On the muddy sand field, a lonely figure is running.

The runway consisting of cinders ran up barefoot, causing pain, and when the back was carrying hundreds of kilograms of heavy armor, this was not a training, but a penalty.

The cinder road that sprinkled water, although the black ash will not turn up, but it is full of malicious mud, the original smooth barefoot has all been wounds.

Every few hundred meters of running, the slender figure will fall once, even if the body is full of injuries and mud, the girl will leave to struggle to get up, want to go forward, and then ....

Fall again....

The blood flowing on the bare feet formed a blood line on the road, extending all the way....

For her, the physical pain is nothing, and the piercing eyes around him are the most painful.

Some people passing by are unbearable, but no one is stopping,

Because here is the Supreme Court of Sulphur City. In the eyes of the public, this is the most sacred and just place. If someone is punished, there is naturally a corresponding crime.

On the runway side, the judges of the two robe silver faces whispered.

"Is that the Diana captain of the Urban Management Brigade? How to run here, barefoot and single-handedly, and still focus on A, it seems to be being tortured."

"The adults who are not sleepless are not instructing to water the runway in the morning. It seems that it is for this preparation?"

"What did she do?"

"A few days ago, the city management team did not act arbitrarily. Without a report, a new wave of crackdowns was carried out, as if they had been hit by a sleepless adult."

"Unauthorized? Isn't that a super felony? At least it's exile.....Oh, I understand!"

"Yes, it is obviously important to sentence all exiles, but it is impossible to be completely free from punishment. Therefore, this lady has to go through the formalities these days, but the adults who have not sleep have not seen her. Today, I am willing to meet, just 'speaking 'When I said that I wanted to see the heavy-duty running training of the city management brigade, the lady ran consciously."

"..... If you follow the procedure, throw it to the court and arbitrarily dispatch the violent institution, at least it is an exile, but it is obviously too heavy, but if it is completely free of punishment, it must be followed, and there will be no temper to punish others."

"Yeah, the best way to deal with it is probably now. Let's take a few cold days to let her know the seriousness of the incident, and then let her 'consciously' be punished. The law is dead, people are alive. This not only maintains the dignity of the law, but also does not punish the guilty person. The balance between the two is worthy of study and study.

"...we are still going to work. I feel that adults who are sleepless are watching this side of the spire. If you leave the impact of not working seriously, you will be in trouble."

The two men rushed away, and now they have been at work, and they are wearing their robes, and they have their own cases to be busy.

The dark elf's ears were very sensitive. The two judges' arguments did not escape Diana's ears. So, biting her teeth, she stood up again, swaying and holding up the weight and continuing to be punished.

In the top of the tower not far away, in the office of the sleepless, the unscrupulous Supreme Justice is lifting the telescope to watch this side, but it is different from the judges’ guess. He is not holding the supervision but holding it. The state of mind.

"Sure enough, the wet singles show all the beautiful women's body. The mud is more sturdy to the sports carcass. Next time, no matter how the guys object! I must include the beauty quagmire in the sports event!!"

Putting down the telescope, I seriously think about the possibility of letting this policy pass the parliament.

As for the punishment? The dignity of the law? Is that important thing important?

"Although the old stubbornness of the parliament may not be allowed, I approved it!!"

I admire the beauty with me, but it is a middle-aged man with a smirk. Although he looks quite good, he has some exhaustion from his bones.

The red light armor, the fiery red hands and the big sword, the flame is generally burning red hair, the whole person is burning like a flame, although in the peaceful city, it is as always full of armed, the silver that is not in the waist The sword is perhaps the only other color in his body.

"The phoenix of Dongwen", "the man who does not die", and so on, a lot of titles, but the most well-known, but also his brave identity of the Red Lotus Juggernaut.

One hundred and thirty years ago, he took his adventure group, attacked the Undead Legion of the Emperor of the Night, and successfully defeated the Undead Emperor of the Undead Emperor, and collapsed the entire Undead Corps. It was the brave man who killed the Devil to save the world. Classic drama.

After that, they declined the recruitment and appreciation of the countries, and they came to the untouched dungeon world and established this strange city.

When the strange reputation of Sulphur Mountain City was once again transmitted to the ground, the hero’s reputation rose again.

"The living epic", "The perfect hero, the human on the ground, has already called their heroes."

But at the moment, in the face of the faint **** curves under the wet singles, the face of the Chinese characters that are just right, is also a wretched face that men understand.

"Just do a marathon mire run, let the city of the dark elves, the group of female pastors of the church to participate, only wear underwear, haha, light tickets can be earned."

Hong Lianjian St. Adam Han, as my top boss, the sulphur mountain owner, the biggest fun of the flat is to add chaos to the subordinates and to add to the civil affairs council. I will inevitably let the old guys in the parliament violently protest, how can he dislike.

Don't look so old and unfair, and in my system, this is a 262-level demigod, placed in the ground world, at least the king of a country.

"Hey, old bachelor, you are getting stronger again."

When I met last week, it was only 260. For the existence of this level, it is even more difficult. It is incredible to rise two levels a week.

