Although it was a somewhat sad topic, she spoke with a calm expression: "I am originally a character similar to a guide elf, more like an intelligent AI in a game."

"For example, I am to the root of unity what Justisa is to the Great Holy Grail. I am just managing personalities. You should understand, right?"

That’s it. You can definitely understand it with this analogy.

Like Justisa, she is just a managerial personality without independent rights and will only act according to established procedures.

Thinking about it this way, as the managerial personality of the source of unity, she can indeed be regarded as the slave of Hakuno, the will of the source of unity.

"But, although I only manage personalities and cannot enter the fantasy world, there are still many things I can do!"

The other party smiled slightly, "For example, although it is the source of unity that resists the power of order, I am observing all fantasy worlds, even the boundary between illusion and reality, so although I don’t pay attention to you all the time, but I basically know something about what you do in those fantasy worlds, you playboy~"


Bai Ye immediately coughed slightly and complained slightly, "Is there any slave who teases his master like you?"

The other party just laughed and said nothing.

Although this woman usually looks very serious, she is actually not a robot without any ego like Justisa. Instead, she is a bit cheerful and even has the nature of a little devil.

"However, it would be a bit inconvenient if you don't have a name. You can't just keep calling me..."

Bai Ye thought about it and looked at the other person with narrowed eyes, "Since I am your master, then I will give you a name. You should have no complaints, right?"

"Although for a management personality like me, names are not important, but if you have this idea, multiple names are not bad."

She just smiled lightly, and then glanced sideways at Bai Ye, "Don't think that like Little Butter, your favorability will increase if you give me a name."

"I'm not interested in conquering you either."

Bai Ye also glanced sideways at the other party, and then began to think slightly.

"——Muna, how about calling Muna?"


She couldn't help but look subtle after hearing this, "You don't want me to be named Liangyi, do you? Do you want to be my dad? It turns out that you don't like to play master and servant, but like to be a ghost father?"

Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized.

"It doesn't have that weird meaning. This mana just means 'mana consciousness', which is the seventh consciousness in Buddhist terms."

Manas consciousness is a Buddhist term, which is the seventh consciousness based on the first six consciousnesses. Its meaning is to recognize oneself clearly.

This is Bai Ye's intention in naming her Mana - as a management personality, she, like Justisa, is a selfless existence. Bai Ye's intention is to let her know herself and break the 'management' Personality' this constraint.

Justisa has been a manager for more than a hundred years, and his whole person has become a machine. He has no self at all and can only act according to orders.

Hakuye doesn't want Mana to be like that in the future. She doesn't care about her management personality or whether she has a name. With this idea, she lacks self-hood as an individual. Giving her this name is considered Hakuye's. A little longing and expectation for her.

"The seventh you recognize yourself?"

The woman glanced at Bai Ye with a strange look, and then began to think deeply, "Mana... the pronunciation doesn't sound bad. Okay, from now on, my name will be 'Mana'."

Although it was said that it would not increase the favorability or anything like that, inexplicably, there was still a sound effect of 'favorability +10'.

"Okay, the problem is almost solved. Do you have anything else? If not, I will continue to observe the boundary between illusion and reality."

The woman - no, her name is Mo Na now, breathed a deep sigh of relief, smiled at Bai Ye and said.

When Bai Ye heard this, he couldn't help but ponder for a moment.

"If it is a problem, it can also be regarded as a problem - when the fantasy materializes to the ultimate, it has already come to an end, right? However, in my current self-perception, the power of the ultimate fantasy materialization is not very powerful, at least absolutely You can’t beat the devil, right?”

"I don't doubt that the power of the ultimate utopian manifestation is not strong. Since it is one of the essential forces that the source of unity relies on to resist the power of order, it is impossible that it is not strong."

"My question is, the ultimate fantasy manifestation I hold at this stage should not be in a complete state, right? What kind of method is there to discover the power of the ultimate fantasy manifestation and maximize its effect? "

"Well...I understand what you mean."

Mana nodded, "You guessed it right. At this stage, the realization of your ultimate fantasy is far from reaching its peak. It would be better to say that at this stage, it can only be regarded as just the beginning."

"The power of manifesting the ultimate fantasy is very powerful. How powerful is it? To sum it up in one sentence, it is——"

"——As long as it is possible to integrate the source, the ultimate fantasy can basically be realized!"

"In other words, the unified root can manifest a supernova explosion, the ultimate fantasy can manifest, the unified root can manifest the Big Bang, and the ultimate fantasy can manifest."

Mana glanced at Bai Ye, with expectation in his eyes, "Unifying the roots can create countless fantasy worlds, and the ultimate fantasy can also be realized!"

PS: Today I ran from Shanghai to Suzhou for an interview. I was exhausted after running all day. I passed the first test and I have to go to Suzhou for the retest tomorrow. I will update it today. I hope I can pass it tomorrow.

Chapter 1187 A shortcut to enhance the power of ultimate fantasy manifestation

"But of course, you are far from reaching this point now."

Mana shook his head as he spoke, "If you want to be able to easily manifest the Big Bang or the fantasy world, the conditions are very stringent."

"First, you must reach the state of omniscience and omnipotence."

"Second, your mental power must be strong enough to be in tune with the source of unity."

Bai Ye listened carefully to her warning~.

"Only when you achieve omniscience and omnipotence can you understand everything in the universe, see through everything, and know what kind of power the ultimate fantasy is and what kind of things can be realized."

"As for mental power, this is easy to explain. When you use fantasy manifestation, in addition to consuming magic power, you will only consume mental power."

"How many levels of difference are there between manifesting a holy sword and manifesting a big bang? You should know how big the difference in mental power required between the two is. You should be able to imagine, right?"

"Although you are the will and associated spirit of the source of unity, you were still a mortal in your previous life, and your natural mental power is fragile. Even if you are reborn, this fact cannot be changed. If your mental power is too weak, you will not be able to synchronize with the root of unity and exert your full potential. The true power of integrating the roots cannot be found, so you must find a way to enhance your own mental power."

Mana stared at Bai Ye and continued to speak.

"As for the first condition, you now have the A+ skill of [Source Wisdom]. It can be said that you have reached the state of semi-omniscient. As long as you can upgrade the [Source Wisdom] skill to EX level, it will be enough. It has reached omniscience and omnipotence, but to be honest, I don’t know how to improve the level of this skill. After all, I am only managing personality, not integrating the source itself.”

"The second condition is actually relatively simple in comparison. You are promoted from the lower level to the intermediate level, and from the intermediate level to the upper level. When you are at the lower level, your mental power can only be C level. Noble Phantasm, and at the intermediate level, you can manifest the B-level Noble Phantasm. After reaching the upper level, your mental power will be enough to support the consumption of manifesting the A-level Noble Phantasm."

"Similarly, now that you have been promoted to the manifestation of the ultimate fantasy, your mental power is probably so strong that you can easily manifest an EX-level Noble Phantasm."

"This is because, as you continue to collect fragments, each time you are promoted is accompanied by a transformation and enhancement of your mental power. In the final analysis, the reason why you can transform is actually because you are constantly collecting fragments - —In other words, this is the same old problem, keep collecting the fragments!”

"As long as you collect as many fragments as possible and the root of integration is gradually restored, your mental power will continue to grow. When the root of integration returns to an intact state, your mental power will have grown to the limit, enough to be in tune with the root of integration. It brings out the most powerful power of the unified root.”

Bai Ye was thoughtful.

As long as he continues to collect fragments, his mental power will continue to grow, eventually reaching a point where it is in sync with the source of unity.

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