The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 81: Princess and old man

In the palace district of Kaghi City, there is a palace complex with a strong exotic style, where is the diplomatic envoy and the embassy.

The Eastern Principality does not have an embassy in the Oran Empire, and in a temporarily dispatched villa, even if the night is already deep, a deceived girl is still angry.

"Damn Dassos! This is not the case when we invited us! This is fraud, this is an insult to the entire Principality!"

The fourteen-year-old girl is losing her temper in the room, but unfortunately, she is facing a sister who is a bitter smile.

"Yes, they deceived us, but as a small country, we have any other way. Is it possible to preach out and resolutely fail? I am afraid that they will immediately regard it as an insult to the empire and the new king, and launch a full-scale war. I am afraid this It is also the reason for the war they need."

Yes, this time the Eastern Principality did not mean to become a subordinate country. Princess Renee was only deceived. In the same way, there are several small countries that insist on not being subordinate.

"According to the current development situation, the rise of the Oran Empire has become unstoppable. When other countries promise to be ministers, if we insist on not subordinating, we will inevitably make us become the eyes of all people, but only to safeguard the dignity of the great powers, Oran. The empire must also crusade us, and just ended the war with the orcs, and our current national strength can withstand this war."

This is to show that the fake drama is really done, to force people, and Renee bites her teeth.

"Yes, they just saw this and deceived us. But Kelly, have you not said that, the blood of you will never yield! We fight with them."

The wood elf woman in front of her eyes is the court teacher Kellebrian, who has served the royal family for nearly five hundred years, referred to as Kelly.

She has taught more than twenty monarchs in the royal family. Even the enlightenment teacher of the legendary Gemini star has a high prestige in the country and won the trust of the royal family.

"So, if this time the blood of a long history will be surrendered, Dassault and the Kingdom of Olam will inevitably gain a higher reputation. And we will not yield. He will find a reason to fight. No matter how we deal with it, he will not If you lose money, you will be so tricky and tricky."

“Why? Are you not all humans? Why is it more difficult to deal with evil orcs?”

The face of the girl princess is full of fatigue. These days in the city of Kaghi, the aristocrats who face the soft-sword of the mouth, she feels more difficult to deal with than the battlefield of war.

"Oh. It is because all human beings are difficult to deal with. Have you forgotten the destruction of the kingdom of the country? What did the country’s dynasties have for the entire human society? It is the shameless betrayal of the human beings and the heresy of the church." The referee is the knives of the vest. Never trust the human kings who are stupid short-sighted and have no integrity, and the orderly gods who have no faith."

Although slightly smiling. The soft words in the mouth of the green-haired wood elf are the distrust of the entire human society and the order of the gods.

"And, if you promise to sign a subordinate country agreement, then your support rate in the country will plummet, or this is one of their purposes. After all, the blood of the shackles is not a small pain, but before you The performance should give them a warning. Perhaps this is why they ignore us and give us the next set."

Renee was dumb at the moment, and it was even more incredible, just because she was doing too well in the orc invasion. In order to suppress his own reputation and force himself to bow to the Eastern Principality, he came to force a subordinate?


"No. This is very high. Who told you that there are two ancestors who are famous and famous, and the blood of the singer is even more talented. They will naturally be very alert. Plus you have a similar face to the prince of the twins, no It’s exactly the same. No matter if there’s another demon invasion, or Dieffen’s night, they can’t stand it.”

As they said, both of them looked at the oil paintings on the walls. It was a battlefield with wars. The war was going on, and the young generals were holding the flag.

It was a pair of twins. The boy with the sword was squatting in the air. The golden light shone him like a god, but even in the most intense desperation on the battlefield, he still smiles with the sun. As if it were a smooth road.

Behind him, another teenager with the same face, holding a sword in the left and holding a wand in the right, the flame from **** is burning on the right arm, but the tender face is full of anger.

Behind them are the knights of heroic assaults, and in front of them are the innocent orcs and demons, and in the corner of the picture, it is a vaguely visible banner of the human beings, expressing the artist’s Angry and dissatisfied.

That is a replica of the "last princes" of the famous paintings of the Dongpu Principality.

"His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness Calvins? Sister Kelly, are they really so powerful? If they are in my current situation, it will be much better."