"Yeah, old bachelor, your eyes are still so poisonous. The phoenix thing, the older the stronger, now I, the heart of the phoenix has burned to the extreme, you should be able to alone in the heyday of you."

"Oh, even if you are invincible, it is not an old bachelor."

"Yeah, and you are an old bachelor who uses 骷髅 as ​​a **."

After two bachelors and hundreds of years old guys habitually hurt each other, they sighed.

"This bachelor's day is just a time, I want to find a girlfriend..."

"I am already numb to Xiao Zuo (left hand) and Xiao You. If it is not for you to spoil, I should have had a woman. I can't even have a son or grandson."

"Are you showing off? Is it worth to show off in the flesh? My little left and right are only bones!"

"Show off? Show off your face. And your rumors, saying that I am guilty of a lone star, the beauty of the city is around me! Last week and I accidentally bumped into the beauty, obviously Good acquaintance, actually went to the church to expel the curse, actually as a sinister... Do you know what mood I was at that time!"

"Of course I know, this is why I told the desert beauty that you hit Lone Star!"

"I said how an outsider would know these rumors, it really is your bastard!!"

Well, then, the most perfect human hero, Adam, and the most majestic Supreme Judge of the Sulphur Mountain City, are like a child fighting together.

But as always, this meaningless battle is quickly over.

Although the demigod is easy to clean up my **** with less than five fighting strengths, how can I be afraid of him without pain? All kinds of satire on the bachelor, the connection is constant.

"The old bachelor who will live forever."

"It is said that a single 30-year-old is a great magician. You are almost 200 years old. Have you upgraded the ultimate magic guide? Come, let me have a fireball."

"Do you want me to use magic to help you turn the little left and the little right into a sister? Make sure you are super cute. Oh, you are shaking, you are actually shaken. Don't be stupid, if magic can do this, I still have it now. Will be single?"

Of course, while I hurt him with words, my heart is also bleeding.

"I am 376 years old, still single.....I want to be resurrected!!"

When we think of the fact that there is still something to be dealt with today, when it is time to go to the west of the mountain, it is true that, as one philosopher said, the emptiness of each other after the injury.

"Hey, come to me today, I will never come to me to fight?"

"Of course not, Margaret wants me to do business, what is it? Let me think about it!"

"Sure enough, I am demented."

"Don't make a noise! ​​I'm thinking of it! Oh, yes, there are two things today, no, it's actually one thing."


"I am hanging, you should know."

Clearly speaking of his own death, this wood is like an explanation of where to go.

"Of course, the shortest year, the longest three years, you should hang up."

Of course, I know that among the characters in the system, there is a red border next to his name (the life is near), and he is not far from the death.

"In 157 years, I have lived long enough, and there is no regret."

is it? No regrets? Also, the life expectancy of normal humans on Ai Xi mainland is 60-80 years, which is so amazing that it is supported by nearly two hundred, and it is indeed longevity.

"If you still want to live longer, there is actually no difficulty."

Of course, there is no difficulty. Such a powerful warrior, as long as he is willing to believe in the gods, can make his life endless if he wants to be an apostle. If he does not want to serve others, he will reincarnate other longevity races, such as angels, demons, and undead. For him, It is not difficult.

But Adam smiled, and the laughter was light and light, and the laughter was nothing to worry about, but it was still young, but it was as if he had seen through the impermanent old man.

"No, 150 years as a short-lived human being is too long, I have already lived enough. A country boy who has nothing to gain has completed his heroic dream. Now that he knows almost dead, he wants to do it, too. It’s time to rest. Besides, the old and undead standing on the top is also very difficult to see, and it’s time to give a new person a position.”

"...you are still thinking about Lisa." And his sudden lie to me.

Lisa Grant, Adam's past companion, was also the object of secret love, but died more than a hundred years ago in the battle against the emperor of the night.

With such awkward ability, if I really want to find a girlfriend, how can I not find it, then the two weddings, if he really persists in the end, with his combat power, how can he watch us being misunderstood.

"Hey, you are really a holy man. But, too selfish."

"Yes, I am very selfish." He nodded and admitted. "I am sorry Margaret. She is still young as an immortal. She should have a better choice."

The great sage Margaret is obsessed with Adam, but Adam can't let go of his dead girlfriend. It is already a secret of the high-level sulphur mountain city.

The so-called two weddings, more, just expect Margaret to give up on it. Of course, Margaret did not hesitate to contact me and asked me to give a gift to Adam’s wedding. It shows her attitude of not giving up.

Rumors of this kind of thing can be spread and naturally dispelled. The reason why everyone has known the secret, probably just as the city's Adam, is happy to see it.

"Stupid triangle relationship. Well, I don't want to interrupt this kind of thing as an outsider, but since you want to die, I guess the other thing."

"Of course, since this jailer is going to die, then you prisoner, when the prison is over, congratulations. Congratulations, how can you feel free to be free?"

Yes, this sulphur mountain city is actually a prison. The brave Adam, the great sage Margaret, and the ancient red dragon Xiaohong are all jailers.

And I, once the undead Emperor Yong Yejun, is the only prisoner in this prison!

"So, the brave Adam, are you sure to let me go and destroy the world?"

"With you, without the world of Lisa, destroy it if it is destroyed."

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