The Oran Empire is an undisputed big country. Their Royal Guards White Wolf Royal Guards are undisputed third-order elite light cavalry. The three ranks of the Silver Steps cavalry regiments are incompetent. Ok, here is not gold. When the underground world of cannon fodder, at least the small country bordering him is absolutely unstoppable.

Compared with the long-lived species, human beings are absolutely inferior in individual combat power, but human beings are originally races that rely on tools and foreign objects (the White Wolf Royal Guards can be equipped with equipment and mounts to reach the silver level). The so-called big country is Agriculture, industry, alchemy magic, animal husbandry, and talent training are superior in all aspects to provide more powerful arms and military strength.

For example, the armor of the White Wolf Guard is Misilol Mithril, not to mention the design of the light cavalry armor. The alloy formula of light as a raw material is a Class 1 secret of the Oran Empire. They are equipped with the Misilol tyrannosaurus. Guns, violent shots, and violent swords are all high-quality alchemy props. As for their riding horses, special war horses, but also mixed generations of super-good war horses, it is said that this horse is a carnivore.

This extravagant equipment is hard to make a bronze-level knight soar to the silver level (human), and with the absolute advantage of quantity and tactics, it is even stronger.

Not only the special forces, but also the human arms and their dependent equipment, such as a former peasant who only received one year of militia training, gave him a dragon gun, which is the first-order lower-armed pikemen, and if it is two years of shooting training With a magical flail, it is the first-order mid-range striker.

And if it is more than five years of rigorous training, coupled with fully armed alchemy heavy armor, increase the power of alchemy. It is the second-order lower-level heavy armored warrior. However, if the gryphon and raptors cultivated from a young age are long enough to ride. Then the third-order arms of the Griffin Knights were born. Of course, this is basically an expensive unit that only the aristocrats can afford the lion's food.

However, due to excessive dependence on foreign objects, its own fragility is inevitable, and the White Wolf Guard is only a bronze step infantry. This time, it needs to be coordinated and organized. Human beings are also extremely famous in the art of war. They use the combination of arms to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, and they are the compulsory guests of every commander.

The inheritance and innovation of technology and culture, the constant new arms and new equipment, and the speed of human growth are absolutely the crown of all races. They are never afraid of wage wars. This is a human being who does not live long and has no ethnic talent. Why? Can be the root cause of this world hegemon.

For example, the elves are indeed strong, and the adulthood of silver is a universal state, but it takes two hundred years for adulthood... enough for humans to give birth to four or five generations. The only heterogeneous dark elf in the elf has a strong fertility, but the infighting is also the most intense. However, in a ghost place like the underground, if you don’t get rid of it, the resources are still not enough.

Therefore, in the eyes of other races, human beings have an advantage - they can be born, but this advantage is enough.

Indeed, my pseudo-gold may not have hit the true golden steps of your elves' bloodlines, but I will not lose money if I change one of them. I will die if I die, as long as the equipment is on, less than ten years. As soon as you recover, your elf will have to wait for 200 years before a new generation matures. Do you fight it?

As long as the population base is enough, peerless genius will naturally appear. At least, as far as I know, there will be several half-god old guys in each of the top empire.

However, the human kingdom is not invulnerable. In the future underground invasion, in the face of absolute strength, war skills are not inferior to their own underground coalition forces, the human kingdom also tasted the lack of top-level combat power.

As a result, demand has promoted new progress, and they have once again ushered in the leap-forward development of machinery, alchemy, and magic. The strange fifth-order arms of the magical mechanical dragon is the crystallization of the new magical mechanics and magical array.

Ok, let's not mention the future of headaches. I still have a headache now.

The tree has a big style, and the historical Oran Empire has also demonstrated the meaning of the word with practical actions. Whether it is the underground coalition of the invasion or the natural disaster of the undead, it does not hesitate to regard it as the primary goal.

Under the big tree, enjoy the cool? No, according to international rules, under the call of the sovereign state, the dependent state must go to the battlefield, plus the command of the host country to be deployed, as a cannon fodder is simply affirmation, and the next cruel war, the smaller the country The thinner, the easier it is to destroy, so I will never look at the Eastern Principality to become a dependent state of the Oran Empire.

But as I have heard before, if I refused directly, I am afraid that it will also cause war. These two difficult realms are really difficult to decide.

"If you have difficulty choosing, you will not choose it. If you want to turn it into a farce, it will be a long time. As long as this subordinate alliance fails, the situation has changed completely for a few years. Of course, if you do not retaliate, I will not be able to swallow this breath."

Even so, but how to proceed specifically, there is still no way.

Four or two dials, there must be four or two forces, compared with the behemoth of the Oran Empire, the strength of my hand may not even have a pound.

