The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 90: Astrological tower

Astrology Tower, for me, a name that is memorable but has long since disappeared into the past.

They are currently internationally famous evil organizations. In the eyes of the world, they are like the famous Druid radical organization Rendehui (the Druid Association of Mercy Animals), which is a group of mad dogs who catch who bites.

Like every infamous organization that originally had a tall flag, the astrological tower was originally built with lofty ideals.

Whether it is an astrologer who is proficient in stargazing, a witch who is good at divination, a mage who is proficient in spells, they can predict the future in a certain sense. Therefore, under the call of a highly respected Master, "with prophecy" The organization that aims to make life better and avoid disasters that can be avoided is established.

So, how to make an organization with such a good intention to become a now infamous mad dog.

At first, the astrological tower did a good job in the early warning of natural disasters. In that era, unlike the prophetic spells that are now home to the chickens, the prophetic system of the prophecy was quite developed and effective, and the **** of destiny and destiny. The connection of the lines allows them to really avoid natural disasters and avoid disasters.

After a period of golden development, probably around AD200, the astrological tower encountered a problem, no matter how much they paid, they could not predict what happened after a certain period of time.

In the end, they jointly came to a conclusion that the Aixi continent after the start of a certain year or so was actually blank.

If a single diviner can only think of his limited ability, and when all the prophets have reached such a conclusion. There is only one answer that says that the world is destroyed, and there is no such thing as a future.

Ok. It is true that the end of the world is not a good thing, but at least knowing that he will happen, he should be able to find a way to overcome it.

But the result is in vain, no matter how they predict, divination, and ultimately only get one answer - the world has no future, and even the destruction can not be determined.

Of course, I am able to understand why I cannot predict divination. All life in this world is originated and ordered and chaotic. Naturally, you cannot predict the destruction of the mother of all things, and even the specific time of the end.

Well, this is like a death sentence waiting for the torment period before the execution. If they can't get the answer, they look at the end of day and day after day, and they are desperate, and by chance, they give them hope.

A young man who will become a hero in a prophecy because of the involvement of the astrological tower. There was an accident, and then the future became invisible.

Will the actions of the prophet affect the future? The early fall of historical heroes and big men will affect the entire history? If there are enough fluctuations in the fate trajectory of the whole world, will it be determined that the ruined world will remain?

Well, the disease is in a hurry to go to the doctor. Under this indescribable logic, the astrological tower seems to find the most direct way to change the future - to kill heroes and historical figures in advance.

Normal prophets will try to avoid their own predictions affecting the target. The astronomical tower, which is the opposite of its own way, began its own crazy act of hunting historical figures, making the future unknowable.

This is not easy. After all, it is difficult to draw decent conclusions from targeted predictions. The prophecy is often a matter of luck, and the active participation of the prophet will make the predictions messy. But if the unlucky one is hit... Oh, even the future is a legendary hero. Is it resistant in the baby age?

The dragon hero who saved the world was defiled into the son of the devil. The great craftsman who invented the advanced technology was regarded as the insulting villain. The saint who saved the country as a distress was burned to death as a witch. The predestined prophet in the past. They have become swindlers who are arrogant and arrogant. Under their misbehavior, the trajectory of fate has become a mess.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to starting a table in a game that has been destined to lose. Anyway, it is a dead, a lot of trouble, and there are variables. This is the hysteria of the prophets who are forced into desperation.

And because they really did too much, the line of destiny of the **** of destiny became a mess, and they alerted the order gods who did not interfere much with the mortal world. They lowered the punishment and directly destroyed the headquarters of the astrological tower. Slightly stop.

After the punishment of God, the God of Destiny took back most of the prophetic powers that were left in the mortal world, prophesied spells, and isolated the connection between the Temple of Destiny and the mortal prophet, and the level of prophecy in the whole world suddenly dropped. It was a thing more than 1600 years ago.

And now, the end of the prophecy is still not coming, the crime of killing future heroes has surfaced, and the astrological tower has become a super joke, but I know that they have not predicted anything wrong, and the disaster is in sight. .

