This scarlet magic light flashed from the opposite side, and the next moment it was thrown out with great force by Bai Ye.

The scarlet magic light shot up into the sky at a dizzying speed in an instant.

"...Where are you throwing it?"

A trace of astonishment flashed across Carissa's eyes. Even she, who couldn't be distracted during the battle, made such complaints about Hakuno's throwing 'aihead'.

On the opposite side, facing Carissa's questioning complaints, Bai Ye just chuckled and was noncommittal.

The next moment, the scarlet magic light flying into the air made an abrupt turn under some completely unknown principle, and with a zigzag-like flight path, it was once again accurately projected towards Carissa's heart. Come.

This flight path was too abrupt, and its attack method seemed to forcefully reverse the cause and effect. Carissa was unable and did not make any defense.


Then, under the sound of steel clashing, the scarlet magic light unceremoniously pierced her chest——


Carissa finally came to her senses and immediately raised Katina, preparing to cut the thing with a sword.

However, the person who controlled it obviously didn't want to see this happen. Before she swung the sword, Bai Ye had already summoned the magic gun back through magic power, and it fell into his hand with a "pop" sound. .

If you look closely, you will see that it is a magic gun with a scarlet color throughout, as if it is made of the bones of some huge sea beast, and it is also engraved with traces similar to runes.

"Although the power of the 'Death Thorn Penetrating Spear' is indeed not enough to hurt you, this scene will inevitably give people a feeling of 'Wow, your chest is so hard! This airport is too worthy of its name.' oh?"

Bai Ye swapped the positions of the sword and gun in his hands.

The Seventh Holy Scripture came to his left hand, and the magic spear came to his right hand.

At the same time, Bai Ye still spat out such words that were completely venomous or rhetorical, but judging from the mocking look on his face, there should be more of a venomous tone.

Carissa's eyes darkened visibly, and the corners of her eyes twitched.

Although her character is a bit bold, it doesn't mean that she doesn't care about the size of her dignified parts as a woman.

Her breasts were ridiculed as if they were at the airport, and in such a hard-core way, which really made Carissa extremely angry.

Moreover, in fact, although her breasts are not as big as Kanzaki Kaori, they are still well developed, and their shape and softness are not to mention, and they have nothing to do with airports.

Carissa gritted her teeth, and she had another reason to kill Bai Ye!


While Carissa was secretly itching her teeth with anger, Bai Ye, who was opposite him, had once again poured the magic power in his body into the magic gun in his right hand, causing it to bloom with blazing scarlet magic flames.

"Do you want to use the same trick twice?"

When Carissa saw this, her eyes immediately sharpened.

Although the magic gun's 'certain kill' effect of breaking through the law of cause and effect is indeed very strong, in the final analysis, that kind of attack power does not care about breaking one's own defense, so this kind of attack cannot be effective.

Then, for the next move, abandon your defense and attack with all your strength, trying to defeat him within one blow!

Carissa bent her knees and concentrated all her strength on her legs, intending to kill Bai Ye with one move in the next confrontation.

——After all, after fighting so many times, she has wielded Katina at 100% condition many times, and the angelic power in her body has almost reached the edge of losing control.

"You may be very talented at leading troops in battle, but in one-on-one combat, you are still too inexperienced."

Bai Ye clenched the magic gun in his hand, with a relaxed and calm smile on his face.

"I will never use a move that I know is impossible to win a second time - unless there is a trick in it!"

··· 0Request flowers···· ··

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ye threw the magic spear in his hand vigorously again.

However, unlike last time, this time, Bai Ye did not release the true name of this magic gun.

replaced by--

"——Gáe Bolg Alternative (Penetrating Deathly Flying Spear)!!!"

It was a unique skill that Bai Ye learned from Scathach.

Project a spear and 'pin' the opponent to death in space with superb martial arts.

It can be said that it is the ultimate state of spear art. Killing gods and the like is just a piece of cake.

However, Carissa at this moment is definitely much more powerful than the so-called 'gods'. Such a shot cannot theoretically kill her.

....... ........ ...


Don’t forget, because of Carissa herself, she has manipulated the entire London space, making this space extremely unstable.

This situation is no different from the ‘singularity’.

"This is the stab of destruction!"

Bai Ye's eyes flashed with divine light. This was also the first time he used this move in such a coincidental occasion.

This is, according to Scathach, the trick that she is most proud of, one that can destroy a singularity with one blow.

“Boom, boom, boom——————!!!”

On the path of the scarlet magic gun, thin black lines bloomed one after another, like countless flowers, criss-crossing.

However, the true form of the flower is the space crack.

PS: Regarding some of the previous details, the Puritan fortress 'Gawain Guidance' has been changed to 'Witch Compass'. It seems to be a problem of different translation versions. I used the version I have read, but when I checked the information Seeing that there is already a more recognized translation of 'Witch's Compass', I decided to use this name.

PS2: Regarding the previous 'Breathe Blocking A+', I have changed it to 'Breathing Blocking EX'. Hakuno's [Wisdom of the Origin] is very powerful when simulating popular skills such as class skills and can be obtained directly. At the EX level, other things, whether it is riding, making a position, etc., can directly obtain the EX level.

Chapter 1393 It’s almost time to end

In this extremely unstable space, this stab of extinction can be said to be of the greatest use.

Originally, it was just a stunt that 'pinned' the opponent to death in space, but in this spatial condition close to the singularity, it was able to destroy the space... It has to be said that Scathach, who created this move, was indeed In comparison, Bai Ye is indeed inferior to those who study heaven and earth.

However, this is also a matter of age and experience. By the time Bai Ye reaches Scathach's age, he might have already surpassed her and reached an even more unimaginable realm.

The scarlet magic gun drew a long trajectory under the night, heading straight for Carissa.

In the trajectory traced by the magic gun, a spreading black line divided the space itself into two, and caused the originally weak space to emerge uncontrollably like porcelain. Densely cracked textures.

Carissa's movement that she was planning to unleash a full blow suddenly froze, and then her pupils shrank sharply as she quickly retreated away.

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