The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 788: Decisive battle (fourteen)

As a super empire, the land of the country of the Master, Ain Rodant, is not a large country, and most of the country's population is concentrated in the capital of the capital, Ainro.

For thousands of years, in the sky above Ainro, there was the existence of the city in the cloud. Initially, it was only the residence and laboratory of the High Circle Master, in order to avoid the habit of explosions and other areas of isolation.

With the popularization of compulsory compulsory education, the number of casters of Ainro has increased year by year, the immortals of the older generation have accumulated more and more, and the perennial inhabitants of the Cloud City have increased.

With the continuous expansion, Yunzhongcheng has long been not only the experimental area of ​​high-ranking mage, but the general population of 10% of the casters live on it. More than 50% of the divisions have their own residences and laboratories in Yunzhongcheng. All academic societies have a mage tower on them.

Even so, it is still known as the "cloud tower" in the official channel, even if it is a real city in the early hundreds of years, just because everyone is used to calling him.

It has long been more than just a research area and a mage tower. All Ain Rodant people can look up at the city between the clouds every day. Its existence is a symbol of prosperity and stability of the whole country.

“Never challenge a division with a mage tower.”

This seems to have become the common sense of the multiverse, and its extension may be...

“Never challenge Ainro and the Tower of the Clouds positively, unless you plan to deal with thousands of top mage towers and tens of thousands of divisions at the same time.”

Perhaps the Cloud Tower does not have any famous record. Perhaps the world has forgotten that it is a mobile cloud city, but it is also powerful, so that any IQ exists above the horizontal line, from the beginning Will consider the positive challenge to the cloud city.

"Ai Luoying, the capital of the country that attacks the mage? There are towers of clouds, tens of thousands of divisions. Endless magic reserves, massive wars and magical creations, countless planes of the plane and curse reserves. It is the power of the majority of the country of the Master."

Even the smashing king will not consider attacking the capital of the country of the mage. The city in the cloud is not only the home and residence of the mages, but also a symbol of peace and stability throughout the country.

The only madman who is provocative to him is still the "stupid king" Oros, and from now on, this arrogant provocation of the country of the wizard is probably the most wise decision of this world.

"A decade ago, the inner ring members had a private agreement with Bayer's first king, Oros. When necessary, we will dispatch the Cloud Tower for cross-sea support, and the Bayer Empire will be responsible for all our losses. Not only that, but they will also open up the national treasury, giving at least two hundred kilograms of magical gold, including the magic material of ten million gold coins, an artifact, ten pieces of artifacts at a price."

In the Hall of Truth in the Cloud Tower, *Shirne explained to other mages the legitimacy of the city of the Cloud into other countries.

A small intelligence that only Members know. The Truth Council is divided into inner ring members and outer ring members. The latter are numerous and frequently changed. The former is hidden between the latter. Only the inner ring members know the identity of other inner ring members.

The inner ring members do not have any additional privileges. They are only given more trust and give more intelligence support.

And Amara, the revelation of the stars. And "Miracle Prayer" Rhein. It is one of the few inner ring members who have disclosed their identities.

"I heard that Oros was dead. I was naturally scrapped because of the agreement. When Roland came to the front with the agreement and the authorization of the Emperor of Helen, I really couldn't believe it... they must hook it before. Together."

In the empty hall of truth in the past, at this time, most of them have been filled, and many of them have been forgotten by the world for centuries. The ghosts that shocked the world for centuries and thousands of years ago, covered with hoods and returned to the world with masks.

Don't look at *Rhine is calm and self-sufficient, at this time the vest is cold sweat. These predecessors who have already retired and retired are the members of the truth who took office and took office. Some are the authority of a certain field, and I don’t know where to hide. When the city of the Master moved, all of them suddenly jumped out.

Perhaps from the legal point of view, he does not need to accept the questions of the retired predecessors, but just as the younger generations always can't lift their heads in front of the old founders of the society and the company. The students who graduated from the work saw that the class teacher was a little bit flustered. The old mage who grew up onlookers, not giving a proper statement, really can’t say it.

"....... So, Little Rhine, you and other members of the inner ring have discussed this and started the city of the cloud. A little bit of Xiaohui Xiaohui will let you sell the city in the cloud? You know that Ain Rodant has been in the country for so many years, the cloud The tower has never moved, its stability is the foundation of the stability of all Ain Rodant people, and now panic is spreading among the civilians..."

The black-haired gentleman with a monocular mask looks very young. His twin eyes are full of dangerous starlights. He is the master of the Rhine's mentor, and the former inner speaker, "The Magnum," Noah.