Renee was very frustrated, and this feeling of ancestors made her feel powerless.

"Don't say no, you have done a good job."

Kelly shook her head.

"This comparison is meaningless. Renee is Renee. The Gemini Prince is a Gemini Prince. If Cavans is in your position, it is estimated that it will only kill the sword and it will be the only choice. The situation is even worse."

"That is to say, if Roland is there, maybe the situation will be very different?"

Renee was keenly aware of the hidden meaning in Kelly's words, but it was even more frustrating.

It was said that Kelly was a glimpse first, and then she showed a smile of nostalgia.

"Roland, if it is him, I will not let myself fall into this passive situation at first. The kid looks very sunny and cheerful. In fact, the stomach is full of bad water. He doesn't dig other people, it will make others pit. He? Cavans is 100% will be fooled, but most of them will not care about straightforward, but often do not reasonably rushed out with brute force."

Renee is somewhat curious. The sister Kelly in front of her eyes is a real royal veteran and a living library, but she has never liked to mention the past. At this time, she has to seize the opportunity to ask questions.

"That. Kelly's sister, can you tell me about the two deities of the Highness? Are they really as powerful as the legend?"

Renee leaned on Kelly's body, letting the other party prepare her own little nephew and make up makeup. This is her daily habit in the past two years.

Draw a thick eyebrow. Delineate the eyeliner, remove the excess hair, and cover up the white complexion with powder makeup. Under Kelly's hand, the difference between the male and female faces is further blurred.

In the increasingly unfavorable situation, the Eastern Principality needs a heroic knight who is very similar to the legendary Paladin Roland. Not a noble lady who is destined to be busy in social situations all day.

"Although it is very ridiculous, in fact they are stronger than the legendary. If it is not the outbreak of war, they will not give them enough time to grow up. That era is destined to belong to them."

Hearing. Renee jerked her head up, and the pencil was painted from the face, and the makeup took a big shot.

"Impossible, they are the same age as me when they die. No, Kelly’s sister said it must be true. Sure enough, I am useless. If Roland is able to make a decision for me."


Let Renee be surprised. It was Kelly's grin.

"Kelly sister, what are you laughing, I am serious!"

"No, Renee, just someone said this before."


"Roland, he always said, ‘Oh, this is trouble, waste my reading time. If Cavans can do it all, then I can be lazy every day.’”

The legendary hero actually has such a lazy side. Roland, who is regarded as a paladin and a royal model, actually likes to be lazy and idle?

"His Royal Roland likes reading books?"

"Super like, whether it is art, music, literature, history, astronomy, geography, is a mess of alchemy and engineering, he likes it. If it is not sent to the church to be a paladin, if not after the war suddenly Outbreak, I am afraid, he will eventually become a world-renowned university."

"Wait, Kelly, he was sent to the Paladin is not only ten years old, so small will read?"

"The two Highnesses are all reading when they are one year old, or they will become universally recognized geniuses. However, there is a little story inside."

"Great. Story?"

"Well, normal boys tend to learn to walk more than a year, even if the blood of the scorpion will make children's intellectual knowledge open early, but Cavans was born only a month to learn to walk and a few simple words, is enough to go down in history. Super genius."

"His Royal Roland?"

"He, Calvins will walk, he is still crawling, Cavans will call Mom and Dad, he will only cry. And when they were born for a month, we are all worried about Roland, Calvins He began to grab his bottle and he finally made a sound."

"Out of voice?"

"Well, he said to Cavans first, 'Hey, kid, you are not afraid of being sliced. I am still afraid. I can’t do it. I don’t know what to do. We are normal babies. Now we should learn to cry. Come, cry with your brother. One, wow, ah! Come, raise, wow, ah, and then find that Cavans simply can’t understand and continue to rob, only shouting for help, hello, you manage this bad boy, he will Bullying his brother. Hey, dare to grab the old man's food, the old man will give you the same."

“A child who only knows for a month knows how to hide his talents? This is simply incredible.”

"Why not. I have taught a lot of talented characters of the royal family for hundreds of years, but I have never seen such a ridiculous child. The world thinks that Cavans is a super genius, but in fact Roland is even more outrageous. It’s not that he spreads his energy in various disciplines, and he misses the golden season of exercise. It’s not worse than Cavans.”