At this point, the prophecy against someone's future is regarded as the biggest taboo of the prophet. Most of the modern prophets only predict things and do not predict people, but obviously, the astrological towers have not been completely destroyed, they are still secretly engaged in the corner. The behavior of the past.

However, whether they are going crazy to save the world now, or simply retaliating against the order of the gods and the whole world, no one can tell.

More than three hundred years ago, the prophecy about me and Cavens was what they made, and we were forced by them all the way to the corner, and there were traces of their secret intervention.

In the travels of later generations, I discovered their black hands in the shadows. So, after they became the emperors of the night, they dug them one by one from the corner and killed them.

But unfortunately, looking at the dark body in front of me, the stars on the finger and the one-eyed emblem, obviously I did not do enough.

"The astrological tower of the dead, you are bold enough, actually dare to appear in front of me!"


In the dark room, the seats were lit one by one, the participants were silent, and finally, the person in the chairperson spoke.

"Dasos is already urging us, is the spy still not paid back?"

"Hey, the king of the winter wolf? The eye of Rum is an adult. In fact, I want to say that we should first kill him. Instead of working with him."

"Slightly, don't worry, our goal now is to erase the blood of the shackles. After that, I will say it later. It's been a week. Is there any news yet? Dasos has expressed dissatisfaction with us."

It’s true that they are mad dogs. When the prophecy spells are not as developed as they were in the ancient times, their goals have become “heroes and historical figures” and extended to “heroes and big men”. Any high-ranking person must cooperate with them. Conscience. I don’t know when it’s a knife.

"You know, the Church of the True God belongs to the land of God. The human prophetic spells will be greatly reduced, and our spies have encountered some trouble."


"We sent a few druids that could become crows..."

In the church, Casio is fighting under the tree, but a migratory bird in the sky passes through the sky and a golden long line breaks through the sky. The geese fell, and several knights rushed to pick them up. The white game could just add food to the evening.

"Although I don't know what Luo Xiaoxiao asked me to intercept all the birds, I can just exercise the arrow."

".......The crows were all beaten by the shooters. If they didn't run fast, I am afraid they will be treated as dinner."

"It seems to be precautionary. Our scouts are out of ours? Our thieves master."

"Everything has been blown up to the sky. All the yards are goblin and dark mines. There are also various serial bombs and alarm robots. There are still more security guards than the Goblin Bank. We suspect that there are at least four or five projects in the church. Grandmaster."

Under the corner of the yard. Green is doing something, but when he has just done half. I erected my ears, then slammed the basket and ran, and someone was chasing after.

"Damn Green, you have buried mines everywhere, how many times have you said that the engineering products are dangerous things, can not be littered at random, how to do it to the passers-by? Even if the bombers are not fried, it is not good to blow up the flowers and plants! You see how many wall walls we have repaired in the past few days. I saw a masons yesterday. He actually asked me if I want to do a monthly ticket. You said that if a church of the Lord of the Law is changed into a church of the **** of explosion, there is no sleeper. His old man will not die with a thunder, feed, listen to me, don't run."

Deere (finally has a name!), follow the spell of Coles, and the characteristics..... Well, everyone should see it, very embarrassing, but it seems to be the remnant of Green’s natural enemies, so I am not Hesitantly handed over the task of watching the blast.

"Our spy master phoenix butterfly? He can easily pretend to be a believer to enter. With his experience, he should be able to fool the door to the paladin who seems to be hanging out and actually guarding."

"she was....."

The phoenix butterfly is known as a thousand-faced person. He is especially good at pretending to be a variety of women. This time, his disguised lady was very successful and succeeded in approaching the primary goal of Princess Renee, just...

"Break the sin!" With the singularity, it is a silver sacred sword shining with silver, swaying and flying out.

"Hey, I accidentally let go." Even if Renee tried to dress cute, she couldn’t conceal the fact that she actually turned the sword into a flying sword.