"New arrivals, completely black, lack of intelligence and connections, can not specify a reliable action plan. But since there are more than three months to go to the succession ceremony, first to enter the upper level and collect intelligence as the first A goal."

This is why I am now at the entrance to this dirty underground waterway.

"Smelly dead, even if you want to do the task to please the count, there is no need to take this task."

The former king of the banshee, now the Queen of Slime, licked her nose and complained to me with a disgusted look.

"Look, your kind." I pointed to the stinky sewer culvert, where, a quagmire slime was struggling, and there were some unpleasant stolen goods inside the body.

After glanced at it, he was disgusted enough, and the black cat in the form of Herois, swooped up.

"I am the king of the great banshee! It is the omniscient of the mystery of magic. It is not a dirty slime."

I grabbed two bites and three tails, and I knew the tricks of cats. But when I used it in a little black cat, it was better to say that it was like selling, but I didn’t ignore it as usual, because now the torn of Herois Bite attack. It is indeed quite powerful.

[Frozen gas: a deadly cold air. Can be attached to the ** and the blade. It can also be hit with the ice magic, the touched person will slow down any action by 1%, and suffer 1 freeze per second. This ability can be superimposed. If the deceleration effect exceeds 20%, it will suffer from freezing and thinking rigidity. Negative effects, if the deceleration effect exceeds 50%, you may feel that the temperature is violent at any time]

In a sense. The wizard's magic pet is his own avatar, the ghoul touch, the lich touches those spells that can only be released by the wizard, but can also be released through the magic pet, but I did not expect that this is called "frozen gas" Passive ability, the biggest beneficiary will actually be Herois.

Incarnate as a cat or bat, her target is small, the attack frequency is fast, and the sneak attack is extremely concealed. The other side of the lower jaw damage is extremely difficult to attract the attention of the attacker. If she is stacked on a dozen layers of freezing air. I am afraid that it is not far from death.

Ok, but in front of me who already knows this trick. It makes no sense.

I just took a step, a turn, a pinch, and pinched the cat's biggest weakness to the back of the neck, then smashed two laps, and got a cat that was turned and starred at Venus.

"Oh, fight with me, you are still tender."

I am proud of the smile, although due to the increasingly ridiculous experience of punishment, there has been no upgrade recently, and I am reluctant to throw precious skill points into which pothole ice system, but on the road to the Holy Light, the law Force tutoring, so that my strength has skyrocketed.

The more rapid growth, but the unexpected is the sword and melee skills, which should have been the category of warrior specialization, after all, they lack the blessing of supernatural ability, but for me, learning swordsmanship is like revisiting Past memories do not deliberately learn.

This spin, pinch, seems simple, but actually contains a wonderful footwork, a kind of swordsmanship, the two are one, clean and neat, simply handsome home, if placed outside, will definitely cause the person who knows Appreciation and beauty scream, how can I be so handsome!

"Rosie! Can you break out of the spectrum, everyone else is fighting, you are actually teasing the cat!"

Momo’s sword is like a wind, chasing a group of rats who have settled down in the underground road, and they are attacking passers-by before they look at them.

Well, although the bulldog is good, it is barely a beautiful woman, but obviously the aesthetics of the dark elf are not trustworthy.

So, I turned my eyes to Colos.

"God makes adults, even if you are the will performer of my Lord, but such slack behavior will make my Lord shameful. Please fight hard."

The wild elf Kolos waved a huge vine-wood wand that was taller than her. Thunderstorms flashed again and again in the dark underpass. One flash was a scream. Because of our lack of firepower, the law profession is obviously over-represented. She took out the old line of the storm druid as an output.

Thunderbolt can be made underground, although the power is significantly reduced, but it has subverted the common druid common sense, which is enough to prove her amazing accomplishments and talents in the control of thunderstorms.

[Koros Aintan, Gender: Coloss, Race: Wild Elf, Occupation: Level 60 Druid / Level 12 Storm Druid / Level 20 Judge / Level 3 Storm Judge (Koros Own Legendary occupation), total rank 95, comprehensive grade 83, soul emblem: storm messenger, comprehensive assessment: legendary pastor occupation. Systematic evaluation: The thighs that are worth relying on, and the beautiful legs. As for the **** Kolos, the stalk is too old, I will not spit it out. By the way, the recent lucky draw will join the men’s spring, try hard to pump it, remember to please the beauty. 】

Although my personal letter and Diana’s testimony really made her believe that I am the godless sleeper, but I don’t know why, she always puts me very strict requirements. “This can’t be done.” “You must be strict with yourself. It’s too much to damage the image of my master all day long. It’s like I lost the face of her god.

