"That's a good question. That's what I want to talk to you about next."

The woman praised, and then she stretched out her hand and pointed in the distance, and the two of them seemed to turn into a ray of light, all the way down from the top of the fantasy world.

In just the blink of an eye, the two of them returned to the sapphire platform from the boundary between reality and reality.

Countless stars dotted the sky, emitting light of varying sizes.

This seemingly bizarre scene, who would have thought that it contained a crisis of destruction?

After returning to the sapphire platform, the woman spoke again.

"I just explained to you the boundary between illusion and reality and the truth about the power of unifying the source and order. Next, I will tell you about the essence of the power of unifying the root!"

The woman paused and said: "Although the root of unity possesses countless powers in the fantasy world, whether it is spiritual power, magic power, favor... etc., it has them all, but in fact, there are only two types of essence of its power. "

"—That's creation and killing."

Creation, that’s easy to understand.

The entire fantasy world is created by the unified source. Is there anything it can't create?

As for killing... Bai Ye thought of the state of 'unrippled killing intent' that he had always had. It was a state that Bai Ye would enter when he really wanted to kill someone. Could it be that Is it also one of the forces that unites the roots?

Chapter 1185 Bai Ye’s life experience finally revealed

Creation and killing, this is the power that unites the source.

Although they are completely opposite poles, the unity of opposites like the yin and yang of Tai Chi is the essence of the source of unity.

The reason why Hakuno is given the power to manifest his dreams is because the root of unity holds the power of creation.

As for the power of killing, although there are some traces of the power of killing in Bai Ye, strangely, there are not many specific manifestations.

"Bai Ye, you must have discovered it, right? Your lifespan is infinite and cannot be consumed. Your time is fixed and unified, and you cannot summon yourself at other points in time..."

The woman said this as if she had seen all Bai Ye's experiences in her eyes.

Bai Ye nodded.

Through Emperor Keke, Bai Ye has long discovered that his time is fixed and infinite. Emperor Keke cannot consume all his time, nor can he summon him at other points in time.

"That's because your race has such characteristics."

The other party said: "I still remember that you once asked me what race you are. My answer at that time was 'you are the son of the manifestation, creation and killing of the root of all worlds'. The statement was very vague, but now, I I can tell you what your true race is."

Bai Ye's pupils immediately dilated slightly and his ears opened wide to prevent himself from missing any words.

After being reborn in the fantasy world, Hakuno is no longer human.

The talent that surpasses humans in magic, the talent that surpasses Luo Hao and Scathach in martial arts, and the physique that cannot be interfered by any abnormal conditions... These all show that Bai Ye is special after his rebirth.

This problem has been bothering him for two years. Although he no longer sticks to the issue of race, his own race has always been unclear, which is also a worry for him.

Under Bai Ye's gaze, the goddess-like woman opposite finally opened her red lips and spoke out the words.

"——You are the companion spirit of the root of unity."

The other party's expression was indifferent, but his words were shocking.

"After your soul enters the fantasy world, in order to ensure that you can gain the power to fight against the power of order, the root of unity must hand over its own power to you. In these countless fantasy worlds, only the creation of the root of unity can Competing with the talent for killing and the power of order.”

"But that is not a power that anyone can easily obtain. Therefore, the source of unity fused your soul with itself, and then showed you in a human form. Therefore, you are equivalent to the will of the source of unity. , you and the root of unity are symbiotic and one, and your current race is the companion spirit of the root of unity."

"Because you are the companion elf at the root of unity, you have endless, fixed and unified time."

"Because you are the companion spirit that unites the roots, you are the manifestation of the roots of all worlds."

"Because you are the companion spirit of the unified root, you are born with the power of the unified root - creation and killing, so you are the son of creation and killing."

This is Bai Ye's life experience.

It was information so huge that even Hakuno felt suffocated.

The companion spirit of the root of integration is equivalent to the personality manifestation of the root of integration in the outside world. In other words, if the root of integration has consciousness, this consciousness is Bai Ye...!

How much determination did it take to let Hakuye merge with this source of integration?

"This is the basis that gives you power. Only you can integrate with the source of unity, and only by integrating with the source of unity can you gain the power to create and kill. However, in disguise, this is also a shackles. In order to let you It is true that you cannot get rid of the shackles of the responsibility of protecting the fantasy world, because once the source of unity is destroyed, you, as the will of the source of unity and the accompanying spirit, cannot escape death."

This woman talks about very real topics.

Bai Ye didn't feel angry at all, rather, he was a little lucky.

If there was no unity root, then he would have died a long time ago. But now he is still standing here alive, with powerful power, and those bonds and beauties that he cares about. It can almost be said that it is all the unity root. of gifts.

It was these so-called shackles that gave him life and strength. Bai Ye, who had always been rational, could not complain.

Besides, as of now, Hakuno himself is the source of unity, does he blame himself?

The woman suddenly thought of something and shrugged.

"By the way, don't think that it is a conspiracy of the Unified Root that has given rise to conspiracy theories. In fact, the Unified Root itself is extremely simple. If you insist on saying it, it is actually very similar to the Orpheus in your body. The same simplicity and purity.”

As she said this, a subtle smile appeared on her face again.

"Because the source of integration itself is very simple, if you scold 'killing' in order to increase the power of 'creation', it will also make 'killing' go away from you!"

Bai Ye blinked. Although he knew there was something in the other person's words, he still didn't quite understand what she meant.

"Don't ask me what I mean by this. It is harmful to you at this stage." A small look of pride appeared on her face, as if she was very happy to see Bai Ye's depressed expression.

This guy also plays riddles.

"You guys always seem to be able to guess what I'm thinking... Speaking of which, I've never asked, who are you?" Bai Ye looked at the other party with suspicion.

The woman blinked, and then her eyes narrowed slightly, forming a happy arc.

"Have you finally figured out how to ask me about my true identity? I really don't understand how you, being so serious, managed to get so many girls..."

The other party stared at Bai Ye, whose face turned dark, with a smile. He wisely did not tease him anymore, but immediately spoke.

"Strictly speaking, I can be considered your slave!"

PS: I have another interview tomorrow. I don’t know if I can make it this time...

Chapter 1186 The terrifying power contained in the realization of the ultimate fantasy

"I don't have a name or anything like that, and I don't have a code name to call me by."

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