“Name? Age? Occupation? What are you good at? What are your goals?”

"Aron, 16, black iron fighters, the swordsmanship is very good, you want to make money, become the hero to save the world!"

Looking at the young man with a smirk in front of me, I nodded. This simple black-faced teenager reminds me of Adam in the past.


16-year-old black iron, but also practice a squat, you can advance gold in three years? Oh, this is not a nursery school, you still have to find a rookie team to polish it together.

"Cavan, more than thirty, silver shaman. My goal is to make enough money, and then buy the Fire Dragon Circus."

"Di Xu, more than forty, he is his brother, a proud warrior. The goal is to be a good brother."

"I am the brother! Dia, you are an idiot with unclear numbers. We were born together. Why are you ten years older than me?"

Well, this is a rare ogre shaman. It is said that it used to be a pillar of a certain circus. Later, when the circus fell, it came out as a mercenary and lived. It also planned to make money to restart the circus.

"I am my brother!"

"Well, you don't want to be afraid of you because you will play with the ghosts of both hands."

"Well, let's guess the fist, who wins is the big brother."

"Yes, one two three, ha, stone."

"I am cloth, I won, I am the big brother."

"Calvin slow you out, too! Again, otherwise Anjiu beat you."

"Whoever is afraid of you, today I will let you know the majesty of your elder brother. You are an idiot that can't even count nine."

But now, this more rare double-headed ogres Cavendish. Actually, the brother was beaten for that head. Fight. When I was still crying, I didn’t know whether it was the pain of hitting people or the pain of being beaten.

I silently nodded, this double-headed ogre is really good, the natural magic and double repair, the comprehensive combat power has absolutely reached the human golden level, it is quite rare, more importantly, the rookie is different. Joining can be a battle.


But what I lack now is not the combat power, but the normal people. There are already enough changes and geeks in the team. It is a dream to laugh at the opponents.

On that day, after discovering the general lack of exercise and common sense in the "Gentlemen's Regiment", I decided to recruit two more normal people in consideration of the need to raise the value of the knot.

Of course, there is another reason. In this human country, there are too many aliens in the Gentlemen's Regiment. If it is non-human to communicate with the client, it will inevitably make people think. So even if I want to decorate the facade, I plan to recruit a few human mercenaries. It would be better if I was familiar with the city's local snakes.

Even if you can't help, you can also play a cover-up role. Now, if a group of aliens act together too much, a few aliens in a group of human mercenaries will be much better.

I don’t have to wait until I think about it. So, early in the morning, I placed a booth at the entrance of the Mercenary Association. There is a “friendship sponsorship” from the Earl of the Broken Egg, and the salary is quite considerable.

But unfortunately, my foreigner's identity and the unexamined background, coupled with the tense atmosphere of the successor ceremony, let the senior mercenaries are on the sidelines, the recruits are not completely unusable recruits, this is A super wonderful group that other teams don't accept.

I took a look at Cavendish, who was still on the sidelines. I shook my head helplessly and got up and left. It seems that today is a waste of morning.

But after passing the reward bar, I stopped.

“A-level reward mission: find out the real murder of the sewer in the northwest corner of the Pearl District. No matter whether it is life or death, the prize is 200,000 gold coins.”

This is a big deal. The a-level reward can directly increase the level of my unemployed hiring team. The 200,000 gold coins are enough to buy a luxury house in the Pearl District. It seems that before the succession ceremony, any Strange destruction will involve the official nerves of Oran.

I hesitated for a moment, considering that I have made a lot of money recently, I really don’t have much money. It’s cool to send the more and more dangerous madness out for the bonus, but in the end, I will probably involve myself, but I am helpless. It is still quite regrettable to let go of the opportunity to completely lose a trouble.

Yesterday, when I was communicating with the broken egg count, I couldn’t find a strange face to do things. I was going to kill people. When I saw that we were three people, and two women were planning to see the poor, Diana had a big evil. After cutting over a dozen, Kolos then destroyed the roof and the rest, and then I took out the devil's contract.

The fat count is still very acquainted with the goods, seeing the paladin skillfully using the devil's words to modify the evil contract, it is astonishing to see the chin dislocated, it is like seeing the angel and the devil dance together.

After that, it was even simpler. When the contract was signed, I saw that he was scared. Considering that it should be long-lasting, it’s not good for everyone to break the net. I didn’t ask too much, just knocked a lot of money and a mansion. As a temporary resident, then let him provide intelligence as my eyeliner.

Of course, the devil's contract is also a little bit more plus, let people hook a little, at first, playing big, you will not scare away the fat sheep.

