The time was slightly reversed, and an hour before the gate was opened, the brothers’ fight in the Abyss Pool also yielded results.

"death penalty!"

When the judges knocked on the law for the last time, everything was turned into ashes and was shattered.

The two brothers who fought at the same time fell, and the replicas of those Roland were also at the same time.

The infinite snow melted quickly, and the dark temple returned to the world. The snow took away the corpses and ruins, and the last thing left was an empty hall.

"Get vomiting."

In this hall, the only survivor is vomiting on the ground.

It is not an evil curse, nor a **** rookie. It is just a sudden relaxation after a fierce fear. The biological instinct of a life is so unbearable that the body can't bear it.

The frog that the snake is staring at, the instinctual fear will make it impossible to move at all. The most brutal death penalty is to inform the time of death and let it fall into death with a little fear and anxiety.

The gap between Cavans, Roland and Didina is no longer a snake or a frog. It is the distance between the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the cockroach ants. Just the hurricane and vibration brought by the action can bring disaster to the ant colony.

The "survivor" was tied to the audience. With the nearest distance, he enjoyed more than an hour of "monster confrontation". It is clear that a little bit of ** will be broken, but because of the status of "jury" Will die.

If you die, you will die, and you should die. But because of the "the needs of the court jurors," you have survived without any injury.

The murderous fatality may be the legend in the novel story, but the high-end demon can indeed kill and murder the mortal and the low-level monsters. The battlefield between the two main gods has finally evolved into a melee of thousands of gods and powerful gods. Didina had to die so many times.

But the result of the face-to-face dance with the **** of death is that the spirit of the succubus and the ** at the same time transcend the limit, and the soul that is slightly weaker has already ended.

But Didina is still uncomfortable.

The stomach is smashing, the food is pouring out, and the snot and the saliva are flying against each other. Even if the mind repeatedly tells that the threat has passed, the body has no control. It can only use this way to vent the fear from the instinct, which is extremely embarrassing. The appearance is not a little different because it is a beautiful woman.

Until the gastrointestinal tract was empty, only the water came out, and Didina regained her strength.

She squatted on the floor and breathed in a big mouth. It seemed that she had a feeling of being alive, and the sweat that she knew later made it as wet as she fished out of the water.

But even if her feet are still shaking, she is still reluctant to act, even if her feet are still weak, then the embarrassing four-footed land is barely acceptable.

"You still have time."

Not far away is the altar of two children who have become ruins. Although the snow has left, the altar buried under the snowfield has been re-exposed, but the damage has been counted and obviously cannot be used again.

"Chaos call."

But I am afraid that most people have forgotten that the seemingly fragile Didina is actually a big ape that rules the abyss. Although her strength depends on her own pets, she has the dual accumulation of elves and demons. The abyss lord is definitely the top master of magic.

A low-order, mid-level demon rushed out of the portal, but they were not the command to kill them. The exhausted Didina drove them as laborers to repair the altar under her command.

The same kind of summoning between demons is the most common racial talent of the lower-order demon, but the demons do not like to use this power, because the cost of summoning the same level and superior is too great, then the other party must respond to it, it is easy It is also meaningful to call yourself into a deadly enemy and summon a demon who is weaker than yourself.

The succubus is an exception. Due to some well-known reasons, they are very open in the abyss. Many sacred sorcerers have a number of abyss lords, so even if the succubus's combat power is in the demon. Countdown, there is still no one who dares to force them.

The abyss lord Didina madly opened the door of the abyss to summon his subordinates and high-level demon, while the high-order demon re-summoned high-order, mid-level demons under the command of the master, and the demons summoned each other quickly re-established the labor force. .

Seeing the abyss lord, the low-level demon did not hesitate to execute the new master, but the high-order demon saw the exhausted abyss lord, or a succubus who was not good at fighting, and had a lot of thoughts.

But before they did anything, the experienced Didina directly found the reason, executed two passive high-level demons, successfully killed the chicken and the monkey, and forced the insurgency factor to force down.

I am afraid that no one will expect that the designer of the altar, the theoretical designer who opened the door, actually seems to be unobtrusive, Didina, I am afraid that no one will think of this, the fragile succubus ", in fact, is the best space magic master of this world.

Unexpectedly, in the sense that only Didena, who has acquired the knowledge of the elves' empire and the abyss, can complete this miracle project.

"Finally, I have to finish."

Obviously, the repair work was progressing quickly, but the anxiety was not reduced. Roland’s sudden appearance could not be explained. Didina still had no sense of security.

"Get out!"

A whip took away the rough-handed temporary workers, and Dedina, who couldn’t stand it, did it directly and acted as a laborer himself.

"Finally, I can end it all, this **** jihad and reincarnation"

Looking at the twin altars in front of me, Didina’s expression finally could not calm down, waiting for thousands of years, not for this moment.

No one knows, Didina has been holding a golden pendant, but there is a dim old portrait, which is a relic recovered from the ruins of the elves.

The smiling blond elf girl, who prepared the garland for her parents, was really cute when she was innocent, but if she was herself, I would not hesitate to destroy this black history.

"Poor Herois, I have not dared to recognize you so far. Finally, today, everything will be over, and our long-cherished wish is in sight."

Inexplicable, the expressionless sorcerer lord, but like a middle-aged man suffering from loss.

Perhaps no one expected, in the eyes of Roland is only the accomplice of Didina, is the root of everything!

"The rules of chaos and order? Destiny and the will of the gods? Dominating the inevitable rotation of the race? From then on, no rules will become the only rule, and all the life of Aich will be truly free."

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