The astrological towers are very troublesome. From the day they are regarded as the public enemies of the world, they are turned into zero and lurking underground.

Most of their members are casters, pastors, druids, mages, warlocks, witches, witch doctors, regardless of any ethnicity, legal professions are rare and precious.

The secret inheritance of more than a thousand years has given these casters enough power and connections, and in this world, power and connections are easily changed to power, and no prophecy help is needed.

The most dangerous part of the astrological tower is that his members are often lurking in the high-level of humans and elves. Even members often use code-named names. Before the member goes mad, no one knows it. It is extremely difficult to guard against.

A group of poisonous snakes lurking around, may suddenly bite a bite at any time, how to think is chilling.

After I found myself stared at the astrological tower, and even though the night was deep and completely dark, I did not hesitate to rush out of the door.

I understand them. If so many spies are their eyeliner recently, this group of troubles never knows what is convergence and just enough. The failure of exploration will only make them take risks. Then, instead of waiting for them to find the door, it is better for me to take the initiative.

But as soon as I went out, I remembered a small problem.....

"Hellois, this is the guy's astrologer ring, sniff, find out for me!"

"Smell.....smell your sister, the old lady is a cat, not a dog. No, the old lady is not a cat! It’s all you are a jerk!"

Ok, look at this stupid cat who keeps biting my fingers. I don't want to remind her that in front of my Titan's body, its claw attack is not broken.

"Oh. How can you look down on yourself, the potential of the comets is endless, they can conquer the world. Well, don't bite, I am not kidding, just say, last time I added new features to you."

"What's new? It's no wonder that these two days are absolutely wrong, and the old lady is fighting for you!"

"Sit down! Hands!"

Herois was placed in the dog's squat. Then spit out the tongue and stick out the cat's claws. This is also one of the new features, specially prepared for the more obsessive king of the banshee.

"Hey, how are you too much, I promised to cooperate with you, I have been killed by you, how can you still do this to me. How can I be your teacher!"

The cat star who is constantly dripping with tears is very pitiful, so that Diana and Corus, who are onlookers, are full of sympathy, and even start to glare at me as a cat abuser.

"Don't catch it, do you forget our magic pet contract, your feelings can be passed to me, you cry, cry, you think I don't know?"

Ok. The next second, the teardrops stopped, and the black cat's face showed a contemplative face. After a while, I sent a message.

"You should know that even at this point. I still have cards that make you feel bad. As long as you promise to retaliate against me for two people, no. Two gods, give me them to fall, I will be your pet." Dedicating all the power and knowledge to you, even if you change your body to sleep in the future, although you haven’t touched a man, my skills are definitely not bad for the Dark Elves."

Even with the embarrassing topic, even the cute cat looks like the endless resentment of the gods becomes a real black fog, and the words and hatred of the words and eyes are still terrible.

It is obvious that Corus and Diana, who have never heard of anything, are instinctively raising their weapons to be wary. Perhaps, the curse of the black cat that brings bad luck is the true appearance of the king of the banshee as the undead.

Time will bring endless power and knowledge. Even if I accidentally planted it, I have never turned over. I have never dared to swear for Herois, because I dare not swear at her, I don’t hesitate. I used the magic pet contract once in a lifetime, and tied her to me with a hard life. I absolutely believe that if I am not there, she can make the underground world alone.

"You don't have to say anything about sleeping, I am not a sad wind, nor a fool who will be fooled by the illusion of the flesh, two gods? You tell me the two, I can consider it. You tell me it is Ayer. And Carolan’s words, I will definitely be uncertain, and naturally I can’t agree.”

In the thoughts of Herois, two names were spit out, and the look of expectation was staring at me.

Not surprisingly, they are the two true gods of the Elf Department. One is already in the list of my long-term goals. The other old acquaintance is mostly unable to hide, and the transaction can be done.

"It is actually the patron saint of the past. It should be said that the betrayer is more hateful than the murderer, OK."

"Great, just say it."

"Well? Don't you have to sign a contract?"

"Being a promise is one of the few advantages you have. Since you have promised, it is more effective than any contract... If you sign a contract, you will be worried about your vulnerability."

It seems that I really understand me. The latter part of the above sentence is the key point. Maybe it is the cleansing of a legal person. I do promise to have a clean and honest commitment to my own personalities, and if it is a contract of coercion or obvious injustice. I will probably swear by it (the obvious unfairness or forced establishment of contracts in modern civil law can be abolished, but in this world, Roland can't cancel the contractual provisions of the current social mainstream opinion.)

"Okay, I will write the log. You can rest assured that it is not good to fulfill the duties of a pet dog."

This time, Herois did not refute, but excitedly turned over and then licked the ring in my hand. After a few seconds, the stupid cat fell into meditation.

"What's wrong? Your current sense of smell should be the trait of the magic smell, at least twice the general police dog, have not found it?"

For a long while, Herois raised his face with hesitation.

"...they are all stinking and smelling nothing."

This time, it was our turn to look at the small eyes, and think of the darkened body, it is only natural to smell, but then, Herois slammed into the yard.

"I remember there was another cloak."

Well, active work and forced service are two different things. In two minutes, we have another colleague. Casio, who is already ill, is pleased to take the initiative, and I have not refused to consider the search and tracking ability that the Centaur shooter should have.

"Wait, if Casio goes, I will go."

Someone volunteered to join, but we tried to ignore it.

"The Beastmaster Hunter's ability to track is definitely better than a pure shooter. There are no people in the city that I can't find."