The old house is also in the Pearl District. I am still very satisfied. I always live in a hotel. The house is old, but the decor and the garden are quite high. Now the members are cleaning the temporary station. The captain of the human race, just took the opportunity to recruit people.

Only if I am one, it is not so eye-catching. Without those who are owed arrears, they should be able to recruit normal people.

Well, definitely not to evade the duties of the cleaning, to find an excuse to be lazy, what is the fact that my decent paladin will do?

"It seems that there is no such thing as a decent person. Can you not try the legendary traversing class to dig out the future heroes who are still unwilling? Well, when the plot time is up, It should have been born. Hey, when I just got the Raiders, I thought that I could receive a lot of super younger brothers and legendary novels, but I didn’t expect their ancestors to be fertilized. I was embarrassed at the time. This should be better than I finally made the glass. I found that it was more frustrating when it came out. Oh, I can't take care of the corner of the Oran Empire."

Imagine going out later, followed by the appearance of a group of epic heroes, I can't help but think about it.

"I remember that 'Yuyanjian' and 'Magic Mentor' are all in the capital of Oran. Or, go to them tomorrow? Well, go find the key information of the broken egg count. Then, recruit the task, get it. Where are you going to kill time?"

"Hey! This big brother."

"You haven't talked with you yet, don't hire us. We want money to revive the circus, we are very obedient."

Just as I stared at the all-nighter, I even started thinking about how long it would take for the cleaning to be completed. Then I went to kill the time. Suddenly, my eyes were black, and then two ugly faces suddenly appeared in front of me. .


Ok. It is the instinct of ** that is faster than exclamation. Before I reacted, the fist had already been knocked out, and the touch was touched.

"He hit! Actually, it really started."

"Hah, I dare to provoke this stupid ogre who is not divided between the enemy and me. I have a good show."

"Killing three companions, seriously injured one lost ten."

"Poor Fire Dragon Circus, originally poorly owed to debts, the former members of the group once again wounded, this time can not keep them."

From the exclamation of others, as expected, Cavendish is a good strength in my eyes, it is extremely amazing in the eyes of ordinary mercenaries, but no one has always dared to use it, it is not easy to be irritated by this ogre. Crazy, it is easy to rival me as soon as you enter the battle.

"Sorry, who told you to suddenly appear, not careful."

I sneered a little and took back the hand printed on Cavendish's stomach, but there were already good people exclaimed.

"The kid is running fast, the ogre can tell what is reasonable. He only made a Northland Berserker seriously injured half a month ago. Run."

"You dare to beat Cavan....." The four eyes of the three-meter-high double-headed ogre were first bloodshot, then began to turn white, the eyes were white, the mouth was flowing out of the water, and the rest could not be said. It is.

"It's completely mad! Everyone is on the shoulders, otherwise they will die here!"

Well, seeing the scene in front of you, there are already old mercenaries roaring to take the lead.

Complete madness is the ultimate killing (racial talent) of the orcs, mad warriors, ogres, it will give up all reason, use vitality in exchange for the most terrible power, perhaps not get timely treatment after the end is basically off force The result of the death, but before the end, it is definitely a killing machine that is fearless.

Cavendish's comprehensive combat power is the golden step. At least the legend after the complete madness, the judgment of the old mercenary is correct. If you can't kill him in time, I am afraid that none of the people present can live.


The next second, the ogre with the saliva, two heads and four eyes were completely turned white, and then suddenly the head slammed, and fell directly to the ground, the huge body fell a dust.

"How is it possible? Not completely mad, but being knocked down? Was it punched by the young man?"

The strongest old mercenary of the rush was shocked. He did not believe it. He and Cavendish made a temporary match, knowing how ruthless the ogre of the part-time shaman and the mad warrior is, he even Have you seen the mad Carvindi to directly shred the war elephant, now it is actually boxing by humans?

After the dust dissipated, the smiling young man who was smiling was lost.

At the same time, I accidentally used a full-fledged me, but I have already retreated with chaos.

The basic power of the ordinary ogre is 16 points, while the Cavendish Xu with the warrior part-time is at least 18 points. It is really terrible compared to the human of 10 points, but it is qualitative compared with the 20 points that exceed the limit of the mortal. The difference, plus the accidental use of recent exercises, is the root cause of it being hit by a punch.

As for why you want to start?

"Damn, I’m going to make a name, but it’s too ugly to show up. If you don’t escape, the title of the Ogre Knight can’t escape.”

I still understand the mercenary line. For the veteran who goes out, the nickname is often farther than the real name. This nickname is often related to the first time. It is very difficult to change if it hits. If there is a dragon. The name of the killer is naturally good, such as a "Kobold man professional killer", "God devastated", "wild dog eviction" and the like. It’s just that I can’t lift my head for a lifetime.

