The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 10: Devil's whisper

Yong Yejun? It actually comes from a joke-like vow.

"The light of the sun will never go out like the sun, and the glory of holiness will always shine on all things. Then, since we have been forsaken by the Light, let us put the world into the night forever."

Bestined by the loyal church of the past, lost my family and the kingdom of the kingdom, cursed the light of the past faith, decided to bring new order to the mainland, and thoroughly swept the decaying kings into the historical heap.

"Since you can abandon the covenant and betray my kingdom and people for your own kingdom, then I will destroy your kingdom."

Ok, I know this sounds very good, but not everyone has the history of the second black in the memories of the attempt to destroy.

One of the two is terrible, and a second-passer with a systematic golden finger is even more terrible.

The evil lich system, according to the causal changes caused by behavior, calculate the points I have gained, the influence of mischief is not great, the reward is not much, and let me bring in infinite points as long as it brings death and destruction, and those points will Make me stronger and cause more suffering.

And what else, more death and destruction than a world war.

Ok, a war, a war that destroys everything.

As recorded in the epic of the earth's surface, the nameless monarch of the dead evokes the unyielding army of the dead, and the black wings of the blood family cover the sun on the horizon, and the eternal night falls.

In the boundless dark night, the deceased danced on the battlefield, and the crazy black knights began to race the head race. When the horizon was unfolded by the white, the sea of ​​sorrow had reached the shore, and the long blood night was here. arrival.

In that war, as the death spread, my strength and army also snowballed and soared. Later, it became the only semi-god-level undead monarch in modern times.

The undead emperor, the emperor of the night, became a nightmare of life.

Under the natural disasters of the undead, four great empires that have been inherited for more than a thousand years have ended. The three principalities and six kingdoms have also been swept into the **** of history.

No one knows why the Everlasting King will become stronger and stronger in the war. Where does he come from the magical operators, and the power of him comes to command dozens of undead monarchs.

In the end, the endless sea of ​​the dead drowned everything. When the Yongyejun of the Yongye Night defeated the coalition forces of the nations organized by the Church, everyone thought that the age of the living is about to end, and the era of the dead is coming.

But suddenly, a message spread throughout the world, and everyone was surprised by this.

The emperor of the night is assassinated, and the undead army disintegrates!

"Red Lotus Brave" Adam Han, became famous overnight.

The entire Axi continent is praising this name. The old man has raised his glass to bless his heroic name. The middle-aged people rumored his heroic epic, and young people and children regard it as the future goal and idol.

After the event, there are statistics. If it is not like a fairy tale out of the hero Adam Han, with his adventure group once killed the Yongjun Maharaja, I am afraid that the entire continent will reduce the population by more than 70%.

At the moment, the legendary hero is like a fooled child, and his face is unhappy.

"Hey, I am dying. You should also tell the truth. Did you put water in the past? Why are the guards so empty? Why are the red-red hounds who are guards going thousands of miles away? Why are you around? There is no undead at the monarchy level, why you will be defeated by a group of legendary peaks."

I hesitated for a moment, and finally, I still didn't tell the truth.

"Well, you don't know if you will die after you hang up and you will die some memory. I have forgotten things that year."

In fact, that year, after destroying the few kingdoms that fell into the rock, and by the way, killing the bishop of the Holy Light who betrayed my country, the sacred light, I also lost a lot of anger, at least, a lot of reason.

A little deduction will tell you what will happen next. If the Yongye Legion continues to advance, then nothing can be harvested except for endless death and destruction.

At the time, I was already riding a tiger...

When my undead monarchs are eager to talk about the great cause of the founding of the country and discuss how to turn the entire Axi continent into the heaven of the dead, hundreds of undead monarchs and monarchs composed of the Yongye Army are not alone. It is.

So..... as the ally, I died naturally. However, I left my last words and obtained the eternal scepter as a symbol of the kingship to become the symbol of the next undead emperor.

"Artifact, the eternal night scepter, the symbol of the undead kingship, is said to be the possession of the emperor of the night, the secret of the majesty, but never appeared in the historical stage." The artifacts of the tower of the law are like this. Introduce the Yongye warrant.

Of course, because I was too rushed to die, I didn’t say what the eternal scepter was. So, the monarchs suspected that the other person was hiding..... Then, who said the undead had no desire? Power and rights are the favorites of all intelligent creatures.

Well, the next development, there is no need to say more, the civil war broke out, the undead natural disaster ended here, and now the country of the dead - the Siro Empire, the highest of the twelve undead monarchs, more than half of the coalition Old acquaintance.

"Oh, there are still legends. If you get the eternal scepter, you will become the next undead emperor. Unfortunately, this legend will be false, because...there is nothing in the world!"