"Hey, the face of the sleepless person is lost all day, you because I used to be very reliable?" Well, the true **** that pollutes the pastor is equal to the white glove that directly throws the duel, so I will not say it in person.

Well, although this is not a "beauty", but from the glare of other people, I accidentally provoked the anger, or do things with my tail.

"Where is that treasure jade?"

The task was a bit embarrassing. The quite powerful count, who had a lot of strong men, had entrusted us outsiders to look for his lost family biography.

"This road light is obviously the undead magic. It is almost the same as finding the soul and the body. How can I find the treasure. Oh. It seems. I have seen the truth of the matter."

After biting my finger and retaliating, Herois jumped on my shoulder and sat higher, at least far from the unpleasant smell of the stolen goods.

I also feel very strange, the count gave us a magical light of the road, saying that following it can find Baoyu, but from my perception, it is obviously the guideline of the undead magic. It is through the flesh and blood samples to track the undead magic of the flesh-and-blood owner or his lost limbs. The deceased mage under the human count does not spit, is the treasure we are looking for, is it part of someone's body?

"Okay, just in front."

From the battlefield where everyone cleaned up, I walked over with the **** lights, and finally, I stopped in a large pot left by the rats.

Judging from the flashing flash of the guide light, the Baoyu we are looking for should be in this pot. So, I picked up the long spoon. I have fished a few, and from the first few human fingers and ears that I have fished out, this is really a miscellaneous soup of the rats.

But then, I got my goal - Baoyu.

"The original Baoyu is an egg."

Well, the bulldog has already explained it in a straightforward manner. It is a part of the male organ, commonly known as the egg. It has already been cooked, and it looks like.... Well, I have been disgusted and unable to describe it.

"Oh, there is only one truth! The unfortunate count is sure to be outside, and then the original match is smashed, and then **** is thrown into the sewer. Oh, it’s really a poison, I want to see it. That countess."

Inexplicable, listening to the malicious explanation of Herois, it was full of malicious eyes, my vest had a cold.

"No, it's not a knife wound, but a crush injury. From the wound, the case should be harmless. It should be just that the obese earl went to the toilet and accidentally placed **** between the toilet lid and the toilet, and then not Sit down carefully. It slams and slams! It falls into the sewer." (There are real cases on the Internet)

"You see, the count is too fat and inconvenient to move, and the edge of the metal toilet lid is quite sharp, so once it is pressed, it will ‘啪叽’ and it will split directly...”

Is it true that the judge is a professional judge? Kolos said that in the end, he also took eleven shots with his hands, and issued a "squeaky, awkward" onomatopoeia, but...

"What are you doing with your lower body? Is my reasoning wrong?"

"No, everyone just thinks that it is x, it hurts a bit."

Well, no doubt, the men’s movements in the lower body are the instinct for men to feel the same, but this is a result of speechlessness, but it has proved that today is destined to be a farce that is physically and mentally exhausted.

"Why can't I meet a normal person? The team is not reliable, even the client is not reliable?" I asked Silent without words, but I was doomed to have no answer.

"Do you want to bring it back? So disgusting. Momo won't touch it."

"It should be for the pastor to help regenerate, otherwise he will not spend money to ask us. Who will hold it."

Obviously, no one wants to touch this thing, and just as we are shirking, the bang is loud and the entire underground road is shaking.

"The big forces of the rat are coming. They have always been a life of vengeful heart."

Green took a step forward without a word, but with a rare pride in his tone, the trap he had laid alone had already played a role.

But I had a cold sweat on my head. Judging from the stones falling from the ceiling, the explosives used here seem a bit more.

"Green, you are not an explosive buried in the standards of the underground world. This is a man-made sewer. There is no rock wall in the underground world. How many of you have buried..."

Ok, don't ask, Green used the action of turning around and explaining what happened next.

"Boom!" "Bang" a series of explosions, the collapse of the entire underground waterway, indicating that he not only buried the explosives, but also buried a lot.

"Damn! You can't be normal?"

While trying to escape, while thinking of Koros, who had just calmly explained the reasoning, and remembered the mad prince, I once again regretted the name of the "absolute gentleman alliance."

"Gender is Kolos of Korros. I can't see the face but mysteriously playing the dying of the prince of Green, the sad wind. Well. No need to add a prefix. The name of grief is the best change. And the sorrowful wind is getting better and better Casio (although it looks normal now, but it is the biggest problem with the grief), the bulldog that is too controlled, the dark elf who pursues the way of the light, the way of the law, Some two soy sauce bases (two people: we are not based, we only love Korros), this is really not a normal person, I decided. If this time did not hang, I went out to find two normal teammates !"

"You forgot to count yourself, crazy old monster."