And the singularity of "the paladin who is bigger than the ogre power" and "the ogre paladin". According to my lucky value. It is definitely possible to fall on me, so how far is it to run?

Of course, before I left, I completed my goal, and the wanted order in my arms was used to pass the time before the end of the cleaning.

"B-level wanted order: blood brothers, all-night gangsters and killers, no matter what life and death. An ordinary member of 100 gold coins, a high-level at least 1,000, a **** Jim reward 50,000. If completed before the succession ceremony The bonus doubled."

Although this bounty is much less than the a-level bounty, I now need intelligence and hands-on objects. On the intelligence, who can compare the thieves' union of the part-time intelligence dealer.

Soon, from the count of the broken egg, I learned the basic information of the blood brotherhood, a middle-lower thief union. The members had less than 200 before they made a big sale. Grab a tribute to a country, and now they are all wanted, it is said that the nest is in the dock area.

"Two hundred people? End it before dinner. Well, with intelligence back, no one said that I was lazy."


[Roland. 岚, Force 20, Min 19, Body 20, Wisdom 29, Meaning 19, Charm 19, Talent Ability: War Angel Incarnation, Original Sin Demon Incarnation, Order Sword, Titan Torso, 22 Order Knight / 22 Chaos Witch king】

In fact, since my resurrection, I have been thinking about what kind of practice route I am taking while surpriseting this high starting point.

Ice magic and undead magic for the time being, as a senior paladin, I am quite confident about melee.

But this balanced and powerful flesh, if you walked over the heavy armored swordsmanship route, then the agility of 19 points is obviously wasted, and if you take the light armor's agile warrior route, light armor knife, then the waste is beyond 20 points of mortal power.

What surprised me the most was that I found that the order knight as a basic profession did not have the main attribute. Any attribute enhancement would enhance the overall combat power, so I hesitated.

"Do you have to take a double-knife route? Or learn to barbarian hands holding a heavy weapon? That does not mean starting from scratch."

Changing the style of combat was not an easy task, but a small accident made me finally make up my mind.

[frozen gas]

This sinister and extravagant ability can be attached to the blade. In the original fight, the opponent is unknowingly in a desperate situation. In my original expectation, the dazzling light on the sword is used to cover up the freezing air, which will be more concealed. And fatal.

But the reality is always not as good as expected. I have tried it many times, but whether it is the light of the Holy Light or the law, as long as it encounters the freezing air, it is definitely a party's melting. If it is not their natural conflict, I still do it now. Less than the integration of both sides.

Don't use the light to concentrate on freezing? Do not use the Paladin of the Holy Light or the Paladin, it is already a pure warrior, or a rookie second-rate warrior who can't concentrate on swordsmanship.

Of course, I will focus my attention on the double swords, with a pair of holy lights and a pair of frozen air. In theory, two special forces take turns to attack, which can definitely make the opponent cry.

Moreover, this not only can give full play to the advantages of the extremely high basic attributes of my average development. This method of using both attributes is also very suitable for me with a lot of attributes. I can choose the double swords for the opponents. Attributes.

But when I made this plan, the Cavaliers, including Diana, were completely ignorant of my idea of ​​death.

"Double swords are not simply two swords. It is completely different from the two-handed sword. The cycle between attack and defense is extremely important. When the left sword is out, the right sword will not move but it will move, otherwise the balance of the body. It will be broken, distracted, and used. It is the norm. At the same time, it has a very high requirement for balance and agility. It is a patent for the Elf Ranger. You are a human being....."

This is the discouragement that Diana wants to say, she will directly say "the professionalism of the two-handed swordsman elf ranger, you can't learn,"

"Double swords? Or two two-handed swords? Haha, are you three-meter-high ogres or two-and-a-half-meter highland barbarians? This whimsy is also said, if you can get it, the old lady is tonight... ..."

Ok. I saw a scene in front of me. Momo’s words have already been swallowed back.

then. I have a pair of swords in my left and right hands. I started to be very unfamiliar, but I waved and became skilled. Then I was like a veteran who has been practicing for decades.

"The old lady does not believe, it must be a virtual shelf, come. Practice."

Well, Momo came out in person, and in the shock of everyone, after I had the first rush, I put the battle into my own rhythm. The thick double swords used their own limbs to be dexterous. The collaboration, with a light rhythm, plays a high-speed waltz like a spring stream.

Momo, who was not strong enough, only lasted for 30 seconds, and he lost his hands and hands.

"This is a miracle!"