"What do you want?" This guy looks loyal and is actually awkward. It is more typical that there is no benefit, and how can it be voluntary?

Sad wind nodded.

"The cloak that can change the mouse should say the legendary sewer cloak."

Ok, I really don't want to ask more, and I don't want to think about what he intends to do with that cloak. If I don't consider the time constraints, I will start to swear.

But considering the Beastmaster hunter is indeed very deep in tracking. What he said is indeed a fact. I can only temporarily press the heart of the heart to slap him up.

And just as I was going to promise, it seemed that I came to a conclusion from my face. The very sad wind blew a silent whistle and I ran a few wild dogs. A few rats were drilled in the underground pipe, and an owl fell in midair.

"The **** who robbed the fire, you win, the deal.....and so on, no need."

Not far away. Two dilapidated carriages parked in the alley, and several black men were secretly moving from the carriage down the grass. In the corner of the church, there is already a small pile of fodder piled up, and a black man is getting angry, but it may be that the night is big, he has failed several times, and now he is angry and throws the match on the ground. Step on.

One of the casters is obviously maintaining the magic of the covert investigation, but even if it can shield the detective magic, I can see him just in this position.

Seeing that unlucky one, I can't help but think of a rumor that the **** of the sinful destiny was too sinful, and the **** of fortune and fortune, Cartier, was full of malicious punishment for this sly organization. The curse of doom, as long as you join this organization, the causal system will be activated, and they will always be in the midst of life.

If it is an ordinary situation, if the luck is bad, it is very easy to do things. When walking, you will step on the **** and be bitten by the cat. Be careful, it will be fine, but it will hit my aura of light, um, now it’s called the broom star halo. Luck is worse than me and it will cause a series of accidents. This bad luck becomes very deadly, and all the misfortunes will eventually become unlucky opportunities.

"What are you waiting for, killing this group of bad luck."

Well, except for the mage, the hapless people who came to burn the church of God are only the lowest-level abandoners, and they are fixed in an instant, and then, in the sorrow of the business, the destination is also very Clear.

“The temporary stagnation point is the Royal Astrology Station? It’s really a place that fits their identity. But since you can use the royal facilities, the back is mostly an emperor who is not willing to be embarrassed.”

"Let's think more."

Also considering this point, Diana has been hesitant about the relationship with Renee recently. If she angered the Emperor Oran again, and now in the territory of the Oran Empire, we ran and ran. Implicated in the ambassadors of the Eastern Principality.

"This should be his temptation. If we cringe, then it will only become more and more embarrassing. Since he plays according to the rules in the shadows, we naturally have to follow up. When he reaches out, we will chop and stretch the claws. Just lick your paws, at least let him feel bad. Besides, the blood of 岚....."

"The blood of the shackles never fears the challenge. They are coming to us. How can we retreat. Retreating will only make the villains more rampant."

It seems that the fighting outside the city wall caught the attention of the people inside the church. The royal knights escorted Kelly and Renee, and Renee’s speech also made me nod.

But then, let Kelly and the Cavaliers be shocked.

"I have to go, Rosie, don't you say that the battlefield is always the best class? You also said that I really need practical experience."

"Noisy, you are adding chaos to everyone, but you are looking for death." Kelly immediately blamed her, expecting Renee to dispel the idea of ​​taking risks.

It’s really a noisy, I can’t help but laugh. In this battlefield of our legendary and golden peaks, you can join a rookie with a black iron. The stray bullets can make you hang up, and the experience of accumulating battlefields is not so uninhibited (someone I completely forgot that I was a bronze step.)

"I am 14 years old. It is said that Prince Roland was on the battlefield when he was 12 years old. I have already had enough of this fake knight princess. I want this title of glory to be worthy of the name. If even this small scene can't cope, What about the future battlefield?"

Even in the face of the love of the loved ones, the girl's lips biting dead, although not talking, but the face is all reluctant, apparently refused to give up.

I fixed my eyes, Renee's feet still trembled slightly, but the Roland Holy Sword at the waist gave off a dazzling silver light, which seemed to recognize her choice.

"The Roland Sword is the sword of the legendary paladin prince Roland. Only his descendants and heirs of the will can gain the approval of this holy sword.", Will the successor?"

At this time, inexplicably remembered the use conditions of Roland's holy sword, remembered that more than three hundred years ago, it was the death of the father and the king that made me and Calvins go into battle, remembering the girl's past and my amazing similarity. I laughed.

"Where will the successor? OK, keep up, don't fall behind. Kelly, and in the past, some people are destined to be unable to cultivate in the greenhouse. However, sadness! Protect her, as long as she has an accident, you The cloak is gone."

The Beastmaster Hunter, who disregarded the news, also said sorry to Kelly, who was worried about it, and I took the lead.

"Deaths, let's calculate the interest in the past today."

And the system, actually jumped out again and angered the brush.

[Special Quest: The legendary patron Roland's willer of the will is triggered. During the completion of the epic quest: During the revival of the sacred ritual, one third of the points of fate you gain by killing the enemy will be transferred to the holder of the Holy Sword, Renee. You can use the fate points to strengthen her by teaching. System Tip: The completion of special missions is directly related to the completion of your epic mission, and as long as Renee is killed, or she permanently loses the Roland Sword, the two missions fail directly...but after the maiden You can consider going to be a true princess, definitely more than Renee. 】

"I will never fail! Before I hang up, Renee will never die!"

Well, my unrecognized roar and guardianship provoke the morale of the knights, but it also makes a princess look red.

PS: There are still updates today, and the ticket is still erupting.

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