The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 280: Plenty of water

At this time, Damen Zi was biting a string of roasted kidneys, and there was a bottle of sake in front of him. She brought this from her hometown during the Chinese New Year, and it is not available in ordinary stores.

Because she had been wearing a mask before and after the operation, Feng Luo and Jin Xier didn't recognize her for a while. Lu Cheng even showed the appearance of "I don't know this drunkard".

"Come here." He took the two deliberately to a position with his back facing Zi Zi, and ordered some dishes.

Jin Xi'er and Feng Luo hadn't eaten well in the past few days, and now they finally let go of their hearts, Jin Xi'er also felt hunger in his stomach.

Feng Luo was eating while chatting with Lu Cheng: "Group owner, I didn't expect you a doctor to have this kind of hobby. Depending on your usual driving speed, I thought you were a greasy uncle."


"Right, right," Feng Luo agreed, "especially those made in the island, the quality and price are really high."

The two chatted with each other.

Suddenly, Feng Luo said in a tone like "Going out this morning and seeing the sow falling into the ditch": "Master, do you believe that there is a system in this world? I'll tell you that when you were performing surgery just now. , A system came to me, but I let it go."

"Ha ha ha," Lu Cheng said with a smile, "young people take care of themselves and do what daydreams."

Feng Luo emphasized: "It's true. What is the ultimate horror system? You can exchange a lot of things! But it actually wants me to scare Teacher Jin. I don't want this kind of spicy chicken system."

Lu Cheng looked at Jin Xi'er, who was concentrating on eating, thinking that this kid was making a big circle around her sister. Where did he get so many tricks at a young age? I still can't.

He didn't take it seriously, but didn't know that the conversation between the two was heard by the door behind Zi.

This restaurant was originally so big, and the door was not ordinary people, and she could hear them clearly no matter how low their voices were.

When she heard about the scary system, she suddenly remembered that Song Yunwu seemed to have said something similar recently.

So she stayed attentive, and when she returned to Xiliang Yaozhuang from get off work, she told Ximen Qing and Song Yunwu about this matter.

"Ha! Is it still a terror system?" Ximen said, "It seems that it is really a system that can be borrowed, not a system wholesaler."

Song Yunwu also nodded: "The hospital is indeed a good place to collect horror emotions. Not to mention that there are so many patients every day. There are a lot of horror stories about the hospital. It is not easy to scare people at night."

"The question now is, how far is that guy's ability," Ximen Qing said, "If it can radiate the entire Xiakong City, then the value of this information will not be that great."

Song Yunwu looked at her: "Didn't you say that this matter has nothing to do with us, don't you want to care? Why are you so active now?"

Ximen Qing said: "Am I active? It's just to help the foolish man analyze it. I didn't say that I want to catch it personally. I might as well play a few more happy men in that time."

Since that guy reached out to the hospital where the gate Zi was located, he was unlucky. The hospital itself is related to the mysterious alliance, and there is more than one evolving person like Damen Zi who is arranged in the past.

If he hits any muzzle at that time, he can only congratulate him on his ascension to heaven.

Damen Zi is not too interested in this, because she is fighting the landlord with Jin Huiyuan and Xiaoguai.


That night.

In a small supermarket.

A cute little boy was watching "Attack on Titan" while holding a cell phone while biting a pop of ice.

"Allen was born into the bathtub..."

This animation has gone viral, and in just three days, it has become a mess on the Internet.

Weibo discussion degree, search engine search index, various secondary creation video clicks... the data has soared in an all-round way, rushing to the popularity of last year's "Dragon Babu".

It is foreseeable that it is only a matter of time before it surpasses Tianlong.

The cashier in the supermarket glanced at the little boy who was squatting behind the counter, frowning and said: "This is just the beginning of spring, so you can eat less ice, otherwise what should I do if my stomach is broken? I don't have a royal doctor."

The little boy said: "My parents didn't buy it for me before. I could only watch other people eat it. Now I can finally eat it. I must eat enough."

The cashier sighed: "Okay, the last one, if you take my salary today, you will eat it away."

As he was talking, the little boy suddenly said "Ouch". The phone and popsicles all fell to the ground, and he fell off the small bench while clutching his stomach.

"What's wrong!?" The cashier was startled and squatted down to check.

"Huang, my stomach hurts," the little boy whimpered with a bitter face, "Am I going to die?"

"Asshole!" Qin Shihuang glared at him, "I don't allow you to die, you can't die!"

He quickly picked up the little boy out of the supermarket, locked the door and ran directly to the hospital.

It's been a while since I came here to work, and he still knows where the hospital is.

He didn't call an ambulance, it was too slow. One of his rings shimmered, and a gust of wind suddenly appeared, taking him and the little boy into the sky.

"Doctor! Doctor!" Qin Shihuang shouted as soon as he entered the hospital, "Where is the doctor?"

Lu Cheng just walked to the door after get off work, and saw a man running in with a child yelling. When he saw this, he hurried over to check: "What's the matter?"

Because of their special status as the director of this hospital, the most feared thing is medical troubles, so as a doctor, he dared to go up as soon as possible.

"Are you a doctor? He seems to have a bad stomach, can you treat it?" Qin Shihuang asked quickly.

Lu Cheng checked and said, "Hurry up and take him to the pediatrics department. You can come back after registration."

Qin Shihuang didn't know what registration was, so he went to the pediatrics department with Lucheng.

After diagnosis, it is not a big problem, just eat too much popsicles. However, the child is still young, so he needs to be hospitalized for observation for one night for insurance.

By the hospital bed, Qin Shihuang was cutting an apple: "You boy can really toss, this time it's fine. Not only did I eat my day's salary, but I also gave all the money I saved before to the doctor."

His knife skills are very beautiful, and the apple peel turned into a long snake and fell down in a blink of an eye, revealing the tender flesh.

The little boy had no energy, so he had to open his mouth. As a result, he saw Qin Shihuang put the apple in his mouth and took a bite.

"What are you doing with your eyes wide open? Why is your stomach hurting?" He said, he took another big bite.

This apple is rich and moist.

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