The two sides of the battle were in chaos.

Hearing An Lan's words, Bailian and Fan Jing both looked at him.

Fan Jing replied: "For such a competition, calmness is more suitable than excitement."

Bailian was relatively concise and clear: "I am invincible."

Fan Jing, An Lan: "..."

"Don't be careless." An Lan said after a moment of silence, "Moreover, the performance during the battle will also be a reference for subsequent scoring."

After seeing Bailian's performance in the first stage, An Lan couldn't think of how to refute it, so he could only persuade him like this.

Bailian nodded and said: "I will win the battle in the simplest way."

At this time, he felt the mobile phone in his pocket vibrate, so he took it out, and Fan Jing next to him did the same thing.

Bailian saw his first opponent, whose name was Chong Xiaoleng, a special kind of inheritor, a member of the Spiritual Array Master.

The points ranking in the first stage was more than 200.

"Spiritual Array Master?" Bailian was a little interested.

He had never fought with such a person before...

At the same time, a relatively short figure was talking to her relatives among the students who were waiting on the other side.

She was Chong Xiaoleng, who looked only about 1.5 meters tall, with a petite figure. She had a carefree tone when she was on the phone.

"Don't worry, sister. I was just not suitable for the environment of the secret realm in the first stage, so I fell behind in the rankings, but now it's my turn to show my power.

"Humph, I don't care who the opponent is. Anyway, I can't be afraid of him. I will definitely kill him! "

The soft voice coupled with the arrogant tone made everyone around look at this fierce little dwarf from time to time.

"Sister, you should stay with your parents now, search my name on the website and wait, and there will be a video update immediately after the battle is over."

Chong Xiaoleng became more and more excited, and waved his fist casually: "Just wait and enjoy the proud and heroic appearance of my old Chong family!"

Then she was quiet for a few seconds, and her expression became a little angry.

"I know, just believe me... Oh, there is news, let me see who the opponent in the first game is first?"

Set the phone to hands-free, then Chong Xiaoleng clicked on the message and scanned it directly.

...Ha, it's Bailian, the same name as the first one, and even the ranking is first.

The superpower is... huh? Chong Xiaoleng suddenly widened his eyes.

"Sharingan! ? "

The sudden loud shout scared an old man next to him so much that he trembled all over and dropped his cell phone.

He turned around and found that the little Lolita who was full of vigor and vitality just now had become depressed and was slowly squatting on the ground.

Others also looked at Chong Xiaoleng in surprise.

"Sharingan? Did she... draw that Bailian?"

"Haha, what good luck. She was so arrogant just now, but she became listless. "

"Don't laugh at others, okay... puff~"

And Chong Xiaoleng herself, her attention was no longer in the real world, as if she had completely integrated her squatting body into the ground.

Her face was gloomy: "Hehe... Why is it me..."

"What happened suddenly?" The sister's voice came from the hands-free phone.

"Woo~ I met the longest onion..." She murmured gloomily.

"Huh? "

Hearing her sister's laugh, Chong Xiao Leng regained some of his sanity and said quickly:

"By the way, sister, that...why don't you take your parents out to play first, and then you can have a meal or something, because it may not be my turn to play for the time being, haha."

" was you who said that you wanted me to take my parents to wait for you to see your heroic performance. Now you suddenly changed your mind, and just now you suddenly shouted Sharingan..."

The tone on the other end of the phone gradually became meaningful.

Ah...Chong Xiao Leng's hand holding the phone overflowed with a trace of cold sweat.

"It's okay." The sister's tone became serious, "No matter how powerful the opponent you meet, your sister will support you unswervingly and unreservedly, and we will always be your spiritual support."

Listening to the "serious" tone of her sister, Chong Xiao Leng's expression gradually solidified.

Then, after the sound of putting down the phone, the sister's voice with wild laughter came faintly:

"Dad! Mom~! Come on, Xiao Leng's competition is about to start! She said it will be over soon

, let's prepare to appreciate her heroic killing!"

"..." Chong Xiao Leng was stunned on the spot, and then she hung up the phone.

"Ah, that bastard sister! You'll be dead when I get back!" Chong Xiao Leng squatted there and scratched his head.

Seeing this, the other people around shook their heads and moved away from her.


In the duel arena divided into more than 100 areas, many students have started the second stage of the competition according to the arrangement.

Among them, Bailian said that he belonged to the first batch of people.

He came to the competition venue according to the battlefield number.

A tall and thin temporary referee and two medical staff on the sidelines. When confirming his identity, the referee couldn't help but take a close look at Bailian.

No After a while, Bailian saw his opponent.

A short... petite girl walked in with a firm step.

At this moment, Chong Xiaoleng's eyes were firm and unstoppable, completely different from the weak look just now.

Her parents, best friends, classmates, and maybe even the aunts and uncles called by her bastard sister.

They will all watch her first competition!

And this is the competition of Bailian, who has the highest score of 70,000 points in history.

I don't know how many people will be waiting for this first competition. A competition...

When she thought that at least tens of millions of people would watch this battle, and the scene of her being defeated would be edited and spread, and then watched by hundreds of millions of Chinese people...

Ahhh, her heart collapsed.

Chong Xiaoleng wanted to be famous, but not in this way.

She didn't want to be a stepping stone for tens of millions of people to remember!

But now that things have come to this, she can't change anything, she can only go all out and show her trump card right from the beginning!

I can't care about so much, just save my face first.

It's best to be the kind of person who will be remembered even if you lose It makes people feel like "this pretty girl is pretty amazing", "what a heroic woman, this girl is still honorable even though she lost".

She pretends to be a little cold, and she will go all out today.

She will definitely make the evil forces, her bastard sister's vicious plan fail, and then she will be honorable even though she lost, and become famous in one fell swoop!

Seeing the other party's confident state, Bailian also perked up a little.

There is really no sign of decline, and it is not a disguise...

Is it just the first game, and he met a dark horse who hides his weaknesses, and is confident enough to defeat his opponent 100%?

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