The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 724: Su Xingfang【Top】

In the carriage.

Sun Shaozong opened the iron box on the right hand side and took out the clay pot filled with hot water from the middle of the two hand stoves, one cold and one hot.

Because it is put together with the hand stove, the hot water that people pour in when they go out in the morning, until this time, it still looks like forty to fifty degrees.

Pour some warm water on the veil, soak the mud from his hands, and after rubbing it a few times, Sun Shaozong picked up the curtains and threw the veil out.

Not long after, I heard a noise outside, but it turned out that it was a roadside vendor and two beggars arguing over the fine brocade veil.

This piece of veil is nothing to the wealthy and wealthy, but if it is washed clean and sold to those who have settled down to support the scene, it can also be exchanged for a lot of copper.

The noise was quickly left behind by the carriage, and Sun Shaozong's mood returned to the current case.

In fact, based on the traces on the scene, the murderer has basically been able to be targeted, and Su Xingfang is undoubtedly.

But so far, the two most important things are still missing: motivation and evidence.

There is no need to say more about the lack of motivation.

Although those traces can be linked together to infer that Su Xingfang is the real murderer behind the scenes, but to win a sixth-rank magistrate based on this, it still owes some weight.


I was coaxed by him at the time, otherwise, if I could find out what was wrong earlier, I would be able to find the ropes on the mechanism from him.

In this way, the case is naturally clear.

It's too late to regret now, so I can only find ways to collect other evidence.

Fortunately, although the string that affects the mechanism can be removed, the traces on the body are not so easy to remove...

"grown ups!"

Sun Shaozong was thinking about the case, and the leading government officer suddenly flew to report: "Su Zhixian is not in the county government. I heard that he took his uncle's body to go home!"

Going home with the corpse?

After Sun Shaozong thought for a while, he opened the curtains and said, "Go and call out Jiang Laoqi, the leader of the fast-track team in Wanping County."

The government officer agreed, turned his horse's head and rushed back to the Wanping County government office.

Not long after, Laoqi Jiang [Appeared in the Yunshui Alley Naked Corpse Case] ​​was brought to the front.

Through the curtain, Sun Shaozong ordered his subordinates to give a horse to Jiang Laoqi, and then ordered him to accompany him and show the way to Su Xingfang's house.

That Jiang Laoqi worked in Wanping County for more than ten years. After four years of magistrates, he did not fail. Naturally, he was not a foolish man. So when I heard that he was guiding the way instead of leading the way, he vaguely guessed the great master. There is something to ask yourself.

Therefore, he first smiled and told Zhang Cheng about the general path, then slowed down the horse and retreated to a position flush with the car window.

Sure enough, after about a hundred steps out, I heard Sun Shaozong ask through the window of the car: "How is the relationship with his uncle in Suzhi County on weekdays?"


Laoqi Jiang said with a smile: "The grandfather is respectful to Cao Tautou and tells you that the lady of Cao Tautou died two years ago, and he was alone and has no children, so he simply moved to live with the grandfather's house."

Having said that, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with his remarks. Shouldn't Mr. Sun mistakenly think that the grandfather is not distinguishing between public and private, and is seeking benefits for his relatives?

It doesn’t matter if Master Sun’s misunderstanding, but what if it reaches the ears of the grandfather?

So he hurriedly went back to find supplements: "But my grandfather is a master of public and private matters. No matter how respectful Cao catches his head, it is only after dispersing the office. On weekdays, the inferiority and inferiority are not tolerated."

"If you really want to talk about it, Cao's head is in our yamen, so he is still a stubborn talent."

"In terms of martial arts, a dozen arrests in our county add up, and none of them are his opponents."

"For essay collection, several book officials in the county praised him for his stiff writing, and he deserves to be the mother-in-law of the Jinshi master!"

After listening to Jiang Laoqi's words, Sun Shaozong was silent for a while, and then murmured: "In this way, Cao's head-catcher is indeed a talented man."

After a pause, he asked again: "By the way, I heard that Su Zhixian is not very healthy. Suddenly, he suffered an accident, and I don't know if he can stand it."

Outside Jiang Laoqi was stunned for a while, and then laughed: "I am afraid that you are listening to you. My grandfather has always been very tough. He has been in the county for more than two years, and he has never taken a sick leave!"

Always good muscles...

Sun Shaozong chewed these words twice and asked some trivial matters casually.

Then Old Qi Jiang answered as he walked, seeing a deviation, suddenly pointed to the front and said: "My lord, the small courtyard in front is the residence of my grandfather!"

The voice was full of relief. It was obviously flustered by Sun Shaozong's question and vaguely aware of the strangeness, so he wanted to get out of the matter quickly.

Therefore, after speaking, he immediately rushed forward, rushing to tell Su Xingfang.

The carriage slowly stopped outside the gate of Su Mansion. Sun Shaozong jumped out of the carriage and looked up but saw that this stockade was not only remote, but also very small in size. It was said that it had made two advances, but in terms of scale, it could not keep up with Sun Shaozong. A small courtyard living alone.

This is also normal.

Su Xingfang came from a poor family, and after being a scholar in high school, he has been serving as an official in the capital.

After taking a second glance, Su Xingfang heard the news and greeted him. The official robes on his body had long been changed into a clean suit. A few steps away, he bowed his hands to the salute, but his mouth was full of doubts: "Isn't Lord Sun investigating the case? Are you in the humble house again?"

Sun Shaozong was not in a hurry to pay the courtesy. Instead, he stepped forward, grabbed Su Xingfang’s wrist, looked down at his fingers, and then asked with a smile, "Suzhi County, how can you have a lot on your fingers? Red marks?"


Su Xing was ashamed, shook her head and sighed: "My mother heard that her uncle was in an accident, so she picked up the usual whisk when she worshipped the Taoist incense and scolded Su for fear of dodge, but my lady rushed to cover it, Su was afraid of injury. Only then did she stubbornly pull on the whisk and mourn."

Having said that, he spread out the five fingers of his right hand, and generously showed the red marks on it: "This is about Momo left at that time."

This guy has already found a way to deal with it!

It seems that trying to seize his handle this time is probably not so easy.

Sun Shaozong stared at him for a long while, seeing Su Xingfang calmly looking at him with no sign of flinching in his eyes, then let go of his wrist, and said, "So, Su Zhixian is indeed a filial son!"

There was a faint sarcasm in his tone, but Su Xingfang didn't seem to hear it. He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "At a certain time, Su acted rashly and killed his uncle. How can he talk about filial piety?"

As he said, he raised his hand and let in: "This is not where you are speaking, please come from Master Shaoqing."

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