Yes, even the name of the Yongjun Night Maternity originated from jokes. How can there be such a strange artifact in the world? Everyone is played by me.

And for me who have successfully revenge, I have no goal. I will change my vest once and be a good man.

After I was going to resurrect, I started from scratch and saved my strength, waiting for the so-called "game story" to unfold, waiting for my stupid brother to return.

Perhaps the only thing that was not planned was that the sage Margaret saw the truth and knew that the lich was hard to die. As a result, I sealed my life by sealing my life.

Here, Sulphur Mountain City was originally a wasteland where they chose to live, and the arrival of some refugees turned it into the original Sulphur Mountain City.

In the underground world of crisis, the protection of the strong is more important than anything else. At the very least, it will not become a prey for the slave traders, the rations of the beasts.

Indeed, Adam's kid is quite helpful, Margaret is willing to do anything as long as Adam says good, and Xiaohong is very happy to meet new toys, that is, I am willing to shoot in order to earn points.

As a result, more and more refugees came to look for shelter. Gradually, the town of Sulphur Mountain was formed. Over the past 100 years, the small villages in the past have become a famous paradise city.

So, the three boring three guys became the so-called Big Three in the city. Adam was his mascot master. Margaret was rushed to the management of the ducks. Xiaohong still slept her, and occasionally awakened to everyone. Add chaos.

When I saw that they were too busy to do so, I saw enough of the excitement, and the same idle and boring me, based on the experience of the two worlds, created this set of administrative and legal systems, and continues to this day.

Looking at the lich who is playing with his phalanx, Adam also lamented deeply.

According to the mainstream concept of Ai Xi mainland, the light and law representing the order, representing the chaotic death and destruction, should be the two camps incompatible with water and fire, and a life when he was born as a certain ethnic group, his camp is Has been identified.

"When I heard that you were going to be a judge and governed the law, we all thought that you were still joking. I didn't expect that you actually did it. Our most famous judicial system in Sulphur City is known as the highest masterpiece of the order camp. From a lich who creates chaos and death, no one believes even if he goes out."

The lich in front of you is even more incomprehensible.

He said that he is a good person. He has created countless tragedies in one hand, or an undead lich who is an evil chaotic incarnation. He said that he is a bad person. After more than a hundred years of getting along, not only did he not see any amazing evils, but he saw him. Fair law enforcement, in addition to evil and good.

The long-lived races such as the blood family and the elves often live an extremely slow pace of life. The dragons and the undead are famous for their lack of time, normal short-lived species, cherish life and busy, and if they live half a hundred, spiritually Exhaustion and pain will make them slow and inactive.

Human beings are social animals, and they will become lonely when they are far away from the crowd.

Someone has done statistics. No matter which is the kindness and integrity of the wizard who became the Lich, but hundreds of years away from the crowd, the eyes of outsiders, the erosion of dark magic, will make it lonely and evil.

Even an immortal warrior like Adam has lived for a day, but the lich in front of him has not only become silent and scrupulous like his family, but is very active and can add new mess every day.

"Freak..... To be honest, I sometimes really envy you."


"..... spells and spells make your original code, you can give the strong to the advanced professions of justice knights, spells, and judges. This undoubtedly shows that the source of order has already recognized your code. Force, as the pioneer who created the power of order with the Holy Light, you should touch that side."

I heard that, I stopped, I seem to once again underestimate the man in front of me, it is a step by step to today's semi-god-level warrior, he seems to touch the hurdle, that belongs to the realm of the gods.

As soon as the eyelids turned, the words came to my lips, but I looked at Adam’s life and approached it. I hesitated for a moment. Finally, looking at the years of love, I rarely intended to tell the truth.

"Oh, death gives me infinite power, but the deceased is not congenitally deficient. The deceased can never set foot on that realm. If he is resurrected once, he will probably be able to touch the side."

"Is it worth it? Death has also taken away your body, strength.... There should be memories. You still remember how many pasts have passed, remember the days when we used to venture together."

"Ivanly, Cavans, father..." Several faces passed by my mind, but these unforgettable faces are mostly incomplete.....

However, I will not regret it. At least, I have already avenged them. As for what to remember, it is enough for people to live in the present. Always remembering the past will only make people weak and boring.

"Of course it is worth it. My ambition is the sea of ​​stars. My fair code will one day surpass the power of boring Holy Light."

"Ha. Real envy is always so energetic, then I am more confident to give you the Sulphur Hill City."

Excessive surprise, it took me a few minutes to pick up the dislocated chin.

"What a joke!! How can the prisoner be a jailer! You want to pick up the treasurer, think about it!"

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