It is said that the Rhine has suddenly realized that it is no wonder that these reclusive predecessors have come out from the caves. They used to live in the civilians of the capital. They saw that the city in the clouds moved, and naturally they could not sit still.

"Her, this is probably what Roland expected. The future is awesome, and the future is awesome. But for this, you will let the tower of the cloud that has never moved into other countries..."

The discourse did not finish, but everyone looked at Noah and was somewhat dissatisfied.

On this part, Rhein is also somewhat depressed. He understands why Roland must emphasize the secrecy between the cities in the mobile cloud. The reaction of these old people is probably in his expectation. The city of Mobile Master is also very Naturally dragged them to the battlefield.

Counting allies is really not a glorious thing, but calculating allies can enhance the strength of allies... At this time, the mood of the heart of Rhein is very complicated, and at this moment, answering the questions of the seniors is also his obligation.

And why did you make this choice, have you already thought about it from the beginning?

"No, not just these."

Rhein thought for a long time, organized the language, and his own words, it is likely to determine the attitude of the predecessors.

"This is a struggle for survival. Although the country of the Master is the kingdom of the Master, most of the residents here are still human beings, so we must play."

There is nothing long about it, and it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make sense for the teachers to play with language skills. The debate will make them disgusted. "Because we are human beings, we must fight for the continuation and prosperity of race." The position determines the head, which is very realistic.

"is it necessary?"

Noah nodded slightly, and the answer was expected and the only acceptable.

Continue the inheritance of mystery? Explore endless truths? Please live first and say that for any ethnic group, the crisis of survival is always the top priority. The lords of the abyss have really won the dominance of the plane, and the mages can still maintain their independence.

Noah asked "Is it necessary?", in fact, this reason has been recognized. After all, these old mages are not blind, and seclusion does not mean that they cannot receive information and are isolated from the world. On the contrary, they sneak into mortals and make them current. The situation is understood more thoroughly.

is it necessary? It is not necessary to ask the country of the Master to participate in it, because from the beginning, no one can escape this war, and tremble in the ivory tower, which is equivalent to handing the butcher knife to the opponent.

Noah asked, is the current situation already reached the point of decisive battle? Is it necessary to use the Tower of the Clouds?

The twinkling of the Rhine is a firm will. Starting the tower of the cloud is equivalent to tying the whole country of the wizard to the battlefield. This is not a decision he can make alone, and he has already accepted this decision from the bottom of his heart.

"It is necessary to participate in the war and win the victory. In the new era, we will have sufficient voice and status, for the inheritance of the mystery and the dignity of the caster, as the strongest group and vested in this plane. Stakeholders, we must match the record of identity."

The sage masters don’t talk about anything at all, they don’t talk about politics and meaning, they are as straightforward as businessmen, and they discuss the future interests.

"On the side of the Hades, it is more suitable for us than chaos and order. This is a resolution endorsed by all members of the Truth Council."

Hades, order, chaos, the three-party camp has been destined to decide the outcome in this holy war. Since it is already doomed to close the country to escape, it is better to choose the location early, to attack with all strength, and to obtain enough results.

If I have already seen this point, it is Roland’s good-looking one. The Truth Council will disregard it, agree on something, and have no sufficient interest to support it. It makes no sense.

Noah closed her eyes and fell silent, but the special communication was between the old masters. After half a ring, Noah opened her eyes and still smiled.

"So, Little Rhine, our old bones, we have to bother you for a while."

The Rhine was a glimpse, but then he was overjoyed. With the addition of these old wizards, the Truth Council will be several times stronger.

At this time, Noah quietly handed a piece of paper on the table with only one special spell for contact.

"Maybe, you use it, this is..."

Listening to the name passed by Noah, the Rhine pupil was instantly enlarged, and the heart almost stopped. The original trump card of the country of the Master, the old master also held his own hands, and his own members did not know.

The old wizards disappeared one by one in the auditorium. Only a few of Noah and other people stayed behind and served as the hub of communication. The tower of the cloud tower with rapid growth accelerated and rushed to the battlefield faster than expected.

When the tower of the cloud fell from the clouds and looked at the chaotic battlefield in front of the scene, the divisions who had experienced countless battles were also flustered, and they were glad that they used the trump card.

The tower of the cloud enters the battlefield, and it also represents the half-force of the entire country of the Master. It has been fully invested in the survival struggle that can only win and not lose.

If you are looking for the past, such as the stupid post-knowledge of the country of the Master in "History," you can see that the core of the change in the attitude of the Masters to this war is still that person.

At this time, "the man" saw the early arrival of the tower of the cloud, and finally a little relieved, the Sophocle in front of it is too difficult, and now the ability of Sophocle to expose, but also Prove him a guess.

"Sophocle, you, you are not a demon at all." (To be continued.)

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