moore, the betrayal of the devil, and the abyss devourer Barbarot is our enemy."

Even if someone pointed out the enemy and me, the Archmage still lacks the interest to interfere in the battlefield there.

On the other hand, it is the mutual enthusiasm of the giant gods. The giants in the cloud can't stop calling the Thunder. The heavy punches are tearing the limits of space, but the bronze gods are still struggling to support, even if they are repeatedly vomiting blood, instead More excited and joyful.

The nose of Danatis was still shattered, and the ridiculous nosebleeds fell like raindrops. The area contaminated with blood accelerated the process of deepening the region, but he became more and more brave.

This is undoubtedly the most important battlefield, but watching the Titan is tearing the arm of the space, that is, the transcendence should also stay away from such a battlefield, and the leaking fist can easily kill the dragon, such a fist can not fight. Natis, what the Masters who are so far away can do.

"Give me a curse for twenty hours, I promise to kill him.... It’s a bit difficult to kill, but there is absolutely no problem with it."

"Oh, I would also like to say that Ainro's cloud city is coming over, and the magic reserve of Ainro Cloud City for a few hundred years has blown him up."

The two Truth Masters had a hard time, and no one expected that it would be just an "ordinary encirclement", but would encounter the main force of the abyss and the plural abyss of the Lord God.

But they really did not talk nonsense, if this is the country of the Master, if this is the cloud city of the Masters, with the magic reserve of the strongest Master City in the mainland, the Lord God can not be good.

"The time on the battlefield is life. If you talk nonsense, you will say less.... In the middle of the cloud, it will take another twenty minutes to arrive. An Ruo, when you are, you have to personally realize your promise."

Closed dual-purpose Amara, directly throwing out amazing information, while the Masters are at the same time, the look is different, some reveal a look of ignorance, some face surprises, some are somewhat depressed .

Since the highest institution of the mage is a cloud city, it is naturally movable. Just because of the power of the country of the Master, Yunzhong City has never had a chance to shoot.

Considering the huge area and quality of the cloud city, the speed of movement is not fast. It is only possible to start first and arrive at the battlefield on time. Those depressed Masters obviously think that they are excluded from intelligence.

"Don't blame the old woman, I hide it. We have a lot of people inside. We have to smash our opponents. We must first smash our own people. This is only a few people in the 'inner ring'."

Amara of "The Revelation of the Stars" still explained a little.

Then, the news that Yunzhongcheng is about to arrive is spread under the spread of the Masters. The soldiers who have spread throughout the country of the Master, and the news that the reinforcements are about to arrive, have boosted their morale.

At this time, Amara looked at the dark sky, where the angel of light waving the holy sword was struggling with the great devil, and the interweaving of light and shadow made everything blurred.

Black holes, voids, cracks, dead zones, and different dimensions of their battlefields are probably the most dangerous.

Light and shadow are being torn and torn, and the two winged drivers are desperately taking control of the light. They are fighting in a way that the world cannot understand.

I am afraid that no one can understand such a battlefield, but at least it is a balance of equalization.

There is no doubt that the rumor that is regarded as a nonsense is already true. The strongest paladin of the mortal body is already in confrontation with the Lord God.

In front of the battlefield, Amara, who has experienced countless years, also has some sighs.

"Human beings are the most incredible creatures. It was only a little boy who was similar to Margaret. It took more than a hundred years to get to this point."

As a mentor of Margaret, although she was very optimistic about Roland, she never expected that the other party would go this step.

However, she did not have much time to sigh. Perhaps the situation on the battlefield made the driver of the cloud city speed up. The torn black cloud revealed the sun, and the gorgeous city was descended from the sky.

"Start counterattack! Let them see the power of the Master! Look at the power of mortals!"

I don't know who shouted out first, and one "fireworks" and "lights" began to burn the whole world. (To be continued.)

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