"Can you talk more about Your Royal Roland?"

Looking at Renee, who is full of tiredness, Kelly caresses her hair, like a child, bowing her head and kissing her girl's forehead.

"Well, then, when you are busy for a day, you are tired. Just be a bedtime story. Roland, although very smart, but also very unreliable, once again, he happily pulled me to see his new invention. I also proudly said, 'Look, this transparent thing will definitely sell, I call it glass, it will definitely make a lot of money, so our national life will be much better.'"

“Is glass invented by Roland adults? I remember it was more than 6,000 years ago.”

"Well, he didn't know it at the time. When I told him, his frustrated face was really heartbreaking. He still whispered ‘Nothing, then invented the type printing.’”

“Printing technology? Was it not long ago monopolized by the **** of knowledge?”

"Well, I said it at the time, so he was even more frustrated, but the next day, he began to study astronomy and biology. The evolution theory of the survival of the fittest seems to be obviously unfounded, but now it still thinks There are some truths. For example, [species are not made by God, constant, he is variable, creatures are evolutionary, and natural selection is the driving force of biological evolution. There is a tendency to breed too much, and living space and food It is limited, so creatures must fight for survival]

"Does the mortal life not be made by the gods? Life does not originate from the source of order, the chaos of the chaos. This is an obvious lie."

"Well, but he was not depressed, and he soon found a new toy. He always did this. He never knew what to call and give up. Even if the war started, he quickly became a real army **** from a rookie. If it is not for us to face more than a hundred times the enemy..."

Under the accumulation of fatigue and anger, soon, talking, Renee fell into a dream, and looking at the girl's armor, Kelly fell into meditation.

The armor is gorgeous, and the appearance is Mithril Heavy Armor. In fact, it is only a soft armor with a light alloy coating, even lighter than the leather armor.

It is impossible for the blood of the scorpion to be a genius. Renee is not a genius, not even a qualified warrior. The 14-year-old black iron first-order warrior is different from civilians.

In the three thousand miles of charge, she was only responsible for raising the flag and shouting slogans, and shook her head. If she really met her opponent, any orc could easily kill her.

But unfortunately, the current Dongyinggong domestic and foreign troubles really need an ancient hero-like knight princess. Renee sacrificed a lot, but according to the current situation, she will continue to sacrifice, even if it is very likely I can't get a return, and even waiting for her can only be a bad name and a national understanding.

"Oh, maybe Renee is right, this burden is too heavy for her. Roland, where are you?"

Kelly gently stroked the short knife at the waist, the handle of the short knife, the two dragons are surrounded by each other, and two night pearls are set in it, emitting a white and black light.

This is the lamp of life. It is the secret of the various royal chambers. When the members of the royal family were just born, they took off their first **** ceremony. Then, this bead became his life light. It means that the person is dead. This can also be used to prevent the royal staff from being faked.

And this decorative short knife with two beads is the twin lamp of life - Roland and Cavens.

"Cavans's lamp of life is getting darker and darker. It seems that he is completely falling into chaos, but Roland..."

The situation of Roland's lamp of life and its strangeness, all of a sudden lit, suddenly extinguished, suddenly turned white, suddenly hacked, repeated transformation.

A hundred years ago, the black even surpassed Cavans, and not long ago, he was strangely extinguished, and after two months, he was bright and white.

"If this lamp of life reflects the real situation, Roland is still in the world, his life should be wonderful."

Inexplicable, the blade flicked slightly, as if it was summoned, Kelly instinctively stood up and looked at the probe, but found a figure under the tree.


But looking at it, I found that it was just a willow tree with wind and wind.

Shaking his head, Kelly closed the window.

"Oh, it seems that I am also like Renee, looking forward to a reliable shoulder."

In the corner she didn't find, under the window, the figure with a silver mask was just like a itch.

"Dasos, the attention of the country that dares to fight, I will make you worse than the historical ending!"

PS: It is too expensive to write a big chapter. Some people in the small chapter are too squeaky or not enough. Ok, I will follow my own rhythm later.

The college entrance examination is coming, and the friends who are participating in the college entrance examination are cheering. I hope everyone can get into the school.

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