The student was very surprised.

"Very sharp perception, he is indeed an amazing student..."

On the left side of the door of the room, stood a man who looked to be in his fifties, dressed neatly and simply, with drooping eyes and a slightly dim look.

The man was also looking at Bailian.

"...Who are you?" Bailian stared at the man.

There is a problem... This person was clearly standing there without any concealment, but when he just went out just now, he did not notice the abnormality at the first time.

It was as if he subconsciously ignored the other party's existence.

"An Hongye." The man said slowly, "A teacher at the Department of Psychiatry of Imperial Capital University."

Teacher of Imperial Capital University? Bailian's eyes showed a trace of doubt:

"During the selection period, it seems that there is a rule that you can't contact the candidates at will, right?"

"Yes, in principle, you can't. In fact, in our school alone, there are many colleges that want to see you in advance through the selection party, but they were all rejected.

"I also looked for your team leader, Mr. An, and wanted him to help me build a bridge, but he refused."

Listening to the man's words, Bailian leaned back and leaned against the door lightly, asking strangely: "So you sneaked in?"

"I came in with the excuse of doing something serious, but I just avoided other people to see you." An Hongye said bluntly.

"I want you to choose to join the Department of Psychiatry of Imperial University after the selection is over.

"I have seen your performance in the secret realm, which is unique. Most of the mental abilities are mental attacks, and mental control is rare. This is the first time I have seen your ability to control with just a simple glance.

"Your eyes, called Sharingan, are a kind of supernatural power that contains many possibilities.

"But your abilities are too special. You have wood, fire, and even space abilities. In our school alone, there are several colleges that want to compete for you."

Bai Li An understood and nodded: "So you came to me to persuade me to join your college in advance?"

An Hongye shook his head: "Rather than persuading, it is better to say that it is to enhance the impression of our college. After all, I am not sure to convince you.

"In fact, for you, it doesn't make much difference which college you join. Because with the ability and potential you have shown, the school will definitely try its best to train you.

"But which college you belong to is related to the reputation and interests of each college, so different colleges will try their best to win your affiliation."

Bailian was stunned, and looked at him with some doubts: "You obviously want me to join your college, but you confessed such a thing to me?"

An Hongye's words just now were just like-

I want you to join our department, and then tell you that in fact, you can get the same benefits wherever you go, and there is no need to choose me specifically.

This kind of feeling.

An Hongye's wrinkled face smiled gently, and then said:

"The benefits that our college can give you, you will also get in other colleges. Because that is the privilege of students like you, I won't say it as if it is a benefit that only joining our college can have."

For some people, sincerity is the best condition.

An Hongye thinks Bailian is that kind of person, and he himself doesn't like those twists and turns.

An Hongye paused, his expression became a little more serious, and continued:

"If you choose to join our academy, I will personally guide you and do my best to cultivate your growth. I will also teach you some of the most cutting-edge knowledge and techniques of mental power, as well as my own research without reservation.

"I hope you can seriously consider it. Although you have many other abilities, the mental academy is really suitable for you. Many of our teachers are also eager for you to join."

... Baili An was thoughtful, and after a moment of silence, he said:

"I will seriously consider your words. Let's wait until the selection is over."

An Hongye nodded and smiled: "I look forward to seeing you next time. You will become my student. "

Seemingly guessing Bailian's reaction, An Hongye left slowly after he finished speaking.

When An Hongye passed by the front desk outside the corridor, others seemed not to see him and had no reaction to his passing.

'The ability to reduce one's presence and make others ignore it...'

In fact, Bailian did not clearly choose the college he wanted to choose.

But if An Hongye said, the Psychiatric College seemed to be

It seems pretty good, at least he and the teacher's personality are compatible...


Five days passed in a flash.

The second stage of the selection is about to begin, but only the top 1,000 students in the first stage can continue to participate.

The assessment form of the second stage is a random battle between all students, a one-on-one competition, and everyone needs to go through ten competitions.

Moreover, the competition process is open.

Although there can be no spectators, the process of each competition will be recorded in a video and uploaded to a special official website, so that even ordinary people can check it.

At this time, the students are in the largest and most professional supernatural duel field in the imperial capital.

The huge duel field has been temporarily transformed by earth-based supernaturals into hundreds of duel areas separated by tall earth walls and formations.

But even so, the battle space is spacious enough for the fifth level.

Many monitoring team staff are busy, and each battlefield will be equipped with a temporary referee and two medical personnel.

The students were all waiting, and Bailian was also watching the speech of teacher An Lan in front of him.

"When you compete later, you must do your best. Don't think about hiding your trump cards. Just win every game you can win!

"And you don't need to worry about getting injured. The person in charge of the medical team is an S-level healing senior. As long as he still looks like a human being, he can reattach your head even if it's cut off.

"And when you are in danger, the referee will directly rescue you. Understand? So don't be afraid, just do it!

"I will review each of your competitions at that time, and your family, friends and even classmates in school will definitely go to watch. So you all perform well, don't embarrass me, and don't embarrass yourself!"

"Yes! "The students of No. 1 Middle School also responded enthusiastically.

They were almost all in an excited state, after all, this time was different from the first stage.

This time it was a direct competition between students, and the process would be public.

No one wanted to lose face in front of relatives and friends.

Seeing their state, An Lan nodded with satisfaction: "The monitoring team will announce the opponents of the first game later, so you should pay attention to it."

Then, An Lan let the students adjust freely. He slowly walked to Baili An and Fan Jing.

Seeing the expressions of these two people, An Lan also twitched at the corners of his mouth, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry:

"Good boy, if I didn't know you two, I would think you two were here for tourism.

"Can you be a little excited?"

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