Bayer’s battlefield, with the fall of the abyss, seems to have come to an end.

But the core of the battlefield is still the **** that is wrapped in the endless light, but now, his appearance is very ugly.

In the past, the glare of the glare that people could not look at was already bleak. When he spent his power to offset the self-destruction of the abyss, he naturally cut off the equal and even more power.

Time and time again, the separation of the Lord God level, taking away the beliefs and divine power accumulated over thousands of years, finally, the face hidden in the light, appeared in front of the mortal.

Blonde, pretty handsome and even creamy face, faceless to the cold face without the slightest emotional fluctuations, may be very popular among women, but at this time, it is a weak performance.

"....... Finally, the Lord of Light, is not invincible."

There is an old saying that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. When there is a common enemy, friendship comes easily, but when the common enemy disappears, the boat of friendship turns over.

Natural gods and other neutral gods, who do not want to go further and become the master of this vast plane? Not to mention the abyss that are so eager to move, many of them are ancient and have been staring at this war.

The abyss will not drive the Lord God. Her relationship with the Lord God is more of a kind of employment. In addition to the unlucky Danatis, Sophocle, who is sent to the door, the shallow Kavins can drive those who do not move. Already forgotten by the mortal name and the ancients of the past.

A large part of these ancient people are the losers of past jihad. There are once great heroes, survivors who dominate the ethnic gods. They may have a peaceful old age retirement, and they are tired of jihad, but they are still absolutely right. The main plane has ambitions, and the lurking desires are lurking in the shadows waiting for opportunities.

In the jihad of the previous generation, they did not act because of the existence of the abyss, because they could not be the ultimate winners without the people. Now, the abyss is gone, and all restrictions are meaningless. It seems that it is time to return to the main plane, but...

Light is really too eye-opening.

The Lord of Light, the strongest Lord God, cannot be defeated by existence, and any powerful existence that the Lord God cannot compete with.

The pure power server finally reaches the limit of the multiverse, and the invincible Lord of Light is enough to deter any powerful and powerful presence on the Lord's plane.

The overall strength of the abyss is several times stronger than that of the order side. This is a reality that everyone knows. Once a sufficient number of abyss gods join forces to invade, the Lord of Light will also fail.... Of course, those who invade the Lord should He died in the hands of the Lord of Light.

No one wants to be the result of cannon fodder, that is, no one has begun to invade, only because the Lord of Light exists.

Even Roland admits this. He tries to weaken the Lord of Light and create opportunities for the Hades, but he has been firmly grasping the weakened "degree" and stepping on the brakes on several important choices.

Roland knows that for the present main plane, the Lord of Light has a strong and necessary necessity before the Hades and the natural gods truly take over the position on the side of the Holy Light.

But now, with the final arrangement of Cavans coming into effect, everything has changed.

Perhaps the degree of the Lord of Light is not much weakened. Perhaps he is still the most powerful Lord God in this world, but he has now exposed the fragile side in front of the world. He is no longer invincible.

Then, the wolves that feared him would instead regard it as a weak prey, and would not give them time to breathe and recover.

Behind the Lord of Light, those former allies are also thinking with their own thoughts. Perhaps, when the foreign enemies have been removed, it is the old account that counts the past.

In a sense, the abyss camp is more active than the order camp, perhaps they are difficult to form a solid alliance, but when the opportunity really appears, they will not hesitate to pull out all the chips.

"One, two .......... five, usually can't see, this time jumped out."

"Rennie" counts the number of abyss gods who are on the battlefield or about to enter the battlefield.

The battlefield did not end there. The fields of chaos were opened one by one. The gates of the abyss that were originally closed were forcibly opened from there. The abyss of the abyss turned their attention one by one. This time, their goal is not Cavan. S, but a little light ball that is slightly exposed.

The most terrible enemy is always unknown, and when the Lord of Light finally loses the unknown barrier and reveals the card, it instantly becomes a prey from the hunter.

And this, from the beginning, is the choice of "Rena".

In the captain's room of the flagship Northern Lights of the Northern Fleet of the Laos, "Rennie" just woke up from a deep sleep and suffered a legendary blockade.

" dear brother, you are going to go there..."

Cavens didn't answer. On the contrary, looking at the little face covered with frost and anger, he smiled.

".......haha, Roland, I didn't expect you to have women's clothing and the habit of playing with teeth..."

The fire burst, and the little Lolly's thick and black tube shot the deadly object, and the words of "Cavens" sneered only to be reinstated.

Grein. Hey, Roland. The most proud and outstanding disciple, who was once replaced by Roland with his own blood, can be called the degraded version of the arbitrator's blood.

The strength reached more than half a **** a few years ago. The scores of miscellaneous learning, combat skills and experience are extremely excellent. The various engineering accomplishments are excellent auxiliary products. From war to explosives, they are the top of the world.

Renee. Hey, chaotic blood, this is the chaos knight who calls the demon-based fighting style, plus the three-day fishing net two-day net net practice attitude........ strength into a mystery is praise, the strength is only true .

If Roland, who came from God, and Calvin, who is the blood of the ancestors, are almost the same, then in the case of heads-up, Grena has ten ten-year-olds.

When the "pilot" technology is almost the same, the performance of the "body" becomes the key to victory and defeat. Perhaps Renee is more like a good warrior than Greiner, but the younger look of Grena, through the hard work all the way. . Already standing at the top of the world.

The most terrible, or Renee is a user of the abyss power, "she" is a borrower, and when she borrowed the object of the ancestor Cavans hangs, how much is her strength, it is true It's hard to say.

At least, if the true God is fallen, the priest of the gods will be completely abolished.

On the other hand, Renee is now definitely resisting the will of Calvins, but Grein is cooperating with Roland, and the difference between the two sides is even greater.

"You, there is no chance of winning. Proactively leaving Renee's body, I will only seal you for five hundred years, otherwise..."

This is not a sinister intimidation, the obvious gap between the "body" and the weak feeling in the body, so that Cavans also realizes that he is absolutely impossible to have a chance of winning... At the same time, he regrets that he should urge the descendants to practice well instead of doing well. Rest, this guy is too dependent on the power of the abyss.

"...has it been here?"

Calvins is hesitant, some unfortunately, but more, it is the unfortunate end of the game.

The third door that I said before is obviously just to shake Roland's lies. At this point, everything seems to be over. Perhaps, the gambling service is at least better on the face, and if it is already doomed, it will be killed first. It’s a bit ugly to seal again.


It was at this time that the whole world was slightly shaken. It seems that what was quietly changed. It seems that there is such a door that is opened by the key.

In the small room, the two brothers/two sisters looked at each other and they all stunned. This scene completely exceeded the expectations of both sides. What happened?

"Does the door open?"

"The door is open."

Half a ring, Roland and Cavans figured out at the same time.

"I should have killed her, even if she is the father of Herois.... Didina!"

"Hah, don't make a fuss, you can't do it. Without a 'neutral juror', you can't start the ‘law sword’. Nothing, how can you win me?”

Yes, this is the only possible explanation.

At this time, in the pond of the abyss, the former emperor emperor, once the daughter of the abyss, as the only survivor here, opened the door. (~^~)

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