"Well, thank you for reminding me, the old lady who is tender!"

"I said not allowed to call me like this! I bite you, I really bite."

"You have already bitten, bastard, don't allow me to stack frozen air!"


"no way!"

"Look at it!"

"You will add a freeze to slow down, I won't? Look at the trick."

When everyone escaped from the sewer, they were surprised to find out. Not far from the mouth of the pipe, one person and one cat are on the side of a "fierce" melee. While advancing at the speed of the turtle, while still dragging the hind legs, and the entire sewer is already faltering, it may collapse completely at any time.

"Rosie! Don't tease the cat at this time!"

"I didn't tease the cat!"

"We are fighting!"

Well, everyone hasn't had time to realize that the little black cat actually speaks, the sewer finally collapses directly, and even if the falling rocks fall, they can still hear the quarrel between the two.

"It's all your old witch! You have no milk to drink tomorrow!"

"Hey, that's what you want to see tomorrow, you can drag you into the water, the old lady is worth it in life! Even if it falls into hell, it will wake up."


When countless falling rocks fell, and the eyes were completely ruined, everyone was shocked. Who is this, actually, in order to fight for life with a cat.

"Oh, almost died!"

"Reassured, the evil will live for thousands of years. With your scourge, it is the end of the world, and you can't die. Look at my blasphemy!"

Well, this is too early. The ruins have revealed a human head. At this time, he was stuck in the card, but he still used his teeth and his own cat to bite and beat, and they also satirized each other.

But obviously, now he is the card owner, he is not playing the cat, and his face is full of scratches, he actually did not hesitate to start surrendering to the cat.

"Three times the milk tomorrow."

"Milk bath. To be the most upscale! I want a tank."


Well, looking at the one-on-one cat who quickly reached an agreement, I don’t mention what other people have dug up their captain, and figure out in their minds whether they want to leave the group as soon as possible after being dragged down by this living treasure, but soon They accidentally discovered that Captain Luo Wei still had the disgusting spoon in his hand.

"You don't want to go to the rewards. Once you get cooked, you're pressed again, and you're all over, or you've lost it."

"Yeah, such a thing is sent, that is, the golden priest may not be saved, be careful that the count is angry and angry."

I shook my head, and I already wondered why the count would commission me a field mercenary group.

"Diana and Kolos go with me to the task, and some of them have entrusted us, and they have made up their plans to use them and then kill them. Just waiting for him to turn his face, we take him down and use this. With the threat of play, you can control the count and take over the connections of Earl’s House."

"You can, but touch me with this spoon, I will fight with you!"

In the face of Herois's complaints, I didn't say anything. At this time, I was shocked by the system prompts in my eyes.

“Congratulations to the host, the successful activation of the epic mission: the revival of 岚!”

A few minutes ago, Kelly and Renee were shocked at just opening a thick envelope.

"Aurora Knight's complete equipment design map? The Royal Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment's avalanche defender's suit design? Asmu dog trainer's training method...."

Fragmented, there are more than 30 kinds of training methods and equipment design drawings that have been lost and powerful, and these are the pride of the blood of the country of the strong war, but unfortunately, in Dieffen The battle was destroyed together with the capital.

“Is this the legacy of the past? Was it saved by a Dongpu who fled to Oran?”

"No, these are absolutely confidential. The people who knew it in the past must not exceed a single digit. Moreover, you can see the design of this armor. We have this one, but this is a little different... incredible! So, The defense ability has been improved by at least 20%, which is actually improved! Who can make such a perfect design go further. The handwriting on the design drawing is not dry, it should be written soon."

[Little gift, please smile, will visit the door recently - Luo Wei]

"Who is Luo Wei?"

"No matter who he is, the East Principality is saved! As long as we bring back these, and give us another ten years, we will re-emerge and become a new northern power!"|

Not to mention two ecstatic women, at the same time, I have a headache for this suddenly activated epic task, I did not expect it, just a moment, actually added a super trouble.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully activating the epic quest: the revival of 岚. 】

[Task requirements: to solve the crisis of the annexation and subordination of the Principality of the East, let the country of the North Wolf of the North return again - in front of the real king of the Winter Wolf, Dasos is a hair. 】

[Task Reward: The Roland Sword of the Artifact, the clue of the thorns of the thorns of the artifacts - I know that you really want to find this artifact of the town. 】

[Task failure penalty: Nianghua, I am serious, very serious. This time, even the country can't keep it, it is better to go to the mother. 】

"Headache, Calvins kid who lost the crown of the thorns, did not say a word, but also to find his brother."

Although I complained in my mouth, I am afraid that the smile at the corner of the mouth is nothing to anyone.

"This time, it will never fail." (To be continued.)

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