The Fall of the Vampire

Chapter 281: Ghost story

Seeing that Qin Shihuang had such a taste, the little boy's saliva flowed out. But his stomach hurts and he can't eat indiscriminately anymore, which makes him very distressed.

"Huang, you tell me a story."

Qin Shihuang frowned, don't know why, he always felt that every time this guy called him, he seemed to be yelling "Ahuang".

"Where did my story come from? Someone used to tell me stories."

"I want to listen to the story," the little boy said coquettishly, "you don't give me apples, then I want to listen to the story."

Qin Shihuang couldn't help him, and suddenly a flash of inspiration: "By the way, I really have a story here, a legend on the side of the parallel world."

"I want to hear I want to hear!"

"Hey, since you said that, don't regret it."

Qin Shihuang began to tell the story. They didn't have much money, so they were hospitalized in a triple room with two patients next to them. One of the patients sat by the bed with an escort, while the other did not.

The room is so big that everyone next to him can naturally hear him when he tells the story.

"It was said that there was a young man. His friend was in a car accident. He sent the friend to the hospital for emergency treatment, but he was not saved. When the friend's parents heard the news, they rushed to the bed and wept bitterly."

"He wanted to comfort the old man a few words, but he didn't know what to say, so he simply went out to relax, and finally walked into the corridor, and the lights suddenly went dark."

"In a daze, he saw an electrician with blood on his face and a knife stuck in his head coming towards him!"

When he said this, Qin Shihuang deliberately used a frightening tone to scare the little boy back into the quilt. Even the family members of the patients on the side shuddered.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Shi was very satisfied, and then said: "He saw so scary, he quickly turned around and ran, but when he ran, he suddenly found that the corridor seemed a bit too long, why didn't it end."

"As a result, looking back, the blood-stained electrician has come behind him, and his face is almost touching his face!"

"He screamed at the time and fell to the ground, but the electrician seemed very stupid and would not lower his head. After he fell, the electrician looked around and left without seeing anyone."

"At this moment, a female doctor heard the voice coming over, helped him up, and asked him'what happened'."

"The young man told him what he had seen and heard, and the female doctor heard the words and smiled and said, ‘That’s a patient, and he was slashed in the head when arguing with his wife, and he came to see a doctor with a knife. It’s not a ghost’."

"'Really, really?' The young man breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. It's not a ghost. He also laughs at himself and thinks about where the ghosts come from in this world."

"Just thinking about this, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why did that female doctor wear different clothes from other doctors? When he turned around, he found that there was a female doctor somewhere. Standing beside him was clearly a skeleton in a white coat! "

"'Ah -'he yelled in fright, and hurried back to the ward, trying to flee the hospital with his friend's parents."

"'Uncles and aunts! Run! This hospital is haunted!" He yelled at the two old men beside the bed, but the other side ignored him, which made him feel tight. Are these two also ghosts?"

"At this moment, Doctor Skeleton came to his back and grabbed his head. He struggled hard and couldn't break free. He could only let Doctor Skeleton take his head off."

"The amazing thing is that after his head was taken off, he could still see and hear. I saw Doctor Skeleton holding his head to the bedside, allowing him to see the patient's face clearly."

"The young man was stunned, because the man lying on the hospital bed looks exactly like him."

"At this time, Doctor Skeleton spoke: ‘Remember, it is not your friend who died, but you. Think about can you have a friend in a fat man!’"

After saying the last sentence, Qin Shihuang nodded in satisfaction, and he patted the quilt that had shrunk into a ball on the hospital bed: "The story is over, don't get bored in the quilt, lie down for me and breathe more fresh air."

"Woohoo," the little boy shuddered under the quilt, "I won't come out, I want to be a snail, the story you tell is so scary!"

"Is it scary?" Qin Shihuang thought about it seriously. "What I said is obviously a joke."

At this time, the patient in the bed next door turned around and complained: "What kind of joke are you, especially the last sentence, it's horrible, okay?"

"Huh? Is it you?" Qin Shihuang looked at him in surprise.

Isn't this the guy who praises himself for being handsome?

Zhao Zhenying hadn't recognized it at first, he thought about it very seriously, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, you are the one... that..."

"Yes, I didn't expect that by such a coincidence, you would also be sick." Qin Shihuang answered, causing Zhao Zhenying's "fan" to get stuck in his throat.

"How do you say it! Who is willing to be sick?" Zhao Zhenying said out of breath, "I just broke my belly by accident."

This matter is also annoying. He originally had an appointment with Da Baojian, a female college student who accompanied him to the dance signing ceremony last time, but the aunt of the man came. So he introduced his roommate to Zhao Zhenying.

According to her, this roommate did this for the first time. Zhao Zhenying used the brain holes of a cartoonist to instantly make up the plot of his father's critical illness and a young brother in the family. Only after meeting him did he realize that it was not the case at all.

Because of her inexperience, the girl always felt out of place with her roommates, and decided to experience it at the instigation of her roommates. But she was afraid of encountering bad guys, so her roommate introduced her to Zhao Zhenying, a lavish, good-tempered uncle.

In order to take care of her emotions, Zhao Zhenying planned to go shopping with her to get familiar with her. As a result, she didn't know which stall she had eaten kebabs, and her stomach hurts terribly.

The good things afterwards naturally fell The girl took him to the hospital and went back without asking for money.

Zhao Zhenying is a divorced person whose hometown is not here, so no one came to see him after lying in the hospital for two days.

Qin Shihuang's last sentence "How could there be friends" can be said to be so precise that he burst into tears.

After talking, Zhao Zhenying felt hungry, and no one brought him food, so he planned to go out to eat.

Anyway, I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, and there is nothing to avoid now.

As a result, as soon as Zhao Zhenying walked into the corridor, the lights in the entire corridor suddenly went out!

"Damn!" He shivered with fright. What happened to this familiar scene?

"Calm down, calm down, I must be thinking too much, how can ghost stories come true unless there is another electrician..."

. m.

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