Kelly shook her head helplessly. Although she changed the fair knight, Renee's progress was very fast. Even though Roland's teaching was obviously quite a rule, she had already passed the growth period. Her swordsmanship was too bad, at least for a short time. Swordsmanship is still rotten and people can't look straight.

And looking in the direction of the sword flying away, seeing Roland's holy sword actually inserted between a lady's thigh, she immediately panic.

"The priest is coming, there is a wounded..... ah? Man? Spy? The knights come over, or contact the coffin shop first."

It was so inexplicable to hear that his most powerful spy was exposed. As the president of the Astrology Tower Oran Branch, the eyes of Rum were simply unbelievable.

"I feel that as soon as I get close to the church, there will be some inexplicable accidents. Is it the God of the Law, or the Church of the Doom!"

"Damn! Right, our sneak master? No singer Dykea? There is never a place where he can't enter. What happened to him? He is not an opponent who will be defeated by bad luck. Does he even fail?"


The shadowless traveler Dykeya is very famous in some areas. It is said that there is no treasure house that he cannot enter. He once stole the treasure of the Blue Dragon. However, he spent a lot of energy on the eyes of Rum to invite him to join.

He himself is just a silver thief, but it is a legendary secret that makes him rampant.

[Sewer cloak, legendary object: the wearer becomes a mouse and gets 95% physical damage]

It is by relying on this secret treasure that he can sneak into the treasure house of any kingdom at will. Even if he encounters a super enemy who sees his own deformation, he can escape the effect of almost physical immunity.

"Which adult's last communication is ‘How can there be a magical cat!!’.”

The Church of the Law of the Law has reached the opening time, and when a cat jumps on the table, it is picked up by me and thrown aside.

"Go, play, who knows if you have eaten dead mice and cockroaches,"

"Bastard, I am not a real cat, and even if it is a real cat, every day the big fish and the big meat wait, even if you catch the mouse, you will play with the prey, how can you eat it. Hey, there is a baby who is going to show you." Look, don't know people's hearts, forget it."

"What treasure?" I heard the treasure, I immediately moved.

"Oh, a deformed cloak, it's perfect for you, or do you want to wear it?"

"Oh, when I am stupid, good things, you will give me, it must be a curse item, whether it is a mouse or a squirrel, it will not change to Slime... Look at it, I guess it is right, You dead cat, dinner is not yours, go eat rats!"

At the same time, in the yard, a short figure that was injured is struggling in the grass.

"Damn, a terrible comet, actually fighting skills, actually still martial arts double repair, almost died in its hands. Cough, but fortunately it took the cloak and left, cough, and vomiting blood, it seems hurt Not light, the wall and the main entrance are not going to go. Then go down the waterway."

He struggled to open the sewer entrance and reluctantly indented himself, only to find that someone had taken the lead and was in the middle of the sewer.

"How come there will be people here, if it is a peer. Trouble let let. ... Wait, wait, not the real person, the goblin blew the dummy!! Actually the sewer! Who is so boring!"

"Boom!!" "Boom!!"

This time, obviously the amount of explosives was quite large, the whole house was shaking, and when my eyes were on the table, Green immediately got up and reported.

"Report, the case, your instructions, have thrown all the unstable explosives into the sewers and dispose of them."

"Sewer? Oh, who's the thief is so unlucky. Nothing, Green, you're doing very well, keep up the good work."

[Hey, congratulations to your sacred light ring to the hundredth goal, upgrade to the broom star aura, the halo effect increased by 50%, and priority from your enemy to start the scourge. One hundred have it, one thousand is still far away, please keep up. - The child is really unlucky, but you better go to see, there is your old friend. At this time, the system ran out unwillingly.

I really went to the scene of the explosion, but I found the familiar astrology emblem, naturally knowing that I met an old friend again, and immediately became angry.

"The mad dog sees a thing and has a nest, Kelly, I left, I will hand it over to you, Diana, Corus, come with me, we go hunting mad dogs."

PS: The new book needs support and continues to ask for various votes. Slow down and continue to erupt.

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