The legendary paladin Diana looked at me with a horror and was unbelievable. But then Yan Yan smiled and nodded. It is only natural that this is the case.

In fact, I have no doubt cheated.

[Double skill: Let your left and right hands be generally dexterous, learning requirements: Agile 15+ - System evaluation: There is really no difference between left and right hands, please do not use this skill to do boring things]

Even though I used to travel in the Elven Kingdom, I was able to play this choice in the gray skill box, but since this is the core professional ability of the Double Knife Ranger, even if the basic attributes are up to standard, I still pay. Three times the skill points.

[Giant soldier: You can use two-handed weapons like a one-handed sword with amazing power, but non-dominant hands can greatly reduce accuracy and damage. Learning requirements: Strength 18+--Systematic evaluation: Although the Giants are the general talents of the melee system, the 18 points of strength are only able to learn, to play well, at least 20 points of strength, if not the giant race, basically only legend The warrior was able to make up enough, but by that time the fighting style had been finalized, and how could it be transformed into a double-handed force, so this is also called the most tasteless skill. 】

With the input of four skill points, countless combat skills and experience are absorbed into the brain and memorized by the body, which can save a lot of training time. Under the eyes of everyone, I can directly grasp the basic use of the two-handed sword. skill.

Of course, this is just the beginning. It just provides the possibility to try this kind of fighting style. However, if you want to become a master of two-handed swords in the past, you will need countless hours of polishing and practical training, but the opponents in front of you are exactly Competent sparring.


The right-handed two-handed sword was filled with gold, lighting up the dark basement, and the next moment, the thief lurking in the shadows was directly shot.

Well, it’s a shot, not a cut. The two-handed epee is a typical example of trying to convince people. You can use your full strength to wield Huashan. Naturally, you can use the weight and the huge sword to bully people’s shots, slaps, and cuts.

But from that flank, and fell into the wooden box, there is no moving opponent. For the frail thieves, there is no difference between shooting and squatting.

"It's a pity, it's a bad luck."

Shaking his head and moving forward, just stepping into the next room, after the explosion, the smoke smashed, and the thieves and assassins who followed the front were killed from the organs.

Well, next, from the green dagger's dagger, the reluctance to pay attention is tantamount to finding death, so I am fully open, and it becomes a one-sided crushing battle.

At the beginning of the battle, I knew why the Momo of the silver order was so easy to lose, just changed the fighting style that fully exploited the advantages of the basic attributes, but the combat power directly multiplied.

It is still the sword of the king who is quick and quick, not taking the slant, not playing tricks, a sword is faster than a sword, a sword is heavier than a sword, to force people, to serve people quickly.

For agile assassins, it is very fatal.

The attack range of the two-handed sword is already large, and the basement is quite narrow. Once the two two-handed swords are waved, the space for avoidance is even smaller.

After the agile that the assassins are proud of being suppressed, the basics of the first shots are me, and they have at least passed me a round of epee.

The epee that just barely shines in the current light, the footsteps are all unstable, and the next left-handed sword, like a poisonous snake, spits out the letter, not sending it, as long as the attack is directed at the evil, or the waist, or the throat.

The strongest silver-level shadow assassin only blocked three swords, and even the effect of the frozen air did not occur, it was directly split into two halves by the right-handed sword.

In just over ten seconds, the thieves lost seven or eight companions.

And when this strongest leader also had no meaning to fight, the thieves finally determined that they were invincible opponents, and then fled without any doubt.

I didn't chase, because the king of the Banshee has already complained in my ear.

"You don't hurry again, the guy ran away, and my avatar was taken away. Now I split a child easily, don't waste it."

She did have a reason to complain, this time she was able to find it all the way, and it was really thanks to her.

How to find a hidden thief union? I just pretended to be a fat sheep, and then let the **** brotherhood's pickpocket steal my wallet, which has a very valuable tear stone.

Then, as in the intelligence, the brothers will have strict control over the lower class. Soon, even if there are some strange mucus around the gem, the stone of tears will be transferred to the top of the blood brotherhood, and then I will follow the greed. The guidance of the avatar has been tracked all the way.

Herois’s complaints are still in his ear. If he does not hurry, he will do it. If the dagger ran away, the bounty and tribute will be gone. The historical information of the primary target thief organization is gone.

Since I have already reached the position but can't see the road, there is definitely a secret passage in the basement, so I stepped up the search, but soon I found that I did not add any points in the search and the organization. I obviously felt that the greedy child was there. Below, but can not find the organs.

"Forget it, the technical flow is really not my dish, I am still a gangster of violence. The sword of order! Give me a pit!" (To be continued.)

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