The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 725: Su Xingfang【below】

The living room of Su's house looks the same, and the decoration is simple.

Of course, if you insist on getting better, you can also use the word ‘easy and elegant’ to describe it.

But these are not important. Sun Shaozong is not a Feng Shui master looking at the house. The purpose of his visit this time is mainly to'see people'!

Therefore, after the guest and host were seated, Sun Shaozong's gaze no longer stayed on Su Xingfang's face.

Su Xingfang was also calm and greeted an old servant for tea, and then said calmly: "Master Shaoqing is in the cold house, and Su should have swept the couch to welcome him, but the elder has just met unexpectedly. It is really inconvenient to wait. It’s okay if you are the Master Shaoqing, if you have any instructions."

Although I had known that Su Xingfang was a capable official and had a less generous mind than an ordinary person, seeing that he was still in such a suspicion, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Why did these young and promising officials kill Dao Yan's master and apprentice?

Could it be out of righteous indignation?

But if it was out of righteous indignation, he first sent the body to the Dali Temple, and then set up an agency to kill his maternal uncle, but what was the operation?

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense!

Sun Shaozong was puzzled, but his face was full of confidence. He reached out his hand and teased the tea cup in front of him, making a jingle.

After a while, he suddenly said: "Su Zhixian, I mentioned a word on the way here, but why did you hear Jiang Laoqi say that you are healthy and you haven't taken sick leave for two years?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Su Xingfang coughed a few times in time, and then shook his head: "Who can live without three calamities and five calamities? Su Mou is just gritting his teeth and holding on. The servants below don't know where they are, but think I'm an iron striker. ."

What a Su Xingfang, he didn't even leak!

"Suzhi County, are you from Huaian, Jiangsu?"

Seeing him responding like a stream with no flaws, Sun Shaozong asked more and more blatantly: "I heard that you are near Hongze Lake, but I don't know the difference between the water of Hongze Lake and the water of Shichahai, the capital of Beijing?"

"This is it."

Su Xingfang seriously thought about it, and then he gave the answer: "Although the two places are full of living water, after all, this Shichahai is enclosed in the city, and it is a bit less lively than Hongze Lake."

"More than that?"

Sun Shaozong leaned forward slightly, staring into Su Xingfang's eyes, and said every word: "Although this Shichahai is not fresh, it is much colder than Hongze Lake. Otherwise, why would Master Su catch the wind and cold in the water?"

This is basically painful!

And Su Xingfang was not sloppy this time, his face gradually turned cold, and he met Sun Shaozong's eyes and asked, "What do you mean by Lord Sun? Isn't he suspicious of Su?"


Sun Shaozong laughed, leaned back on the back of the chair, flicked his fingers on the teacup, and before the crisp sound of the'ding' subsided, he interrogated: "This official just thought that Su Zhixian was very interested recently and ran away. Shichahai swims in the winter, so it is caught in the wind and cold, but how come you suspect you?"


He raised his head again and looked at Su Xingfang slightly mockingly: "In addition to winter swimming, Master Su did something else? For example, punting the corpses of two monks to the vicinity of my Dali Temple, and then escaped into the water to escape? !"

"Master Shaoqing Mingjian."

Su Xing's expression fell completely gloomy, and he stood up and said, "This matter has long been heard, how can this county not know it? You blame me for this, for fear that you will laugh generously!"

"The spread of uproar?"

Sun Shaozong snorted and stood up and stared at Su Xingfang: "I only heard that the two monks floated to Dali Temple along the water, but apart from the official and the murderer, I am afraid that few people know that the murderer is Dive away!"

"And I only mentioned the word winter swimming, Master Su reacted like this, I'm afraid it's not..."

"Sun Shaoqing!"

Su Xingfang suddenly raised his voice, and said annoyed: "Although Su is only a sixth-rank, he is also the imperial order officer! If you have real evidence, even if you show it, Su is willing to accept the blame!"

"But if it's just a verbal falsehood, I really can't help the official to accompany you to the end!"

Having said that, he didn't bother to care about serving the tea to the guests, and said directly: "Come here, send Master Shaoqing out for me!"

When the old servant outside answered, he turned around and said, "Sumou is filial piety, so he won't be far away to see him off!"

It seems that without the most important motivation and evidence, it is not so easy to win this Su Xingfang only by words.

But Sun Shaozong came here not just to see the living!

Seeing the old servant entering the hall, he waited for the gift to send himself out, and Sun Shaozong suddenly said: "Wait a minute, the official has actually asked for something. I beg Su Zhixian to agree."

Su Xingfang did not speak up, but looked at him neither humble nor arrogant.

Sun Shaozong then said to himself: "The death of my uncle in the assault must be related to the case of the corpse of the Wu Peng boat. Therefore, after thinking about it, the official still felt that he should take his body back to the Yamen for an investigation."

"you dare!"

Before he could finish his words, there was a stern shout from outside the door, and then an old lady broke in, pointed at Sun Shaozong’s nose and jumped and said: "You dog officer must dare to move a finger of my brother, and my old lady will follow You did it!"

Look at this posture, it must be Su Xingfang's mother.

Obviously, she was actually eavesdropping outside the door, until Sun Shaozong mentioned that she would take the body for an investigation, and couldn't help but jump out.

It seems that this kind of identity old lady, if unreasonable, is the most difficult to deal with.

Sun Shaozong naturally didn’t want to discuss anything with her. He gave a little bit to the side and said to Su Xingfang: “Suzhi County, this official is also for official duties. If you think you should be able to understand that Sun takes the first step. Waiting outside After finishing speaking, he gave the old lady a little, and walked around her out of the living room.

"You dog official! Don't want to touch my brother's body!"

"Mother, mother calm down first..."

"Get out of the way, I see that dog official..."


This Su Xingfang's mother really has a hot temper.

Sun Shaozong shook his head subconsciously, but from the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a woman holding a child. She was undoubtedly Su Xingfang's wife and child in her dress.

The two sides are not good for the family, and there is a distance away. Naturally, Sun Shaozong will not rashly step forward to see the courtesy, just do not see, and follow the old servant out of the Su Mansion.

When he arrived at the door, he ordered the servants who were accompanying him to stay and wait for the body to be transported back to the Yamen, when Sun Shaozong got into the carriage again.

In fact, when he rushed to the county government office, he didn't even think about transporting the corpse back.

But when he heard that Su Xingfang took the corpse home, he made up his mind to bring the corpse back to the Yamen for investigation.

The reason...

Although it is common practice to take the corpse home, three yamen in Wanping County died!

According to Sun Shaozong's understanding of Su Xingfang, he should endure his grief and take care of the affairs of the other three before returning home to report the funeral.

Now that he has hurriedly returned with his corpse, there is obviously something strange!

In particular, there are no motives and no evidence at the moment. Su Xingfang's servant is also a bad master, and can only hope to find new clues from the corpse.


At this moment, Zhang Cheng shook his whip and yelled, and the carriage started slowly and then began to accelerate.

At the same time, the wild dog, who did not know where it came from, barked in front of the carriage side.

and many more!

With these few dog barks in his ears, Sun Shaozong suddenly thought: There seems to be something wrong with the scene just now!

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